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Maybe. I'm thinking we should start somewhere quiet though - one of my friends is just back from a month in Finland, I'd like to catch up with him and be able to hear what he's been up to.


Guess I should go to uni and work on assignments in the afternoon though. But one of them I haven't even chosen my topic for, and the other one's the one I thought I had finished but that's been left in disarray after Tuesday's class and I might have to go and talk to the lecturer about.

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Maybe. I'm thinking we should start somewhere quiet though - one of my friends is just back from a month in Finland, I'd like to catch up with him and be able to hear what he's been up to.


Guess I should go to uni and work on assignments in the afternoon though. But one of them I haven't even chosen my topic for, and the other one's the one I thought I had finished but that's been left in disarray after Tuesday's class and I might have to go and talk to the lecturer about.


Talk to that girl about it! :chuckle:

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Talk to that girl about it! :chuckle:

I did send her a Facebook message yesterday suggesting that, so yeah I guess I should give it a couple of days, just in case.


Don't want to wait too long and leave myself not enough time though.

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You too! Night!


What's with all this "sexy plane" nonsense in the gigs threads? They're really making it hard for people who just want to have a casual peruse to see what the setlists were. And then they come up with annoying nicknames for songs that are hard to decipher (Uprising is something to do with teddies and MOTP is 'roneriness'). FFS.


That's my rant done. I'll be off to bed now too. Night all.

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'Sexy plane' started quite a while ago with people being bored waiting for setlists. I saw the beginning of it but can't remember what started it.


But as for the 'ducks list', that is getting annoying as they aren't posting the readable list so often and you have to search through pages for it when you can't understand the ducks lists. I only remeber TITS :LOL:

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oh it was so boring. saw like one customer. my new boss keeps saying to me to tell him if i'm too bored and it does my head in...but then what's he going to do? he's a strange man, when he asks me questions it makes me really nervous because usually there's no right answer!


but at lunchtime i had fun trying flavoured olive oils in a store called vom fass. i hardly ever go to the city in christchurch so has given me a chance to look around.


been told i have to go to another branch some mornings next week...last time i saw that branch manager was a drunken conversation at an xmas party and i said some really :facepalm:-y things.

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oh it was so boring. saw like one customer. my new boss keeps saying to me to tell him if i'm too bored and it does my head in...but then what's he going to do? he's a strange man, when he asks me questions it makes me really nervous because usually there's no right answer!


been told i have to go to another branch some mornings next week...last time i saw that branch manager was a drunken conversation at an xmas party and i said some really :facepalm:-y things.

Sounds awkward in the first case and potentially awkward in the second.


And how are you, Oren?

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Searches for journal articles often reveal the most unexpected results. Who would have thought "Nuisance Alligator Control in Florida" would pop up in a search for ping pong diplomacy?


:LOL: Alligators going after ping pong balls perhaps?


Right, enough of this. I've spent the last 5 hours in the library or the computer lab. Time to meet my friends, have dinner and get on the piss.


Hope you all have a nice evening. :)


Oh nice, you have a good evening too!





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Sounds awkward in the first case and potentially awkward in the second.


And how are you, Oren?

I'm alright thanks, another fairly wasteful day at home. My dad is in town for the weekend to celebrate his birthday, and he is a having a party type thing at a bar in town tonight, so that should be fun.

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hows the first couple weeks at home been for you? must be quite the change. thanks for sharing photos, cute baby indeed!


Ahh sadly baby is in NICU in Auckland hospital so I'm at home while she is being cared for. :(

She has Hirschsprungs Disease and we are waiting on a date so she can have surgery. Also, though you can't see it in the photos, she doesn't have a left hand. But apart from that... she is perfect!!! I wish she was at home with me though. :(

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Ahh sadly baby is in NICU in Auckland hospital so I'm at home while she is being cared for. :(

She has Hirschsprungs Disease and we are waiting on a date so she can have surgery. Also, though you can't see it in the photos, she doesn't have a left hand. But apart from that... she is perfect!!! I wish she was at home with me though. :(


Oh dear, must be hard for you being away from her :( All the best for the surgery!

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