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what would u wear to the concert?and for those be'tudung'ed, would u still wear it?mary would u please answer this.a friend of mine asked me whether she could still wear her tudung or does it seems weird or so,me said that its up to her,me myself had never go to local concert so dont know how to explain the situation.(she's actually a sharifah that never go anywhere without her tdung,joined several orchestral concert but never like this one,she got the 183bucks tix)


tell her to keep her tudung on..(erm, is that grammatically correct tho eheh) coz i'm wearing mine n have been wearing tudung to all the gigs that i've been to.. its a normal thing.. nobody gonna go and say anything bad about u, we deserve to have good taste in music and rock as well eh? i'm sure u'll find a lot of other girls wearing tudung there.. coz there were lots of us (well, not lots but noticeable) at sg wang buying the tix and at the previous gigs that i've been to. i've never gone anywhere without my tudung as well mate... even to places where u'd think it would be unsuitable for us..


and yeah mikeadyla, i was about to ask the same thing..did u just win the tix vspirit, or does it include meet and greet passes?;)

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i haven't gone to collect the tiger one yet but i assume it's a no. guy didn't list down anything of that sort when he was listing down stuff included in the prize. so to answer your question, mikeadyla, the CD and the tee are part of said prize. and i don't think it's the rerelease cos...isn't it too soon for that, still? it's prolly just one of them run-of-the-mill ones you get in stores, only vandalized. the contest you won, though, was it The Sun's one? congrats on the win, btw. =)


the meet n greet thingy, i'd imagine it's reserved for radio contests. or some hush-hush contest or other.

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nope.. it's probably the same contest which won you the RM 83 tickets.. via junk online..


yeah, i'm thinking of reselling it or give it to my friends (who got turned away from buying tickets by this one makcik who told them the concert is for non-muslims only..) i already gave one away to another friend who found my rockzone tickets which i dropped at PWTC during a war crimes conference and didn't realize for a few hours


dayumn! i want t-shirt.. why oh why didn't i have the common sense to fake my name for the tiger beer contest.. oh well, proud to be a muslim:happy:

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haha i didn't win the junk one. is it all the same? that is, are all junk tickets the RM83 one?


i won via the Sun and Tigermusic (the pesky write-me-a-slogan ones). between the two of us, i think we've pretty much got winning most, if not all, available contests covered. i entered four different ones, and got response from half that. not bad for a few days' work.


p/s: chances are the tee will have the dodgy Tiger logo printed on as well. but ah well, at least it's beer and not, say, tampon or something.

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the junk contest are the only one i entered using a chinese' friend's name, so i guess that's the best i'll get..


sigh.. the sun~ they didn't even respond to me.. i'm their avid reader! i write to them all the time! i complain to them all the time. My professor writes for them! i'm pissed off now..:mad:


oh, i figured from ur post (from junk online), u probably got the winning answer coz u were so determined to find the correct answer. me, i just referred to my brother the walking muse dictionary.


dodgy or not that t-shirt might be, flash it around during the concert will u, then maybe someone from tiger beer will recognize it, then maybe u'll talk to them, then maybe u'll end up being a groupie.. then maybe...... then...:stunned:


sigh~ that cd u will be holding have been touched by muse! :eek:


vspirit yes, i think all junk tickets are RM83 ones.. i half hoped it'd be backstage, the way them junk people were all hush when i asked what kind of tickets are actually up for grabs.

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haha horribly disfigured mak cik eh? i kinda imagined some mak cik who works for the ticket agents or s'thing told ur friends off when they were asking to buy muse tix..but now i imagined her to be someone who is wearing tudung labuh or something like that lecturing ur friends eheh..

and yeah vspirit, if u feel the shirt is crappy ( there's a huge possibility of it being a crappy one compared to the one u bought in s'pore), perhaps u can give it to me as a charity.. :D

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sigh.. the sun~ they didn't even respond to me.. i'm their avid reader! i write to them all the time! i complain to them all the time. My professor writes for them! i'm pissed off now..:mad:

haha. you're cute, you know that?


oh, i figured from ur post (from junk online), u probably got the winning answer coz u were so determined to find the correct answer. me, i just referred to my brother the walking muse dictionary.

i guess my initial guess was right, they weren't very sure of what they're asking. that, or they weren't sure how to phrase what they wanted to ask properly cos you'd imagine with the way they've asked it, they'd want exact venues and dates, and quite possibly the times to the nanosecond, of them accepting their award, as well. no matter, though. more chances for others. =)


dodgy or not that t-shirt might be, flash it around during the concert will u, then maybe someone from tiger beer will recognize it, then maybe u'll talk to them, then maybe u'll end up being a groupie.. then maybe...... then...:stunned:

i...don't plan on wearing that t-shirt anywhere. it's prolly gonna end up somewhere in my pile of seldom-worn clothes (like my foo fighters one that i've won a few years back and my RHCP one that i actually bought). i'll make the judgment of where it'll end up after i've actually seen it. if it looks alright and fits me just as well, then i guess it's a keeper. regardless, i won't be wearing it on the day itself.


sigh~ that cd u will be holding have been touched by muse! :eek:



vspirit yes, i think all junk tickets are RM83 ones.. i half hoped it'd be backstage, the way them junk people were all hush when i asked what kind of tickets are actually up for grabs.

who would've thunk they're actually not?! how dare they manipulate their audience??! it's a freakin' conspiracy!!!



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the CD, mate.. not the tix.. (well, n the tix too) u've won a signed one!! am jealous of that..


yes i'm jealous too :( now vspirit doesnt have a reason to stay in/outside the stadium for a few hours after the gig to get an autograph and if you're lucky, a photograph too. thats if Muse actually comes out. which is a small chance as it is... because she already has an autographed cd! roar.


vspirit i wish i had your luck! *cries* assuming you already have BH&R, what're you gonna do with your old one now that you have a brand new vandalised one? :LOL:


oh, and, happy chinese new year people! anyone gonna balik kampung?

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yes i'm jealous too :( now vspirit doesnt have a reason to stay in/outside the stadium for a few hours after the gig to get an autograph and if you're lucky, a photograph too. thats if Muse actually comes out. which is a small chance as it is... because she already has an autographed cd!


good musestalking idea there..;) i seriously hope they'll come out as well coz i dont think i would want to be a mental stalker to go wait outside their hotel just to get an autograph and some pix..i maybe obsessed wif muse but not that fanatic..but wat r the chances of 'em coming out?


pardon me, but i still dont get it. wat's the meaning of vandalising rock band? * scratches head*

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It's so near yet so far... Actually, how does one goes to Stadium Negara by foot??


the various answers for ur question mate.. yeah, i'm bored.. need a break from my academic readings.. DH Lawrence is killing me..:sleepy:


you can take START LRT or monorail to hang tuah station and you can walk from there...


or the maharajalela monorail stn cos works fine as well. it's the one nearest to petaling street.


...i fink.


maharajalela monorail stop will b right in front of std merdeka so u haf to walk a bit ( which is not far really) n from hang tuah station, u haf to cross road, pass by Victoria Institution n dang wangi police station.. u'll never be lost around dat area..


happy chinese new year, everyone!

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