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I had a Matthew Bellamy moment in that I tried to say something and then laughed at the end so what I was saying came out as a kind of laughing squeak :LOL:




i look more related to my cousin's kids than i do to anyone else in my family...




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we know they live on the hill so their house will be fine but her husband owns an optometrist so i imagine that's down in the town. waiting for my mum to find out from her sister what's happening.


i look more related to my cousin's kids than i do to anyone else in my family...




:LOL: wow, if you had a fringe it would be even more similar!

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I saw that in the Girly Thread :chuckle: I hope they're okay though.


Oh man, last night when we got back to my friend's place, I took my hair down and it was so matted :LOL: It had been teased and then put up in a bun and when it was out it became like one giant dread :LOL: Me and my friends laughed so hard, it was hysterical. I had a Matthew Bellamy moment in that I tried to say something and then laughed at the end so what I was saying came out as a kind of laughing squeak :LOL:


Edit: have fun you guys! Take pictures! :happy:


Hahah one dread! Like that creepy guy in town!

Teased hair is fun but SO painful to get out afterwards!



we know they live on the hill so their house will be fine but her husband owns an optometrist so i imagine that's down in the town. waiting for my mum to find out from her sister what's happening.


i look more related to my cousin's kids than i do to anyone else in my family...





Aww cute! And you all have such gorgeous coloured hair!



$150,000 to fix that creepy Santa?!



Geez, that's a bit extreme! I saw it bandaged up, even creepier than usual but haven't seen it since it's been unveiled.

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Hahah one dread! Like that creepy guy in town!

That guy is VERY creepy!


When I was walking home, I walked past an ad for a Paddle Pop competition called "Lick-a-Prize Soak-a-Rama"...am I the only one that thinks that sounds filthy?

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Hovering over the send button as we speak.


In other news, my work has its book club thing tomorrow at 5:30. I've used uni as an (honest) excuse the last few times, so I really think I should go this time...the only problem is, I haven't read a fiction book since before uni started in March. :erm:

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Hovering over the send button as we speak.


In other news, my work has its book club thing tomorrow at 5:30. I've used uni as an (honest) excuse the last few times, so I really think I should go this time...the only problem is, I haven't read a fiction book since before uni started in March. :erm:


doitdoitdoit doooo itttttttt!


Hmmm, maybe pick a book you have read in the past?

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its finger doesn't move now and they've made his cheeks more rosy, painted less droopy eyes and given him a smile. was just on the news.


I haven't had a chance to see it yet, as it was covered when I was in town last night. Doesn't everyone agree that the covered up Santa was creepier than the way the Santa was uncovered? :LOL:


Hahah one dread! Like that creepy guy in town!

Teased hair is fun but SO painful to get out afterwards!


My hair is pretty much determined to be dead straight 24/7 so it wasn't that hard to brush out.


Right, sod this. Enough of this uncertainty. Asking uni girl out for a drink. Nothing to lose, right?


Yussss. What are you saying?

I was playing matchmaker for my friend last night :LOL: Kept trying to convince her to take the guy she had invited along for a dance- I was making annoying raised eyebrows faces at her during the night :LOL: In the taxi home we discussed the 'how soon do I text?' rule and then today she texted me asking what she should say :LOL:

I'm not even an expert on this or anything :LOL:

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I haven't had a chance to see it yet, as it was covered when I was in town last night. Doesn't everyone agree that the covered up Santa was creepier than the way the Santa was uncovered? :LOL:




My hair is pretty much determined to be dead straight 24/7 so it wasn't that hard to brush out.




Yussss. What are you saying?

I was playing matchmaker for my friend last night :LOL: Kept trying to convince her to take the guy she had invited along for a dance- I was making annoying raised eyebrows faces at her during the night :LOL: In the taxi home we discussed the 'how soon do I text?' rule and then today she texted me asking what she should say :LOL:

I'm not even an expert on this or anything :LOL:



YES bandaged santa is SO creepy. I didn't see it tonight though... not sure what the new face will be like.


Awesome go you little match maker :)

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I was playing matchmaker for my friend last night :LOL: Kept trying to convince her to take the guy she had invited along for a dance- I was making annoying raised eyebrows faces at her during the night :LOL: In the taxi home we discussed the 'how soon do I text?' rule and then today she texted me asking what she should say :LOL:

I'm not even an expert on this or anything :LOL:

Haha, good on you. :)


Yussss. What are you saying?

I'm sure most people have had more than enough of this saga, so I'll spoiler it.


Asking how her holiday's going and whether she wants to grab a drink sometime. Then trying to find a way to warn her that my questionable taste in beer, which she found so hilarious and mercilessly hassled last time, hasn't improved...but I'm worried she might not remember that, since it was like four months ago now. :LOL:


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Haha, good on you. :)



I'm sure most people have had more than enough of this saga, so I'll spoiler it.


Asking how her holiday's going and whether she wants to grab a drink sometime. Then trying to find a way to warn her that my questionable taste in beer, which she found so hilarious and mercilessly hassled last time, hasn't improved...but I'm worried she might not remember that, since it was like four months ago now. :LOL:



Lol we all love a good saga!

Go you good thing!!


Really, really good. :happy: The mango one was a bit too potent though.


And some bastard at the next table stuck heaps of straws together and tried to steal some! The nerve!



They were delicious! The mango was a bit extreme compared to the other two!!


LOL that guy, I didn't know what the hell he was trying to do, I thought he was pretending to be an elephant or something . :LOL:

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I'm sure most people have had more than enough of this saga, so I'll spoiler it.


Asking how her holiday's going and whether she wants to grab a drink sometime. Then trying to find a way to warn her that my questionable taste in beer, which she found so hilarious and mercilessly hassled last time, hasn't improved...but I'm worried she might not remember that, since it was like four months ago now. :LOL:


I can never have enough of this saga :LOL:

Ooh sounds casual, I like it. Hopefully she remembers otherwise it could be a bit awkward. Four months, woah.


Really, really good. :happy: The mango one was a bit too potent though.


And some bastard at the next table stuck heaps of straws together and tried to steal some! The nerve!


The cocktails there are so good. Haha cheeky! But points for ingenuity.

Oh man I probably shouldn't have had that nap this afternoon. I was so tired just before but now I'm starting to feel awake again. Must force self to sleep earlier.

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Oh man I probably shouldn't have had that nap this afternoon. I was so tired just before but now I'm starting to feel awake again. Must force self to sleep earlier.

It's funny how one night can just throw your whole sleep pattern completely out of whack.

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I can never have enough of this saga :LOL:

Ooh sounds casual, I like it. Hopefully she remembers otherwise it could be a bit awkward. Four months, woah.




The cocktails there are so good. Haha cheeky! But points for ingenuity.

Oh man I probably shouldn't have had that nap this afternoon. I was so tired just before but now I'm starting to feel awake again. Must force self to sleep earlier.


Was it four months ago? Why do I remember it hah?


He only needed like one more and he totally would have nicked our awesome drinks.


And we made an executive decision, that you have to come next time. :D

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