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* RESPECT* aMUSEing ShAnNaZ for your effort..


fused you look like the chinese girl with specs who was queing infront of me during ticket launch.. with the boyfriend i assume..


a friend of mine got the pick card for free, i thought it was a 'fan' hahaha.. i noticed it was free with the BHAR dvd??


and yeah.. i might have saw u aswell crazy_mary though i dont know how u look like... they closed up on the fans on the front barricade and i saw a few girls wearing tudung singing along in dreamland.. haha


4 of my friends were wearing M,U,S,E shirt was suppose to stick together all the way till the end but most of the time they we're seperated! hahaha i can only spell MES most of the time when i look at them.. haha

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^hey, those pictures are pretty nice. your camera must be pretty ace. ^_~


p/s: you know, i'm still wondering why they couldn't have included Manila and Bangkok in their itenerary. they could've used some lovin' from MUSE there, too. lots of fans there, I heard.

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on the STAR local paper today


they (muse) mention abit about the total songs should be played were actually 16.

But they changed thier mind when crowd yelling "we want more!!!.... We want more!!!!" after Matt said Good Bye.


so they came out and add another four songs include my faved "Stockholm Syndrome"


what a thankful and joy we had when they return!!!! and Rockin again!!!!!

ahhhhh!!!!!!!! *faint

thanks MUSE!!!!!!

thanks MATT!!!

thanks CHRIS!!!!!!!

thanks DOM!!!!

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where's the pics?


i already laminated :D my autograph, which was on the KLIA Skyvans advert slip.. lolz.. I'll scan it up.


I'm so happy. I can't believe they're coming back. We were very much the 3 stalkers.. By the way, padan muka pakcik galaxy tu.. Halau lagi i from the back. See? I got a hug from Chris lagi.. BWEK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! matt called me sweetie.. gosh, i am in heaven.


Yes, crazy mary.. You looked pretty awkward with the baju kurung. But who cares? You don't dress up to go stalking.

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uhu dee-yamn...i thought they left yesterday. if i had known it's today, i'd have tagged along just to say thanks for the memories. really should have gotten my system upgraded, huh? did any of you guys get them a present to remember their malaysian gig by?


vspirit, i don't know if they'll remember malaysia by it, but i did give matt some stuff. only it was lousily wrapped, and actually it was halfway open already because i was about to throw the gifts (aka the books) away when they suddenly showed up right in front of me..


dom was amazing. i first saw dom, and i got him to sign the piece of crap paper from skyvans.. i was pretending not to have seen chris (and i didn't see matt at all), so i asked him. "Dom, where's matt and chris?" He was like " Oh well, chris is right oover there... And matt, hmmm, let's see, hmm, actually i don't know where matt went." (rubs own dagu very the cunly).. I was super starstruck, and had i brought along a videocam, i would so have shouted "wait wait.. can you say that again to the video cam again please?"

haha.. oh, and after that, i once tersasul name dom with chris.. morgan was laughing.

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ran off from work just in time to see them arrive at KLIA n checking in!!! i hugged Matt!!! OMG!!!! unbelieveable!!! they were so nice! im goin crazy now...cant even type properly!!! i am seriously ill now! OMG I LOVE MUSE!!! *faints*




yay!!!! we met them again.. u cant imagine how crazy i was just now.. thanx a lot my dear. LOL: we jemput 'em, we watched 'em live infront of our eyes and we hantar 'em to their next show!!!! omg i'm going crazy.. nasib baik nick pun sama!!! i'm a muse fanatic for life!!! cant believe how nice dom was.. felt so sorry to cut him speaking when matt and the gang were already moving .. shanaz and adyla.. nice meeting u again. and adyla study hard for next sem.. cant believe u'd flunk 2 papers just to meet em'. but it was worth it rite.. deb, i'm uploading dom's pix for u rite now. i swear to god i mentioned ur name to him.. shannaz i need those pix..:happy:


did u mention me??? wow i wish i was you..



Sigh. I gave matt 2 of my favourite books.. Hope he'll treasure it..






wow really banana Dom..

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