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Happy Birthday Tom, if it is really your birthday :chuckle: I'm not entirely sure which muser that is :LOL:


I bought some new headphones today. Using them atm. Pretty good for $15! I really needed new ones because the others were falling apart- they basically had no foam on the earpieces at all. And they were back ones, so I couldn't put my head back comfortably when listening to them. These are much better :happy:

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It was just a disaster, really. It was Auckland's wettest December in history, and they made me walk around in the uncovered car parks without a rain coat; the Christmas shoppers were angry when my trolley-returning speed was unable to match the speed with which people were taking trolleys; the mall staff yelled at me for trying to use the lifts instead of wrestling the huge rows of trolleys onto the travellators; they confiscated my cellphone...


And then after all that, they promised to give me a good reference if I ever needed one, but had no memory of me whatsoever when I took them up on that promise. :LOL:

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I'm watching a documentary on Alexander the Great's battle at Gaugamela against the Persians, and I had to laugh a bit at the commentary. They were talking about Alexander's win, and it was like "the Greeks estimated the enemy's loses at 200,000, but it will forever be unclear how many of the losers were killed". Sounds a bit harsh at first! :LOL:

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Haha, losers. Sensational. And the way they said that makes it sound like "no one can be arsed trying to find out how many died, because no one gives a toss about the losers!"


I was like 'that's not very- oh.'


Hey Rich, you're up on the news and all that- did you hear about that guy suing that really fundamentalist church who go to funerals with signs like 'thank God for dead soldiers' and stuff?

Edit: I think they're called the Westboro church or something.

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Yeah, they're awful. They blame a society tolerant of things like homosexuality for every disaster and disease in the world, and say it's God showing his displeasure.


Absolute wankers, to put it nicely.

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Yeah, they're awful. They blame a society tolerant of things like homosexuality for every disaster and disease in the world, and say it's God showing his displeasure.


Absolute wankers, to put it nicely.


They're showing 'Louis Theroux meets the Most Hated Family in America' on the documentary channel on Sunday.

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That might be interesting, although it will no doubt make me angry. Louis Theroux is quite good at that sort of stuff, though - he can make people look really bad/crazy without them knowing he's doing so. :LOL:

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That might be interesting, although it will no doubt make me angry. Louis Theroux is quite good at that sort of stuff, though - he can make people look really bad/crazy without them knowing he's doing so. :LOL:


Yeah it is quite infuriating but its interesting (I've seen it before), and Louis Theroux is one of my top favourite journalists. He's fantastic at playing dumb and getting people to let their guard down. The documentary is intense but he is excellent in it.

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And I would have gotten away with it, too, if it hadn't been for that meddling Kitty.


And her meddling interwebs.


*shrug* It's what I do :awesome:


Omg Fox News is the most facepalm-worthy news source in the world. Two stories of theirs brought to light by the Daily Show and the Colbert Report: that the Nuclear Summit logo looks like the Crescent Moon used by some Muslim nations (its actually based of a hydrogen atom model), and that Obama's bowing to the Chinese representative is a sign of weakness. WAT.



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