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I LOVE MIKA!! lol his songs are all so happy i actually feel like jumping around! he resembles Matt Bellamy A LOT actually. he even wore a white shirt with black suspenders once. very Matt Bellamy.


^lol. yeah i love mika too. that song love today has a very dancy-uplifting-happy vibe la.. his album is quite nice too. and yes he does remind me of matt as well becoz of the vocal range. but he sounds too freddy mercury at times.. which i love anyways.


haha, u guys are not the first to make the matt-mika comparison.. i've heard 2 people now who said that matt should sing mika's song.. haha:rolleyes:


why dont i ever get a MUSE dream?! :(


im still looking for the address la....too tired to look for it tonite, maybe tomorrow or monday, lol! i just need to get the things ready first! *excited* :D


are you guys looking for matthew bellamy's address?

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Hello peeps! Anyone know where can i get a decent audio bootleg of the 26th at KL? Right now i only have what muselive has which is a few songs...


Anyway Spidey kicks ass and Jangan Pandang Blakang is a joke, literally.


EDIT: anyone heard the new Silverchair material? I think Straight Lines sounds like one Peter Pan song, just the intro. AND i love If You Keep Losing Sleep.

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well not really HIS address coz that is so impossible, lol! maybe just an address where we can send things to him! u have any idea? ;)


wah are you guys serious?? :stunned: maybe you could look for gaia's myspace and make friends with her. lol!


Hello peeps! Anyone know where can i get a decent audio bootleg of the 26th at KL? Right now i only have what muselive has which is a few songs...


helloo! i'd like to know that too. i have the full audio for Singapore's gig, but i dont have any audio for the KL gig. so weird huh? :stunned::(

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are you guys looking for matthew bellamy's address?


and while ur on it can u please look for dom's address as well? ;) nah.. just joking. but it would be great if u could..



Anyway Spidey kicks ass and Jangan Pandang Blakang is a joke, literally.


EDIT: anyone heard the new Silverchair material? I think Straight Lines sounds like one Peter Pan song, just the intro. AND i love If You Keep Losing Sleep.


dont like spiderman.. batman rules!! :D and wat's jangan pandang blakang? didnt noe silvechair still exist! thot they disbanded. didnt daniel jones ( hope i got the singer's name correctly) formed another band??


wah are you guys serious?? :stunned: maybe you could look for gaia's myspace and make friends with her. lol!


helloo! i'd like to know that too. i have the full audio for Singapore's gig, but i dont have any audio for the KL gig. so weird huh? :stunned::(


lol. there's no harm in sending some birthday gifts wouldnt it?


and yeah.. the only ones i got r from that french dude back in kl gig thread. there's a lot of vids but not much audio..

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:LOL: my friend has jess's myspace.. she was soooooooooooo marah because jess keeps calling her guy d-love :eek:

omg i want jess's myspace! i ocassionally visit her myspace just to see whether her display picture has changed or not. wahahaha. unfortunately i do not have a myspace account, so if i make one and add jessica and ONLY jessica as my friend.. it would be quite suspicious, no? lol.


ooh thanks a lot for that link Nutcracker :happy:


crazy_mary, its the french dude's audio thats on muselive too. apaprently he has all 19 songs but he doesnt like to share! :(

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^lol. dont think i wanna check out jess's myspace nor gaia's.. will only make me feel soo jealous eheh... haiiih.:erm:


ohhh so.. that french dude has all 19 songs but didnt want to share ém? thot he only recorded like 4 or 5 songs.. come, lets all flood his PM inbox demanding more songs!!:p

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dont like spiderman.. batman rules!! :D and wat's jangan pandang blakang? didnt noe silvechair still exist! thot they disbanded. didnt daniel jones ( hope i got the singer's name correctly) formed another band??


Yeah Daniel Johns i think he was in a side project band once... but they're BACK! Jangan Pandang Blakang is the new horror movie from Msia din u knoW?! lol. Spiderman can kick Bruce's arse anytime, man!


i like it too.. gah people who won't share bootlegs should be shot


Yeah he's such a twat! LOL. what's the harm in sharing, anyway!



ooh thanks a lot for that link Nutcracker :happy:


NO problem!

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Yeah Daniel Johns i think he was in a side project band once... but they're BACK! Jangan Pandang Blakang is the new horror movie from Msia din u knoW?! lol. Spiderman can kick Bruce's arse anytime, man!


eh? msian movie ker? i noe there's a zombie kg pisang but never heard of that one.am looking forward to watch sumo :happy: Batman is wayyy more macho than that spidy..:p


ok er, if it makes any difference...

i saw the invincible vid today on mtv.


between 6 to 8pm. -__- they are seriously gonna overplay that song man :(


:eek: ala... i have yet to see it on mtv!!! :(


^That video's kinda boring. It's not their best song off that album either.

Here's to MotP being the next single. :D

Dom sounds funny trying to saying "terima kasih" in those bootlegs from Muselive. :LOL:


i think the vid is kinda colourful u noe.. love it when matt stood and 'goreng' his guitar. yeah.. invincible is not the best song from BHAR but perhaps one of the catchiest and pop-ish other than starlight? personally i'd go for ASSASSIN as the next single wif the vid focus more on dom coz the drums in that song is bloody brilliant!

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ok er, if it makes any difference...

i saw the invincible vid today on mtv.


between 6 to 8pm. -__- they are seriously gonna overplay that song man :(


^That video's kinda boring. It's not their best song off that album either.


i think the vid is kinda colourful u noe.. love it when matt stood and 'goreng' his guitar. yeah.. invincible is not the best song from BHAR but perhaps one of the catchiest and pop-ish other than starlight? personally i'd go for ASSASSIN as the next single wif the vid focus more on dom coz the drums in that song is bloody brilliant!


ala, ape ni.. i sorang je ke yang malu :$ dengan video tu? matt is wearing that freaking red suit again and my friends won't stop pointing it out.. they're like, "eh, baju merah lagi.." "eh, matt dah takde baju lain ke, giggle giggle".. plus chris looks like a giant on the opening shot.. :LOL:

but of course la to be honest that video is kind of cool.. it's just embarrassing to watch in public..:happy:

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For the record, both Spidey and Batman rock ok. For different reasons. :p


Assassin is one of the most kickass songs on BH&R but I honestly don't think it would get heavy rotation on Hitz.fm. :LOL:


Mike, why you so malu with that video? All of Muse's videos are weird, that's why I love 'em. :D

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lol i love the invincible vid! i just hate the fact that they're overplaying it now :( but maybe when its not so spankin'new, they'd play it less. hehheh.


also, MOTP will make a great video because it has as much drumming'ness as Assassin la crazy_mary! lol i'd prefer MOTP as a single since its already quite well known. let Assassin be just for us fans la :happy:


i cant download the bootlegs from muselive :( so i cant hear dear dom saying terima kasih.. what does it sound like? trimah kassay? lol

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For those who haven't seen the Invincible video, I saw it awhile ago on Youtube. It's probably still there.


MotP is confirmed as the next single, the video will be out in a couple of months maybe? I forgot the details lah.


btw, if you wanna check out some excellent drumming of Muse songs, look up mrmadadam's covers on Youtube. Fantastic stuff! He does Assassin perfectly.


Debbie, you have to register on Muselive first before you can dl anything. Yeah, Dom goes "tema kasay!!" before going into Assassin. It's funny. :D

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To all the comments about Muse becoming too overplayed, here's an alternative view:


Which is worse, Starlight / Invincible played 20x or Akon / Avril played on tv / radio the same number of times? I know which one my ears (and eyes prefer)! :LOL: Muse played alongside Akon! So cringeworthy and an insult to Muse but at least some people are getting an education on what is really good music.


(For possessive Musers, there's always their 'hardcore songs' to listen to and enjoy, 'secretly'.;) Just joking!


Perhaps the 'trying to be trendy' people latching onto Muse's coolness can help in filling up stadiums and selling out concert tickets, so Muse will come back seeing how they're so popular. I don't care how shallow or pretentious it is, janji Muse datang balik :D ! So jealous of the Koreans getting them again.:(





On other news, yeah, where's vspirit? Come back please!

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The real problem is a lack of a genuinely good music scene in Malaysia. People can't seem to differentiate between what is good music and what plain sucks. :LOL: I'm sure there's adequate talent and passion in aspiring local musicians but our resources and sources of inspiration may be a little dry.


Live performances make all the difference because some of the less-than-talented artists either can't perform live, don't write their own songs or use computers to make their songs sound good.


A good band/artist always writes their own material by themselves and performs it well live. You'd be surprised at how many bands out there who can't achieve this simple task. Watch performances of My Chemical Romance and Lostprophets on Youtube and you'll see how absolutely terrible they are. Muse blows these losers away, they've won so many Best Live Act awards over the years.


I've seen John Mayer, Incubus, Paul Gilbert, plus tons of underground heavy metal bands perform live and from these experiences, I have a fairly good impression of what is good quality music and what's not.


It's not a question of "OMG their liek so mainstream now i dont liek them anymorez lawl", it's all about the music. Plain and simple. :LOL:

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^ hmmm.. yeah maybe internationally we dont haf much good music scenes as singapore or thailand do. but we do haf some great local scenes yeah? but i do think that a lot of malaysians haf good taste in music.. these peeps prefer to stay low key than those who like pop and rap. give us some credit la..;) and i agree wif miele.. who cares about those pretentious-dont noe anything-bandwagon fans.. if they help fill the stadium and make muse feel impressed and wanna come to malaysia again, hey be watever u want and like which ever band u want!


ala, ape ni.. i sorang je ke yang malu :$ dengan video tu? matt is wearing that freaking red suit again and my friends won't stop pointing it out.. they're like, "eh, baju merah lagi.." "eh, matt dah takde baju lain ke, giggle giggle".. plus chris looks like a giant on the opening shot.. :LOL:

but of course la to be honest that video is kind of cool.. it's just embarrassing to watch in public..:happy:


i kinda like the fact that they keep wearing the same shirts. it shows that they're normal peeps like us. some bands get sponsored shirts kan? i'm guessing muse is not one of 'em.


also, MOTP will make a great video because it has as much drumming'ness as Assassin la crazy_mary! lol i'd prefer MOTP as a single since its already quite well known. let Assassin be just for us fans la :happy:


i cant download the bootlegs from muselive :( so i cant hear dear dom saying terima kasih.. what does it sound like? trimah kassay? lol


MOTP sounds like a pop song. and remember my friend who i mentioned to u n vspirit earlier? the one who critizes muse so much b4 the gig and said MCR is better? she loves muse now and loves MOTP which is why i kinda haf a luke warm feeling towards that song now. :confused: but yeah.. maybe its better MOTP is their next single.


i love that assassin bootleg so much that i haf in my handphone now. i can send it to u if u want. it's the same one as sosoure's or what's his name ( that french dude) rite?


gawd.. am loving dead star now. i like matt's voice in the earlier albums better. and tho i've watched invincible vid on youtube for like 100th time, some how it feels different watching it on mtv..:happy:

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