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I fell over spectacularly at uni today. :facepalm: I rolled my ankle, then did a couple of really graceful staggery lunges, giving spectators the impression for a split second that I just might manage to regain control of the situation and remain vertical, but then BAM! Down I went. :LOL:

Edited by _Ed_
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Finished and handed in my shitty essay today :awesome: Rewrote an entire section last night at about 1am. Probably not going to get a very good mark but don't care. Still got my creative writing portfolio to finish but I don't mind since that's actually fun. Got to do a presentation on Wednesday for that class.

Well done for finishing that essay! I'm sure you'll end up doing a lot better than you think.


I've been wondering about Lenny's whereabouts as well. Hope all is well.

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I fell over spectacularly at uni today. :facepalm: I rolled my ankle, then did a couple of really graceful staggery lunges, giving spectators the impression for a split second that I just might manage to regain control of the situation and remain vertical, but then BAM! Down I went. :LOL:


I've been wondering about Lenny's whereabouts as well. Hope all is well.


Oh no :LOL: that is quite a shame. Where was it?

Hmm, I hope she's okay. I miss her presence around here.

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Yeah, very embarrassing. To add insult to injury, in my desperate attempt to get up before too many more people noticed I'd hit the deck, I stood on one of my ipod headphones that had fallen out of my pocket, breaking it.


And nah, I didn't. It's possible she hasn't seen my message, I guess, although she did a status update thingy the other day. Hope the class isn't awkward tomorrow. :unsure:

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Yeah, very embarrassing. To add insult to injury, in my desperate attempt to get up before too many more people noticed I'd hit the deck, I stood on one of my ipod headphones that had fallen out of my pocket, breaking it.


And nah, I didn't. It's possible she hasn't seen my message, I guess, although she did a status update thingy the other day. Hope the class isn't awkward tomorrow. :unsure:


Ah no, not cool!


Maybe she's just waiting to respond in person :happy: Think positive!

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Nah, pessimism's the way to go. That way, you're never disappointed.


But having said that, we walk the same way after class - with me not having headphones now, the easy way out option of not talking may not be available.


In other news, this bear has its priorities right - http://tvnz.co.nz/world-news/bear-makes-beeline-beer-fridge-3080996


:LOL: I love how it just sat there, chillin'

(see what I did there?)


Haha yusss, perfect opportunity! I'm the kind of person who walks deliberately slowly so the person will walk past me and I have an excuse to say hi, or will pack up my books slowly so we happen to leave the lecture theatre at the same time :LOL:


Last night I had a dream that me and two friends killed someone and put their pieces into a duffel bag. And at one point I was carrying it and someone wanted to look inside and I had to convince them not to by holding it close and blood was leaking out onto me. :stunned: wat.

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:LOL: I love how it just sat there, chillin'

(see what I did there?)



Haha yusss, perfect opportunity! I'm the kind of person who walks deliberately slowly so the person will walk past me and I have an excuse to say hi, or will pack up my books slowly so we happen to leave the lecture theatre at the same time :LOL:

Haha, I do that too. Sounds like a plan.


Last night I had a dream that me and two friends killed someone and put their pieces into a duffel bag. And at one point I was carrying it and someone wanted to look inside and I had to convince them not to by holding it close and blood was leaking out onto me. :stunned: wat.


So apart from that, and the stress of staying up late to finish an essay, how are you?

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Haha, I do that too. Sounds like a plan.




So apart from that, and the stress of staying up late to finish an essay, how are you?


It works too :p


I'm okay. Sitting in bed with tissues again. Had a relapse of the sniffles.

Otherwise I'm just checking Facebook. Waiting for a friend to watch a video I left her so I can discuss it in excruciating detail :LOL:



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Any discussion in anything less than excruciating detail is entirely inadequate.


I'm pretty good thanks. Can't believe it's the last week of the semester! Although one of my essays (which I haven't yet started) has been extended until the 2nd of November, so freedom's not quite on the horizon yet.


Are you going to End of Daze?

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Any discussion in anything less than excruciating detail is entirely inadequate.


I'm pretty good thanks. Can't believe it's the last week of the semester! Although one of my essays (which I haven't yet started) has been extended until the 2nd of November, so freedom's not quite on the horizon yet.


Are you going to End of Daze?


Is that on Friday? I'll be at uni then so might if I'm just hanging around. Yourself?

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Yeah, Friday.


I might go. I have an essay due at 3 that day, so I'll see how that goes before deciding. The lineup doesn't really excite me, apart from Collapsing Cities.


Oh true. Essay first :LOL:


I STILL DON'T HAVE A JOB :( I really reeeeeeally need money. Probably going to work with my dad, which is fine, but he already employs my sister too. So while it will be fun to work with them, I really want some outside income!

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Yeah, can totally understand that. What sort of thing are you looking for?


Retail hopefully. There's a mall nearish here that I keep dropping CVs into but I have a feeling they have a pneumatic pipe system that simply sends the paper onto a large pile somewhere out in the jungle, Lost-style. I'm probably going to be too late to get any Christmas work, which means no money over the holiday period. I want to be able to buy things! I'm tired of living with $140 a month for bus fares, lunches, and all those other little expenses. I haven't bought anything over $30 bucks for myself for ages (excepting The Resistance), and yet my savings haven't increased at all. Bitch bitch whine moan.

I'm going to bed. Got a tutorial tomorrow but fuck it. I need sleep more. Night. Good luck at class tomorrow :LOL:

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I want to be able to buy things! I'm tired of living with $140 a month for bus fares, lunches, and all those other little expenses. I haven't bought anything over $30 bucks for myself for ages (excepting The Resistance), and yet my savings haven't increased at all.

Ugh, you must get so sick of that. It's not fun at all. I hope you can find something.


I'm going to bed. Got a tutorial tomorrow but fuck it. I need sleep more. Night. Good luck at class tomorrow :LOL:

Night! I probably should go in early for my class tomorrow and get some work done in the library first, but I'm thinking the same way as you - fuck it.


Have a good day. :)

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Nah, pessimism's the way to go. That way, you're never disappointed.


But having said that, we walk the same way after class - with me not having headphones now, the easy way out option of not talking may not be available.


In other news, this bear has its priorities right - http://tvnz.co.nz/world-news/bear-makes-beeline-beer-fridge-3080996

i just think with that story they probably are missing out the part where they shot the bear :(

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A skunk? :erm:


No. Clue time- it's a primate.


In other news, this bear has its priorities right - http://tvnz.co.nz/world-news/bear-makes-beeline-beer-fridge-3080996


:LOL: Nothing like a cold refreshment on a warm day.


i just think with that story they probably are missing out the part where they shot the bear :(


After tranquilising and taking out of store? :(

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It's just not my week. :( Still sore from yesterday's fall, and then today... (Bad language warning!)


So I stayed up late last night watching DVDs and stuff, and didn't get to bed before 2:30. Probably got to sleep about 3. So I wasn't too impressed when my next-door neighbour started using his waterblaster (which has a loud, high-pitched buzzing sound that sounds a lot like a whole big swarm of seriously pissed off bees with microphones) at 7:15am. Fucking 7:15! I closed the windows, tried listening to music, but nothing drowned it out. It finally stopped at about 10.


At this point, I possibly should have set my alarm clock. Instead, I promptly went back to sleep and woke up at around 12:45. I had to leave for my class at 1. I thought, "fuck." No breakfast for me.


I then got rained on walking to the bus stop, and then missed the bus - so I had to drive in and park in Ponsonby and run to the class. I at this point started to doubt whether the class would be worth all this effort. But nah, of course it would - it was the day I finally got up the courage to properly talk to my classmate. Then she doesn't go to the class.


And the fucking class ran late, which meant I didn't have time to get any lunch/afternoon tea before coming to work. And I'm gonna be moving my car to the TVNZ carpark in my dinner break, so I won't get anything then either. Been a while since I last ate.


Geez, sorry about that. Felt good to get it all out there, but I don't recommend anyone actually reading it.

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I knew it was a red panda! :p




I is jealous! They're all so cute! :happy:




A skunk? :erm:


Finished and handed in my shitty essay today :awesome: Rewrote an entire section last night at about 1am. Probably not going to get a very good mark but don't care. Still got my creative writing portfolio to finish but I don't mind since that's actually fun. Got to do a presentation on Wednesday for that class.

Has anyone heard from Lenny lately? :erm:


That's weird, I was wondering about her yesterday, and thought 'stuff it' and sent her a message hoping she's all right.

I hope she's just having an internet hiatus or something! :(


I fell over spectacularly at uni today. :facepalm: I rolled my ankle, then did a couple of really graceful staggery lunges, giving spectators the impression for a split second that I just might manage to regain control of the situation and remain vertical, but then BAM! Down I went. :LOL:


Oh. My.


That is quite spectaculer. And you ruined your headphones =(


:LOL: I love how it just sat there, chillin'

(see what I did there?)


Haha yusss, perfect opportunity! I'm the kind of person who walks deliberately slowly so the person will walk past me and I have an excuse to say hi, or will pack up my books slowly so we happen to leave the lecture theatre at the same time :LOL:


Last night I had a dream that me and two friends killed someone and put their pieces into a duffel bag. And at one point I was carrying it and someone wanted to look inside and I had to convince them not to by holding it close and blood was leaking out onto me. :stunned: wat.


Wow, that's quite the imagination you have! Though it must be the weather or something because two nights ago I dreamt that my brother's friend went on this super rampage of murder and she had trapped me in the house and was going to stab me to death! ARRRGH!



It's just not my week. :( Still sore from yesterday's fall, and then today... (Bad language warning!)


So I stayed up late last night watching DVDs and stuff, and didn't get to bed before 2:30. Probably got to sleep about 3. So I wasn't too impressed when my next-door neighbour started using his waterblaster (which has a loud, high-pitched buzzing sound that sounds a lot like a whole big swarm of seriously pissed off bees with microphones) at 7:15am. Fucking 7:15! I closed the windows, tried listening to music, but nothing drowned it out. It finally stopped at about 10.


At this point, I possibly should have set my alarm clock. Instead, I promptly went back to sleep and woke up at around 12:45. I had to leave for my class at 1. I thought, "fuck." No breakfast for me.


I then got rained on walking to the bus stop, and then missed the bus - so I had to drive in and park in Ponsonby and run to the class. I at this point started to doubt whether the class would be worth all this effort. But nah, of course it would - it was the day I finally got up the courage to properly talk to my classmate. Then she doesn't go to the class.


And the fucking class ran late, which meant I didn't have time to get any lunch/afternoon tea before coming to work. And I'm gonna be moving my car to the TVNZ carpark in my dinner break, so I won't get anything then either. Been a while since I last ate.


Geez, sorry about that. Felt good to get it all out there, but I don't recommend anyone actually reading it.



Lame, lame lame! That sucks man! You should totally have used up your bad luck quota for the next few months with that lot there!!


Hope things pick up again!

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It's just not my week. :( Still sore from yesterday's fall, and then today... (Bad language warning!)


So I stayed up late last night watching DVDs and stuff, and didn't get to bed before 2:30. Probably got to sleep about 3. So I wasn't too impressed when my next-door neighbour started using his waterblaster (which has a loud, high-pitched buzzing sound that sounds a lot like a whole big swarm of seriously pissed off bees with microphones) at 7:15am. Fucking 7:15! I closed the windows, tried listening to music, but nothing drowned it out. It finally stopped at about 10.


At this point, I possibly should have set my alarm clock. Instead, I promptly went back to sleep and woke up at around 12:45. I had to leave for my class at 1. I thought, "fuck." No breakfast for me.


I then got rained on walking to the bus stop, and then missed the bus - so I had to drive in and park in Ponsonby and run to the class. I at this point started to doubt whether the class would be worth all this effort. But nah, of course it would - it was the day I finally got up the courage to properly talk to my classmate. Then she doesn't go to the class.


And the fucking class ran late, which meant I didn't have time to get any lunch/afternoon tea before coming to work. And I'm gonna be moving my car to the TVNZ carpark in my dinner break, so I won't get anything then either. Been a while since I last ate.


Geez, sorry about that. Felt good to get it all out there, but I don't recommend anyone actually reading it.


Ah, that sucks. Its so typical that the day you finally summon the courage to do something, the person doesn't show up. Happens to all of us.

Hope you can get something to eat before you collapse of starvation :erm:


Wow, that's quite the imagination you have! Though it must be the weather or something because two nights ago I dreamt that my brother's friend went on this super rampage of murder and she had trapped me in the house and was going to stab me to death! ARRRGH!


Must be something in the water


Michelle, I think I recognise what that animal is but I don't know what they're called! :LOL:

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