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Oh u doubt my language, do you? Here i am, trying my best to help a person in need, asking for nothing in return, and there you are making fun of what i posted. I've had it with you. Kalau air dicincang tidak akan putus, i tell you.


means he/she/it loves me regardless of how much i make fun of its malay and chinese


Nutcracker bagai kacang lupakan kulit. :LOL:


Literally and otherwise.


betul betul.. ku tak menyangka dikau sanggup lupakan segala apa yang telah berlaku hanya kerana ini..


can we please talk normal now?

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^:LOL: seriously nutcracker u've used the wrong peribahasa there to show ure angry! that one to show unity lar..lollol


I knew THAT! I was jus trying to show you guys how much peribahasa i have in my ever growing arsenal of power-packed bm knowledge.


Nutcracker bagai kacang lupakan kulit. :LOL:


Literally and otherwise.


ok thanks eh!! How amusing. :rolleyes: heh heh heh heh


means he/she/it loves me regardless of how much i make fun of its malay and chinese




betul betul.. ku tak menyangka dikau sanggup lupakan segala apa yang telah berlaku hanya kerana ini..


can we please talk normal now?


Oh gosh how in the world could you think im an it? Ooo the nerve... :rabbi:

And as far as i can tell, we were talking normal. You weren't, i guess. it's like, kias pagi, makan, pagi. Kias petang, makan petang.

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that's why we must stick to only one language to make this thread readable(unless everybody understand it well and not getting carried away tho),oooh,language sometimes can be a bit confusing..i am a little bit confused reading the last 2,3 pages not because i didnt speak malay but it's quite a crap discussing something in a different language rather than the language we are familiar with,i mean english suits this thread more than any other language.;)

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don't worry, i'm the one with bm qualification of o levels "malay as a foreign language".. all i did was use words like "automobil" and other interchangeable malay-english words, so no frets..


so u speak mandarin? u can teach me then since i'm failing mandarin.. :p


lol no i dont speak mandarin either. i'm a disgrace to the chinese race, seriously :( i cant speak any form of chinese whatsoever! ok i can a tiiiiiny bit la. but if you leave me stranded on an island full of chinese educated people who cant speak english at all.. i'm screwed.


this happened before actually, not literally la, but i was working at a boutique with this chinese edulated lady who cant speak english at all, and i cant speak chinese at all, so we communicated in BM instead :LOL:


lol deb, nice try.. NO. u still cant haf dom to urself. and hey i noe a bit of cantonese..

chiso hai pintao arr? ( where is the freaking toilet?) heh.


lol damn. oh well at least i tried :p ngor hou ... hang ree ahh. lol means i'm very hungry. and when i say hungry, its in english :p


Wa lau wey! Wo ke yi chang hwa yi ley... Hokkien also can. HAHA. chiak kopi ley!




According to what i learnt in school, being alone translated to bm should be, dipulau.


walaoeh is in mandarin? :eek: i didnt know that! dipulau sorta means like.. stranded right? lol.


can we please talk normal now?


oh yes we can :stunned:


Yeah, very lame of me. My arsenal of peribahasa is not that great. :p


lol mine either. the few that i know and that i actually use for my BM karangans are "sebelum nasi menjadi bubur" "masa itu emas" "sikit sikit lama lama menjadi bukit" and stuff :p all the easy positive ones. haha.


speaking of, i just did my BM karangan exam today! its the first karangan i've written since i started school this year because i am a lazy kid who does not complete her bm homework. :p:(

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that's why we must stick to only one language to make this thread readable(unless everybody understand it well and not getting carried away tho),oooh,language sometimes can be a bit confusing..i am a little bit confused reading the last 2,3 pages not because i didnt speak malay but it's quite a crap discussing something in a different language rather than the language we are familiar with,i mean english suits this thread more than any other language.;)


i think the last 2,3 pages were really entertaining. u guys cracked me up. especially when nutcracker was using all those peribahasa.. :LOL: it was just for fun eh? but yeah maybe english suits this thread better! but hey.. i'm in if u guys wanna use bahasa..



this happened before actually, not literally la, but i was working at a boutique with this chinese edulated lady who cant speak english at all, and i cant speak chinese at all, so we communicated in BM instead :LOL:


speaking of, i just did my BM karangan exam today! its the first karangan i've written since i started school this year because i am a lazy kid who does not complete her bm homework. :p:(


lol. that's gold. two chinese people speaking BM. how malaysian.heh


tut tut :noey: deb. jangan malas tulis karangan. bm sangat penting. usaha lagi untuk keputusan lebih cemerlang. ( always wrote that in the report card :D)

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i think the last 2,3 pages were really entertaining. u guys cracked me up. especially when nutcracker was using all those peribahasa.. :LOL: it was just for fun eh? but yeah maybe english suits this thread better! but hey.. i'm in if u guys wanna use bahasa..




lol. that's gold. two chinese people speaking BM. how malaysian.heh


tut tut :noey: deb. jangan malas tulis karangan. bm sangat penting. usaha lagi untuk keputusan lebih cemerlang. ( always wrote that in the report card :D)

lol you should see the look on the customers' faces when we were speaking bm. they thought i was a malay because of my dark skin! and they were like :noey: when i told them i cant speak chinese. see. very disgraceful :$:( :'(


lol yeah i'm trying not to be! i do my other homework like my rumusan and tatabahasa and komsas :D but karangan very susah la :( lol yeah all the teachers write like that. berusaha lagi ke arah kecemerlangan.. or something like that :p

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dammit! i was away for only a few hours n i missed being part of the crazy language thingy!!!


Agreed, Shannaz, that was crazy awesome fun! Pucuk dicita, ulam mendatang. :D


Ok lah, to be practical, perhaps using mostly English makes the flow of conversation easier. Tapi kalau sesapa nak cakap BM ka, whatever Chinese dialect ka, any accent ka, janji ada yang paham, kira ok la kan? Democracy rules!


To everyone (de7ilznite, deb, etc) who have been trying to use a second language that you're not really comfortable with: you guys are awesome and mucho coolness. The awkward BM sounds so cute, I love you for trying :p


Deb, kalau nak kayakan vocab, sembang je la BM dengan kita orang, untung-untung dapat idea untuk karangan! Take heart, dont la say you're a disgrace to chinese ppl, i know how you feel. Aku ni Melayu tapi BM masa SPM tak bagus sangat pun. As long as we try and improve ourselves, ok what?


Anyone else proud of the fact that most Malaysians (and Singaporeans) know at least 2 languages? Beat most mat salleh everytime. *Cue patriotic music*

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Hello and welcome to the madhouse Arnold! ;)


terlupa cakap: bought Showbiz Cd yesterday. Why am I still excited despite having heard all the songs already?


*excitedly presses play*

Yummy, Sunburn.

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Hey Arnold!! Wahahaha. I like that show. Erm, anyhoo, try to intro your friends to Muse by showing their best songs: New Born, Hysteria, TIRO, SS, Hyper Music, SMBH, Starlight etc. First impression makes all the difference.


Just dl Showbiz la, Matt once said he's actually ok with mp3 downloading!! He downloads mp3s himself in his spare time. He just really loves music, that's all.


Ok lah, to be practical, perhaps using mostly English makes the flow of conversation easier. Tapi kalau sesapa nak cakap BM ka, whatever Chinese dialect ka, any accent ka, janji ada yang paham, kira ok la kan? Democracy rules!


To everyone (de7ilznite, deb, etc) who have been trying to use a second language that you're not really comfortable with: you guys are awesome and mucho coolness. The awkward BM sounds so cute, I love you for trying :p


My BM is plain awful, this is why I sometimes don't feel Malay enough. :(:LOL: I'm much more comfortable with English. But thanks anyway. ;)


I'm fine with people speaking whatever the hell they want, it doesn't bother me. :)

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We need more kids like him to destroy the plague known as bad taste in music in our country. He is the future. :LOL:


Check out the drumkit of Mike Portnoy, drummer of DT.


http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mike_Portnoy#Equipment :eek:


He is a self-confessed huge Muse fan, his list of influences are on the same page. DT did a brief cover of Stockholm Syndrome live once:


Some people remark the structure of their song "Never Enough" is a bit of a ripoff of SS. I know, I'm a geek.

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lol no i dont speak mandarin either. i'm a disgrace to the chinese race, seriously :( i cant speak any form of chinese whatsoever! ok i can a tiiiiiny bit la. but if you leave me stranded on an island full of chinese educated people who cant speak english at all.. i'm screwed.

oh, a banana then you are


tut tut :noey: deb. jangan malas tulis karangan. bm sangat penting. usaha lagi untuk keputusan lebih cemerlang. ( always wrote that in the report card :D)


gah.. i forgot we have a teacher in our midst. you lot scarred me during my childhood ya know.. i remember one teacher who reprimanded me for watching power rangers (btw, that's where the mike comes.. it is not mike shinoda, for some reason my friends like to think so, and give me linkin park posters.. then again, surely linkin park is much cooler than power rangers)... :p anyway, my teacher will be like,



.. "power rangers ni setan!" lol


which obviously made me like power rangers more, which makes me love teachers less.. ;)


ok i might . my school is kind of a rap school

and the only people who like rock like blink 182 and other punk bands


haha, we wish we were 13... gosh i'm jealous.. i'm 19 and getting fatter and fatter every day (kidding, i hope :rolleyes: )


Rap and blink-182 is lame, they were popular in my high school too. Absolutely rubbish music. Arnold, check out Dream Theater if you want to listen to some inspired drumming. :yesey:


they're not bad.. but we don't actually have to acquire a taste for rap music which explains their popularity.. rap is for the late nights out, depends i guess..


yeah. like de7ilznite says, they're excellent technicalists... to argue technically, they're much better than matthew, dom or chris' playing.. and i will reserve my thoughts about dream theater because i am obviously biased towards muse.. haha, i think they covered a muse song as well.. no idea what though.. although they cover too many songs imo.. as i say, they're technicalists



He is a self-confessed huge Muse fan, his list of influences are on the same page. DT did a brief cover of Stockholm Syndrome live once:


gah, u're too knowledgeable for me.. and fast.. i should reopen that typing master thing and practise typing and posting fast to beat this guy here

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