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I think beer at Shadows might be in order. Michelle? Kitty? EDIT: Oh no, it's closed until Jan 5. :(


And I'm sure you lasted longer than I would have! How's your day going?


:( Surely there'll be somewhere else we can go then.


My day was the total shizzle, in fact yesterday and today rocked so much! Yesterday I got to do an oseophagogastectomy which is removing the oesophagus and then basically just reattaching it to the stomach with some jejunum, but you go in through the side so we have to put a speical tube in the trachea that lets us deflate one of the lungs so the surgeon can get in, and it's really super technical and we don't do them often so that was awesome.


The today I did another massive 8 hour case called a radical cystoprostatectomy, formation of neo bladder, which means they remove the bladder and then make a new one using part of the bowel.


How incredible is that??!! And I rocked and wasn't spazzy or clumsy for once in my life, it was so much win.


That's awesome, glad you enjoyed it so much! :)


Anchovies are controversial, aren't they? No one's undecided about them.


Have to say I'm a fan of them.


I haven't ever tried them :erm: I don't think I would like them though since they are so salty which sounds like olives and I'm not a fan of them.





If anyone's planning on driving between Dannevirke and Woodville tonight, I have to warn you that you'll have 16km of 30cm-deep offal to contend with.


Someone was driving a truck full of it, and in the words of the witness they interviewed for the news tonight, he "spilled his load all the way down the highway."


Lovely stuff.


That would sure create a stink :stunned:




:LOL: That reminds me, any news on the missing goldfish?

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:( Surely there'll be somewhere else we can go then.

Yeah, why not? Belgian on Vulcan Lane, perhaps? Mecca Chancery? Those would be the ones I recommend, but I'm happy to go anywhere. I'm free and keen if everyone else is. :)



I haven't ever tried them :erm: I don't think I would like them though since they are so salty which sounds like olives and I'm not a fan of them.

That sounds like good reasoning, but I don't like olives and do like anchovies. :unsure:



:LOL: That reminds me, any news on the missing goldfish?

Actually it turns out I was wrong about what they were (I've never actually seen them before). They're not goldfish at all! I can't remember what she said they were, but they lurk down the bottom of the tank and wait until the food gets down there before they eat it. It was the whole not going up to eat the food thing that had me worried!

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Yeah, why not? Belgian on Vulcan Lane, perhaps? Mecca Chancery? Those would be the ones I recommend, but I'm happy to go anywhere. I'm free and keen if everyone else is. :)




That sounds like good reasoning, but I don't like olives and do like anchovies. :unsure:




Actually it turns out I was wrong about what they were (I've never actually seen them before). They're not goldfish at all! I can't remember what she said they were, but they lurk down the bottom of the tank and wait until the food gets down there before they eat it. It was the whole not going up to eat the food thing that had me worried!



I'm just sneaking on in between cases, I am keeeeen to go for a drink, I'm on a late tomorrow so would be perfect! I don't mind where either, you guys decide and I will go with the flow.


Ewwww I do not like olives, they are gross!


Lol at the fish, at least the cat didn't get them! Wonder what it was so pleased about?

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Haha, yeah! He was definitely suspiciously happy.


And sweet, let's have a drink. :happy: What time would suit everyone?


The reason I suggest Mecca is that it has a nice big outside seating area, which would be nice on a beautiful day like today. :)

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Haha, yeah! He was definitely suspiciously happy.


And sweet, let's have a drink. :happy: What time would suit everyone?


The reason I suggest Mecca is that it has a nice big outside seating area, which would be nice on a beautiful day like today. :)


It is a fab day!! I got let out of work an hour early! Weeeee! So whenever is good for everyone else!

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the exam went well, they force you to take 10 minutes at the start to read the exam without writing anything. so lame. i left just over an hour in. it was so nonspecific! so i could just ramble about things i did know about. been such a hot day.


my friend wants me to go to the muse gig at nijmegen but i dunno...its like 50 pounds. i should just go for the adventure as it would be a roadtrip from germany but still. :erm:

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Great to hear it went well, and I believe you know my thoughts on the Muse roadtrip. :yesey:


I really enjoyed tonight. :happy: What was with that waiter though? When Kat asked for a wine, he goes "do you want a bottle?" What the fuck?

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where did you guys go?


i've got court in the morning. means i get to sleep in a little bit at least as i go straight to court from work. feel bit bad about the whole situation, the third party turned up at the customer's house asking to make a deal and i should've put their address as confidential on the application. :facepalm:

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the exam went well, they force you to take 10 minutes at the start to read the exam without writing anything. so lame. i left just over an hour in. it was so nonspecific! so i could just ramble about things i did know about. been such a hot day.


my friend wants me to go to the muse gig at nijmegen but i dunno...its like 50 pounds. i should just go for the adventure as it would be a roadtrip from germany but still. :erm:



Congrats Jo, well done! I was telling the others tonight that I had to learn the same privacy act stuff as you for my job and I have forgotten most of it too!


And I'm not sure if you got my message through Rich about going to the Netherlands gig but it went something like "tell her to get the fuck there!!!!"


You have to go, it would be wicked!!


Great to hear it went well, and I believe you know my thoughts on the Muse roadtrip. :yesey:


I really enjoyed tonight. :happy: What was with that waiter though? When Kat asked for a wine, he goes "do you want a bottle?" What the fuck?


I had a great time!


I apologise for my mouth! It just runs away with me and I can't help saying things!


And that waiter was totally trying to make us uncomfortable so we left, he was so rude and sneer-y!

Bastard! We showed him by being all loud and raucus! Ha ha!


And Kitty, where the hell were you?? !! We missed you!

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