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This guy from this board has some nice videos and his tabs are dead accurate imo.

I recently bought a Boss MT2 Metalzone distortion pedal and a Dynamic Wah pedal on sale, to add to my arsenal of my Fender Strat and 30 watt Marshall amp. Can't wait to start playing with friends again. Yay. :D


meh.. tama lugs, snare trap etc, etc..drum talk. cant understand a word. dom's new snare drum? looked the same to me..:$




yeah.. it helps if muse come here again and save us from being bored. ;)

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just read on the news....MCR is coming to KL! what the f***!!! i thought they are never gonna come! and they had to come in 2007!!! 2007 is the year that MUSE rocks KL! now everybody is gonna talk abt MCR!!! f***ing hell!!! :mad:


well, yay! that'd eliminate our annoyances at muse gig goers who don't give an actual fuck about muse.


hah, although, guys, howabout we go visit them at KLIA and then ask them all about muse and the wembleyeffing stadium?


we can go like, : "ooooh, so (insert name of gerard here), i heard u played in wembley"

gerard : "oh, yeah, we supported muse"

everyone : "insert babble about muse"



hah, plus you know what they say about the law of degree of separation.


gerard knows chris

shannaz knows adilah

shannaz meets gerard at klia

equating all statements;

ergo shannaz can flirt with gerard, get his number, then get chris' number and then can give them to me :p

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hah, plus you know what they say about the law of degree of separation.



equating all statements;

ergo shannaz can flirt with gerard, get his number, then get chris' number and then can give them to me :p


i dont wanna flirt with gerrard!!! he's gross! :LOL: soo not my type! i'd rather flirt with his brother mikey! :D

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Mid year holidays. For now I'm just gonna relax for this one whole month with my family.


Then I'll be back, hopefully jamming and recording some material with friends. Then I'll upload some stuff and show the world how awful I am. :p


I recently bought a Boss MT2 Metalzone distortion pedal and a Dynamic Wah pedal on sale, to add to my arsenal of my Fender Strat and 30 watt Marshall amp. Can't wait to start playing with friends again. Yay. :D


wow. *dies of confusion*. i think you'll click very nicely with the Kit & Tab ppl of the board :happy:


just read on the news....MCR is coming to KL! what the f***!!! i thought they are never gonna come! and they had to come in 2007!!! 2007 is the year that MUSE rocks KL! now everybody is gonna talk abt MCR!!! f***ing hell!!! :mad:




well, yay! that'd eliminate our annoyances at muse gig goers who don't give an actual fuck about muse.


hah, although, guys, howabout we go visit them at KLIA and then ask them all about muse and the wembleyeffing stadium?


we can go like, : "ooooh, so (insert name of gerard here), i heard u played in wembley"

gerard : "oh, yeah, we supported muse"

everyone : "insert babble about muse"



hah, plus you know what they say about the law of degree of separation.



equating all statements;

ergo shannaz can flirt with gerard, get his number, then get chris' number and then can give them to me :p


yeah i'm glad that now everyone will stop "muse rocks i went to see them live they r awezommeee" even if they dont give a crap about muse and dontk now about wembley.


they can not care about MCR too and say the same thing, and i wont care! ok that sentance sounded gramatically wrong. but oh well.


and btw, Gerard Way is gay! lol so maybe de7 can flirt with him to get his number instead?

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just read on the news....MCR is coming to KL!





Ya la, need to know whether should save money for when my sis will be bugging and begging me to buy tickets. Shannaz, link us to the info please? :D


and btw, Gerard Way is gay! lol so maybe de7 can flirt with him to get his number instead?


Yeah De7 *giggles*. Tell us if you succeed! :LOL:

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Ala, xjumpa pun on the Malay mail website. Or maybe i'm just dumb?


Never mind, just give us the details please Shannaz? :D Sorry to bother you and all....:D


well the only detail i can give u is that they are coming here to do their gig on Dec 9, not sure which stadium....i think u should be able to read abt it on the malay mail website tomorrow, i think! dont really know abt the online newspapers! :LOL:

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Right then, thank you for the info! My sis will be delighted. i tried googling tapi no info pun.


P.S- Just curious (on a purely superficial issue), do you guys like Matt's (sorta) new haircut? We know what the consensus is as to dom's fluoro green pants....:D


P.S. also: Ignore me, y'all. I'm just trying to delay tackling the mountains of work on my desk..:rolleyes:

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Right then, thank you for the info! My sis will be delighted. i tried googling tapi no info pun.


P.S- Just curious (on a purely superficial issue), do you guys like Matt's (sorta) new haircut? We know what the consensus is as to dom's fluoro green pants....:D


P.S. also: Ignore me, y'all. I'm just trying to delay tackling the mountains of work on my desk..:rolleyes:


i LOVE it! i think he looks really hot with it!! :D

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well the only detail i can give u is that they are coming here to do their gig on Dec 9, not sure which stadium....i think u should be able to read abt it on the malay mail website tomorrow, i think! dont really know abt the online newspapers! :LOL:


WOOT! AFTER MY SPM! AND 3 DAYS AFTER MY BIRTHDAY! ... are they any good live? :$


Right then, thank you for the info! My sis will be delighted. i tried googling tapi no info pun.


P.S- Just curious (on a purely superficial issue), do you guys like Matt's (sorta) new haircut? We know what the consensus is as to dom's fluoro green pants....:D


P.S. also: Ignore me, y'all. I'm just trying to delay tackling the mountains of work on my desk..:rolleyes:


i'm not saying that i dislike it.. but its just ok-ok to me la. i still prefer his old bird hairstyle or his OOS era hair.. and even his long emo Showbiz hair! haha. :LOL:

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and btw, Gerard Way is gay! lol so maybe de7 can flirt with him to get his number instead?

gerard's not gay.. he has a fiance/wife (i think).. hah, i should just go and hug him so that i can make a friend of mine jealous.. but then i'll just nullify all my contact with muse, so... :noey:


is anyone actually thinking of going to see mcr? hope nobody in malaysia's rude enough to throw bottles at them, though.. they're not bad at all. quite the eccentric band, even though they're mainstream.


plus the fact that people say they're actually the most enjoyable support band at wembley can't actually hurt.


i'm not saying that i dislike it.. but its just ok-ok to me la. i still prefer his old bird hairstyle or his OOS era hair.. and even his long emo Showbiz hair! haha. :LOL:


i love his longing unkempt BHAR tour hair (when he didn't cut it and when he didn't wear gel on it like he did at KLIA :()

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damn it, i got sick for two days and MCR is coming? now that will only get me more sick! *coughs hard* but yeah.. now everbody will forget about muse OR people will compare how ace muse is live compared to mcr, esp if the concert is going to be held in std negara.


P.S- Just curious (on a purely superficial issue), do you guys like Matt's (sorta) new haircut? We know what the consensus is as to dom's fluoro green pants....:D


perhaps its just me.. but matt looks like adam levine now.. so yummy.:happy:


WOOT! AFTER MY SPM! AND 3 DAYS AFTER MY BIRTHDAY! ... are they any good live? :$


they're not bad.. but i seriously cant stand that teenagers single and video.. do u think they'll wear that black parade uniform? and bring out a coffin during helena? that'd be soo cool..:rolleyes:


gerard's not gay.. he has a fiance/wife (i think).. hah, i should just go and hug him so that i can make a friend of mine jealous.. but then i'll just nullify all my contact with muse, so... :noey:


is anyone actually thinking of going to see mcr? hope nobody in malaysia's rude enough to throw bottles at them, though.. they're not bad at all. quite the eccentric band, even though they're mainstream.


i love his longing unkempt BHAR tour hair (when he didn't cut it and when he didn't wear gel on it like he did at KLIA :()


he's actually married.


i'm sure i'll be going simply becoz my best friend is into 'em and i haf to to go wif her after she went to see muse wif me.. sure ramai bebudak sekolah nanti..:rolleyes:


+1! loves his hair when he was at KLIA.. loves dom's hair then more.:happy: kinda like matt's hair more in sunburn vid.

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WOOT! AFTER MY SPM! AND 3 DAYS AFTER MY BIRTHDAY! ... are they any good live? :$


Ive seen him (what's-his-face-name-Gerard?) performed live in YouTube. Surprisingly turned me off to listen to MCR after that. He is no good at all LIVE! So, I guess many of M'sian fans out there will turn up with emo make-up with ironed hair to walk their parade to the gig. Well, McFly is better live though!


P/S: and it's ONE DAY after my birthday!:D (Hihihihi.......Scary movie.........)




I got this from JunkOnline.net






It's all a bit unconfirmed at the moment but the dilly on the grapevipe is that JTizzle, the heart throb who brought SexyBack and the heavily eye-lined boys of My Chemical Romance are heading to KL!


According to The Malay Mail, My Chemical Romance will be in KL on December 9 while Mr.Timberlake will be performing at Stadium Negara on Oct 27th!


These are just 2 of the big names we're expecting to see on our shores this year. We're looking forward to confirmed concerts for Gwen Stefani (Aug 24 @Putra Stadium, Bukit Jalil) and Josh Groban (Oct 18 @KL Convention Centre) for sure!!



Oh!!!Mr Justin Timberlake!! Drool~~~~ whenever sees him live everytime watching him in Victoria's Secret fashion show video...



And this is how reader on JunkOnline reacts:


sarah (not verified) says:

gawd if justin comes, i think i'll rape him




YAHOOO!!!!! IM GONA SEE HARRY POTTER!!!!!!!!!!waves~~~tickets bought!

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gerard's not gay.. he has a fiance/wife (i think).. hah, i should just go and hug him so that i can make a friend of mine jealous.. but then i'll just nullify all my contact with muse, so... :noey:


Liking MCR does not make you any less of a Muse fan. ;)


I'm just not a fan of theirs myself. :p


i mean, if i go see them at klia just to "piss off my friend", i'll just nullify all memories i have of muse there..


i didn't meant it in the "obnoxious ooh muse is better than mcr any day" way


According to The Malay Mail, My Chemical Romance will be in KL on December 9 while Mr.Timberlake will be performing at Stadium Negara on Oct 27th!


These are just 2 of the big names we're expecting to see on our shores this year. We're looking forward to confirmed concerts for Gwen Stefani (Aug 24 @Putra Stadium, Bukit Jalil) and Josh Groban (Oct 18 @KL Convention Centre) for sure!!


mcr is not bad i think, but maybe its because they play the exact same tiring chords (at least that's what i think, but what do i know *me talentless air-guitar-screeching-witch*).. hm.. so mcr is coming to kl but is not confirmed for a performance?

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