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how was everyone's day?


mine started out awfully, my boss said i could drive to work and use his park. but he forgot i wanted to today and told my other workmate she could have it. so i get to work with my car and nowhere to park. luckily i found out there's a park that's $3 a day 10 minutes away but i have to get cash. so i go to the supermarket, then to the carpark and then basically have to run to get to work and am 5 minutes late. as soon as i walk in my boss tells me to go to other branch which is a couple minutes from where my car was!


and then i had to rush to my car after work with a very heavy thing i bought at lunch and got stuck in traffic. the reason i drove was to go to gym class, which i got to just after it started and there wasn't the normal woman taking it. this hardcore guy took it and i felt so sick with 10 minutes to go (not helped by forgetting my water bottle in my rush) that i just decided to leave before i threw up.


and i think my work isn't providing food at the run on wednesday. :mad: they provided a spit roast last year and it was amazing after 5km in the rain.


edit: however it was a nice sunny day and i had some yummy sushi with oren at lunchtime.

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also luckily it was a pretty quiet day work wise, managed to get quite a bit of things done that i had been putting off for no reason other than that's what i do :awesome: finished another question on my assignment there too, just gotta write it up and there's only 2 more to do.

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some of them are. the ones to do with brokers are because we have absolutely no associations with brokers so i have no idea about the legislation around them. my only experience with brokers is they're always ripping off old people who've been with them for ages and think they're getting the best deal. one customer i saved him nearly a grand by switching him over.

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yeah i always enjoy doing that. there's a lot of people who stay with one insurer because their family has always been with them or they have some broker they trust and they just don't realise how high their premiums are. because i don't get commission i get to say to people "look this policy is shit, find another insurer." in fact i told some girl today that the policy we could offer isn't the best and she should shop around.

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$12.40? Blimey!


Shit I know, tell me about it!


How was Shadows, did you end up going?


how was everyone's day?


mine started out awfully, my boss said i could drive to work and use his park. but he forgot i wanted to today and told my other workmate she could have it. so i get to work with my car and nowhere to park. luckily i found out there's a park that's $3 a day 10 minutes away but i have to get cash. so i go to the supermarket, then to the carpark and then basically have to run to get to work and am 5 minutes late. as soon as i walk in my boss tells me to go to other branch which is a couple minutes from where my car was!


and then i had to rush to my car after work with a very heavy thing i bought at lunch and got stuck in traffic. the reason i drove was to go to gym class, which i got to just after it started and there wasn't the normal woman taking it. this hardcore guy took it and i felt so sick with 10 minutes to go (not helped by forgetting my water bottle in my rush) that i just decided to leave before i threw up.


and i think my work isn't providing food at the run on wednesday. :mad: they provided a spit roast last year and it was amazing after 5km in the rain.


edit: however it was a nice sunny day and i had some yummy sushi with oren at lunchtime.


Oh what a rough day! That's so much crap for one day! Man I hate exercise that makes you sick!

Lucky you found somewhere to park!


some of them are. the ones to do with brokers are because we have absolutely no associations with brokers so i have no idea about the legislation around them. my only experience with brokers is they're always ripping off old people who've been with them for ages and think they're getting the best deal. one customer i saved him nearly a grand by switching him over.


I actually don't know what a broker actually does. :$



I have just got back from a two hour driving session with my big brother. He races cars (on a track) so is trying to get me over my phobia by driving with me and teaching me how to actually use the car and not just panic.

He drove for the first hour, just did all these windy corners, not speeding or anything but just trying to show me that by doing the speed limit we won't just flip and die.


It was really good, he was explaining all the technical things about how the tyres work and stuff which I really like, and just trying to et me to realise that the fear I have is so out of proportion to the risk.


I have sore stomach muscles from clenching in panic though now, but it was really good, he's super patient and calm and made me do emergenct stops and things.


I just read that, it sounds really lame!

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i was a terrible driver, very nervous when i first started and now i absolutely love driving and find it so relaxing. there's hope for you yet!


brokers are just people who organise insurance contracts for their clients. then the insurance companies pay them commission. the insured pays their premium to the broker and they're allowed to keep it and get interest on it for 3 months. the idea is the broker will get you the best deal but in my experience, the broker is going for the best deal they get from the insurance company.

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i was a terrible driver, very nervous when i first started and now i absolutely love driving and find it so relaxing. there's hope for you yet!


brokers are just people who organise insurance contracts for their clients. then the insurance companies pay them commission. the insured pays their premium to the broker and they're allowed to keep it and get interest on it for 3 months. the idea is the broker will get you the best deal but in my experience, the broker is going for the best deal they get from the insurance company.


Ahhhh I see!


I like hearing things like that, gives me hope! A year ago I couldn't even drive at all without panic attacks and such, and I pretty much don't do that at all anymore! I just need to get my restricted, as my work has suddenly decided to send me out to Waitakere in December, instead of March, and not send the other two trainees out first (who can both drive) like they promised me.

So if I can'tget it by then I'm not sure what I'll do!

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i started driving at 15 and then after about 3 months i had a near accident and just gave up. luckily i had an amazing driving instructor who used to call me all the time asking me when i was coming back. in the end i gave in to them, which was good because i got my restricted at 17. took me over 2 years to get up the courage to go for my full. its crazy to think i've had my licence 10 years now.


definitely the more you do it, the more natural and easier it becomes.


i wonder if i'll get moved before christmas. i think i'm going to try ask to stay at my current branch because i'm enjoying the quiet and i'm quite enjoying having a manager who engages with me both professionally and personally (he's been extremely encouraging about my joining the gym and going go to classes), unlike my old one.

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Shit I know, tell me about it!


How was Shadows, did you end up going?

God, I complain about mine being $3.20.


I didn't end up going to Shadows in the end. All that effort of the 30,000 words of essays caught up with me and I suddenly got really tired! Almost fell asleep on the bus home.


Sounds like you're doing alright with your driving! I was petrified of driving as well, and that lasted until after I got my restricted. :LOL: I'm sure you can start to be comfortable driving far quicker than that.

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i started driving at 15 and then after about 3 months i had a near accident and just gave up. luckily i had an amazing driving instructor who used to call me all the time asking me when i was coming back. in the end i gave in to them, which was good because i got my restricted at 17. took me over 2 years to get up the courage to go for my full. its crazy to think i've had my licence 10 years now.


definitely the more you do it, the more natural and easier it becomes.


i wonder if i'll get moved before christmas. i think i'm going to try ask to stay at my current branch because i'm enjoying the quiet and i'm quite enjoying having a manager who engages with me both professionally and personally (he's been extremely encouraging about my joining the gym and going go to classes), unlike my old one.


Oh that's great! It's nice when your bosses actually make an effort to care about you!


Yeah I had been in three accidents before I was 20, pretty major ones that busted me up some, and I wasn't driving in any of them. It wasn't the fault of the drivers of my car either, so it wasn't a young driver thing.

I had just got over the 2nd one when the last one (worst one) happened, and I just lost it, felt like an ACCIDENT MAGNET!!!! And just went into major panic mode and refused to get in the car!!


I'm lots better now hahaha.


God, I complain about mine being $3.20.


I didn't end up going to Shadows in the end. All that effort of the 30,000 words of essays caught up with me and I suddenly got really tired! Almost fell asleep on the bus home.


Sounds like you're doing alright with your driving! I was petrified of driving as well, and that lasted until after I got my restricted. :LOL: I'm sure you can start to be comfortable driving far quicker than that.


Oh haha! I don't feel quite so guilty now then! I'm sure after 30,000 words you would have had nothing left to say anyway! :p

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heh and i hate paying $2.10 for the buses here.


Woah, I would love to pay that!!! But I am sure that $12.40 has got to be wrong! It's $4.60 from my place to Takapuna, and it used to be only $5.40 from mine to town. Now it's the same to Taka but to town has doubled??? What the??


It was so nice having the rest of the day off today :)

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Woah, I would love to pay that!!! But I am sure that $12.40 has got to be wrong! It's $4.60 from my place to Takapuna, and it used to be only $5.40 from mine to town. Now it's the same to Taka but to town has doubled??? What the??

Can't be right. :noey:

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nah i never do anything for guy fawkes. last time i can think of doing anything vaguely guy fawkey is the night i met oren and our friend set off a sparkler bomb strapped to a carton of custard.


which means i've known oren for 3 years now!

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nah i never do anything for guy fawkes. last time i can think of doing anything vaguely guy fawkey is the night i met oren and our friend set off a sparkler bomb strapped to a carton of custard.


which means i've known oren for 3 years now!


Aw, congrats!


And, "sparkler bomb strapped to a carton of custard"?? Does not compute.


I think we are having fireworks at ours, but I haven't made a Guy since I was in England. I don't think we can have a bonfire here unless it's in a big drum of some kind.

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nah i never do anything for guy fawkes. last time i can think of doing anything vaguely guy fawkey is the night i met oren and our friend set off a sparkler bomb strapped to a carton of custard.


which means i've known oren for 3 years now!

Awesome. :)


I'm working that day...but it's my last shift before I have a week off, so I'm not complaining.

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