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Mine was OK, thanks. I'm looking forward to meeting my friend for a drink on Saturday - been friends with him since high school and he's about half way through a 4-year PhD in Germany. He's back here for two weeks. Been a long time since I've seen him!


Oh awesome, that will be fun!


Looks great!





I have an appointment with an osteopath tomorrow for a massage. The doctor prescribed them for my tension headaches. We are getting it for $20 cheaper since we can't afford them really atm. Should be interesting, but the only thing that's a little off-putting is that my mum is coming along :stunned: She wants to see some of the tricks and exercises that they will show me so we can do them at home for free. I think its going to be a bit weird getting a massage while my mum is staring :stunned:


Good luck with that and your mum learning how to do it! It should be quite relaxing regardless after you get into it.



Also, we sold the saxophone today which means Christmas food :awesome: Could have gotten $600 for it, but the lady I contacted saw our listing on Trade and Exchange for $500 negotiable so we kind of had to bring it down to that. My mum gave me $100 of it as Christmas time money though which is great.


My friend's dad was also having a huge clean out of their DVD collection, and today I got to go through a big bag and take any DVDs I wanted! :happy: I took about 20 or something :LOL: They had one of those green eco bags full for me to look through, and apparently had taken another 4 of those to Real Groovy :stunned: They have a lot of DVDs. It was like early Christmas presents! :awesome:


Oh sweet! Cool you got the money too, I didn't get any when my mum sold my flute :rolleyes:


I am about to head to work, it's my last shift for 09. :dance: And then I'm off til the 4th!!

And I'm on tonight with the boys, so that could either make my shift really cruisy and awesome, or insane because I'm the only one doing any work!

Hopefully it will be nice and steady!!!!!


Yay! :party:


Lol the dance icon is even cuter on my phone. I am so so bored at work. Hometime please!


Aww. hehe. Here's another one for you then :dance::chuckle:

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My work Christmas lunch was really awesome but also a wee bit scary - slightly drunken pinata is a bit dangerous!


A champagne cork also dented the ceiling of the meeting room.


:LOL: Impressive.


I am going to my dad's work xmas BBQ dinner tonight. Free food and don't have to cook so why not.

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Gutted that you had to sell your sax, but it's also really nice that you did so you can feel a bit more Christmassy.


And wow, you scored big time on the dvds!!!!! Movie night at your place in the new year then is it? ;):D


I totally thought that said 'sell your sex' :LOL: my bad!


Regifting, amirite? :awesome:


The osteopath appointment went well. It was a bit weird having someone poke around at your spine and stuff but otherwise okay. Except at one part I was lying on my back and she was like 'take a deep breath in, and then release it all the way' and she pressed down on the sternum, just below the gap between your collarbones, as I released, and then suddenly she gave a hard press and it was like CRACK :stunned: It really caught me by surprise!

She did one side of my back later and that was not so nice, because she like had to press me into the mattress as I was lying sideways and it kind of hurt just before it cracked.

It was weird because I felt kind of emotional afterward though. Like teary and stuff :erm:.

The osteopath also said that when my mum came in halfway through I tensed up, and that perhaps there is some relationship issues there. She even asked if I was thinking of moving out. I NEED TO MOVE OUT, EVEN THE OSTEOPATH AGREES!

They can tell a creepy amount about you and your feelings by your body language :stunned: Its kind of disconcerting.


Then I went for dinner with friends at an Italian place. It was delicious, and I got a lovely chocolate and cherry lacquer dessert! It was for my friend's birthday :happy:

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Then I went for dinner with friends at an Italian place. It was delicious, and I got a lovely chocolate and cherry lacquer dessert! It was for my friend's birthday :happy:

Sounds awesome.


And good to hear the osteopath appointment went well (apart from the unexpected crack at least. Blimey, that'd send me into shock). Feeling a bit better after it?


Love your appropriately themed avatar by the way!

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I totally thought that said 'sell your sex' :LOL: my bad!


Regifting, amirite? :awesome:


The osteopath appointment went well. It was a bit weird having someone poke around at your spine and stuff but otherwise okay. Except at one part I was lying on my back and she was like 'take a deep breath in, and then release it all the way' and she pressed down on the sternum, just below the gap between your collarbones, as I released, and then suddenly she gave a hard press and it was like CRACK :stunned: It really caught me by surprise!

She did one side of my back later and that was not so nice, because she like had to press me into the mattress as I was lying sideways and it kind of hurt just before it cracked.

It was weird because I felt kind of emotional afterward though. Like teary and stuff :erm:.

The osteopath also said that when my mum came in halfway through I tensed up, and that perhaps there is some relationship issues there. She even asked if I was thinking of moving out. I NEED TO MOVE OUT, EVEN THE OSTEOPATH AGREES!

They can tell a creepy amount about you and your feelings by your body language :stunned: Its kind of disconcerting.


Then I went for dinner with friends at an Italian place. It was delicious, and I got a lovely chocolate and cherry lacquer dessert! It was for my friend's birthday :happy:


The breathing and clicking stuff ie freaky as!

I forgot about that, they did it on my neck and it kind of turns you upside down!

Did they not warn you that it can bring out emotions too? I used to get the same I would feel either really fragile and out of sorts or would giggle hysterically afterwards.


They are clever mysterious people!


I've just spent since Firday night in bed, taking vast amounts of Codral and Otrivin, just came down with this nasty cold and sinusitis, and am so unimpressed!

The drugs seem to be doing their thing though and will probably get up later.

How is everyone's weekend going?

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Hangovers and work don't mix. :noey: Had a really good night last night though. But my throat is terrible (2 hours of karaoke would do that I guess) and I really really don't want to check my bank balance.


But I think we should do karaoke when Jo and Oren come up in February. And we should do it at the place I went to last night. Why that place in particular, you ask? Well...



Muscle Museum

New Born

Plug In Baby

Showbiz ( :eek: )


Stockholm Syndrome

Supermassive Black Hole (did that again last night haha)





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Hangovers and work don't mix. :noey: Had a really good night last night though. But my throat is terrible (2 hours of karaoke would do that I guess) and I really really don't want to check my bank balance.


But I think we should do karaoke when Jo and Oren come up in February. And we should do it at the place I went to last night. Why that place in particular, you ask? Well...



Muscle Museum

New Born

Plug In Baby

Showbiz ( :eek: )


Stockholm Syndrome

Supermassive Black Hole (did that again last night haha)






Poo at hangovers!




Where is this place????

Fuck that is the coolest thing I have ever heard!

Crack up that you did kareoke, I dreamt last night that we all went to watch you on 'Stars in their Eyes' you can guess who you were going to be! :LOL:


I love kareoke, and I haven't done it in public for a while so we should definitely do it.

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Definitely. :yesey:


It's a place called Luxury on Queen St that has lots of dark little private rooms. And they play bizarre Japanese footage on the screen that doesn't relate to the songs in any way whatsoever. :erm:


Trying to remember what else I sang...Dancing Queen, Ghostbusters, Truly Madly Deeply (wasn't my choice!), All The Single Ladies (also not my choice), Better Man, Bullet With Butterfly Wings...might be more.

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The breathing and clicking stuff ie freaky as!

I forgot about that, they did it on my neck and it kind of turns you upside down!

Did they not warn you that it can bring out emotions too? I used to get the same I would feel either really fragile and out of sorts or would giggle hysterically afterwards.


No they didn't, and it was disconcerting!


Trying to remember what else I sang...Dancing Queen, Ghostbusters, Truly Madly Deeply (wasn't my choice!), All The Single Ladies (also not my choice), Better Man, Bullet With Butterfly Wings...might be more.


Single Ladies? :eek: How on earth did you keep up?


I went to a party last night that ended up being more party-like than I expected :happy: Turned out it was a friend's boyfriend's 21st as well as my friend's birthday, so heaps of people came. It was really fun and my friend got a pair of llama print shoes from her bff and she was so excited :happy: it was really nice.

Then today I finished the awesome card I was making for my friend which was a picture of our fictional band, which includes another friend. It took me a few days to compile the image and everything but it ended up really cool. And I gave her her present that everyone chipped in for- a Big Day Out ticket! :D

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No they didn't, and it was disconcerting!




Single Ladies? :eek: How on earth did you keep up?


I went to a party last night that ended up being more party-like than I expected :happy: Turned out it was a friend's boyfriend's 21st as well as my friend's birthday, so heaps of people came. It was really fun and my friend got a pair of llama print shoes from her bff and she was so excited :happy: it was really nice.

Then today I finished the awesome card I was making for my friend which was a picture of our fictional band, which includes another friend. It took me a few days to compile the image and everything but it ended up really cool. And I gave her her present that everyone chipped in for- a Big Day Out ticket! :D



That is so cool, and I love that you have a fictional band!!!!

What's the band's name? (If it's not a secret!)


There was violent flailing. I don't think that counts.


It only counts if you were wearing the black leotard and stilletos. Which I hope you weren't! :)


that reminds me, i was dancing on a couch last night...



Interesting....and difficult, those cushions are hard to balance on!

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That is so cool, and I love that you have a fictional band!!!!

What's the band's name? (If it's not a secret!)


The Cosmic Radiation :LOL:

There's three of us so we each specialise in certain instruments and we even have a fictional album and songs :LOL: For an assignment I did for uni, you had to make a press kit for a fictional or unsigned band, so I did ours :LOL: So we have like an entire press kit too.


I used the .MU V3 background of the board for the background of the card :p

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