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ah.. okay thanks :D




lol well, close enough :happy: HELLO BTW!! WELCOME BACK!! HOW'S NS?? haha.


HEllo and merci! NS is redundant so... HAHA!


hrmph.. then u have no choice but to bring me


But seriously, i doubt i'll be able to afford the plane ticket to UK. :LOL:


...turns out the song's Shrinking Universe, the part where he went aaaaaaaAAAaaaaAAAH somewhere right before the last refrain. But the moral of the story is, stick with it, and you'll have a success story of your very own. And always, always, get the last say with them.


Wah sequeal to 28 days later. Yeah the movie was seriously, DEAD. 28 weeks later makes it sound like a spoof. Maybe it'll be much more interesting. :mad:

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...turns out the song's Shrinking Universe, the part where he went aaaaaaaAAAaaaaAAAH somewhere right before the last refrain. But the moral of the story is, stick with it, and you'll have a success story of your very own. And always, always, get the last say with them.


:eek:2 months anniversary!!! i almost forgot! :eek:


lol cute :LOL:


btw, shrinking universe sooo should not be a b-side man. :noey: its such a good song

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...turns out the song's Shrinking Universe, the part where he went aaaaaaaAAAaaaaAAAH somewhere right before the last refrain. But the moral of the story is, stick with it, and you'll have a success story of your very own. And always, always, get the last say with them.


at least this time they really use muse IN the movie unlike that other movie..


:eek:2 months anniversary!!! i almost forgot! :eek:


awww... yeah. it's been two months and still crazy about muse even GC couldnt help.:musesign:

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lol the movie isnt even out yet! but its gonna be out soon though. anyone gonna watch it?


:noey: just another ploy to make muse fans watch the movie... hrm,



maybe.. :$ [sheesh, i fall for these all the time]


this is from today's muselive news..




:stunned: matt's choice of songs? what is up with muse and david hasselhoff? he is talked about all the time here..

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lol the movie isnt even out yet! but its gonna be out soon though. anyone gonna watch it?


thot it was out already.. never heard of it really. think i need to watch tv more after the exams.. talk about being a hermit.:confused:


:noey: just another ploy to make muse fans watch the movie... hrm,



maybe.. :$ [sheesh, i fall for these all the time]


this is from today's muselive news..




:stunned: matt's choice of songs? what is up with muse and david hasselhoff? he is talked about all the time here..


lol. yeah muse fans are ez tu be manipulated just like that other movie (cant remember the title). matt has a pretty interesting choices there...:p

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Someone named guio from Manila posted this in another thread:


I also found out that they will be coming back to the Asia-Pacific region later on this year, with a gig planned in Manila and another one in Japan.


Ok, no hard facts, i'm getting carried away etc, but dang, if only! Berapa tiket Air Asia pi Manila?


Anyone nak pi Philipines?

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Someone named guio from Manila posted this in another thread:




Ok, no hard facts, i'm getting carried away etc, but dang, if only! Berapa tiket Air Asia pi Manila?


Anyone nak pi Philipines?


woot, if that's true, am going!!!!!!!!!

:$ hahah, macam ade duit je

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Someone named guio from Manila posted this in another thread:


Ok, no hard facts, i'm getting carried away etc, but dang, if only! Berapa tiket Air Asia pi Manila?


Anyone nak pi Philipines?


yeah.. i've read the post as well. they mite be coming in august if i'm not mistaken but it is still a rumour.. and it seems that they'll be in US at that time. so.. there's a fat chance it mite not happen but kalau betoi, i feel like going.:unsure: if they come to thailand that'd be nearer.

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yeah.. i've read the post as well. they mite be coming in august if i'm not mistaken but it is still a rumour.. and it seems that they'll be in US at that time. so.. there's a fat chance it mite not happen but kalau betoi, i feel like going.:unsure: if they come to thailand that'd be nearer.

yeah i heard about that too.. wah really? you're willing to travel all the way to phillipines just to see em live again? why dont travel somewhere further and go for a holiday too in the near future when they release their next album? lol. like the uk or something. :)


btw i had another muse dream last night.. lol it involved a gig, dom talking to me, and kuey tiao soup. LOL. :LOL:

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nah.. cakap ajer. unless their concert is on school holidays or weekends then i'll definitely make an effort to go. to go to UK is more expensive than the philipines. teringin gak u noe.. maybe can go watch an arsenal game or something like that.. but no money la...


tell me, how can u get to dream about muse? did u think about them right before u sleep?(didnt mean that in a pervy way..:p ) coz i think its quite funny to have a dream about bands that u really like eh?

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tell me, how can u get to dream about muse? did u think about them right before u sleep?(didnt mean that in a pervy way..:p ) coz i think its quite funny to have a dream about bands that u really like eh?


:stunned: i always think about them before i go to sleep.. it's my sleep lullaby.. no muse dream though..

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:stunned: i always think about them before i go to sleep.. it's my sleep lullaby.. no muse dream though..


ditto! i always put on my headphones and listen to muse before i sleep.. but no muse dreams as well. if i do haf one, think i i'd wake up smiling :happy: been listening to a lot of absolution lately and its starting to be my fav muse album..

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^lol well er, on that day i watched the whole Glastonbury DVD.. so maybe thats why i dreamt of them. lol. i always listen to muse whenever i'm doing my homework though, but i still rarely dream about them. i guess this dream was special! and can only come again in a few months :(:(


eh i was just wondering right, did any of you dislike/was content with any muse songs, but after listening to it live, you fell absolutely inlove with it??

for me, it was...


citizen erased and take a bow. :$ i know i know. shameful :(

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actually i hated sunburn after the show... i mean, i found out i now hate the song.. no idea why


wah really?? i'm still indifferent to it after hearing it live. lol.i dont like it, but i dont dislike it either. i'm just.. okok with it. hehheh.


I used to not give Ruled By Secrecy much attention but after watching the vid at Earl's Court I am totally into it.


EDIT: Anyone for Jet in singapore at the infamous venue Fort canning park?


oh yeah that too. after watching it on Glastonbury, i gave it a chance.


jet is da bomb :happy:


i like jet too! why arent they coming here?? :(

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