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you know what was great? courier post smashed two dvds that were christmas presents. they sent me two new ones and talked about sending me a courier bag to send the damaged ones back...yet 10 months later, they never did. 4 dvds for the price of 2. :awesome:

was it just the cases that got smashed then? takes a lot of effort to snap a disc

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It's a huge tank thing with lots of vaccuum hoses and special smelly spray hoses sticking out of it. Admittedly, not eight. Probably six...so it's a hectapus?


Whatever they are, they've gone next door now and they're making the floor shake. :erm:

maybe it's a precomputer age subtitler machine lol

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was it just the cases that got smashed then? takes a lot of effort to snap a disc

yeah just the cases, but one was a fold up digipack sorta thing with that clear glassy like plastic which completely shattered inside. you could tell the courier had just dropped it on its side at some stage, the standard dvd cover was wasn't too bad, just broken at the corner. but all very annoying as a gift!

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Soviet is also an interesting choice.

That is true. The matching jumpsuits were a factor. The Seinfeld episode with the guys who installed the cable was what made me think that way.


But these guys are younger than those chaps, so naturally must play volleyball.

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That is true. The matching jumpsuits were a factor. The Seinfeld episode with the guys who installed the cable was what made me think that way.


But these guys are younger than those chaps, so naturally must play volleyball.

it seems to work for the company that comes into my work to change the teatowels and mats that you have to wear stubbies two sizes too small.

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I wonder what just happened to the news reader. I've got my headphones on, and I'm all ready to go. He just had his microphone turned on, there was a loud CRASH! followed by him saying "oops", and now it's all fallen silent.

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at the new office there is quite a small staff room and i don't really like it, as its not very far from the actual office and you can hear everything that's going on and the water keeps boiling in one of those continuously boiling things. but upstairs there's two massive rooms, one set up as a gym and the other as a storage room. they're completely closed off from downstairs.


i wonder if it'd be rude if i sat up there during breaks? there's a table and chairs up there and everything.

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It's a huge tank thing with lots of vaccuum hoses and special smelly spray hoses sticking out of it. Admittedly, not eight. Probably six...so it's a hectapus?


Whatever they are, they've gone next door now and they're making the floor shake. :erm:


Huh, sounds like quite a powerful cleaner then.


is noo noo at your office?








at my hall at university you knew it was late when you heard noo noo out on the streets, she'd come about 4am in the morning and was so annoying with her loud sweeper and flashing lights.


Ours cleaned the street Saturday afternoon and there was the storm that night so it's more of a mess out there now than it was before it even came by :rolleyes:

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And uh oh, tutor?! Is that ethical? I guess if the semester is nearly over it's totally a GREEN LIGHT! Hahahha!


Haha, yes! Absolutely.


:stunned::$ Noooo, you guysssss, don't even go there! :LOL:

And apparently the traditional rule is that it is allowed as long as they don't assess your work (I was only looking out of pure innocent curiosity, I swear :pope: )


Kat, your friend's old flat sounds awesome! :D


Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww! They are like mythical creatures! When I first moved here from England I thought they were a legend and not a real animal fro a while :$


:LOL: aw that's cute


It's a huge tank thing with lots of vaccuum hoses and special smelly spray hoses sticking out of it. Admittedly, not eight. Probably six...so it's a hectapus?

Whatever they are, they've gone next door now and they're making the floor shake. :erm:


Sounds like a horror movie :eek:




"Ooh, it's playing up."

"I just wiggled it and it worked."


:chuckle::shifty: That could be taken the wrong way...


I watched Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog today! It was so good, I loved it :happy:

If you don't know what I'm talking about, it's a musical short film with Neil Patrick Harris from How I Met Your Mother.



And I got that extension! :D

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And apparently the traditional rule is that it is allowed as long as they don't assess your work (I was only looking out of pure innocent curiosity, I swear :pope: )

Mmhmm. Sure.


And I got that extension! :D

Yay! :D How long?


Our lecturer gave us an extension for an essay today, from Tuesday next week to Friday next week. Turns out I'll need it - the class made it clear that I had stuffed things up, badly. Massive repair job needed.


It was quite funny though. At the start of the class my classmate (I don't want to keep calling her "that girl") asked if anyone else was doing this week's topic as an essay. I was the only one. When it became clear how much I'd messed it up, I looked at her with a :eek: expression and she had exactly the same look on her face.

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Mmhmm. Sure.



Yay! :D How long?


Our lecturer gave us an extension for an essay today, from Tuesday next week to Friday next week. Turns out I'll need it - the class made it clear that I had stuffed things up, badly. Massive repair job needed.


It was quite funny though. At the start of the class my classmate (I don't want to keep calling her "that girl") asked if anyone else was doing this week's topic as an essay. I was the only one. When it became clear how much I'd messed it up, I looked at her with a :eek: expression and she had exactly the same look on her face.


Till Monday :happy:


Haha, oh no!

You should call her your loverrrrr :p:LOL:

But if you both messed up, now you have the perfect reason to get together with her to do some repair on both your essays and help each other out! :happy:

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Ooh, weekend extension. Nicely done!


Ugh, I don't want to get up at 8. And I've just opened a bottle of beer, so I can't just get up and go to bed right now.


How was your day apart from the excellent extension news?


I need to see that Dr Horrible thing. That was awesome.

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