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I think so. A girl came to our tutorial once and watched us and I think maybe she might be his girlfriend? Sigh. Why can't any nice guys be my age and single! And furthermore, WHY AM I TALKING ABOUT THIS LIKE ITS A SERIOUS THING :LOL:


Oh and Rich, with Modus Operandi, the cool thing was that the store had heaps of mannequins and mirrors, so when you first walked in you were like woah its crowded in here! Until you realised they weren't real people :LOL: There was definitely moments of being like 'oh sorry' when you bumped into them accidentally.


How old are you? She might have been his friend, or sister :D


Don't worry I'm the same, where are all the NICE guys??!!


Oh the mannequin thing, I do that every time I go to Max in Albany, they have them sitting down and stuff on the couch by the changing rooms, and one standing next to it. I stood behind a girl waiting for the changing room, wondered why she didn't go in when one became free, spoke to her and realised she was a flipping mannquin!:$

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How old are you? She might have been his friend, or sister :D


Don't worry I'm the same, where are all the NICE guys??!!


Oh the mannequin thing, I do that every time I go to Max in Albany, they have them sitting down and stuff on the couch by the changing rooms, and one standing next to it. I stood behind a girl waiting for the changing room, wondered why she didn't go in when one became free, spoke to her and realised she was a flipping mannquin!:$


Almost 20. Haha I'm still not going to ask! :$:LOL:


Haha oh that's cute :LOL: I wonder if any of the shop assistants saw you.


Now for something completely different:


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Oh the mannequin thing, I do that every time I go to Max in Albany, they have them sitting down and stuff on the couch by the changing rooms, and one standing next to it. I stood behind a girl waiting for the changing room, wondered why she didn't go in when one became free, spoke to her and realised she was a flipping mannquin!:$



Oh, and we have a few nicknames for some of our odd classmates who always wear the same, slightly weird, things. There's Hat Guy and Tie Guy, for instance.

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Oh, and we have a few nicknames for some of our odd classmates who always wear the same, slightly weird, things. There's Hat Guy and Tie Guy, for instance.


Hahhahahahaahahha Tie guy!


At school we had TRIANGLE MAN! (which you have to pronounce like a Jamaican Russian)


Triongle Mon! I swear this guy's head was shaped like an actual triangle. Never knew his actual name, only knew him by his head shape. I saw him randomly a few months ago at a naighbour's house, and I walked in and yelled TRIAAANGLE MAAAN! At the top of my lungs before I realised that might be a little innappropriate!!

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That's a good question actually. I don't know where I'd be without my fake texting skills.


It's so awesome for when you're at a party and you don't know many people there and you need to have a drink or two before you're comfortable talking to randoms.

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That's a good question actually. I don't know where I'd be without my fake texting skills.


It's so awesome for when you're at a party and you don't know many people there and you need to have a drink or two before you're comfortable talking to randoms.


Or when the conversation turns to something that you have no contribution to.... whip out phone, pretend to text furiously......

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or waiting to meet a friend somewhere.....

Yeah, definitely.


Haha, I like their list of situations. My favourites:

-When watching tv with the parents and there's a particularly awkward sex scene

-When someone's just had an angry outburst at someone else and nobody says anything and it's all tense and awkward for ages

-when you're sitting on the floor in the hallway outside your dorm room because you just walked in on your roommate and the nerdy guy down the hall having sex and you have to wait for them to finish up

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Yeah, definitely.


Haha, I like their list of situations. My favourites:


oooooooh that's rough! I was going to say the fighting one!

That happens to me at work a lot, my seniors start bitching about collegues above me (and they really shouldn't do it in front of me) flip the phone out and pretend to be engrossed in texts!!


OOOOH and at the hair dresser, as I find having my hair cut THE most awkward time EVER.

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So unless that shows lots of floaties, it's going to take ageeesss to heal :(


The good news is that he said I can'y really make it much worse, and excerise is all good, so I can climb to my heart's content.


Sorry to hear that. But yeah, I agree that exercise can help. My knee would often be fine when I'm getting regular excercise and it would get sore when I wasn't :erm:


Oh and Rich, with Modus Operandi, the cool thing was that the store had heaps of mannequins and mirrors, so when you first walked in you were like woah its crowded in here! Until you realised they weren't real people :LOL: There was definitely moments of being like 'oh sorry' when you bumped into them accidentally.


When shopping in town I used to pass a shop which was pretty empty apart from mannequins and some seats, I'm guessing that must be the place :LOL:


Oh the mannequin thing, I do that every time I go to Max in Albany, they have them sitting down and stuff on the couch by the changing rooms, and one standing next to it. I stood behind a girl waiting for the changing room, wondered why she didn't go in when one became free, spoke to her and realised she was a flipping mannquin!:$


Oh man, :LOL:



Haha, sweet. I might join that.


Same! And instead of sitting and looking like I might be included, or leaving, instead I'll think up an opportunity to text someone something.


It's also great for bus trips, or waiting to meet a friend somewhere.....


Yup, waiting for friends out in public is probably the most often I do awkward texting :LOL:

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