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the marinade is just red wine, garlic cloves crushed, cracked paper and mustard. just frying some mushrooms in butter, might add bit of wine to that as well for fun. don't feel bad experimenting when its just me eating it. i'm always worried if i'm cooking for oren too he'll hate it.

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the marinade is just red wine, garlic cloves crushed, cracked paper and mustard. just frying some mushrooms in butter, might add bit of wine to that as well for fun. don't feel bad experimenting when its just me eating it. i'm always worried if i'm cooking for oren too he'll hate it.


Sounds good, I usually just put teryaki marinade on my steak. Lately I have been marinating chicken for kebabs with balsamic vinegar, olive oil, garlic, honey and mustard from a recipe my mum found, it's pretty good.

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I think the She-Hulk would go red instead of green :LOL:


I think She-Hulk is actually a real comic book character :LOL:


Meet me on the equinox? Woops, now I've it stuck too :LOL:


I think she means the Black Eyed Peas one? :LOL:


Woah, that is gorgeous!!


OMGGGGGGGGGGG. Aut just put up all the marks online for the exam. I GOT THE TOP MARK IN THE CLASS!

How in the hell did that happen!??! :awesome:


Thanks :happy:

WOAH congrats! Celebration time! :awesome:

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I think she means the Black Eyed Peas one? :LOL:


Oh, don't think I've heard that one :LOL: Oh well, I'm back to having Thom Yorkes Hearing Damage stuck.


It's The Savage She Hulk. :D


And it seems to guest star, Tom Sellack.




this steak has quite the cherry taste. but it tastes pretty good.


Ooh, yum.

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Captain America is the opposite of Wonder Woman. And Catwoman was a villain so she doesn't need a male equivalent- only heroes need someone similar of the opposite gender :LOL:




Cherry steak? :erm:

it a fruity red wine...not that i have any idea what the wine is as its unlabelled.

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Now I have that 'Meet me on the Equinox' song in my head :LOL:


Sorry! :LOL:


Eww on foodinaminute, the Wattie’s Heat ‘n’ Eat Steakhouse Burger Patties look disgusting. Any frozen that you microwave for 2 minutes is gross. It's not like making burger patties is that hard and probably a hell of a lot cheaper than those.



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my cousin and her husband live in cockermouth where all the worse flooding is in the UK. we went and visited them and sniggered at the name.

I just had a bit of a chuckle at that myself.


That flooding is bad though, I hope they are OK.

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my cousin and her husband live in cockermouth where all the worse flooding is in the UK. we went and visited them and sniggered at the name.


Oh dear, hopefully they will be alright.


But yes, the name is a good one.


I shall leave now too, see you two soon and the rest of you have a good night! :)

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my cousin and her husband live in cockermouth where all the worse flooding is in the UK. we went and visited them and sniggered at the name.


I saw that in the Girly Thread :chuckle: I hope they're okay though.


Oh man, last night when we got back to my friend's place, I took my hair down and it was so matted :LOL: It had been teased and then put up in a bun and when it was out it became like one giant dread :LOL: Me and my friends laughed so hard, it was hysterical. I had a Matthew Bellamy moment in that I tried to say something and then laughed at the end so what I was saying came out as a kind of laughing squeak :LOL:


Edit: have fun you guys! Take pictures! :happy:

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we know they live on the hill so their house will be fine but her husband owns an optometrist so i imagine that's down in the town. waiting for my mum to find out from her sister what's happening.


i look more related to my cousin's kids than i do to anyone else in my family...




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