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Haha, speaking from experience?


You guys seen Muse's SNL performances on Youtube? They seem in pretty good form. :)


Uprising: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_KG_uEqsV30

Starlight: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m2tGDFSYGJ4



Not bad! The Starlight one has been taken down so I couldn't see that.

Matt's jacket though! :LOL:


The Cosmic Radiation :LOL:

There's three of us so we each specialise in certain instruments and we even have a fictional album and songs :LOL: For an assignment I did for uni, you had to make a press kit for a fictional or unsigned band, so I did ours :LOL: So we have like an entire press kit too.


I used the .MU V3 background of the board for the background of the card :p


That is way cool!

Me and my friends tried to make a band when we were 12, we were called 'Poision Ivy' and I can remember all the words to our song! We were slightly stuck by the small fact that none of us played an instrument, and none of us could sing! :D




Brilliant! :LOL:


Guys, guys, news just in - Sommer is in for our Shadows and maybe karaoke session on Feb 27. This is turning into an epic moa gathering. :awesome:


Awesome, I can't wait for this! Except that you might all die when I start singing, or your ears might explode, hahahaha!

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I've just spent since Firday night in bed, taking vast amounts of Codral and Otrivin, just came down with this nasty cold and sinusitis, and am so unimpressed!

The drugs seem to be doing their thing though and will probably get up later.

How is everyone's weekend going?


Aww, poor you. Hope your feeling better now!


I had a good weekend. Watched Avatar at imax yesterday (it was good :happy:), bought some dvd's and then had dinner at the Mexican Cafe :D


But I think we should do karaoke when Jo and Oren come up in February. And we should do it at the place I went to last night. Why that place in particular, you ask? Well...



Muscle Museum

New Born

Plug In Baby

Showbiz ( :eek: )


Stockholm Syndrome

Supermassive Black Hole (did that again last night haha)








You guys seen Muse's SNL performances on Youtube? They seem in pretty good form. :)


Uprising: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_KG_uEqsV30

Starlight: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m2tGDFSYGJ4


Matt has definately got his moves sorted for Uprising :LOL::happy:


Guys, guys, news just in - Sommer is in for our Shadows and maybe karaoke session on Feb 27. This is turning into an epic moa gathering. :awesome:


Oh sweet! :D

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Aww, poor you. Hope your feeling better now!


I had a good weekend. Watched Avatar at imax yesterday (it was good :happy:), bought some dvd's and then had dinner at the Mexican Cafe :D





Sounds nice!

We went to see Avatar last night, got there and went to pay for the tickets and my brother had booked for the wrong night, so we came home again. FAIL.

I can't wait to see it!



District 9 :D and The Hangover :LOL:


I loved District 9!

I still haven't seen the hangover and it drives me crazy because all my friends quote it and think it't the best movie ever and I haven't seen it yet!!!!


Got loads of shopping done today, just have one more thing to pick up tomorrow, and I am feeling much better now so can relax a bit!

Wrapped all my pressies today too and put pretty coloured bows on them all and stuck them under the tree! Love it!

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That is way cool!

Me and my friends tried to make a band when we were 12, we were called 'Poision Ivy' and I can remember all the words to our song! We were slightly stuck by the small fact that none of us played an instrument, and none of us could sing! :D


What were the lyrics! :LOL:


District 9 :D and The Hangover :LOL:


The first half of District 9 terrified me :stunned:



Good to see Kitty nominated for unsung Muser!


wat. :stunned: I have not seen this.


[spoiler=shit day]Today went uber lame. My mum and I went around to visit family and drop off presents. I don't even know why I went because I knew it was going to be lame but mum pulled the old its Christmas and you need to see family card. The first two groups we went to see were okay, if a bit boring. Then we went around to my other uncles' and I drove off to have a look around Devonport while they chatted. It went well until after dinner when my mum and my uncle started talking about the Copenhagen thing that went on recently, and it started to devolve into an argument. Mum got all uppity about some of my uncle's phrasing because she has a major victim complex, and he called her stupid and ignorant. To be honest, he was quite on the money with a lot of the things he was saying. Anyway, they ended up yelling at each other, his partner was sitting there totally awkwardly, I started crying... shit got out of hand. When we were driving back to the city mum was chewing my ear off about whats going on with my uncle and how he is and all this shit that I didn't care about but she always insists I need to know. Because she doesn't have any friends to tell it to imo. NO WONDER I'M HAVING TENSION HEADACHES WHEN YOU CAN'T TAKE MY MOTHER ANYWHERE :mad: It sucked. I didn't want mum to use my upsetness as something to hold against my uncle later either, like to be all 'ah you made her cry, look how bad you are'. Even though that uncle is kind of annoying. Because I was really upset because the fighting reminded me of my parents getting divorced, which reminds me how much I miss my dad, which reminds me how much I hate living at home. And also during the day they were making all these jokes about my nana being evil, because she can be really demanding and distrustful with her house and stuff, like to a silly level. But regardless I was totally standing there like *awkward smile* the whole time. The whole visit to them was shit.



Then we went to Franklin Road :LOL:

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It WAS terrible! I've just felt really shit for a while now. Not all the time, but I feel really easily upset and stuff. Like there's just fail waiting around every corner.


Crap, that is one crappy day!!

Just because you had such a shit day, I will recite the words to our amazing 12 year old song....




ARRRGH.... Poison Ivy yeah that's our name.

If you wanna fight then we're all game,

A sting of poison here and a drop of blood there,

A cry of help here and a happy scream there.


'Cos we're Poison Ivy, poison to the bone,

Whatever you do, don't pick up the phone.

We're Poison Ivy bad girls are us, you'd better be aware

or we'll kick up a fuss,

We're Poison Ivy run and tell your Mummy,

We're Poison Ivy and We're not coming home.


Our Posion is our love, just like a white dove,

if we don't sting then we don't sing.

'Cos we're Poison Ivy run and tell your Mummy,


We're Posion Ivy and WE'RE NOT COMING HOME!!



Man it's even worse than I thought, seeing it typed makes it so much worse.

Ugh, and we totally thought we were American, also! Hahah. Hope it gives you a giggle!

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that's how i feel my family christmas is gonna turn out...


kitty have you looked into the unemployment benefit student hardship? you don't have to neccesarily qualify for the student allowance to be eligible.


No I haven't, but that is an excellent idea. Uncle's partner today asked mum if she was going to go on unemployment benefit. I knew I wasn't the only one thinking it!


Jo I saw your nomination for Muser Awards :LOL: I think you shouldn't win! :phu: (Because you're not annoying :happy: )


Crap, that is one crappy day!!

Just because you had such a shit day, I will recite the words to our amazing 12 year old song....




ARRRGH.... Poison Ivy yeah that's our name.

If you wanna fight then we're all game,

A sting of poison here and a drop of blood there,

A cry of help here and a happy scream there.


'Cos we're Poison Ivy, poison to the bone,

Whatever you do, don't pick up the phone.

We're Poison Ivy bad girls are us, you'd better be aware

or we'll kick up a fuss,

We're Poison Ivy run and tell your Mummy,

We're Poison Ivy and We're not coming home.


Our Posion is our love, just like a white dove,

if we don't sting then we don't sing.

'Cos we're Poison Ivy run and tell your Mummy,


We're Posion Ivy and WE'RE NOT COMING HOME!!



Man it's even worse than I thought, seeing it typed makes it so much worse.

Ugh, and we totally thought we were American, also! Hahah. Hope it gives you a giggle!


:LOL: that is brilliant! Thanks kat, that was a good read :happy: I love the white dove part, very intense for a 12 year old :LOL:


:happy: Unsung Hero award. I don't even care that its mostly for having a lot of posts. I am happy to be nominated :happy:

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I don't think Jo should win either, and the ones I think are the most annoying weren't nominated anyway!


Lol it is a bit intense, I got out my old book and the other songs were just as bad if not worse! I was quite the melodramatic!! Truly cringe worthy, but I keep it, because it's funny, and reminds me that I have definitely got cooler as I got older, ahahahhaha!


There's all these cross outs over my friend's lyrics where I have put in bigger more descriptive words, ahahha, what a bitch!


How was Franklin Road? I've heard it's not as impressive this year?

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I don't think Jo should win either, and the ones I think are the most annoying weren't nominated anyway!


Lol it is a bit intense, I got out my old book and the other songs were just as bad if not worse! I was quite the melodramatic!! Truly cringe worthy, but I keep it, because it's funny, and reminds me that I have definitely got cooler as I got older, ahahahhaha!


There's all these cross outs over my friend's lyrics where I have put in bigger more descriptive words, ahahha, what a bitch!


How was Franklin Road? I've heard it's not as impressive this year?


:LOL: we will be the judge of that!


It was pretty good. Lots of lights and things so that was nice. We went quite a bit later, maybe 10pm-ish. There were heaps of people and traffic was blocked up for ages. It was good though, and we walked so we didn't get too much stuck in traffic. There were people singing and stuff too which is always merry.


That song does sound amazing.


Oh no, loads of embarrassing pictures of me from karaoke night have emerged on Facebook. I have some de-tagging to do! :LOL:


Not until you share one here!

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:LOL: we will be the judge of that!


It was pretty good. Lots of lights and things so that was nice. We went quite a bit later, maybe 10pm-ish. There were heaps of people and traffic was blocked up for ages. It was good though, and we walked so we didn't get too much stuck in traffic. There were people singing and stuff too which is always merry.




Not until you share one here!


Sounds awesome! I haven't been for a few years and I really want to go this year!


Trust me, I was an uber geek, I had nowhere to go but up! :D

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