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Today I skipped my first and only class of the semester. And guess what happens? I bump into the lecturer later in the day, who says "where were you?" :LOL::facepalm:


But I said I was finishing an essay for another subject, he told me that I wasn't the only one who didn't turn up today, and we agreed he should suggest all the lecturers discuss what deadlines they're setting so they don't all end up in one week. That would be a highly satisfactory outcome.

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oh yeah, dress photo...i cannot get any good photos of it, but this one gives you an idea. the skirt is a full circle one so there's a massive petticoat under it. it's fun to bounce around in.







Wow that's pretty! Have you got somewhere special to wear it?



Thinking of sending some pineapple lumps to a friend who's studying in England and is a bit homesick. I hope the people who are x-raying or whatever it is they do with mail when it goes through aren't NZers...



Wicked! I love those things, they are the best thing ever!


How's everyone?

I had a good night of climbing, though am feeling like a dick again!



met a cute guy at climbing, he was very friendly, made a point of coming over a couple of times through the night and chatting, just before we left he asked if I was a regular, and asked "are you here with your partner, or husband?" I laughed and said he was my brother, and he said it would be cool to hang out because he is keen to climb with more people.

So it felt like he was hitting on me, my friends thought he was hitting on me, I get home and he's added me to facebook!:D And he's got a girlfriend. Um, wtf?

Why's he want to know if I had another half then??? Grumbles. Felt like I was being hit on and of course I told my besties about it. FAIL!


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There's no reason for you to feel like a dick there. I think anyone would reach the same conclusion. It definitely sounds like he was hitting on you, and who does that if they're not single?


I'm alright thanks. :) Fixed up that chaotic essay and I'm pretty happy with it now.

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No plans really. I've still got some more uni work to do, so that's probably how I'll spend it! Might need to go and get some new shoes. I've worn through the paddy bit at the heel of mine and there's a hard bit underneath that's taken some skin off my heels. I've only had these shoes 2 months. :indiff:


How about you?

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two months?? :eek: That's crazy!!!!


I should be studying, but I won't be. Going up to a friend's bach at Mahurangi for most of it, will cook food in a pit in the ground and hopefully go fishing! (I've never been)


My baby brother's 19th on Sunday so will do the family thing.

Then Armageddon on Monday for a laugh, don't tell anyone!


And then I will spend most of Tuesday freaking out that I haven't studied.:D

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Hahahhaha, yeah! I went on a whim last year because my brother wanted to and it's around his bday, and it was the most hysterical thing I have ever been to in my life.

Fanatics of every kind! And people dressed up as pokemon and spiderman and ghostbusters!!!!! And they had a parade. It was too good so I'm going again, tee hee hee!

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Today I skipped my first and only class of the semester. And guess what happens? I bump into the lecturer later in the day, who says "where were you?" :LOL::facepalm:


Wat. How have you not skipped any classes this semester? I find it hard to attend all classes in even the first week! :LOL:


oh yeah, dress photo...i cannot get any good photos of it, but this one gives you an idea. the skirt is a full circle one so there's a massive petticoat under it. it's fun to bounce around in.






Pretty :happy: I like poofy skirts like that.


How's everyone?

I had a good night of climbing, though am feeling like a dick again!



met a cute guy at climbing, he was very friendly, made a point of coming over a couple of times through the night and chatting, just before we left he asked if I was a regular, and asked "are you here with your partner, or husband?" I laughed and said he was my brother, and he said it would be cool to hang out because he is keen to climb with more people.

So it felt like he was hitting on me, my friends thought he was hitting on me, I get home and he's added me to facebook!:D And he's got a girlfriend. Um, wtf?

Why's he want to know if I had another half then??? Grumbles. Felt like I was being hit on and of course I told my besties about it. FAIL!


Maybe hes planning on breaking up with his girlfriend? Still no harm in becoming friends I guess, especially since he likes rock climbing too. Although I find it interesting how liberal some people are with their facebooks. Not that its a bad thing, but I only accept people I know from high school, or hang out with now. I don't even add people from back in intermediate if I don't see them any more, let alone people I just met :erm:


Then Armageddon on Monday for a laugh, don't tell anyone!


HEY, I'm going to Armageddon :(...


Fanatics of every kind! And people dressed up as pokemon and spiderman and ghostbusters!!!!! And they had a parade. It was too good so I'm going again, tee hee hee!


... and I was going to dress up too :(



Hey, Kitty, how did the presentation go?


:stunned: eerie! Did you know I was lurking?



It went well, it was kind of lame but we only had two tutorial hours to put it together so it was okay. It was more of a dramatic enactment than a presentation btw. Some of the other tutorial groups did some cool ones- some were like skits while others were more poetic. We got a few laughs though so that's good. It was funny when my friend and I were talking about the groups who were to come after us, because we remembered that every tutor actually takes 2 tutorial groups, so we were saying that if the other group with our tutor was better than us, we would be like 'why did you betray us!!?' to him :LOL: And then we cracked ourselves up even more by saying that we should have emailed him at the last minute being like 'sudden change of plan! our presentation now relies on you coming to class in a pirate costume' and then not change the plan. The best part is that he's so enthusiastic he probably would :LOL:



But now today I have an ulcer inside my bottom lip and it hurts like a bitch! Been running my tongue over it all day and it stings so badly, but I can't resist. Even eating is hard because it just shoots pain through my lip.

/too much information about my mouth :LOL:

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Wat. How have you not skipped any classes this semester? I find it hard to attend all classes in even the first week! :LOL:


Yeah I was like that in my undergrad, but in postgrad it's just one class a week in each paper, so it feels like you miss out on heaps more if you skip a class. And the classes are smaller, so it's harder for it not to be noticed if you're not there.


:stunned: eerie! Did you know I was lurking?

Haha, yes, I did - saw your name appear down the bottom there. Sorry!


Great to hear the thing went well. :happy:

Edited by _Ed_
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Yeah I was like that in my undergrad, but in postgrad it's just one class a week in each paper, so it feels like you miss out on heaps more if you skip a class. And the classes are smaller, so it's harder for it not to be noticed if you're not there.


Haha, yes, I did - saw your name appear down the bottom there. Sorry!

Great to hear the thing went well. :happy:


Yeah okay that's true. I went to a different tut for one of my classes today and I felt out of place! It was weird.


I thought as much, but it was still rather speedy of you :LOL:


I still want to go, so hate away :phu::LOL:

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Maybe hes planning on breaking up with his girlfriend? Still no harm in becoming friends I guess, especially since he likes rock climbing too. Although I find it interesting how liberal some people are with their facebooks. Not that its a bad thing, but I only accept people I know from high school, or hang out with now. I don't even add people from back in intermediate if I don't see them any more, let alone people I just met :erm:




HEY, I'm going to Armageddon :(...




... and I was going to dress up too :(





:But now today I have an ulcer inside my bottom lip and it hurts like a bitch! Been running my tongue over it all day and it stings so badly, but I can't resist. Even eating is hard because it just shoots pain through my lip.

/too much information about my mouth :LOL:


Yeah I'm always open to new friends, it just struck me as weird that he was so interested in if I had a husband and stuff.....


I'm usually super careful about who I add on facebook, but lately I've been far more liberal (and nosy)

I accepted him because he knows a lot of the people I climb with, so it's like the climbing circle, plues then I can delete him if he is a freak :D



I don't hate armageddon, I think it's awesome and fun! That's why I'm going!

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NZ Herald's at it again. Apparently this year's lineup is a sign that the BDO is in decline because it couldn't get a "stellar headliner". Coldplay is then listed as one of the "big-name, top-tier acts" that the BDO can't attract.


Oh, and they said Muse have a loyal following, but one that is "hardly rabid". That sounds like a challenge to me.

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