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ewww a kid did that at the high school by my old work, jumped into some bushes and there was a stake in there that went through his thigh. the thought of any kind of impalement is pretty awful.




Kind of a random change of subject but I just saw this ad and had to share.



It's so hilariously disturbing. Here's what the website (Cracked.com) had to say:



The Marketing Meeting:

"So, Mr... Lu-ci-fer, is it?"

"Just call me Your Dark Lord."

"Well, your credentials are amazing, and we would love to have you on board."

"Glad to hear it. What will I be working on first?"

"You know, we have this one account which I think you would be perfect for."


What the Fuck?

We are not entirely sure, but there is a possibility we just lost our immortal souls after watching this ad, though with us making a living off perverting young and promising minds on the Internet with dick jokes, it's really hard to tell.

The unholy commercial opens with a little girl turning the switch on her Baby Damns-You-Lot doll, unleashing a stream of rapid demonic laughter which fills the house. If you started to experience a burning sensation in your chest area, there is no need to panic, you are not having a heart attack. It's just your soul being consumed by the black flames of Hell.

The siren call of the Legions of the Damned penetrates the minds of children nearby, making them gather around their new plastic master, their innocent yet undoubtedly condemned laugh mixing with the demonic cackle, ready to take orders.

And then, the narrator decides to join in on the psychological damage. In a manner which can be very generously described as "troubling," the voice-over guy starts talking about the product, pausing only for outbursts of increasingly more maniacal laughter which, no matter how you cut it, still sounds like a desperate plea for help. Almost as if the doll was watching him.

If you want to see that clip again, no need to click above. You'll see it every time you close your eyes.



Oh man how I laughed :LOL::LOL:


Hahaha, that is sure damn creepy :LOL:


I am inviting myself over to your house for ice cream. Mmmmmmmmmmm it sounds like the best! :D


yay you get to go back to Tawhers. You have to take loads of pics! They are cute, and birds scare the crap out of me, so I like thinking they are cute instead.

Don't know about that Oyster Catcher though....


The ice cream is good indeed. The wine gums are a bit hard at first though, but chewing on them for a while should make it last longer.


It doesn't look like the weather will be the best for taking photos this weekend at Tawh :erm:


The oyster catchers do look a bit more intimidating, but they are harmless. The one nesting just squaked at us for being by its nest. Then later when we were sitting on the beach after our swim, it was just wandering around, poking its beak in the sand for food :happy:

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Hahaha, that is sure damn creepy :LOL:




The ice cream is good indeed. The wine gums are a bit hard at first though, but chewing on them for a while should make it last longer.


It doesn't look like the weather will be the best for taking photos this weekend at Tawh :erm:


The oyster catchers do look a bit more intimidating, but they are harmless. The one nesting just squaked at us for being by its nest. Then later when we were sitting on the beach after our swim, it was just wandering around, poking its beak in the sand for food :happy:


Harmless? But look at their MASSIVE beak! Surely that could do some serious damage. When I was 12 my friend and I were up at Ruakaka, walking along the beach, and we must have got too close to some Oystercatchers nests or something without realising it, because they all started dive bombing us and we had to run away. :facepalm:


Gutted that it's not good picture taking weather :(


I've just spent two hours at the specialist having local anaesthetic injections in my jaw joints. Bleughhhhh. But the good news is it doesn't hurt anymore! Since I can't feel my face. :awesome:

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Harmless? But look at their MASSIVE beak! Surely that could do some serious damage. When I was 12 my friend and I were up at Ruakaka, walking along the beach, and we must have got too close to some Oystercatchers nests or something without realising it, because they all started dive bombing us and we had to run away. :facepalm:


We were on the rocks right by its nest and it didn't attack us, just squaked. It was just the one though, so maybe not enough for effective dive bombing, but maybe they are more likely to do that when the chicks are out.


I've just spent two hours at the specialist having local anaesthetic injections in my jaw joints. Bleughhhhh. But the good news is it doesn't hurt anymore! Since I can't feel my face. :awesome:


Oh, that must have left a few prick holes. What about when it wears off though?

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If the pain goes away they can tell whether it's muscular or coming from the joint itself, and sometimes just the local is enough to trick the nerves into stop putting out signals. Did some other adjustments too, so fingers crossed!


Hahah I'm sure one of those birds could dive bomb wit hthe best of them, think we were just on their turf and they wanted us gone!

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Oh dear, hopefully that fear will continue to decline then ;)


My day has been mostly boring with looking for articles for my dreaded assignment and reading them. A friend has been entertaining me though by sending me photos of stuffed birds (as she is at the museum, lol) and quizzing me on what they are. I got them all right of course :LOL:

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Oh dear, hopefully that fear will continue to decline then ;)


My day has been mostly boring with looking for articles for my dreaded assignment and reading them. A friend has been entertaining me though by sending me photos of stuffed birds (as she is at the museum, lol) and quizzing me on what they are. I got them all right of course :LOL:


Bahahhahaha that is awesome! Whenever I see random animals now I always think of you, haha "Michelle would know what this is....." :)


I do love the stuffed things at the museum. Please tell me that they died on their own and then got stuffed though? They didn't have to gas them like the bugs did they?:unsure:

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Na, they wouldn't have had to gas them like the insects. I'm guessing that a majority should have been collected from dying of natural causes, but back in the old days people would hunt for trophies to add to their collection without knowing they were helping their extinction :( Then they were eventually given to museums...

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But the good news is it doesn't hurt anymore! Since I can't feel my face. :awesome:


Oh, that's.... good? :stunned::LOL:


Ew, there's some weird taxidermy "sculptures" somewhere where the creator has taken two taxidermy animals and sown them together and stuff. Like a squirrel body with a fish head and stuff. They're really creepy :stunned:


Bah, I have this weird painful spot on one eyebrow, where if I touch it even really really lightly, it sends a shooting pain through my head. My doctor said the headaches I've also been having are tension headaches, but I really don't know how to get rid of this painful eyebrow spot. Its like even if my clothes brush over it while I'm dressing, it makes my head hurt :(

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Oh, that's.... good? :stunned::LOL:


Ew, there's some weird taxidermy "sculptures" somewhere where the creator has taken two taxidermy animals and sown them together and stuff. Like a squirrel body with a fish head and stuff. They're really creepy :stunned:


Bah, I have this weird painful spot on one eyebrow, where if I touch it even really really lightly, it sends a shooting pain through my head. My doctor said the headaches I've also been having are tension headaches, but I really don't know how to get rid of this painful eyebrow spot. Its like even if my clothes brush over it while I'm dressing, it makes my head hurt :(


Ew, interspecies taxidermy! Super creepy!


Is it like a follicle on your eyebrow? They really hurt, or maybe is it a nerve from your tension headaches?

Tension headaches suck, but I recommend massage for them, usually work pretty well.


Headaches in general can just gtfo for all I care, they are the worst kind of pain and they suck! Especially because I get them a lot from my whacked out jaw, and everyone just assumes I have a hangover...... if only! haha.


Do you grind your teeth, or clench? Because that can be a major for tension headaches!

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I've got a really bad cold. :indiff: I hate having them in summer, cos the things I like to do in winter when I've got a cold - hot bath, hot drinks, etc - are really unappealing.


That really sucks. There's a lot going round, loads of chest infections and nasty colds, tis the 'change of season' I think.

LOL I hate when people blame things on the change of season but I actually think it's to blame this time, it can't seem to make up it's mind whether to rain or be hot.


Ice blocks might help? At least you will hopefully sweat it out in the heat!:)

Take it easy!

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I'm in the slightly too enthusiastic air conditioning of work at the moment! But I've got my walk up to Ponsonby a bit later.


Yeah it probably is the change of season. Either that or the party bus!


How's your day been?

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Ohhh I forgot about that, It probably was the party bus! Haha all those grotty germs mingling....


I'm averagely average!


Went to work this morning and made it til about 11 am when my boss told me I looked like I had had botox and should go home....


So I did. And have called in for tomorrow, so I can go back to the specialist for some more twiddling so that hopefully by the weekend I'll be able to eat through something more than a straw! :)


So I have been chilling, reading trusty Harry Potter. I think I've been reading him for weeks, and still only up to the Goblet of Fire.


Apart from your cold, how's your day going?

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