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I want to do that as well!


My older brother doesn't want me to skydive until I'm 24 though, because that was when he did, so it's somehow emasculating for me, his kid sister, to do so younger than him.


To which I say :phu:

:phu: is right! Go on, dooo it.

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:phu: is right! Go on, dooo it.


haha, I say do it whenever the hell you want :) then you can give him crap about it too.
Oh, I'm going to :D


I just really need to save up a lot of moolah first. And go overseas. I like the idea of making my family pay as a Christmas present this year though...

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I'm pretty good. Bit sunburnt, bit tired of my family, but on the whole I'm doing well. Can't wait to get out of NZ in June though (when I go on this Canadian health thing. And then I figured I may as well go to the US afterwards). I met the Canadians earlier this month, which was awesome.


Also - due to like, Maori things, I'll be coming through Auckland quite a few times this year!

So I can meet (some of) you (hopefully) :awesome:


Wow, the US! Where abouts in the US are you thinking of going? That would be awesome!


Oh yay, come visit us in Auckland! :awesome:


This is awesome, I have been thinking about pushing myself to do a skydive, I think I might add that to my goals of 2010. You need around 200 solo jumps before trying these things though, and balls of steel :LOL:


It gets interesting around the 1 minute mark.




Oh my God. :stunned:

That looks AMAZING. Wingsuits alone are incredible, and getting that close to the walls is insane. It's weird that you can be like 'wow it would be awesome if they touched the rock' but in reality it would probably spin them off course and maybe cause them to crash. At speeds like that :stunned:

Wingsuits would be an amazing wonderful thing to try, but I wouldn't like the jumping-off-a-cliff part. That's why I think I could do skydiving from a plane, but not a cliff. Because with a plane you're jumping from the air really, but with the cliff you have the comforting feel of ground under you putting you off :LOL:

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That's why I think I could do skydiving from a plane, but not a cliff. Because with a plane you're jumping from the air really, but with the cliff you have the comforting feel of ground under you putting you off :LOL:

That's a good point actually. Hadn't thought of it that way.

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Cool, sounds good, apart from the annoying Mum bit. Seems to be a recurring issue. :( What did she do?



We were outside and talking about something and then she came over right next to me and was trying to point out this bird on a branch to me so she was talking softy in order not to scare it, but of course when she stepped close and talked into my ear I stepped away because you know, PERSONAL SPACE. I was like 'don't do that, it's creepy'. And then she was getting all offended and being like 'you're always saying that I'm doing things wrong! You're always monitoring how I act!' and I was like 'I don't like people creeping up on me!' and then of course in the exact hypocritical way that she has she was all 'you should change how you act! Don't say "You're always doing that, its creepy"!You keep telling me I always do this, and I always do that!,' even though she was just telling me what I "always" do! And anyway, I said 'don't do that', not 'you're always doing that'. So I don't like it when people standing next to me suddenly get all up in my personal space and try to whisper in my ear! It's a natural reaction to step back! She was going on about "I'm only your mother, why would it be creepy!'. Its like FUCK ITS JUST ANNOYING. And then I went and stood close to her suddenly and she moved back too! ITS SO INFURIATING. Its like she thinks she can tell me that I should change how I act, or that I'm always doing something, but she never thinks that maybe she should change how SHE acts, and then tells me I'm always doing things! Why should I have to change my subconscious reaction of stepping back? Why doesn't she just not get all up in my personal space?


And anyway, the birds don't even fucking care if you're talking loud, they're tame enough that even the when the cat's standing around they still eat their food and stuff. And then after we were talking about whether the birds could understand each other even if they're different types and how they decide which one keeps lookout while the other gets food, and I was like 'I don't think they have a concept of trust' and then she was like 'no no...' like she was going to argue a different point, and then moments later goes 'anyway, I don't think they know something like trust' as though shes making an opposing point to what I said, even though I agreed with the point! I was like 'yeah, that's what I was saying' and she goes 'actually no it wasn't' in this 'uh, no' voice. FUCK YOU I KNOW WHAT I WAS ARGUING. You just took what I said and tried to make your own "opposing point" so you could have an excuse to argue!

She just loves to make an argument to hear the sound of her own voice, and has to take everything like a personal attack because she has this martyr complext that everyone is always picking on her and shit.


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Completely understand why that would annoy you!


RAGE. That is what its like living here. EVERY DAY. She goes on about no one ever listened to her in her family, and then when we are having an argument and she's done yelling I can't get to say anything! She just goes 'no, I don't want to hear it!' and screams over top of me! I hate it so much! I get so frustrated that I shake and start to cry. TEARS OF RAGE. She is the biggest hypocrite in the world. I think she is like actually fucked in the head. She is incapable of understanding that she is wrong, even for the smallest things. She will barely ever actually say the words, even for something small. I bet she was the cause of my tension headaches. Even the fucking chiropractor could tell.



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Must be really impossible to put up with.


It is! It just makes me depressed. And the one of the most annoying things is that afterwards I'll sometimes make an attempt to be pleasant or something and she's all 'no I don't want to talk to you, I'm really upset right now.' FINE FUCK OFF I WAS JUST TRYING TO TAKE THE HIGH ROAD AND RISE ABOVE IT. Go sulk and smoke your pot downstairs in the room that you fill with useless junk because you are obviously FUCKING OUT OF YOUR MIND while I sit upstairs in my tiny bedroom and if I even mention wanting to move downstairs you get all defensive about your shit down there only because you won't have anywhere to smoke WHICH I KNOW YOU DO EVEN IF YOU LIE BADLY TO COVER IT UP WHEN I CAN PLAINLY SMELL IT.

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This is also why we can never meet in person, because my rage is a black fog that will consume you and turn you into a hollow shell :LOL:


I'm not remotely satisfied by this. We'll wear your reluctance down, bit by bit!


But for now, it's bed time for me. I hope you have a good day tomorrow. :) Night!

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