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Yeah but I totally won't! I see him so rarely now that even if I randomly talked to him on facebook it might seem weird.


:eek: you must seize the opportunity to talk to him on facebook now before the moment passes! Make up some excuse to leave a comment, like asking about a case or something.


Haha, the newsreader just made a funny mistake. "Builderscrack - the website helping homos...sorry, homeowners..." :LOL:


Awkwaaard! Do you have to type those out too?


:LOL: I saw there a is a facebook group 'BRIAN TAMAKI AND DESTINY CHURCH CAN SUCK MY DICK.'


A lot of my friends are in that group :LOL:

It just makes me think of:


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i'm off to watch some curb your enthusiasm in bed.


doing a 5km walk/run tomorrow for work at half 6. last year i did it for the free spit roast afterwards but there's been no mention of it this year. it better be there! :mad:


I love that show.


Oh good luck, have fun and I cross my fingers for you!


Ooh, can I get in on that?



Indeed, indeed you can!

I promise not to climb out the window and sit on the roof out of habit :D

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Awkwaaard! Do you have to type those out too?

I would if I could, but there's no time. You have to go into another mode to do live bits, so you need to know they're coming beforehand.


He did well, though - he said "Freudian slip, anyone?" with a grin on his face.

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Oooh Michele we should go together! Margaritaaaaaaaaaas!


Ooh, can I get in on that?


Yes! MOA night out! :D


i'm off to watch some curb your enthusiasm in bed.


doing a 5km walk/run tomorrow for work at half 6. last year i did it for the free spit roast afterwards but there's been no mention of it this year. it better be there! :mad:


Oh yes, there better be something nice at the end waiting for you after making such an effort to get up and do it. Good luck and have fun!

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:eek: you must seize the opportunity to talk to him on facebook now before the moment passes! Make up some excuse to leave a comment, like asking about a case or something.




Awkwaaard! Do you have to type those out too?




A lot of my friends are in that group :LOL:

It just makes me think of:



Hahha I think of that I'm a shark SUCK MY DICK! thing a lot. It cracks me up, and it works when I yell it in my head when work sucks!! Hahaha.


It would just be weird because he is a runner for stuff and not in the theatres themselves. I think if I thought there was a chance he might like me back then I would, but I really don't!


I would if I could, but there's no time. You have to go into another mode to do live bits, so you need to know they're coming beforehand.


He did well, though - he said "Freudian slip, anyone?" with a grin on his face.


That's epic!

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But that, and other diners and staff's reaction to it, is something I would love to see!



Hahhaha Don't tempt me, maybe I should not partake of the margaritas.


Yes! MOA night out! :D!


Yay if you guys are keen we can celebrate the end of uni?



EDIT: whoops, double post, sorry!

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A lot of my friends are in that group :LOL:

It just makes me think of:



Yeah, I see it has over 10500 people joined up. :chuckle:


Aha, I love those sharks.


But that, and other diners and staff's reaction to it, is something I would love to see!


+1 Get a few drinks down me and I might join in :LOL:

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Yay if you guys are keen we can celebrate the end of uni?


Yeah, that'd be sweet. Despite it feeling like I'm finished with uni, it will never really be over :LOL: I still have an assignment left due in December and I'll have my research to do which still needs more organising :erm:



I'd be saying "I so don't know those people..."


Before we get that far, just lure us back with more nachos and margaritas :LOL:

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Yeah, that'd be sweet. Despite it feeling like I'm finished with uni, it will never really be over :LOL: I still have an assignment left due in December and I'll have my research to do which still needs more organising :erm:




Before we get that far, just lure us back with more nachos and margaritas :LOL:


I like your way of thinking! I can always be lured with food and alcoholic beverages!


And now I am really going to bed, night guys! Have a great one tomorrow!

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Right, I am off to bed, you guys keeping me up late, honestly!! :)


But seriously, lets go out.

Then I will have more chance of picking you out of the crowd at the BDO too :)


Yeah we should definately go *googles to check where it is*.


Good night! Have a good day tomorrow :)

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I would if I could, but there's no time. You have to go into another mode to do live bits, so you need to know they're coming beforehand.


He did well, though - he said "Freudian slip, anyone?" with a grin on his face.


:LOL: nicely managed!


It would just be weird because he is a runner for stuff and not in the theatres themselves. I think if I thought there was a chance he might like me back then I would, but I really don't!


Aw, oh well.

I miss my funny tutor. Although I did have a dream with him in it that other day NOT LIKE THAT get your minds out of the gutter :p:LOL:


EDIT: whoops, double post, sorry!


:p I don't hate double posting, if that's what people are worried about! I just try not to double post myself.

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