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That's a relief.


I'm good thanks. I just had my break, bought a coffee and listened to such songs as Uprising and MK Ultra. I am now extremely alert. :LOL:


:LOL: Good wake-up combination. I don't drink coffee myself :erm:


Or burst the stiches out of it like the Hulk :LOL:


omg :LOL: She-Hulk!

Edit: I looooove Indiana Jones. He is my idol in life, for srs. When I'm older and I get a dog he will be called Henry Indiana Jones Jr, Indy for short.

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:LOL: Good wake-up combination. I don't drink coffee myself :erm:

Neither did I, until this year. But then I had an exam one morning after only about 5 hours of sleep, so I was desperate for some sort of boost, and it worked brilliantly - got an A-. Now I'm hooked!


Haha, She-Hulk. Herlk? Femulk?

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omg :LOL: She-Hulk!

Edit: I looooove Indiana Jones. He is my idol in life, for srs. When I'm older and I get a dog he will be called Henry Indiana Jones Jr, Indy for short.


Aww, that's cute :happy:


I think the She-Hulk would go red instead of green :LOL:


Neither did I, until this year. But then I had an exam one morning after only about 5 hours of sleep, so I was desperate for some sort of boost, and it worked brilliantly - got an A-. Now I'm hooked!


I started drinking coffee this year too, but I haven't had any for a couple months now. I don't know why, but I just don't really feel like it lately.

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Thanks, probably just over to my dads so nothing fancy. I'm not even sure if he's home.





That's what it looks like. You may not see me in it :awesome::LOL:


Woah, that is gorgeous!!


I know, and especially cos I went shopping by myself and I was like 'oh no, I'm going to have to get the assistant to come in and help me out of it :eek:' :LOL:


Ohhh nooo, I have done that. Sheer panic when you can't get it off and you are just waiting for the riiiiiiiiiiiiip sound!!!



OMGGGGGGGGGGG. Aut just put up all the marks online for the exam. I GOT THE TOP MARK IN THE CLASS!

How in the hell did that happen!??! :awesome:

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i'm just doing a allyson gofton recipe with the tried and true red wine. we had a small bottle for ages that my brother gave me. i don't drink red willingly so good to finally do something with it.


my parents bought me two bottles of white wine from brother up last week as a thank you then bought me stuff yesterday, including putting petrol in my car. they can stay anytime. i did take them out for lunch earlier, went to a cafe that smokes its own meats. the whole place smelt delicious and smoky.

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my parents bought me two bottles of white wine from brother up last week as a thank you then bought me stuff yesterday, including putting petrol in my car. they can stay anytime.


You know, just a little while ago, I was a firmly committed non-user of that awesome face. But it's just so appropriate so often.


i did take them out for lunch earlier, went to a cafe that smokes its own meats. the whole place smelt delicious and smoky.

That sounds amazing.

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Haha, a research lab? A mine of potential comedy gold.


Yeah, in one of the ads they are trying to make meat without animals and the guy to taste it didn't look impressed when they asked if it tasted like beef :chuckle:


OMGGGGGGGGGGG. Aut just put up all the marks online for the exam. I GOT THE TOP MARK IN THE CLASS!

How in the hell did that happen!??! :awesome:


Wow! Congratulations! :D


i'm just doing a allyson gofton recipe with the tried and true red wine. we had a small bottle for ages that my brother gave me. i don't drink red willingly so good to finally do something with it.


my parents bought me two bottles of white wine from brother up last week as a thank you then bought me stuff yesterday, including putting petrol in my car. they can stay anytime. i did take them out for lunch earlier, went to a cafe that smokes its own meats. the whole place smelt delicious and smoky.


Wine is suppose to be good for marinades too.


That cafe sounds good too!

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