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mary, what subject do you teach? Obviously not English. :LOL: jkjk


That Paranoid Android cover is nice. Apparently Radiohead wrote two seperate songs and combined them to come up with PA. That's why there's many different sections to it.


I'm just so full of useless information. :LOL:

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aahh....dont remind me about the things i regret not doing on that historical day!!! i was so kelam kabut i didnt even bring anything for them to sign for me :'( how tragic!!! and all my friends kept telling me why didnt i give my phone number to them or maybe ask them to let me join their tour :LOL: if only i did...i wonder how they would react :rolleyes:


t-shirt is horrible but i still love him! :D


haha, imagines if everyone actually did whatever they wished they had..

adila *crouches* : "matthew, will you marry......"

shannaz : "nooooooooooooooooooo!!!! " *kicks adila's ass*

matthew : "er, sorry sweetie, i'm taken.. plus you're 10 years younger than me"

shannaz : "see? adila? he doesn't want u *plots other way to marry matt* "

shannaz : "hey tom"

tom : "yeah?"

shannaz : "can i go on tour with you guys? i can be the water-girl @ sabun-girl.. plus i have spm qualification in memasak nasi lemak."

tom : "err, let me think about......"

kak faz : "yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeesssssssssssss!!!"

adila and shannaz : "what? what?"

kak faz : "dom just agreed to my proposal"

adila and shannaz : "whaaaaaaaaaat???"


okay, that's what i think would happen i guess. i have no idea how muse would react to some strangers proposing to them.. i bet they get proposals all the time, but i wonder how do they reject them in the spur of the moment.. do they just go : "whaaa?... no, eww!" or do they say things like "you're a nice girl, you can do so much better"




i like Escape from Showbiz a lot. the whole mood to the song is very... moody, angry and yet sad at the same time. the title itself is very relative to how i felt years ago, and i really wish i discovered this song earlier. but the lyrics is a bit weird though. its like he wrote some of the lyrics for the sake of making it rhyme... like


"you bully from a distance

your brain needs some assistance"


thats just my POV anyway :p


i like it when escape goes:

"you're uncontrollable"

"we are unlovable, "

i just want to cry with matt ya know..


black out is my favourite spiritual muse song.. there's just something inwardly beautiful about that song..


Aah the memories of emo-filled youth: * sings: ..I'm a weirdo, what the hell am I doing here..I don't belong here..* :$

haha, for three years I sang it "but i'm a creep, i'm a wiiiiidoooooww"

this song is the reason why i thought the noun widow can be used for both male and female.


*Hums aimlessly, still trying to guess the song* Tak dapatla, more clues? :D


er.. seingat/teringat aku.... kita pernah bertemu dulu... di suatu pestaaaa.. keeramaaiaann"


"anggun wajahmu.. something something something"


okay, that's the maximum that i can force myself to remember..


this is another song that i really really want to know what the hell song it is:


"sejak dari mula ku temui, wajahmu bermain dalam mimpi, ___________ kerana kau bidadari..

sayang, hati ini telah ku kau tawan, bla bla bla"


haha, if u cannot figure it out, it's ok.. just let it be.

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ni mcm mane lulus jadi cikgu english nih? :LOL::p


mary, what subject do you teach? Obviously not English. :LOL: jkjk


:$ alamak. heh. i was in a rush to pick my mum from masjid la.. that's why i lost the ability to spell correctly * covers up face wif both hands* aduh malunyer..


That Paranoid Android cover is nice. Apparently Radiohead wrote two seperate songs and combined them to come up with PA. That's why there's many different sections to it.


I'm just so full of useless information. :LOL:


i never knew that. interesting..



adila *crouches* : "matthew, will you marry......"

shannaz : "nooooooooooooooooooo!!!! " *kicks adila's ass*

matthew : "er, sorry sweetie, i'm taken.. plus you're 10 years younger than me"

shannaz : "see? adila? he doesn't want u *plots other way to marry matt* "

shannaz : "hey tom"

tom : "yeah?"

shannaz : "can i go on tour with you guys? i can be the water-girl @ sabun-girl.. plus i have spm qualification in memasak nasi lemak."

tom : "err, let me think about......"

kak faz : "yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeesssssssssssss!!!"

adila and shannaz : "what? what?"

kak faz : "dom just agreed to my proposal"

adila and shannaz : "whaaaaaaaaaat???"



okay, that's what i think would happen i guess. i have no idea how muse would react to some strangers proposing to them.. i bet they get proposals all the time, but i wonder how do they reject them in the spur of the moment.. do they just go : "whaaa?... no, eww!" or do they say things like "you're a nice girl, you can do so much better".


:LOL: i really like the part where my proposal was the only one accepted :happy: *loves* sori deb and oh who? erm.. jess? dom is mine!! lololol


the way i imagine it is that all of 'em would run frantically from us... but dom would definitely say : you're a nice girl, you can do so much better!

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lol. yeah.. perhaps she's still young. hopefully she'll grow out of it but i doubt it coz she's into cheerleading and those lyke oh my gosh girlie stuffs. lol.


speaking of showbiz.. i love, love matt's voice in falling down. esp the part where he screamed it warghhh snt you.. so bluesy and so damn irrisistable (ayoo.. how to spell) *wanted to say sexy :$*


yeah i love that part too! he's like.. begging or whining about it not being you... damn irresistable. lol. what's wrong with saying sexy?


and LOL i can talk like that if i want to. its fun immitating bimbos.

lyk omg lyk muse is lyk totally awesome, lyk totally! lyk this one time right, i had lyk, this dream, and i was lyk, totally making out with lyk, the lead singer of muse! it was like, so totally awesomeee~~~!




adila *crouches* : "matthew, will you marry......"

shannaz : "nooooooooooooooooooo!!!! " *kicks adila's ass*

matthew : "er, sorry sweetie, i'm taken.. plus you're 10 years younger than me"

shannaz : "see? adila? he doesn't want u *plots other way to marry matt* "

shannaz : "hey tom"

tom : "yeah?"

shannaz : "can i go on tour with you guys? i can be the water-girl @ sabun-girl.. plus i have spm qualification in memasak nasi lemak."

tom : "err, let me think about......"

kak faz : "yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeesssssssssssss!!!"

adila and shannaz : "what? what?"

kak faz : "dom just agreed to my proposal"

adila and shannaz : "whaaaaaaaaaat???"



okay, that's what i think would happen i guess. i have no idea how muse would react to some strangers proposing to them.. i bet they get proposals all the time, but i wonder how do they reject them in the spur of the moment.. do they just go : "whaaa?... no, eww!" or do they say things like "you're a nice girl, you can do so much better"


i like it when escape goes:

"you're uncontrollable"

"we are unlovable, "

i just want to cry with matt ya know..


black out is my favourite spiritual muse song.. there's just something inwardly beautiful about that song..



haha, for three years I sang it "but i'm a creep, i'm a wiiiiidoooooww"

this song is the reason why i thought the noun widow can be used for both male and female.


yeah i like blackout too. the lyrics are so... inspirational and uplifting! kinda like Invincible, only less corny. lol. and its awesome when played live. i thought the lyrics in Creep was "widow" too! lolol


EH WHAT ABOUT ME??? :( i'm sure Dom wouldnt mind dating someone thirteen years younger than him! lol! look at TomCruise and KatieHolmes! (though i honestly dont know how large their age difference is :$) like what kak faz says, yeah i can imagine him saying "you're a nice girl, you can do so much better!" or like what matt 'supposedly' said "i'm taken, sweetie". lol. chris will prolly grunt something :LOL:


hey dont forget to add that if things went the way we wanted em too, kak faz would have called my hp when she was talking to Dom!!!


:LOL: i really like the part where my proposal was the only one accepted :happy: *loves* sori deb and oh who? erm.. jess? dom is mine!! lololol


the way i imagine it is that all of 'em would run frantically from us... but dom would definitely say : you're a nice girl, you can do so much better!


er.. sharing is caring :D lolol!


+1!! :yesey:


u noe paranoid android..this guy/gal did a piano cover of it...

...freakin nice...am so hooked to it rite nw :happy:


wow i heard it halfway so far and by golly.. that was brilliant :eek: i'm amazed! i really am!

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mary, what subject do you teach? Obviously not English. :LOL: jkjk


That Paranoid Android cover is nice. Apparently Radiohead wrote two seperate songs and combined them to come up with PA. That's why there's many different sections to it.


I'm just so full of useless information. :LOL:


owh really? heh, i lyk useless info..;)

i noe john n paul combined songs they wrote themselves into one beatles song.."a day in the life", i think :)


haha, for three years I sang it "but i'm a creep, i'm a wiiiiidoooooww"

this song is the reason why i thought the noun widow can be used for both male and female.




sorry, cant help you...i dont listen to any malay songs (or chinese songs too for tht matter):$ anyone care to introduce some good local music?

you guys cited so many artistes in the earlier posts i dunno where to start :confused:

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yeah i love that part too! he's like.. begging or whining about it not being you... damn irresistable. lol. what's wrong with saying sexy?


and LOL i can talk like that if i want to. its fun immitating bimbos.

lyk omg lyk muse is lyk totally awesome, lyk totally! lyk this one time right, i had lyk, this dream, and i was lyk, totally making out with lyk, the lead singer of muse! it was like, so totally awesomeee~~~!



dont want to say sexy anymore. afraid that someone might menyampah at me. heh.


omg. that's lyk my muse lyk dream! and it was totallly awesome! :p


and sorry, i dont like sharing. :p


sorry, cant help you...i dont listen to any malay songs (or chinese songs too for tht matter):$ anyone care to introduce some good local music?

you guys cited so many artistes in the earlier posts i dunno where to start :confused:


i'm sure u must have heard butterfingers? they're a great band to start. but emmet tend to mumble his lyrics la.. sometimes when i listen to him, i just wanna scream.. open ur mouth a bit when singing and stop sounding like eddie vedder! but yeah.. they're a great band coz louque's guitar is amazing! and jason lo is good too. i like he's old newspaper song. heh. but there's this one band from sarawak who is great but i just cant remember their name.


Whoops, apparently Paranoid Android was actually the result of three seperate songs put together, in a similar style as John Lennon did with Happiness is a Warm Gun. Just....wow.


siti's kurik kundi is the result of 13 different songs put together! so.. pak ngah is a genius as well IMHO.


adyla!!! i love ur imagination! :LOL: ur one psycho girl! :p


oh....this board looks different? its changed rite? or is it just me?! :stunned:


+1 lol.


yeah la.. something different.:shifty: think there's more threads..

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u like paranoid android? :happy:


I like all of Radiohead. :D I have the Bends, OK Computer, Kid A and Hail to the Thief. Their music is weird and depressing, but that's why I love it. :LOL:


My fave Radiohead songs are Street Spirit, Fake Plastic Trees, Paranoid Android, Everything in Its Right Place, 2+2=5, How to Disappear Completely, Anyone Can Play Guitar, Go to Sleep, I Might Be Wrong, Idioteque and Optimistic.


I recommend Street Spirit, Fake Plastic Trees and How to Disappear Completely for the ultimate dose of emo-ness. And this is really depressing music, not kiddie MCR stuff. :LOL:


Thom Yorke is a hypomanic, poor guy. He used to get picked on a lot when he was young cuz of his funny eye. He still can't get it fixed.


Mary, wow 13 different songs eh? Brilliant.

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I like all of Radiohead. :D I have the Bends, OK Computer, Kid A and Hail to the Thief. Their music is weird and depressing, but that's why I love it. :LOL:


Thom Yorke is a hypomanic, poor guy. He used to get picked on a lot when he was young cuz of his funny eye. He still can't get it fixed.


Mary, wow 13 different songs eh? Brilliant.


weird and depressing... wat a brilliant way to describe radiohead. lol. but it is so true!


aww.. i love thom yorke! i hope he wont get it fixed coz then he'd look weird. his funny eye is wat makes him special. i once watched their concert wif my niece and she freaked out coz you noe how 'energetic' thom yorke and the gang can be..it was like they were possessed by the spirit of music which made my niece asked me.. are they on drugs or something? :rolleyes: ahhh... cute. disney girly, girl...


yeah man.. its a brilliant song tau! and damn difficult to dance to coz the beats are quite fast and the rythm keeps changing every now and then to show the different ethinicities in our beloved country.


oh guys i think you should search for some of Muse's Pinkpop 2007 songs on youtube. its freakin WIKIIIDDD! :musesign::musesign::musesign:


wicked in wat sense would that be? did dom or matt do anything extraordinary, other than his sparkling guitar? heh. i'll definitely check it out.


yeah.. i kinda think main muse is easier. took a lil bit of time for to find the PDT. lol. but the new layout is cool anyways..


Debbie, I just saw your profile. That's you on the right wearing the Muse t-shirt yeah?


I need to get me a Muse tee too. :mad:


she's the other one la.. wait. i think so.. rite, deb? i havent worn my muse shirt that i got from the concert. sayang la... rasa macam nak laminate pastu frame that shirt. heh.

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Debbie, I just saw your profile. That's you on the right wearing the Muse t-shirt yeah?


I need to get me a Muse tee too. :mad:


weird and depressing... wat a brilliant way to describe radiohead. lol. but it is so true!


aww.. i love thom yorke! i hope he wont get it fixed coz then he'd look weird. his funny eye is wat makes him special. i once watched their concert wif my niece and she freaked out coz you noe how 'energetic' thom yorke and the gang can be..it was like they were possessed by the spirit of music which made my niece asked me.. are they on drugs or something? :rolleyes: ahhh... cute. disney girly, girl...


yeah man.. its a brilliant song tau! and damn difficult to dance to coz the beats are quite fast and the rythm keeps changing every now and then to show the different ethinicities in our beloved country.




wicked in wat sense would that be? did dom or matt do anything extraordinary, other than his sparkling guitar? heh. i'll definitely check it out.


yeah.. i kinda think main muse is easier. took a lil bit of time for to find the PDT. lol. but the new layout is cool anyways..




she's the other one la.. wait. i think so.. rite, deb? i havent worn my muse shirt that i got from the concert. sayang la... rasa macam nak laminate pastu frame that shirt. heh.


yea crazy_mary is right. i'm the one on the left. with the sticky hair on my face after the muse gig. lol. yay you CAN recognize me! lol.


i only got myself a muse shirt on the day of the gig itself. i've only worn it once to tuition. it doesnt fit me that well :mad: so now i only wear it when i'm at home. but i do wear it out occasionally.. like if i'm going pasar malam or grocery shopping or something. lol. i feel proud when i wear it. hehheh :D i feel like getting one custom made, but i dunno how or where to get it done.


mike, there's a difference.. the international forum is on "muse incl. off topic" now, its not on "muse" anymore. see the diff? and now there's a whole bunch of new Muse sub forums like Songs and uh... Muse on the Media or something like that.

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"In the Far East, these visual aids are occasionally sabotaged by his bandmates, so the drummer will greet the audience by saying, "I've got a nice bum."


That's pretty funny eh.

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i love this part


"We're doing the BigDayOut festival, I went, Hello Adelaide! Matt turned round going, We're in fucking Perth, you dick. He was quite pissed off with me for the whole day"




and i actually recognize a few of those guys! i feel so bad now for thinking "why are the fans all taking pics of them??" when they really are quite important :$:(

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"Howard does most of the talking onstage, reading from cue cards when the language gap needs to be bridged. In the Far East, these visual aids are occasionally sabotaged by his bandmates, so the drummer will greet the audience by saying, 'I've got a nice bum.'"





Hong Kong, 3rd March...


Bellamy: "There was some guy in a bar, a journalist, who was acting like Mr Big. This is my town, let's go to these places. Then he picked up a glass and lobbed it. It smashed the back of one of our security guys, Tony. He probably couldn't have hit anyone worse than that. He was promptly pummelled to the ground. That's life, isn't it?"




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yeah, the article was awesome, there's 6 pages.. i'm not sure whether the other 2 pages are just pictures or what


"we're going to be the first proper band to play at wembley.." :happy:


"Howard does most of the talking onstage, reading from cue cards when the language gap needs to be bridged. In the Far East, these visual aids are occasionally sabotaged by his bandmates, so the drummer will greet the audience by saying, 'I've got a nice bum.'"


huu.. i wish he'd say that in malaysia.. imagines chris desperately trying to translate : "saya mempunyai.. er... what's this matt?"

matt : " buntut, i reckon"

chris : oh yeah *scribbles.. saya mempunyai buntut yang sungguh baik

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yeah, the article was awesome, there's 6 pages.. i'm not sure whether the other 2 pages are just pictures or what


"we're going to be the first proper band to play at wembley.." :happy:


"Howard does most of the talking onstage, reading from cue cards when the language gap needs to be bridged. In the Far East, these visual aids are occasionally sabotaged by his bandmates, so the drummer will greet the audience by saying, 'I've got a nice bum.'"


huu.. i wish he'd say that in malaysia.. imagines chris desperately trying to translate : "saya mempunyai.. er... what's this matt?"

matt : " buntut, i reckon"

chris : oh yeah *scribbles.. saya mempunyai buntut yang sungguh baik

lol chris DOES have a nice bum! if he said that, i'd definately shout "HELL YEAAAAH!!!" lol :LOL:

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