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I've watched a couple of songs from it, and it looks like they were in good form.


But I was really disappointed when the "very special surprise" was The Edge. Ugh. Have to admit it was a good performance of the song, though.




Would the whale even be able to see the diver at that angle?


Good question. I have no idea but I'll assume it would have some trouble seeing in front with those little eyes on the side.

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A bad sign - arriving at work and seeing a 'sorry!' note in your locker. :unsure:


I got that for Dancing On Ice two weeks ago, and I got it again today - The Girls With Too Much Skin. :stunned: I don't have high hopes.

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i do i do!!! I love skins XD


Did you see this weeks episode?? The second to last of this season?




[spoiler=plot]I can't believe what that guy did to Freddie! I mean I know it was right at the very end, so there's a chance that he could still be okay, but DAMN. I did not see that coming. From the promo ad, I thought he was just going to threaten him with the bat, not actually hurt him. And I liked Freddie the best of these two seasons! :( Gotta tune in next week to see what happens!


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Did you see this weeks episode?? The second to last of this season?




[spoiler=plot]I can't believe what that guy did to Freddie! I mean I know it was right at the very end, so there's a chance that he could still be okay, but DAMN. I did not see that coming. From the promo ad, I thought he was just going to threaten him with the bat, not actually hurt him. And I liked Freddie the best of these two seasons! :( Gotta tune in next week to see what happens!



Oh he's dead. Very, very dead. Bummer eh? He + Effy were definitely among the more interesting characters of series 4.


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Speaking of Skins, I thought Kaya who plays Effy was living in the flat beside our old one in North London.


I'm on mobile broadband! Certainly a lot cheaper here than NZ. We're waiting out getting our landline and broadband set up at the new flat -- past experiences say it could be at least a month although they reckon it'll be the 12th.

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I loved Freddie too in season 3. But 4th season my loyalty changed to Cook lol. But yes, I watched up to the second to last episode and was so shocked and outraged that I swore I wouldn't watch the last episode. I ended up watching it a week or two later. I was so angry at the writers. lol. I screamed at the screen. I was a little attached... *blushes*

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I loved Freddie too in season 3. But 4th season my loyalty changed to Cook lol. But yes, I watched up to the second to last episode and was so shocked and outraged that I swore I wouldn't watch the last episode. I ended up watching it a week or two later. I was so angry at the writers. lol. I screamed at the screen. I was a little attached... *blushes*


That was the worst finale in the history of finales. :phu:

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I got pulled over and breath-tested on my way home from work just then. Quite exciting. I wonder what it was about me that they found suspicious? Perhaps it was my questionable music taste. There are some things on my iPod that most people would only feel comfortable listening to whilst drunk.

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I should have quit while I was ahead at the driving range today.


I hit 27 of my first 100 balls out past the 100m mark, including my last four in a row. Would have been a nice way to end. Instead, I went back to buy 50 more balls, thinking my roll would continue. I only hit six of those 50 out that far, including none of my last 35. It's dented my confidence. :(


I don't know what caused this mysterious slump. Something went awry with my technique, but I have no idea what.

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