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just wish shortie would kill off the pointless characters, like the whole jefferies family.


aqua class was good, you basically just run and jump and kick and punch in the water. my abs hurt a bit tonight from it actually! its good because its low impact because when i jump around in cardio or kickfit class i do my knees in.

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I don't hate armageddon, I think it's awesome and fun! That's why I'm going!


You can watch that guys profile and see whether he suddenly becomes 'single' any time soon :p.


Well good! :LOL:


At one point my feet were at the same height as my head




Why is One News doing a story about a new John Safran show? Slow news day. And they called him 'Australia's most controversial Jewish comedian.' I wonder who the other controversial Jewish comedians are? I like the anchor though, he makes funny asides. Just now he was like 'tomorrow on breakfast there's the Entrepreneur of the Year... that should be interesting ". And before when they did a segment on some sports fans riotously celebrating a win he said something like 'they seem pleased'.


My ulcer still hurts so bad. I rolled onto my stomach this morning to pick up my phone and my pillow pressed onto my lip, and it hurt so much! :supersad:

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Oww :( Hope it gets better soon! Ulcers suck, I'm glad I haven't had one for ages.


I'm really worried that its going to become infected or something because it really hurts, and it looks more like a blister than an ulcer. Usually they feel really big but are actually only small things, but this one is something fierce. Yeah, I just shared that with you all.

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I didn't know that! Unexpected. But that explains a few things.


Work has been fun tonight actually. One of the news directors that we have to listen to when we're doing the news has this awful voice and is really annoying, and one of my workmates found her on Facebook and she happens to have a public profile. Hilarity has ensued. :LOL:


Hahah oh Why on earth do people have public profiles? But I love them for it, spying on them without even having to add them, fantastic!



Yeah. That article also said Muse don't have a passionate fanbase. We'll show them.


And who lights a glow stick? Honestly.



Heh, not passionate. Bloody hell!


just wish shortie would kill off the pointless characters, like the whole jefferies family.


aqua class was good, you basically just run and jump and kick and punch in the water. my abs hurt a bit tonight from it actually! its good because its low impact because when i jump around in cardio or kickfit class i do my knees in.



It sounds awesome! I want to try it because I am pretty much useless at exercise because I fail at the instructions!


Me and my two climbing mates have been having a 'plank' off. I was the best the first night but tonight I sucked, and now it hurts to breathe. Haha, got to love those muscles you never knew you had!

You can watch that guys profile and see whether he suddenly becomes 'single' any time soon :p.


Well good! :LOL:






My ulcer still hurts so bad. I rolled onto my stomach this morning to pick up my phone and my pillow pressed onto my lip, and it hurt so much! :supersad:



Two words. Medigel, and bonjella.


Having had braces for over 4 years, I can sympathise. I had pretty much constant ulcers for over a year, they were so bad that I actually have permanent dents in my lips where they were. Could NOT get rid of them.


I prefer medigel to bonjella but seriously get some of that on it!



Aw I thought I quoted your post Michelle, I love your MOA ideas, I want to be able to find you guys in the crowd!

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Hahah oh Why on earth do people have public profiles? But I love them for it, spying on them without even having to add them, fantastic!


Me and my two climbing mates have been having a 'plank' off. I was the best the first night but tonight I sucked, and now it hurts to breathe. Haha, got to love those muscles you never knew you had!


Two words. Medigel, and bonjella.

Having had braces for over 4 years, I can sympathise. I had pretty much constant ulcers for over a year, they were so bad that I actually have permanent dents in my lips where they were. Could NOT get rid of them.

I prefer medigel to bonjella but seriously get some of that on it!


:LOL: yeah, I would never put my profile on public, but I love to facebook snoop on people who do :LOL:


What's a 'plank off'? :erm:


We don't have any atm, might buy some tomorrow. But I know that will sting like a bitch! I mean it hurts on regular ulcers, but this will be like the equivalent of just jabbing it with a knife or something. Not looking forward to that.


I like the idea of having some sort of secret signifier amongst us Moas :ninja: A meet would be fun but it isn't sneaky enough :LOL:

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oh kat, i am the most unco person. even in the water tonight, anytime i have to alternate different arms and legs i do the same fucking one. but i have a lot of fun doing it and usually its the same instructor so she just laughs and me and my friend being stupid. if you can laugh at yourself too its okay!

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the kick your right leg and touch it with your left arm...never works. great thing about the water is most people can't see you're doing it wrong.


we occasionally look up dodgy customers on facebook or bebo. i certainly would never have profiles like that public!

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:LOL: yeah, I would never put my profile on public, but I love to facebook snoop on people who do :LOL:


What's a 'plank off'? :erm:


We don't have any atm, might buy some tomorrow. But I know that will sting like a bitch! I mean it hurts on regular ulcers, but this will be like the equivalent of just jabbing it with a knife or something. Not looking forward to that.


I like the idea of having some sort of secret signifier amongst us Moas :ninja: A meet would be fun but it isn't sneaky enough :LOL:


It stings at the beginning but it's well worth the numbness. Mouth issues are the WORST>


A plank is a stretch for your ab and core muscles, you lean on your elbows and on your toews (like doing a push up but on your elbows) and then you hold that for as long as you can and it KILLS your stomach area but it's really good for you.

And it's where my weakest musles are and to be able to climb on the roof you need them strong to hold you on the wall, so my friends and I are competing to see who can do the longest ones =)


oh kat, i am the most unco person. even in the water tonight, anytime i have to alternate different arms and legs i do the same fucking one. but i have a lot of fun doing it and usually its the same instructor so she just laughs and me and my friend being stupid. if you can laugh at yourself too its okay!



oh good, that makes me feel better haha! I'm so bad that even when the instructer is telling me what stretch to do they are like "no you're doing it wrong. It's backwards. No, still wrong. " and have to put me in the postion, and then by the next session I have forgotten hoe to do it and we have to go through it all again.

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A plank is a stretch for your ab and core muscles, you lean on your elbows and on your toews (like doing a push up but on your elbows) and then you hold that for as long as you can and it KILLS your stomach area but it's really good for you.

And it's where my weakest musles are and to be able to climb on the roof you need them strong to hold you on the wall, so my friends and I are competing to see who can do the longest ones =)


oh good, that makes me feel better haha! I'm so bad that even when the instructer is telling me what stretch to do they are like "no you're doing it wrong. It's backwards. No, still wrong. " and have to put me in the postion, and then by the next session I have forgotten hoe to do it and we have to go through it all again.


Oh okay, I thought it had something to do with the whole 'my feet were at the same level as my head' scenario you described earlier :LOL:


That is the story of my life, but with cashing up :LOL: I always forget how to do it.

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I'm really worried that its going to become infected or something because it really hurts, and it looks more like a blister than an ulcer. Usually they feel really big but are actually only small things, but this one is something fierce. Yeah, I just shared that with you all.


If you get a helpful pharmacist while looking for the gels, get them to have a look at it. Surely they'll be able to tell you how nasty it is.


I never put anything on mine though because I didn't like bonjella as a kid, I was such a fuss. I would probably use it now if I got a bad one. I started getting heaps near the end on my flute career on my bottom lip, it was weird.


Aw I thought I quoted your post Michelle, I love your MOA ideas, I want to be able to find you guys in the crowd!


Don't worry, we'll find each other. I'll keep a look out for neat stuff like blow up moas over summer. My only worry is we won't be able to take stuff in :rolleyes: Meh, I'll just stuff in the back of pants.


I like the idea of having some sort of secret signifier amongst us Moas :ninja: A meet would be fun but it isn't sneaky enough :LOL:


You want something sneaky? Ok, umm, well I don't have ideas for that :LOL: But feel free to sneak up on us. Front row, with glow sticks and shit, maybe a MUSE sticker on my cheek if it hasn't sweated off, not hard to miss :LOL:

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AND we are over 1000 posts already!


Right I'm doing it. I'm going to bed. I always feel like I've missed out when I get on the board the next day and see all the night time posts!!!


Night guys, hope you all have a great Friday!


I felt that way when I first joined the board but had to get to bed early for uni. Night time posts are fun though, my night contribution got better when I finally had internet in my room to sit in bed with my computer :LOL:


Anyway, night! Hope you have a good Friday too! :)

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I like the anchor though, he makes funny asides. Just now he was like 'tomorrow on breakfast there's the Entrepreneur of the Year... that should be interesting ". And before when they did a segment on some sports fans riotously celebrating a win he said something like 'they seem pleased'.

He's awesome. I think he's the best one on TV1, I don't know why they stick him on Tonight, which no one watches.


He makes me feel bad though. Because his little asides are never scripted, I can't put them in and so the deaf viewers (all 2 of them, probably) miss out on the brilliance.


Sorry to hear about your ulcer. Those are really nasty.

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