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oh, a banana then you are


gah, u're too knowledgeable for me.. and fast.. i should reopen that typing master thing and practise typing and posting fast to beat this guy here


That means I'm a banana too. :(:p I don't really care, I'm pretty much used to that label these days. I learned Malay late, it's not my fault.


Yes, I'm a music nerd. Well, more specifically, my drummer friend who I regularly jam with is a huge DT freak. I'm not that much of a fan myself.


I have....rather fast fingers. :p

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it's hokkien,not mandarin...it means something like wow, but in a dramatic way


howabout wallaney or whatever?


me likey this thread :)


amazing isn't it? wait till u see our real faces.. u will die of SHOCK..as shocking as this colour

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it's hokkien,not mandarin...it means something like wow, but in a dramatic way



Ditto. I love to use it!

howabout wallaney or whatever?



amazing isn't it? wait till u see our real faces.. u will die of SHOCK..as shocking as this colour


Wallaney, i don't fancy saying that.


Yeah. In real life, we're all ugly and have no friends.


Just kidding. Really.


I thought u were describing my life... heh heh.

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Hi.I'm arnold. I'm new but i've been loving muse since OOs


Hi arnold! *waves*

my oh my u're so young. how lucky to listen to good music when ure that age!


gah.. i forgot we have a teacher in our midst. you lot scarred me during my childhood ya know.. i remember one teacher who reprimanded me for watching power rangers (btw, that's where the mike comes.. it is not mike shinoda, for some reason my friends like to think so, and give me linkin park posters.. then again, surely linkin park is much cooler than power rangers)... :p anyway, my teacher will be like,



.. "power rangers ni setan!" lol


which obviously made me like power rangers more, which makes me love teachers less.. ;)


aww.. that really breaks my heart :( surely not all teachers are like that... i noe there r some like the one in pink floyd's another brick in the wall vid type, carrying cane like that but not all are that mean..


Yeah. In real life, we're all ugly and have no friends.


Just kidding. Really.


nope! i'm not ugly and i haf friends :p lol.


i see vspirit!! hi!! *waves*

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miele, hey thanks :) but thats how the other judgemental chinese people see me! :( but i dont care. they cant speak english either. its the international language man! so its their loss :p however, they did say that when (not if) china rules the world, chinese is gonna be the new international language. if that ever happens when i'm still alive... like i said, i'm screwed. lol :LOL:


That means I'm a banana too. :(:p I don't really care, I'm pretty much used to that label these days. I learned Malay late, it's not my fault.


Yes, I'm a music nerd. Well, more specifically, my drummer friend who I regularly jam with is a huge DT freak. I'm not that much of a fan myself.


I have....rather fast fingers. :p


a banana actually means a chinese that cant speak chinese.. you know, yellow on the outside white on the inside? :D


it's hokkien,not mandarin...it means something like wow, but in a dramatic way


lol yeah i know what walaueh means, but i didnt know it was in mandarin nor hokkien. i just thought it was some made up word. what about wahpiangeh? or wahlanneh? same meaning but in a more vulgar way?


i see vspirit!! hi!! *waves*


what? where????? :(


while we're feeling nostalgic about our old days (not me, i'm only 4 years older than him:p ), let me blabber a bit. oh how i miss being 14, when i was Form 2! i didnthave to be stressed over PMR/SPM, and i had such a fun fun time! wheee. ALSO, that was when i first discovered Muse!! but i wasnt that obsessed with them back then. but i was really into them and i was somehow really intrigued by them too.

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I think being a banana has a much broader meaning, as in an Asian trying to be white.


I know where you're coming from, I know plenty of judgemental Malays who speak terrible English and label me a banana! :LOL: However, I find it ironic when overseas, they try to put on a fancy accent when talking to white people and it sounds so fake! Leaves me in stitches everytime. :D

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ok i thought i was gonna convert my friend into muse. i made him listen to a whole bunch of songs like starlight, koc, motp, pib, assassin, newborn, hysteria, ss and stuff..


and now his favourite song is still starlight. -___- aiyo. tsk. lol.


yeah.. sucks being judged huh? sometimes i wish i was born white so that i'd have a valid reason to speak bm/chinese poorly :(

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Ah well, we can't force everyone to be Muse fanatics like ourselves, I suppose.


Nah, I don't really care what people think anymore. People will always judge and criticise you no matter what you do. The most important thing is, you're happy with yourself. :)


Awwwww. :LOL:

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Ah well, we can't force everyone to be Muse fanatics like ourselves, I suppose.


Nah, I don't really care what people think anymore. People will always judge and criticise you no matter what you do. The most important thing is, you're happy with yourself. :)


Awwwww. :LOL:


for some reason, reading that reminds me of little miss sunsine..hahah;)


oh, anyone watched 28 weeks later yet? supposed to have some muse in it or smth lyk tht rite??

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I think being a banana has a much broader meaning, as in an Asian trying to be white.


I know where you're coming from, I know plenty of judgemental Malays who speak terrible English and label me a banana! :LOL: However, I find it ironic when overseas, they try to put on a fancy accent when talking to white people and it sounds so fake! Leaves me in stitches everytime. :D


judgmentally, it could mean that.. but u know i don't mean it that way right? in school the chinese dudes used to call themselves banana all the times coz they genuinely don't know any chinese.. so i've never actually seen it as a condescending word (since they're the one introducing the word to me), but maybe it is.. if so, then i definitely apologise.


EDIT : if it helps, we malays speaking english get called manggis all the time, but we kind of don't see it as anything condescending.. i just appreciate the fact that i can speak english and wants to learn more about other languages.. so manggis and banana have come to be an inside joke with us.. if people call us that, we'll giggle to each other, and say, fair enough, yes we are..


of course i do get offended by the occasional people jumping into english conversations and not actually joining the conversation, but diverting the topic to a completely irrelevant conversation of "why don't malays speak malay" and hogs the conversation all to themselves.. it's an important topic maybe, but irrelevant regardless..


oh, anyone watched 28 weeks later yet? supposed to have some muse in it or smth lyk tht rite??


it's just a trailer, i think (?).. either everybody's jumping on the muse-wagon, or muse@warner are getting quick bucks giving rights to these people to use the songs as the trailer..


shannaz, btw, apparently some people used veto powers (lol, managerial powers) of their fellow friends at KLIA, tu pun diorang tak dapat detect muse's flight... kudos to ur friend for actually finding out and relaying to the board such excellent information..

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The 28 Weeks Later trailer uses the song Shrinking Universe, an old B-Side.


mikeadyla, I guess my past experiences stem from mostly immature people or those who haven't really seen the world yet. :LOL: It hardly matters to me now.


well, apologies still anyway :p

p/s u can retaliate back however ways u want :(

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Nah, if people choose to be katak di bawah tempurung, I couldn't care less.


I think I finally got a peribahasa correct lol. :D


:$ embarrassed..


btw guys, there's another comp on muselive.. it's just a book, but why not enter? the answer is simple enough and the deadline is tomorrow


gah, i just love colours

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lol. manggis? that's the first time i heard the term. i prefer kelapa tho.. brown on the outside, white in the inside. coz manggis is too dark. ;) guess i'll call my niece and nephews as little manggosteens, then . but seriously, i think its a real waste if u dunno how to speak ur own native language. its important to noe ur own roots and culture. but yeah.. nowadays, everyone is soo rojak in malaysia. sometimes its difficult to identify who is malay, chinese or indian or watever, a unique malaysian feature as well actually.


think the deadline for that VIP box comp is today eh? gah..dunno the answer la.. who open for muse? damn, pffft.. how can i call myself a muse fanatic.:$


yon, thanks for that dom in spidey suit pix. i dont like his hair there la. its too long.

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shannaz, btw, apparently some people used veto powers (lol, managerial powers) of their fellow friends at KLIA, tu pun diorang tak dapat detect muse's flight... kudos to ur friend for actually finding out and relaying to the board such excellent information..


hahah....ye ker?! thats weird la.....n i dont i think i was the one who mentioned it on the board, was probably k.faz :D


by the way, the answer for that book comp thingy is Kaiser Chiefs rite?!

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The 28 Weeks Later trailer uses the song Shrinking Universe, an old B-Side.


Saw the movie with my sister, quite enjoyed it. The feel and the mood of the film very aptly matched Shrinking Universe. Apparently Danny Boyle (the producer of 28 weeks) just adores Muse.


Worth watching at the cinema, but kena ampunkan some illogical and contrived bits la. And dont watch it when you're depressed. Cool moments: watch out for the helicopter at Wembley scene, the "Blair witch" scene and the firebombing London scene.


Yes in my other (dream) life I am a movie critic /reviewer.


P.S- mana vspirit? We miss you, you know.

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hahah....ye ker?! thats weird la.....n i dont i think i was the one who mentioned it on the board, was probably k.faz :D


by the way, the answer for that book comp thingy is Kaiser Chiefs rite?!


nope. it wasn't me. i dont remember mentioning anything about their flight schedule on the board. i did keep it hush-hush as u asked, shannaz. i did. i swear. * puts on innocent face*


oohhh thanks! hope that's the correct answer! ;)


Saw the movie with my sister, quite enjoyed it. The feel and the mood of the film very aptly matched Shrinking Universe. Apparently Danny Boyle (the producer of 28 weeks) just adores Muse.


Worth watching at the cinema, but kena ampunkan some illogical and contrived bits la. And dont watch it when you're depressed. Cool moments: watch out for the helicopter at Wembley scene, the "Blair witch" scene and the firebombing London scene.


Yes in my other (dream) life I am a movie critic /reviewer.


is the song in the movie? or just in the trailler or just when the credits rolled. more interested to noe about that really.. lol.

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