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well that's all sorted then - 27 february we can all meet up and have drinks!



Yaaaay! Wicked! It will be great fun.



Hello! Sorry I didn't make it- it was late notice for me. Didn't read the message until about 7pm :LOL:




Leave? Where are you going?




I think the girl in the first photo is Eric Hutchenson who does that song 'I'm Yours', and I think I can see the construction worker from The Village People in one- was there a construction worker in that group? :erm::LOL:


I spent my day pawning off old items for money. The unemployment situation is getting ridiculous now, with both myself and my mum between jobs. Today we were literally on the last amounts of food- there was no bread, milk, potatoes... the cupboards were bare. So we sold off an old amplifier and golf set at Cash Converters. I really hope my mum can get some employment soon because I think bills need paying. And the sooner I get a job, the sooner I can move out!


Speaking of moving out, I was SO ANNOYED today because my mum wants to sell my old saxophone, which is fine since I don't play it anymore, but at last negotiation I was supposed to have all the money from a sale as "holiday money" while not being employed. But now that times are tough, my mum wants all the money if we do sell it, and won't pay me back later when she gets a job. Thats about $500 that I was going to put towards flatting gone. :(



Aww gutted that you didn't make it but there is always next time!


That really sucks about the money stuff, my parents had a bit of that kind of stuff after we moved here, it was really awful.

Hopefully you will both get jobs soon, and things will pick up again!

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i won this morning at tribunals, despite feeling quite ill. went to work for 20 minutes then bussed home and spent most of today sleeping.


hey richard - you ever seen this website? http://www.beerstore.co.nz they have heaps of speciality beers. ordered a bunch as a thank you to oren's dad when i stayed while i was at uni. they've just reduced their freight charges so its only $5.50 for up to 24 bottles delivered in the north island.

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woke up at about half five so got that sleepy haze...think feel a little bit better from a sleep.


ugh that video of that pitbull attacking lincoln - how can that guy just hold that elderly dog and let it get attacked? and all he gets is 10 months jail.

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i won this morning at tribunals, despite feeling quite ill. went to work for 20 minutes then bussed home and spent most of today sleeping.


hey richard - you ever seen this website? http://www.beerstore.co.nz they have heaps of speciality beers. ordered a bunch as a thank you to oren's dad when i stayed while i was at uni. they've just reduced their freight charges so its only $5.50 for up to 24 bottles delivered in the north island.


Oh you aren't feeling well? Poor thing! Take care!


I had a nice late shift, was steady busy from start to finish which was nice, and I got to have babies.:awesome:

Did a natural birth (von toose and forceps which is why it came to theatre) and a caeser, it was so nice to see a natural birth as I rarely get them, and it was bloody awesome!

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oh man that ventouse looks like a plunger for a baby!


thanks...will have to go to work tomorrow, manager has at least four weeks leave as he's having surgery and i've got court again at 11:15am.


Hahah, it is just like that! Most of the trial of forceps babies have supermassive cone heads! And it's all squishy and jelly like.


Lame about having to go into work, did I read on another thread that it's a stomach thing?

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Hahah, it is just like that! Most of the trial of forceps babies have supermassive cone heads! And it's all squishy and jelly like.


Lame about having to go into work, did I read on another thread that it's a stomach thing?

yeah i dunno. i really stuffed my core at a swiss ball class on tuesday and then just yesterday walking to court my tummy was really tender, i was so clammy and i felt really nauseous. don't feel the best this morning either so gonna bus to work.

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the exam went well, they force you to take 10 minutes at the start to read the exam without writing anything. so lame. i left just over an hour in. it was so nonspecific! so i could just ramble about things i did know about. been such a hot day.


Congrats, glad it went well! :D


I really enjoyed tonight. :happy: What was with that waiter though? When Kat asked for a wine, he goes "do you want a bottle?" What the fuck?


Yeah, that waiter seemed a bit dodge :erm:


I'm gonna be in Auckland in March y'all!




As requested, pictures from party bus. Still none with me wearing the head, sorry.






I have a limited range of expressions. :LOL:




Epically awesome weather again today. Must have been great for Michelle's trip to Tawh. :happy:


Yup, the weather was good up there. The birds guarding nests were being really protective so I think I got some good photos of them and a little video :happy:




:erm: Hmm. My dad just heard the Tahuna Breaks cd the other day and liked it so wants us to look for it at JB-hifi him. I thought it almost sounded like a NZ band name, didn't think I'd be right though :LOL:

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Hey guys,

It's so nice and sunny today :happy: I'm just hanging out on the deck atm, its nice to be able to be on the net outside. Went to my friend's yesterday and we played Trivial Pursuit for hours :LOL: How is everyone?

My DVD arrived yesterday :awesome: Amazon originally predicted 24th Dec, and then like Jan 2010, but it already arrived! Very pleased with their service :happy:

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Awesome! That is good service.


Epic Trivial Pursuit marathon = :awesome:


My Christmas shopping progress update:



Work Secret Santa







Uncles (2)



Hmm...some work to do. :unsure:


It's the work Christmas party tonight. Been looking forward to it for ages after hearing my workmates talk about how good last year's one was, but I'm just not in the mood, you know? Tired, got lots of stuff on my mind (like the above list!)...


But I've told my workmates and my friend in Graphics that I'll see them there, so I'll make an appearance at least. Really don't think I'm outstanding company right now though.

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Hey guys,

It's so nice and sunny today :happy: I'm just hanging out on the deck atm, its nice to be able to be on the net outside. Went to my friend's yesterday and we played Trivial Pursuit for hours :LOL: How is everyone?

My DVD arrived yesterday :awesome: Amazon originally predicted 24th Dec, and then like Jan 2010, but it already arrived! Very pleased with their service :happy:



Very nice! Awesome about your dvd, that's great!

Glad someone is getting to enjoy this fantastic weather!



Awesome! That is good service.


Epic Trivial Pursuit marathon = :awesome:


My Christmas shopping progress update:



Work Secret Santa







Uncles (2)



Hmm...some work to do. :unsure:


It's the work Christmas party tonight. Been looking forward to it for ages after hearing my workmates talk about how good last year's one was, but I'm just not in the mood, you know? Tired, got lots of stuff on my mind (like the above list!)...


But I've told my workmates and my friend in Graphics that I'll see them there, so I'll make an appearance at least. Really don't think I'm outstanding company right now though.



Aw have fun at the work do!


I'm rushing round like a mad thing trying to get ready for this charity show for cancer that my brother is doing the lighting for tonight.

It's at 8 but in Avondale so i have to leave in half an hour, and I haven't evne had dinner!


What makes you think you aren't outstanding company at the mo? I thought you were FAB company! Have fun tonight!

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Awesome! That is good service.


Epic Trivial Pursuit marathon = :awesome:


My Christmas shopping progress update:



Work Secret Santa







Uncles (2)



Hmm...some work to do. :unsure:


It's the work Christmas party tonight. Been looking forward to it for ages after hearing my workmates talk about how good last year's one was, but I'm just not in the mood, you know? Tired, got lots of stuff on my mind (like the above list!)...


But I've told my workmates and my friend in Graphics that I'll see them there, so I'll make an appearance at least. Really don't think I'm outstanding company right now though.


The funny thing is that we only played two games :LOL: It just took us a long time to get all the pieces. Often the easy questions happened to fall on not point scoring places :rolleyes::LOL:


I don't know whats going on for Christmas shopping this year. I'm getting my family something probably, and my friends' birthday is on the 14th so I might get her something small. A bit apprehensive about Christmas Day though because of the whole no-money thing, so I guess we won't be having a big lunch like usual which will be a little strange. Doesn't feel like Christmas season yet though am I right?


hope you have a good night richard!


we're off to wellington for the weekend - hoping for sunbears! :awesome: and possibly burger fuel and jb hifi.


Sunbears :awesome: Make sure to share the pics if you take any :happy:

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Doesn't feel like Christmas season yet though am I right?



The party was surprisingly fun actually. :happy: My workmates are pretty cool, and getting drunk and dancing with them to music no one would ever dance to sober should help me come out of my shell a bit with them at work in future.

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The party was surprisingly fun actually. :happy: My workmates are pretty cool, and getting drunk and dancing with them to music no one would ever dance to sober should help me come out of my shell a bit with them at work in future.


That's good, hopefully it will make for a better working environment. Or lead to embarrassing situations that will create awkward silences :LOL:

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hope you have a good night richard!


we're off to wellington for the weekend - hoping for sunbears! :awesome: and possibly burger fuel and jb hifi.


Sunbears! Take photo's! Have a wicked time!



The funny thing is that we only played two games :LOL: It just took us a long time to get all the pieces. Often the easy questions happened to fall on not point scoring places :rolleyes::LOL:

yet though am I right?




Sunbears :awesome: Make sure to share the pics if you take any :happy:



I honestly don't think I have ever played that game!





The party was surprisingly fun actually. :happy: My workmates are pretty cool, and getting drunk and dancing with them to music no one would ever dance to sober should help me come out of my shell a bit with them at work in future.


Glad you had a good night, drunken dancing to super cheesy music is always good fun.



All right, just watched some tv: Glee, Buffy, The I.T Crowd.

I'm on Facebook looking at the Potroast page- its a small publication by people at uni that prints poetry and prose. I'm thinking of submitting.



You should submit!


I went to this fundraising show for head and neck cancer, it was fun, and there were some amazing singers and dancers there that made me feel so unco haha!

So it was a good night, though it was marred by my Dad and Mum having to stay home because my Dad suddenly got really really ill and nearly passed out. He's gone for blood tests now so just waiting. :(

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we're off to wellington for the weekend - hoping for sunbears! :awesome: and possibly burger fuel and jb hifi.



I went to the jb-hifi in Westgate for the first time yesterday and finally found a cd I have been looking for all year. There is a new Animates up there too, heaps of cute puppies and kittens :happy: I'm a little worried about my cat though as she has a swollen bottom lip. Doesn't seem to bother her when eating, but it looks wierd.


Doesn't feel like Christmas season yet though am I right?




So it was a good night, though it was marred by my Dad and Mum having to stay home because my Dad suddenly got really really ill and nearly passed out. He's gone for blood tests now so just waiting. :(


Oh dear :( I hope he gets well soon!

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Oh dear :( I hope he gets well soon!


Do it!


Hope your dad has a quick recovery Kat.



Thanks guys, he seems a lot better today, not so grey looking! Think it was food poisoning from somewhere on Waiheke.



Christmas in the Park was awesome! I had antlers. :rudolph::awesome:


And glowsticks, I mean really, what more could you want!?


How is everyone's weekend going?

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