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Of course, the one time I get a bus into work on Sunday, the weather's horrendously foul.


But yay, not doing news! I can sneak out a few minutes early.


Miserable actually! Was meant to go climbing but the mates I go with wanted me to drive and I freaked out and we had a bit of a fight and they went home. I feel stupid and lame!


Hope everyone else's day is better!

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I'm doing a Shortland Street episode right now, then I've got Frasier. Pretty sweet really.


Ooh, Frasier should be fun but don't they keep the captions for old shows?


Miserable actually! Was meant to go climbing but the mates I go with wanted me to drive and I freaked out and we had a bit of a fight and they went home. I feel stupid and lame!



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You shouldn't feel like that. I think it's an understandable reaction - I did the same thing a couple of times when people were encouraging me to drive and I didn't really have the confidence.


Yeah it was just a clash of tired grumpy people but it sucked.


I'm doing a Shortland Street episode right now, then I've got Frasier. Pretty sweet really.



hahah I saw an episode of Shorty the other night! Rachel's back!! LOL! Quite the story lines going on, haha.

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Ooh, Frasier should be fun but don't they keep the captions for old shows?

They do, so it's really easy. :happy: I just have to watch it to see if they've changed when they go to ad breaks and then I just change the year on the copyright caption during the credits.

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They do, so it's really easy. :happy: I just have to watch it to see if they've changed when they go to ad breaks and then I just change the year on the copyright caption during the credits.


Oh sweet.


I hope your day gets heaps better from here.


+1 :)


Shorty is fun. So much death and drama for one little suburban hospital.





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Just saw UD on C4. It looks better on a full tv screen, but it's still weird. So disjointed, seems to have too many themes. But maybe that's just me not 'getting' it.

I haven't seen it on a TV screen yet, but I'm really not impressed. But I really only like 2 or 3 videos Muse have ever made, so that's nothing unusual.

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Just saw UD on C4. It looks better on a full tv screen, but it's still weird. So disjointed, seems to have too many themes. But maybe that's just me not 'getting' it.


I haven't seen it on the telly yet. But yeah, I don't think that will change much. I think the dancing should have been more ballet type and in a dark, weird room. Ah well, they just like dressing up and doing their cheesy thing :LOL:

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It was funny in the paper today, they asked a bunch of people if they knew who the 'prominent entertainer' was, and almost all of them said yes. :chuckle:


Name suppression is so effective.


:LOL: I don't think I can confidently say who I think it is. Haven't really thought about it much.


Yeha I don't like the girl, it seems to me that she's dancing to some other song, her actions don't fit.

If it's a piss take of things then it's not so bad, but if they did it as a serious video it's a bit cringe worthy.


Well they always say they aren't serious, so they were probably just having fun with it. Lets wait and see what the next video is like..

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I got home at 4 am, how disgusting!!!!


I was out till 4am this morning :$

Bought a new dress and looked awesome :awesome: That said, I'm now super tired and am sitting in bed even though its the late afternoon :LOL: I didn't even drink, but I think getting up at 11:30 is like a early morning for me, so I'm tired from that :LOL: That said, if you guys are still doing the meet thing at Mexican Cafe I won't be making it. Too tired, and no cash, and possibly going to have dinner out. Sorry guys :$ But hopefully I will see you all at BDO! I told some of my friends about that and they were like really enthused for us :LOL:

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:LOL: I don't think I can confidently say who I think it is. Haven't really thought about it much.




Well they always say they aren't serious, so they were probably just having fun with it. Lets wait and see what the next video is like..


This was one of the youtube comments, which I quite like.


Don't you people get it? This video is just a parody on R&B music. The wires mean that the music is not real, it's fake or mostly computer programmed.

The girl represents all the stupid girls who dance in R&B videos and look like they're prostitutes.

The lyrics in the background show how much the R&B scene lacks of imagination. Everything is done explicitly instead of there being a greater meaning to it.

Overall great song



I was out till 4am this morning :$

Bought a new dress and looked awesome :awesome: That said, I'm now super tired and am sitting in bed even though its the late afternoon :LOL: I didn't even drink, but I think getting up at 11:30 is like a early morning for me, so I'm tired from that :LOL: That said, if you guys are still doing the meet thing at Mexican Cafe I won't be making it. Too tired, and no cash, and possibly going to have dinner out. Sorry guys :$ But hopefully I will see you all at BDO! I told some of my friends about that and they were like really enthused for us :LOL:



Hahha look at you go! I went out last night as well which is not something I usually do but was in bed by one, and was buggered all today!


Yay for new dresses! :)


BDO is going to be great :D

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if you guys are still doing the meet thing at Mexican Cafe I won't be making it. Too tired, and no cash, and possibly going to have dinner out. Sorry guys :$ But hopefully I will see you all at BDO!

That's fair enough. Maybe we might do something else before BDO, and you could come along then...a Shadows night, maybe? :D I know they're open for most of the summer break. That avoids financial issues too. :LOL:


Hope you have a nice dinner if you do go out.

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I was out till 4am this morning :$

Bought a new dress and looked awesome :awesome:


Pics of new dress? :awesome:


This was one of the youtube comments, which I quite like.


Don't you people get it? This video is just a parody on R&B music. The wires mean that the music is not real, it's fake or mostly computer programmed.

The girl represents all the stupid girls who dance in R&B videos and look like they're prostitutes.

The lyrics in the background show how much the R&B scene lacks of imagination. Everything is done explicitly instead of there being a greater meaning to it.

Overall great song


Haha, good comment. It does explain a lot :chuckle:


That's fair enough. Maybe we might do something else before BDO, and you could come along then...a Shadows night, maybe? :D I know they're open for most of the summer break. That avoids financial issues too. :LOL:


Sounds like a plan. I must see this famous Auck uni bar one day :LOL:

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That's fair enough. Maybe we might do something else before BDO, and you could come along then...a Shadows night, maybe? :D I know they're open for most of the summer break. That avoids financial issues too. :LOL:


Hope you have a nice dinner if you do go out.


Thanks, probably just over to my dads so nothing fancy. I'm not even sure if he's home.


Pics of new dress? :awesome:



That's what it looks like. You may not see me in it :awesome::LOL:

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