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Ricky Martin's gay. Who knew?


I don't know why it's a big deal that he's just come out. I thought he came out in his music videos a few years ago.


But no, good on him for coming out of his largely transparent closet.

Edited by _Ed_
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I'm doing an awful documentary at work called The Man with Half a Body.


It took a minute and 6 seconds to get to the big question - "does he still have private parts?" :stunned:


And these private parts have been mentioned five times in the first three minutes.


This is highly unpleasant.

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Ricky Martin's gay. Who knew?


I don't know why it's a big deal that he's just come out. I thought he came out in his music videos a few years ago.


But no, good on him for coming out of his largely transparent closet.


a long time ricky martin fan was trying to tell me he never was gay lmao and she told me that matt was and so on and now this comes out i am like omg :LOL::LOL:


but anyhow heres a fangirly moment i am the most pathetic one of the bunch of us lol i am now officially on matts myspace page *waits for the backlash*

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Sometimes being around other postgrads at uni makes me feel so normal by comparison. :chuckle:


Today I went to the entrance to the postgrad arts lab (or "the lair", as I like to call it...always wanted to have a place I go to that I could call the lair. I do realise that this has done my claim to being normal some serious damage). Anyway, there were four or five people standing there looking very frustrated. Then I noticed a large sign on the lift door, "Lift not responding. Maintenance on their way."


Wonder how long they'd been standing there!

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Today I went to the entrance to the postgrad arts lab (or "the lair", as I like to call it...always wanted to have a place I go to that I could call the lair. I do realise that this has done my claim to being normal some serious damage).


My friends and I have a spot at Shadows that we call 'the Batcave'.

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good thanks, and yourself?


did you hear the T20 world cup squad today? it sounded quite good (especially compared to our test side :noey:)


ICC T20 World Cup squad: Daniel Vettori, Shane Bond, Ian Butler, Martin Guptill, Gareth Hopkins, Brendon McCullum, Nathan McCullum, Kyle Mills, Rob Nicol, Jacob Oram, Aaron Redmond, Jesse Ryder, Tim Southee, Scott Styris, Ross Taylor.

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Yeah that looks good to me. Rob Nicol's a bit of a surprise, but he has played well since he moved to Canterbury. Has disastrous hair, but that's not necessarily a guide to cricketing ability.


I'm OK thanks. The usual, really. Bit nervous about having to do something at uni in two and a half months that most people do in a year, but that's my own fault!

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I don't know if anyone here watches Lost, but I do, and I'm beginning to get annoyed with the 'lets not ask any questions at opportune moments' scriptwriting. Let me give you an example: (contains spoilers)



Why does no one question that Locke is the black smoke monster? At least 3 people know it, if not more. And yet no one thinks to ask him anything! Even when they have the chance. They just go along with his plans because he's going to "get them off the island" apparently. Here's some questions I would be asking:

How did he get Locke's form? Why Locke? What is the smoke actually made of? Why does it make that weird noise? How come he's stuck on the island? How long has he been there for? How did her get there? Why can't he just get on the plane/sub himself? Why not just float over to the other island and kill everyone there, then take the plane/sub? How does he know Jacob? Who was on the island first? How does he know Richard? Why is he trying to get others off the island too? How can you kill him? (granted, he might not want to answer that one).

SERIOUSLY. ASK HIM SOMETHING. Instead its just "I know you all have questions, and I promise to make myself available to answer them... but for now, we have to keep moving." FUCK OFF. NO YOU DON'T. WALK AND ANSWER QUESTIONS AT THE SAME TIME. YOU SAT DOWN FOR A CHAT WITH KATE FFS.



Now I don't actually want to be told any of these things by people- I want to see the answers revealed for myself in the show. So don't spoil them :LOL: I just wanted to rant.

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I don't really watch Lost, so the amount of sense that rant made to me was somewhere between zero and minimal. But this is the place to rant, and it's the place where rants are always read. :yesey:


We were talking today about Nestor Carbonell, who plays Richard, and then later my mum said that she was going to try and watch the last episode when it airs. She said she would be interested if whether she, having seen only the first 3 episodes (excluding the pilot), would be able to still keep up with the gist of the show. A sample of our conversation:


Mum: 'I think I'd be able to still get the gist of what was going on.'

Me: 'That guy from Flash Forward looks like a cross between Adam Levine and Nestor Carbonell. He's from Lost.'

Mum (after showing her pictures): 'Yeah I can see that. The one who could walk again after they crashed.'

Me: 'No, that's Locke. John Locke is his name. He's dead.'

Mum: 'Oh. Maybe I won't be able to understand it.'



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