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How's everyone?


I've had a stressy few days. Mum got rushed into hospital on Friday arvo with chest pain and palpitations, they told her she was in heart failure. I was at work at the time so I was a wreck when I went to see her.


She got out yesterday, once they had fixed her potassium the palpitations went away, turns out they jumped the gun a bit with the heart failure, they think it's her thyroid meds.


Fucking worst time ever.


teddy bear potato!


i've got a duffel coat style one from paddington coat factory in wellington. i hate coats but i love this one. i'll have to wear it on the plane to england though. guess it can act as a blanket.



I need to find me a proper paddington coat, I have a fake one with a hood and toggles! It's awesome.


Thanks. The main thing I'm worried about is reversing into a driveway (or car park if they do that too) as it isn't something I do regularly. So practiced it today and I got better, but I'll just have to practice everyday this week and if I can't get it right in one go on say Friday, I'll have to change the date of the test :erm:





All this talk of driving creeps me out! Good luck Michelle I'm sure you will do great!

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Yeah, that would have been awful! I remember what it was like when my dad had his heart problems. Can't imagine what it would have been like to be at work while it happened.


Glad to hear it's not as bad as first thought.

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tried to take photo of my coat and failed. oh well.


it is this one though, she makes it look much nicer than i do


OH MY GOD that is my coat! I have that exact same coat! Only mines a crappy brand but it looks the same.


Yeah, that would have been awful! I remember what it was like when my dad had his heart problems. Can't imagine what it would have been like to be at work while it happened.


Glad to hear it's not as bad as first thought.


Yup it was hideous, I could not handle someone I love being in there and I could not do anything to help. Blahhhhh.

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Yeah, of course. Best wishes for the tests, I really hope it turns out alright. Keep us posted.


What's with this obsession on Facebook with finding out if inanimate objects can get more fans than famous people/things? I don't really want to be a fan of a pickle. :erm: Who would be a fan of a pickle? It's a bloody pickle! Sorry, in a rambly ranting about Facebook mood again.

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Yeah, a long thick coat is a bit too "I'm off to head out into the snow". :LOL:


I haven't done any knitting for ages too. Last thing I knitted was a jumper for my dog, but never got round to getting my grandma to show me how to finish the edges and stich it together, so he never got a chance to wear it *sigh*.


I'm sure he was disappointed :erm::LOL:



teddy bear potato!


i've got a duffel coat style one from paddington coat factory in wellington. i hate coats but i love this one. i'll have to wear it on the plane to england though. guess it can act as a blanket.


Jo you are a genius! I went to SaveMart today, and found a perfect Doctor Who suit, omg. Unfortunately it was $60 and they wouldn't let me buy the pieces separately :indiff: so I didn't get it. But now I know that there are suitable suits (heehee) out there, I'm inspired :happy: If only I can find a coat somewhere!


Oh knowing that will give me some relief then, as I'm ok with the rest I think. But I will keep practising so I'm a nervous wreck in the test :LOL:


I was so nervous when I did mine the second time. I could feel my foot shaking on the accelerator and brake when I hovered over it :LOL:


I've had a stressy few days. Mum got rushed into hospital on Friday arvo with chest pain and palpitations, they told her she was in heart failure. I was at work at the time so I was a wreck when I went to see her.


She got out yesterday, once they had fixed her potassium the palpitations went away, turns out they jumped the gun a bit with the heart failure, they think it's her thyroid meds.


Fucking worst time ever.


Oh no! I hope your mum is going to be okay, that must have been really scary. Its good that she's gotten out already, I hope this will mean a swift recover for her :happy:

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I love this:

Now Hilda Harawira has gone on the defensive, saying she believes the Harawira family being unfairly targeted.


"The hardest thing about the Harawira whanau at the moment is that we're so good looking, everybody just wants to attack us," she says.

But to be fair, her name is Hilda, so she must need to work pretty hard to convince herself that she's not as ugly as her name suggests. Cruel, cruel parents.

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