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Ooh, weekend extension. Nicely done!


Ugh, I don't want to get up at 8. And I've just opened a bottle of beer, so I can't just get up and go to bed right now.


How was your day apart from the excellent extension news?


I need to see that Dr Horrible thing. That was awesome.


It was alright otherwise :happy:




I'm currently searching for a Dr. Horrible wallpaper :LOL:

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Honestly, who cares what TV channel the Rugby World Cup is on?


I don't get the "oh, but the commentary will be in Maori" argument against Maori TV having the rights. Don't rugby commentators just say which player has the ball, at increasing levels of excitement the closer the team is to the line?

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Honestly, who cares what TV channel the Rugby World Cup is on?


I don't get the "oh, but the commentary will be in Maori" argument against Maori TV having the rights. Don't rugby commentators just say which player has the ball, at increasing levels of excitement the closer the team is to the line?

Simplistic view-but pretty right. It's just plain silly :chuckle:

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People, and their families, who commit suicide or acts of self-harm, will no longer be eligible for compensation.


Dr Smith said if someone with a family committed suicide the family could have been given almost $1 million in compensation over time.


He would not say whether that was an incentive for people contemplating suicide.


"If my doctor told me that I was terminally ill and I had 30 days to live, with the ACC rules the way they are, I'd be finding myself a train to throw myself under on the 29th day because my family would be treated so much more generously," Dr Smith told reporters.


Suicide was tragic but not an accident, he said.


This bit especially. Oh my god, I can't even believe he would say something that insensitive, let alone put it into fucking legislation.

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Honestly, who cares what TV channel the Rugby World Cup is on?


Yeah it's totally stupid. Just give it to Maori Television, they deserve a go. And the commentary doesn't affect the game result or anything. It's not like if New Zealand loses you can be like 'it's because they put it on Maori Television!' :rolleyes: As long as everyone can get good Maori Television reception it should be sweet, or they can just watch English subtitles on normal stations. OR, shock horror, just DUB OVER the commentary in English! :eek:

Honestly, I really really hate rugby anyway so I don't care what channel it screens on.

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Another argument was that if it was on Maori TV, people wouldn't know the games were on so wouldn't go to them.


Seriously, I don't think anyone in NZ will not know everything there is to know about the World Cup while it's on. The coverage on the news and in the papers is gonna be way over the top.

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Another argument was that if it was on Maori TV, people wouldn't know the games were on so wouldn't go to them.


Seriously, I don't think anyone in NZ will not know everything there is to know about the World Cup while it's on. The coverage on the news and in the papers is gonna be way over the top.


I hate rugby! GAH. Its going to suck so bad when the cup is on. It will be crammed down our throats 24/7, and I know there'll be in-depth analysis of every single pass in every single game of the entire thing! I will be unable to escape it :(

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That sucks!!! Talk about building it up and then falling faster than a man with a dud parachute! i hope you get it sorted asap Kat! :)


Hopefully they'll let you keep the basketball game so you don't have to go through the motions of sending it back and as an apology for sending the wrong one, but if the game sucks you can sell it on trademe for some compensation :LOL:


Oh my god! Yeah it was brutal! The dude actually laughed at me when I rang and told him what happened, he was like "oh man, ahahahhaah I'm sorry, ooooohh maaaan!"


They are sending me rockband and supossedly sending me a courier envelope to put the basketball game in.


you know what was great? courier post smashed two dvds that were christmas presents. they sent me two new ones and talked about sending me a courier bag to send the damaged ones back...yet 10 months later, they never did. 4 dvds for the price of 2. :awesome:



furrrk, don't say that! I have high hopes!

Seriously though that is shithouse, they never replaced them or anything? That's awful!




I didn't realise it was possible, but after being cleaned, the carpet is now slippery.


I'll have a precarious journey to the door when the news finishes. Might avoid the stairs.


Oh that is gross, slippery carpet? At least it's CLEAN slippery though.


:stunned::$ Noooo, you guysssss, don't even go there! :LOL:

And apparently the traditional rule is that it is allowed as long as they don't assess your work (I was only looking out of pure innocent curiosity, I swear :pope: )


Kat, your friend's old flat sounds awesome! :D



And I got that extension! :D


We so went there, and you should SO go there, hahahahaha! I love that you looked it up!!! You could totally ask him out at the end of semester, then at least if it's a no go you don't have to see him around!


Their old flat was mint, I even had my own room there! Randomly. But it was also kind of slowly falling apart, so not the safest house :)



Yay! :D How long?




Mmhmm. Sure.



Yay! :D How long?


Our lecturer gave us an extension for an essay today, from Tuesday next week to Friday next week. Turns out I'll need it - the class made it clear that I had stuffed things up, badly. Massive repair job needed.


It was quite funny though. At the start of the class my classmate (I don't want to keep calling her "that girl") asked if anyone else was doing this week's topic as an essay. I was the only one. When it became clear how much I'd messed it up, I looked at her with a :eek: expression and she had exactly the same look on her face.


Oh crap!! You and her should get together to 'repiar' what you both mucked up!

She needs a nickname so you can refer to her as something other than 'that girl'


Though I can't talk, with 'work guy' and 'dirty joke guy'



I went to see the orthopod today. He agreed that my knee is buuusttteeeddd, he thinks it's a meniscal tear, and doesn't think it will need surgery, but said if it doesn'r it's the longest most awful road to recovery.




Have to have an MRI, and was super lucky because when I rang the lady said "hmmmm we are looking at December.... oh wait, I've just had a cancellation, you can come in on Friday"




So unless that shows lots of floaties, it's going to take ageeesss to heal :(


The good news is that he said I can'y really make it much worse, and excerise is all good, so I can climb to my heart's content.



How is everyone else doing? Are the essays coming along?

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'dirty joke guy'




I went to see the orthopod today. He agreed that my knee is buuusttteeeddd, he thinks it's a meniscal tear, and doesn't think it will need surgery, but said if it doesn'r it's the longest most awful road to recovery.




Have to have an MRI, and was super lucky because when I rang the lady said "hmmmm we are looking at December.... oh wait, I've just had a cancellation, you can come in on Friday"




So unless that shows lots of floaties, it's going to take ageeesss to heal :(

Sorry to hear that. :( Hope it goes as fast as it possibly can.

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Very true, and if we win, they'll remind us every day for the rest of our lives.


And if we lose they'll remind us every day for the rest of our lives.


They are sending me rockband and supossedly sending me a courier envelope to put the basketball game in.


We so went there, and you should SO go there, hahahahaha! I love that you looked it up!!! You could totally ask him out at the end of semester, then at least if it's a no go you don't have to see him around!


You should have been really angry on the phone and said stuff like 'this is unacceptable!' and 'I've been waiting for so long for it to arrive!' so that they give you something in compensation like the basketball game or some vouchers :p


Nooo! :$:$ I would be far, faaaar too embarrassed omg. I am also of the suspicion that he has a girlfriend. Besides he's probably too old for me. We had our last tutorial today though :supersad: I already miss his crazy antics :LOL:



Yay! :D How long?


Though I can't talk, with 'work guy' and 'dirty joke guy'


I went to see the orthopod today. He agreed that my knee is buuusttteeeddd, he thinks it's a meniscal tear, and doesn't think it will need surgery, but said if it doesn'r it's the longest most awful road to recovery.


Have to have an MRI, and was super lucky because when I rang the lady said "hmmmm we are looking at December.... oh wait, I've just had a cancellation, you can come in on Friday"


So unless that shows lots of floaties, it's going to take ageeesss to heal :(

The good news is that he said I can'y really make it much worse, and excerise is all good, so I can climb to my heart's content.


Until Monday.


:LOL: Yeah me and my friends have a thing of naming every guy that we gossip about with with a nickname ending in '-guy'. It started with The Guy, and then there was things like Hot Italian Guy :LOL: We have quite a list.

Edit: yeah I took some out because it sounded weird :LOL:


Oh that's lame (no pun intended) about the knee. Hopefully you'll heal fast. It's good that you can still put weight on it and go out and do things etc.

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Aww, I was hoping there'd be a more interesting story behind the name of Modus Operandi Guy.


:LOL: nah, it was just where he worked. Have you been there? They have like a little bar next to/inside the store where you can sit and buy drinks, and they always, always employed hot people there. I think it was like a rule.

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And if we lose they'll remind us every day for the rest of our lives.




You should have been really angry on the phone and said stuff like 'this is unacceptable!' and 'I've been waiting for so long for it to arrive!' so that they give you something in compensation like the basketball game or some vouchers :p


Nooo! :$:$ I would be far, faaaar too embarrassed omg. I am also of the suspicion that he has a girlfriend. Besides he's probably too old for me. We had our last tutorial today though :supersad: I already miss his crazy antics :LOL:





Until Monday.


:LOL: Yeah me and my friends have a thing of naming every guy that we gossip about with with a nickname ending in '-guy'. It started with The Guy, and then there was things like Hot Italian Guy :LOL: We have quite a list.

Edit: yeah I took some out because it sounded weird :LOL:


Oh that's lame (no pun intended) about the knee. Hopefully you'll heal fast. It's good that you can still put weight on it and go out and do things etc.


Awww he has a girlfriend? Dumb!


Yeah I was jsut so relieved for it to have been their mistake and not mine that I didn't think of anything else!


Cheers you guys about the knee, it's annoying but hopefully will be sorted.



Aww, I was hoping there'd be a more interesting story behind the name of Modus Operandi Guy.



hahahahha that's awesome! We tend to do the same

'super grundie boy'

hot brazillian guy'

Armpits girl


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Awww he has a girlfriend? Dumb!


hahahahha that's awesome! We tend to do the same

'super grundie boy'

hot brazillian guy'

Armpits girl



I think so. A girl came to our tutorial once and watched us and I think maybe she might be his girlfriend? Sigh. Why can't any nice guys be my age and single! And furthermore, WHY AM I TALKING ABOUT THIS LIKE ITS A SERIOUS THING :LOL:


Oh and Rich, with Modus Operandi, the cool thing was that the store had heaps of mannequins and mirrors, so when you first walked in you were like woah its crowded in here! Until you realised they weren't real people :LOL: There was definitely moments of being like 'oh sorry' when you bumped into them accidentally.

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