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That reminds me...we should arrange our next get-together sometime. When's everyone free? Shadows is open Wednesday to Friday at the moment. I work Thursdays but free most of the time on the other two days.

Edited by _Ed_
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That reminds me...we should arrange our next get-together sometime. When's everyone free? Shadows is open Wednesday to Friday at the moment. I work Thursdays but free most of the time on the other two days.


Yes!!!! I am SO keen!

I think I'm on a late on Friday next week, but I don't finish late-late. But can probably go whenever as long as we aren't out allll night! ;)

When's good for everyone else?

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Yeah Friday next week's probably not so good for me either - just found out my work's Christmas party is that night. Any other Wednesday or Friday should be fine for me. :)


No worries. We can all just crash your work party then. Heh, heh, heh. :D


Oh my god. Just had the most random bizarre case...

a lady jumped over a fence and there was a stick on the other side and she landed on it and it went..... up thereeeee....and they thought it was going to be real bad but ended up just being brusied and needing some stitches.

But seriously, how does that happen? The pain!!!!


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+ Migraine = fail!


I hope this afternoon is an easy shift, I feel crappy!


I've had a headahce this afternoon, I just slept it off but there is possibility of a come back.


Hopefully my new batches of maple walnut and goody goody gum drops icecream will be ready tonight :awesome:


Our department has just announced it's last social bash for the year, dinner and drinks at, guess where? The Mexican cafe!


:awesome: I am so going back there when I get the chance.


That reminds me...we should arrange our next get-together sometime. When's everyone free? Shadows is open Wednesday to Friday at the moment. I work Thursdays but free most of the time on the other two days.


I might be at Tawh again Thursday to weekend. I'm not sure if this is going to be a regular pattern as it may be better for me to go up and check the birds when others aren't there. So I'll keep you guys posted on when I can go :)

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Oh my god. Just had the most random bizarre case...

a lady jumped over a fence and there was a stick on the other side and she landed on it and it went..... up thereeeee....and they thought it was going to be real bad but ended up just being brusied and needing some stitches.

But seriously, how does that happen? The pain!!!!


:stunned: Ow. I guess that would have been better than the stick making its own whole somewhere else, like through her leg or something :erm:

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Kind of a random change of subject but I just saw this ad and had to share.



It's so hilariously disturbing. Here's what the website (Cracked.com) had to say:



The Marketing Meeting:

"So, Mr... Lu-ci-fer, is it?"

"Just call me Your Dark Lord."

"Well, your credentials are amazing, and we would love to have you on board."

"Glad to hear it. What will I be working on first?"

"You know, we have this one account which I think you would be perfect for."


What the Fuck?

We are not entirely sure, but there is a possibility we just lost our immortal souls after watching this ad, though with us making a living off perverting young and promising minds on the Internet with dick jokes, it's really hard to tell.

The unholy commercial opens with a little girl turning the switch on her Baby Damns-You-Lot doll, unleashing a stream of rapid demonic laughter which fills the house. If you started to experience a burning sensation in your chest area, there is no need to panic, you are not having a heart attack. It's just your soul being consumed by the black flames of Hell.

The siren call of the Legions of the Damned penetrates the minds of children nearby, making them gather around their new plastic master, their innocent yet undoubtedly condemned laugh mixing with the demonic cackle, ready to take orders.

And then, the narrator decides to join in on the psychological damage. In a manner which can be very generously described as "troubling," the voice-over guy starts talking about the product, pausing only for outbursts of increasingly more maniacal laughter which, no matter how you cut it, still sounds like a desperate plea for help. Almost as if the doll was watching him.

If you want to see that clip again, no need to click above. You'll see it every time you close your eyes.



Oh man how I laughed :LOL::LOL:

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Here's what the website (Cracked.com) had to say:



The Marketing Meeting:

"So, Mr... Lu-ci-fer, is it?"

"Just call me Your Dark Lord."

"Well, your credentials are amazing, and we would love to have you on board."

"Glad to hear it. What will I be working on first?"

"You know, we have this one account which I think you would be perfect for."


What the Fuck?

We are not entirely sure, but there is a possibility we just lost our immortal souls after watching this ad, though with us making a living off perverting young and promising minds on the Internet with dick jokes, it's really hard to tell.

The unholy commercial opens with a little girl turning the switch on her Baby Damns-You-Lot doll, unleashing a stream of rapid demonic laughter which fills the house. If you started to experience a burning sensation in your chest area, there is no need to panic, you are not having a heart attack. It's just your soul being consumed by the black flames of Hell.

The siren call of the Legions of the Damned penetrates the minds of children nearby, making them gather around their new plastic master, their innocent yet undoubtedly condemned laugh mixing with the demonic cackle, ready to take orders.

And then, the narrator decides to join in on the psychological damage. In a manner which can be very generously described as "troubling," the voice-over guy starts talking about the product, pausing only for outbursts of increasingly more maniacal laughter which, no matter how you cut it, still sounds like a desperate plea for help. Almost as if the doll was watching him.

If you want to see that clip again, no need to click above. You'll see it every time you close your eyes.



Oh man how I laughed :LOL::LOL:

I can't watch the clip until I get home from work, but that sounds hilarious. :LOL:

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I've had a headahce this afternoon, I just slept it off but there is possibility of a come back.


Hopefully my new batches of maple walnut and goody goody gum drops icecream will be ready tonight :awesome:




:awesome: I am so going back there when I get the chance.




I might be at Tawh again Thursday to weekend. I'm not sure if this is going to be a regular pattern as it may be better for me to go up and check the birds when others aren't there. So I'll keep you guys posted on when I can go :)


Yeah I usually have to sleep mine off too, but this one just keeps coming back for more!


I am inviting myself over to your house for ice cream. Mmmmmmmmmmm it sounds like the best! :D


yay you get to go back to Tawhers. You have to take loads of pics! They are cute, and birds scare the crap out of me, so I like thinking they are cute instead.

Don't know about that Oyster Catcher though....



Kind of a random change of subject but I just saw this ad and had to share.



It's so hilariously disturbing. Here's what the website (Cracked.com) had to say:



The Marketing Meeting:

"So, Mr... Lu-ci-fer, is it?"

"Just call me Your Dark Lord."

"Well, your credentials are amazing, and we would love to have you on board."

"Glad to hear it. What will I be working on first?"

"You know, we have this one account which I think you would be perfect for."


What the Fuck?

We are not entirely sure, but there is a possibility we just lost our immortal souls after watching this ad, though with us making a living off perverting young and promising minds on the Internet with dick jokes, it's really hard to tell.

The unholy commercial opens with a little girl turning the switch on her Baby Damns-You-Lot doll, unleashing a stream of rapid demonic laughter which fills the house. If you started to experience a burning sensation in your chest area, there is no need to panic, you are not having a heart attack. It's just your soul being consumed by the black flames of Hell.

The siren call of the Legions of the Damned penetrates the minds of children nearby, making them gather around their new plastic master, their innocent yet undoubtedly condemned laugh mixing with the demonic cackle, ready to take orders.

And then, the narrator decides to join in on the psychological damage. In a manner which can be very generously described as "troubling," the voice-over guy starts talking about the product, pausing only for outbursts of increasingly more maniacal laughter which, no matter how you cut it, still sounds like a desperate plea for help. Almost as if the doll was watching him.

If you want to see that clip again, no need to click above. You'll see it every time you close your eyes.



Oh man how I laughed :LOL::LOL:


That is the creepiest thing I have ever seen in my life. I am going to have nightmares.


Ugh I just got home, and man I forget how air conditioned work is until I walk out into nights like this.

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They disguise it well though! I don't really like the taste of it, but I love margaritas.


I don't like to say that often though, in case people are mistaken into thinking I'm referring to the dodgy bar on Elliott St.

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They disguise it well though! I don't really like the taste of it, but I love margaritas.


I don't like to say that often though, in case people are mistaken into thinking I'm referring to the dodgy bar on Elliott St.


I don't mind tequila shots, but only because the lemon is nice!


HAHAHHAHA, I have never heard of this bar you are referring to....... :p

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