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Especially at work!! "uh, that last case went really badly.." BLOOD SPATTER.

Very good point! Unnerving for other patients.


And have just discovered it's also all over my white bathroom. :eek:


You might not want to let any guests in your house use that bathroom.

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the fine and demerit points for breaching your licence are nothing in the scheme of things, its having an accident and not having insurance and owing an insurance company $20000.


really gotta finish my stupid assignment today.


Yeah but I still don't want to pay a $400 fine for driving past 10pm (stupid rule btw), let alone an additional fine for carrying a passenger. I texted the friend today to see if he got to uni okay and said sorry for changing plans on him, and he said he got there fine and it was sweet, he had a good time at the party anyway. That's good enough for me. Which I know sounds kind of mean but I just can't be bothered being all 'im sorry blah blah blah'.


Hope you manage to get through the assignment! I should be studying as we speak.


Hahha yeah masks are terrible! My brother wore a beast's head. It was all paper mache amazing detail, and it lasted about five minutes because he couldn't breathe or see in it :LOL:

I got a whole head wolf mask and stuffed it with material and plonked it in the basket with a tea towel round it so it looked like it had been chopped off .


That is an awesome costume Kat! I really like it :)

Btw I was thinking about BDO stuff the other day and thought maybe we could write MOA on our upper arms and draw a little kiwi on with a vivid or something. The only problem then is that it might rub off and smudge after going through the misting tent, and you might get a suntan in the shape of the letters :LOL:


It's even on the ceiling. How the .....?


I'm off to try and clean it off!! Hopefully it comes off walls easier than it does skin!



Good luck!


Speaking of fines, I managed to get off that $200 one for not having a rego :awesome: We wrote in saying that the car was just about to have the ownership changed (which is true because it was changed to be under my name) and claiming "financial hardship" and they let us off! Which is a surprise, because my dad has written in for pretty much every fine he's ever gotten, so his name is like blacklisted with with Fines and Collections place :LOL:

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Speaking of fines, I managed to get off that $200 one for not having a rego :awesome: We wrote in saying that the car was just about to have the ownership changed (which is true because it was changed to be under my name) and claiming "financial hardship" and they let us off! Which is a surprise, because my dad has written in for pretty much every fine he's ever gotten, so his name is like blacklisted with with Fines and Collections place :LOL:

Nicely done!


I like your MOA idea, but the rubbing off issue is a very valid one - especially since I plan to go through the misting tent on more than one occasion.


I'm thinking I could have some Moa beer a day or so before the BDO and take off the label and attach it to myself in some way for the BDO...yeah, that's just an excuse to have Moa beer.

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Yeah but I still don't want to pay a $400 fine for driving past 10pm (stupid rule btw), let alone an additional fine for carrying a passenger. I texted the friend today to see if he got to uni okay and said sorry for changing plans on him, and he said he got there fine and it was sweet, he had a good time at the party anyway. That's good enough for me. Which I know sounds kind of mean but I just can't be bothered being all 'im sorry blah blah blah'.

I don't think that's mean, and I don't think you really had anything to apologise for.

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i really wanna go visit the moa brewery in blenheim. hoping to get up that way during summer if i can, take off a week sometime in february.


gave up on the assignment, got about 4 questions to do...not due till the 11th.


now waiting for dinner to be cooked...hungry now. impatient.

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I don't know what I'd think if I went into someone's bathroom and saw blood stains on the ceiling. Disgusted, naturally, but also possibly a bit intrigued.


Bahahaha true! Just when I thought I'd got it all I opened the cupboard to find it on the inside of the doors!!

Think it's all gone now though!



Nicely done!


I like your MOA idea, but the rubbing off issue is a very valid one - especially since I plan to go through the misting tent on more than one occasion.


I'm thinking I could have some Moa beer a day or so before the BDO and take off the label and attach it to myself in some way for the BDO...yeah, that's just an excuse to have Moa beer.


Misting tent???

What is this 'misting tent' you speak of?






Awwwwww :)


Maybe we should all dress up as actual moas, feathers and all, then we'd be easy to

spot :D


Man I have my exam tomorrow. So unprepared for it too, I just want to pass and get it out of the way!

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Misting tent???

What is this 'misting tent' you speak of?

It's a tunnel thing with lots sprinkler-type things going. So refreshing. :happy:


Maybe we should all dress up as actual moas, feathers and all, then we'd be easy to

spot :D

Now there's an idea.


Man I have my exam tomorrow. So unprepared for it too, I just want to pass and get it out of the way!

Ooh, good luck! I'm sure you'll be fine.


I'm handing in my last essay at 3 tomorrow...and having a beer with my friend at 3:05. :D

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It's a tunnel thing with lots sprinkler-type things going. So refreshing. :happy:



Now there's an idea.



Ooh, good luck! I'm sure you'll be fine.


I'm handing in my last essay at 3 tomorrow...and having a beer with my friend at 3:05. :D


Thanks for the luck:)

Oh I do remember that thing now! I didn't know that's what it was called!


OHH BEEER! That's what I should do after my exam finishes!!!

Good luck with your essay!

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Cool costumes guys. I spent my Halloween evening watching the golden compass.


Btw I was thinking about BDO stuff the other day and thought maybe we could write MOA on our upper arms and draw a little kiwi on with a vivid or something. The only problem then is that it might rub off and smudge after going through the misting tent, and you might get a suntan in the shape of the letters :LOL:


That would be cool, I wouldn't mind keeping the shape from suntan/burn though :LOL: It would be awesome to have a marker which we would be able to wash off with soap but it won't sweat off...


I've never been in the misting tent. Didn't want to get frizzy hair :$ But I'd get a bit of a misting just walking past.


I'm thinking I could have some Moa beer a day or so before the BDO and take off the label and attach it to myself in some way for the BDO...yeah, that's just an excuse to have Moa beer.


That would be very convenient. A drink the night before and a simple sticker to slap on in the morning.


Maybe we should all dress up as actual moas, feathers and all, then we'd be easy to

spot :D


Man I have my exam tomorrow. So unprepared for it too, I just want to pass and get it out of the way!


If only I had more emu feathers that could have worked :LOL:


Good luck for the exam!


I did some wandering around today and finally got to the esplanade which has all gardens and aviaires of birds. Including some natives like kea (so cute taking clumps of grass into these tunnels), kaka, brown teal and blue ducks. They had some impressive white peacocks too. The sulphur-crested cockatoos liked having a head scratch :happy:

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Oh yeah, a funny thing happened in my friend's exam yesterday. During the beginning where all the rules and stuff are explained a phone rang and a guy stood up. An examiner said 'you get out' but the guy answered the phone said something like 'what, ok i'll be right there' and hung up. THEN he ripped his t-shirt off and was painted all blue with an S on his chest and back then ran out of the room :LOL: I would have loved to see that.

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Morning, it finishes around 1130 ish.

Nice. That leaves you the whole afternoon free! :D


Oh yeah, a funny thing happened in my friend's exam yesterday. During the beginning where all the rules and stuff are explained a phone rang and a guy stood up. An examiner said 'you get out' but the guy answered the phone said something like 'what, ok i'll be right there' and hung up. THEN he ripped his t-shirt off and was painted all blue with an S on his chest and back then ran out of the room :LOL: I would have loved to see that.


That is outstanding. Well done, that guy.

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Aw :supersad:


Bahahaha true! Just when I thought I'd got it all I opened the cupboard to find it on the inside of the doors!!

Think it's all gone now though!


Misting tent???

What is this 'misting tent' you speak of?


Maybe that's not fake blood after all :stunned:


The misting tent is an awesome installation at Big Day Out and a must to walk through during the day.


Oh yeah, a funny thing happened in my friend's exam yesterday. During the beginning where all the rules and stuff are explained a phone rang and a guy stood up. An examiner said 'you get out' but the guy answered the phone said something like 'what, ok i'll be right there' and hung up. THEN he ripped his t-shirt off and was painted all blue with an S on his chest and back then ran out of the room :LOL: I would have loved to see that.


:LOL: whaaat? That is awesome, I would have cracked up and smiled all through the exam.

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Oh yeah, a funny thing happened in my friend's exam yesterday. During the beginning where all the rules and stuff are explained a phone rang and a guy stood up. An examiner said 'you get out' but the guy answered the phone said something like 'what, ok i'll be right there' and hung up. THEN he ripped his t-shirt off and was painted all blue with an S on his chest and back then ran out of the room :LOL: I would have loved to see that.


Woah! That is truly awesome! Nothing like that happened in my exam, about the most exciting thing was when I thought my hand was falling off from cramp...


Stupid exams! But then, when I bussed home, the bus driver said it's now $12.40 from town, and the last time it was like $6 and I nearly died, but then he gave me a 2 hour pass that was only $5 and said it works out the same.

Awwww. So glad he did that, bus drivers I get are usually mean! :)

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