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Haha, you can tell deadlines are coming up at uni.


In the first few weeks of the semester, everyone in the postgrad lab was on Facebook or playing games, and talking loudly. Now people are getting "shh!"ed left, right and centre. I'm even getting glared at for typing audibly!

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I had a Wendy's cookies and cream shake in the sun about an hour ago.


It's not quite at the awesomeness levels of a beer in the sun, but it's getting up there.

oh man, those flakes one...we're off to oxford today because i need to see a doctor (long way to go but it seemed the less hassle way) but we're going to go to my favourite shake place ever.

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yeah just need a prescription. they'll so be like "so where you been the last two years?" i could've tried to register for a doctor in london but it's such a hassle needing stuff like proof of address which we don't have.


what date is your paper due?

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Ah right, yeah, I can imagine.


It's due on the 28th. That will be a day of great celebration. Finished my conclusion today - the word count now is 11,216. Just need to read through it and tidy it up and stuff.

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Just what I've always wanted.


That is the most awesome thing :stunned:


How do you go to the toilet if you're wearing that thing?


I ask the important questions. :yesey:


It has zips on the legs, so I guess you just unzip the legs all the way past the waist.


My internet is so slow at the moment :stunned: I'm wondering if its the neighbours' wireless somehow drowning out our signal :indiff:

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I have no idea actually. It sounds possible, but I only know marginally more about this stuff than that US senator who claimed that the internet was a series of tubes, so...




I thought maybe I should try some antivirus software, but then it estimated a 7 hour download time :stunned: Oh the irony!

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That's a bit excessive! By a bit, I mean by about 5 and a half hours. And yeah, far more ironic than anything in the Alanis Morissette song.


Anyway, I'm quite tired, so I might head off to bed now. Night!

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This that not what the entire movie is comprised of, though? :chuckle:


Probably :LOL:


I watched the end of Lost today




Mind you, I'd rather that than our current prime minister, who I can all-too-easily picture giving an unnervingly camp performance of It's a Kind of Magic.


Hahaha, that picture is going to stick around in my head for a while.


I saw a wild fox yesterday. Now if I ever see a wild badger I will be content with life. A job would be nice too of course.


Aww :happy:



Just what I've always wanted.


Nice. I'm quite happy with my new sleeping bag at the moment though, haven't gotten cold a single night night in it :happy:


It's due on the 28th. That will be a day of great celebration. Finished my conclusion today - the word count now is 11,216. Just need to read through it and tidy it up and stuff.


Great job! :D

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How do you give someone a Queen's Birthday greeting?


Saying 'happy Queen's Birthday' makes it sound like you're commenting on the Queen's current mood. Of course she's happy. She's bloody filthy rich and has a public holiday on her (not actual) birthday.

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