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Ahh sadly baby is in NICU in Auckland hospital so I'm at home while she is being cared for. :(

She has Hirschsprungs Disease and we are waiting on a date so she can have surgery. Also, though you can't see it in the photos, she doesn't have a left hand. But apart from that... she is perfect!!! I wish she was at home with me though. :(


Oh no, that's not good :( Good on you for being positive though! :happy:



Okay guys I'm not a huge weddings person, but somehow I got drawn to the Disney weddings website via Facebook and it looks beautiful! I mean I know these weddings seem so commercial and stuff but the locations really are very pretty, and omg the cakes! See for yourselves


BEAUTIFUL :supersad:

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i hope she's home with you soon holly!


ugh, i hate disneyland. especially the princess parade and the princesses all have the fakest smiles ever. that sort of forced smile that really is saying "please kill me now." that said, the rollercoaster at california dreaming is awesome.

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Hiya :)

I had my little baby 'Moa' on 3rd October. 5lb 8oz, named Violet Inara :)

Here are some piccies....



Hope you are all well :)


Awww Congratulations! She's beautiful! Tiny too! Good luck with the surgery and her recovery!



How is everyone? I had my best friend's wedding yesterday. Started my bridesmaid duties at 8am and finished packing up everything at 1 am.

I'm exhausted!

She had the photo's done before the ceremony, which felt very weird and was a bit awkward, but turned out well because it rained ten minutes before the outdoor ceremony so it was moved into the reception venue.

It was the shortest ceremony I've ever been to, about five minutes! The pastor mucked up and missed out their vows!! And the rings, so they just put them on each other without saying anything, but the rest of the reception went well!

Everyone looked amazing too, I had my hair and make up done by a professional and I didn't look like me at all! So that was nice too!!

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you look lovely!


not sure if you can spoiler it if you attach them to the board? only if you link them? this is all assumption but a spoiler tag is [ spoiler] [ /spoiler] without the spaces.


Yeah I tried it the normal way and I don't think I can link them? Oh well!


And thanks! I'm sure it's someone else and not me, I'm not that lady like :D

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Hahahha, ok!


I tried to spoiler them and failed, sorry everyone has to see them all!


How do you get your pictures to go inside the spoiler?


Wow that's so lovely :happy: I really like the style of the bridesmaid's dresses, how they're short in contrast to the long white dress. Also you look really pretty! :happy:

The cream/tan dress that girl in the group shot is wearing is really nice too, I'd like one like that.

I think a wedding I went to had a reception at Duders too!


You can spoiler attachments. Okay what you have to do is attach the picture you want to your post, and then in the window that comes up, under 'current attachments' you click the attachment, and it should open it in a new page. In the url it says 'attachmentid=' and then a number. Chuck the number in the [ attach] [ /attach] tags and wrap some spoilers around it and you're done :happy: There's probably a faster way of doing it but this is the only way I know.

Example: attachmentid=6984

[ SPOILER][ attach]6984[ /attach][ /SPOILER]




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I'm having one of those days where I just cannot be assed to work on my essay. Got about 600 words to go, it sucks so bad. I don't even adhere to the question properly. Just going to get it done, chuck a few references in and hand this shit in. I'm over it.

I know that feeling. Not long to go now though. Is it your last bit of coursework? Do you have exams?

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yay sold most of my muse singles on trademe. and the tshirt. but damn, the trademe fees are ridiculous now. the singles all went to the same person but she seems lovely so i'm sure they will have a nice new appreciative home.


i should really do my assignment but i really don't care. i've inherited two claims at my new work that are going to disputes tribunal, one on wednesday. and i've been called to the district court during study leave for my exam. :facepalm: but no one else can go.

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Wow that's so lovely :happy: I really like the style of the bridesmaid's dresses, how they're short in contrast to the long white dress. Also you look really pretty! :happy:

The cream/tan dress that girl in the group shot is wearing is really nice too, I'd like one like that.

I think a wedding I went to had a reception at Duders too!


You can spoiler attachments. Okay what you have to do is attach the picture you want to your post, and then in the window that comes up, under 'current attachments' you click the attachment, and it should open it in a new page. In the url it says 'attachmentid=' and then a number. Chuck the number in the [ attach] [ /attach] tags and wrap some spoilers around it and you're done :happy: There's probably a faster way of doing it but this is the only way I know.

Example: attachmentid=6984

[ SPOILER][ attach]6984[ /attach][ /SPOILER]




Thanks! Will try that next time! The bridesmaid dresses were awesome, and I will totally be able to wear it again! Win!


I got Hullabaloo today, lol! So I spent the day watching that, and like you guys have ignored any uni work I'm meant to have done. And I don't even care.


Did anyone watch Wipeout? One guy made it the whole way across the big red balls, it was awesome!

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How is everyone? I had my best friend's wedding yesterday. Started my bridesmaid duties at 8am and finished packing up everything at 1 am.

I'm exhausted!

She had the photo's done before the ceremony, which felt very weird and was a bit awkward, but turned out well because it rained ten minutes before the outdoor ceremony so it was moved into the reception venue.

It was the shortest ceremony I've ever been to, about five minutes! The pastor mucked up and missed out their vows!! And the rings, so they just put them on each other without saying anything, but the rest of the reception went well!

Everyone looked amazing too, I had my hair and make up done by a professional and I didn't look like me at all! So that was nice too!!


That's a shame about about the forgetful pastor and the rain, but at least it wasn't too disastrous. Glad you had a good time, you all look great :)


i should really do my assignment but i really don't care. i've inherited two claims at my new work that are going to disputes tribunal, one on wednesday. and i've been called to the district court during study leave for my exam. :facepalm: but no one else can go.


Oh bugger.


I really wanted to get more of my assignment work done today, but my computer has been slow so I've probably read more of 'The Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy' than papers whilst restarting my computer and what not. Now it's fine but I don't feel like reading papers, ugh, maybe one before getting back to reading books.

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I got Hullabaloo today, lol! So I spent the day watching that, and like you guys have ignored any uni work I'm meant to have done. And I don't even care.


Nice! :D Did you get all worked up and head banging around like some of us do whilst watching it? :$


Did anyone watch Wipeout? One guy made it the whole way across the big red balls, it was awesome!


Really?! Wow, good on them. :LOL:


I haven't watched much tv tonight, my friend came over to have burgerfuel and watch 'six days seven nights'.

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Awesome, innit?


Nice! :D Did you get all worked up and head banging around like some of us do whilst watching it? :$




Really?! Wow, good on them. :LOL:


I haven't watched much tv tonight, my friend came over to have burgerfuel and watch 'six days seven nights'.


It's SO awesome. Total fangirl day! I got a little carried away re enacting the 'sit the fuck down' part......


Hahah and the funniest moment of the day was when I heard Muse cranking full volume from downstairs, went in and Dad is sitting with the rock band drums, drumming along to 'uprising' on surround sound...........

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It's SO awesome. Total fangirl day! I got a little carried away re enacting the 'sit the fuck down' part......


Hahah and the funniest moment of the day was when I heard Muse cranking full volume from downstairs, went in and Dad is sitting with the rock band drums, drumming along to 'uprising' on surround sound...........


:LOL: Nice!


Awesome dad is awesome :awesome:

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