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NZ Herald's at it again. Apparently this year's lineup is a sign that the BDO is in decline because it couldn't get a "stellar headliner". Coldplay is then listed as one of the "big-name, top-tier acts" that the BDO can't attract.


Oh, and they said Muse have a loyal following, but one that is "hardly rabid". That sounds like a challenge to me.


Hahhaahh you want to be rabid? :awesome:

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Yes. Yes I do. I want people in the stands at BDO to go, "whoa, look at them go!"


How are you today?


I'm sure that can be arranged!!!!


I'm good, started work at 1 and haven't done much yet, hence why I am on here!


I am covered in grazes from last night and look like I have been dragged through a hedge!


How's your day going?

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I definitely don't doubt that it's epic!


Work still quiet for you? It's really quiet here. I'm doing the news, and there's nothing ready for us to do at the moment...so we wait. It means there'll be chaos between 5:30 and 6, probably. :rolleyes:

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I definitely don't doubt that it's epic!


Work still quiet for you? It's really quiet here. I'm doing the news, and there's nothing ready for us to do at the moment...so we wait. It means there'll be chaos between 5:30 and 6, probably. :rolleyes:


It's ominously quiet here!

There was a big arrest going on when I came on, but it was at the tail end so I wasn't involved.

Took a case off the table, had dinner and just did a minor procedure, and there's not too much going on otherwise.


Has it picked up for you?

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hi! sorry i was out at an aqua class. gotta go shopping tonight. :indiff:


i thought i got an exciting stolen car claim, but then it got found this morning and then it got written off. so its all settled now, just gotta wait for the wreck to be sold and a rego refund. that'll just sit in my desk for 2 weeks. and i missed out on a massive payrise on 4 stupid questions.

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hi! sorry i was out at an aqua class. gotta go shopping tonight. :indiff:


i thought i got an exciting stolen car claim, but then it got found this morning and then it got written off. so its all settled now, just gotta wait for the wreck to be sold and a rego refund. that'll just sit in my desk for 2 weeks. and i missed out on a massive payrise on 4 stupid questions.



Lame about the lack of payrise that sucks.


How was the aqua class? I am intruiged!

Nah, it didn't, really...so we sat around doing nothing for two and a half hours, then had to do loads of the news live. If the reporters had just put the stories up earlier...:indiff:


What did you have for dinner?



I had a random thing from the cafe, it was like a panini thing with egg, tomato and alfalfa sprouts on it, a work mate gave me a slab of avocado with it and I grilled it in the sandwitch press.


It was surprisingly yum. Did a caeser after that, and that took up most of the night and that was it! Such a quiet shift!

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Ah, it is a Gibbon - Siamang Gibbons in fact. Thanks Michelle, that was annoying me!


Siamangs are cute :happy:


Today I skipped my first and only class of the semester. And guess what happens? I bump into the lecturer later in the day, who says "where were you?" :LOL::facepalm:



My tutorials were pretty much compulsary, but I missed two when I had to go to welly zoo. And yeah, I only had two tutorials every two weeks. And now I have none and I'm such a lazy git.


oh yeah, dress photo...i cannot get any good photos of it, but this one gives you an idea. the skirt is a full circle one so there's a massive petticoat under it. it's fun to bounce around in.






Ooh pretty :happy: I want to get a nice dress for this summer, haven't seen any I like yet though apart from nice evening dresses.


NZ Herald's at it again. Apparently this year's lineup is a sign that the BDO is in decline because it couldn't get a "stellar headliner". Coldplay is then listed as one of the "big-name, top-tier acts" that the BDO can't attract.


Oh, and they said Muse have a loyal following, but one that is "hardly rabid". That sounds like a challenge to me.


:rolleyes: It's a challenge indeed :fear:


Yes. Yes I do. I want people in the stands at BDO to go, "whoa, look at them go!"


We are going to need more than wrist bands then. :LOL: I hope I can get more glow sticks, they made the gigs pretty good with every one wanting to share them and waving them around. Except for the one dick that tried to light it and spilt it on Nick's face :facepalm:


But yeah, I think there should be enough of us there to start a good chant before they come one and maybe have a singalong between acts :awesome::LOL:

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All I know is that Shanti died, because I saw lots of facebook statuses saying that! LAME!

I didn't know that! Unexpected. But that explains a few things.


Work has been fun tonight actually. One of the news directors that we have to listen to when we're doing the news has this awful voice and is really annoying, and one of my workmates found her on Facebook and she happens to have a public profile. Hilarity has ensued. :LOL:

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But yeah, I think there should be enough of us there to start a good chant before they come one and maybe have a singalong between acts :awesome::LOL:


Yeah. That article also said Muse don't have a passionate fanbase. We'll show them.


And who lights a glow stick? Honestly.

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Yeah. That article also said Muse don't have a passionate fanbase. We'll show them.


We will be victorious! :D Wouldn't it be awesome if we had a blow up moa, one can dream.


And who lights a glow stick? Honestly.


I know, they must have been on something :rolleyes:

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Finally got an essay done tonight. I have another assignment to get done as well, but I'm just too tired to do some now. Can't wait to get it done with then my quiz on Wednesday. Then I can relax and start packing. My last assignment isn't due til 1 December.


How is your night going?

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