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i hope work isn't busy tomorrow, today was such a nightmare. the manager at the new branch said to me that i must be used to making my own decisions and that he trusts me to continue to do that. yay! some branches let you have no independent thought.

Edited by JoBear
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They do indeed. Help them find their way around at night and stuff. I just love how prominent they are in that pic and the look it's giving :LOL:


Can't see them so well in my photo on this little fella.






Holding it out in daylight? :eek: Doesn't it mind?


No, but that's not surprising. I don't remember a BDO headliner ever doing a sideshow in Auckland. Not much point when they're doing a full-length set at BDO I guess.


Arctic Monkeys. If they counted as a headliner.


the guy I went on a date with text me at work, and has been texting me a lot, like A LOT! and tonight I got this gem (remember I've only met him a handful of times)

"you sound sad, I'll cheer up your work day up with a joke. How do you know if a mechanic has had sex? He's got one clean finger"


Even if I really really liked the guy, the fact I don't really know him and all makes me just go UGH! And want to sever all ties!! I can't imagine what guy would sit there and think, "oh this new girl I met, this will make her day....."



And I also feel guilty for spouting my petty bullshit when somone has just lost their child in the most horrific way.


Oh that sucks :LOL: But if you really really liked him, maybe you can see past this one decline in his otherwise good reputation :LOL: He might have just been nervous and didn't know what to text you! How did you respond?


Awwww man! She sat near you! Good sign!

Damn those friggen tumbleweeds!!




I cannot agree to this sentiment enough! :D


I went to the Mexican Cafe for dinner and it was so good! Had a passion fruit Margarita too oh ho ho.

And today I realised that my awesome tutor has really nice eyes. They're green and brown. Damn it if I'm not careful I'm going to find myself crushing all over him! :LOL:

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Arctic Monkeys. If they counted as a headliner.

Yeah, I guess. Although I think they only played an hour at BDO.


I went to the Mexican Cafe for dinner and it was so good! Had a passion fruit Margarita too oh ho ho.

And today I realised that my awesome tutor has really nice eyes. They're green and brown. Damn it if I'm not careful I'm going to find myself crushing all over him! :LOL:

Mmm, Mexican Cafe. We go there for work quite a bit. Love their nachos...and their alcohol. :LOL:


How old's your tutor?

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Yeah, I guess. Although I think they only played an hour at BDO.


Mmm, Mexican Cafe. We go there for work quite a bit. Love their nachos...and their alcohol. :LOL:


How old's your tutor?


Yeah the food and drinks there are really good! And cool decorations too :LOL: I like it.


If I had to hazard a guess I'd say anywhere between 25 to 28?

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I guess since there's only two weeks left there won't be awkwardness if you were to develop a crush.


This is very true :LOL: He's just a really cool guy. Tutors are always so cool- why can't any single guys I know be like that!


And now I just realised that I have an essay due on Wednesday that I haven't even started :stunned: fffffff-

Is it too late to ask for an extension?

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Holding it out in daylight? :eek: Doesn't it mind?


I don't think they like it that much since they are often quite wriggly and well they've just been pulled out bed, I'd be pretty mad too :LOL: But it has to be done for their physical and any medication they need.


They like to tuck their head under your arm, then they go all still, so cute :happy: A guy in my class might be doing his masters on stress in handled kiwi to see if all the handling affects them.

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Not always...




Oh no! How many words?


Okay yeah, that's a good point. Let me correct it.

'Many tutors seem to be really cool people'.

Thats an annoying thing about tutorials- often you'll meet really cool people, students or tutors alike, and then you never talk to them again after the semester. Such a waste!


2000 :(


A guy in my class might be doing his masters on stress in handled kiwi to see if all the handling affects them.


Totally just an excuse to cuddle kiwi :happy:

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Okay yeah, that's a good point. Let me correct it.

'Many tutors seem to be really cool people'.

Probably even most, to be fair.


Thats an annoying thing about tutorials- often you'll meet really cool people, students or tutors alike, and then you never talk to them again after the semester. Such a waste!

That's very true.


Hmm, 2000 is that annoying length that's just a bit too long to do in one sitting.

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Probably even most, to be fair.


That's very true.

Hmm, 2000 is that annoying length that's just a bit too long to do in one sitting.


Sigh, I guess I'll just have to live with it. I can't believe the semester has gone so fast. I really wanted my tutor to take another look at some more of my out of class creative writing, but I'll feel too hard out if I email him again now.


Yeah, I mean the actual question itself isn't that hard, but I just hate having to do it all in one day and grind it out.

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That's interesting. I'd like to read it when he finishes. :LOL:


Me too. I would have liked to do that project, but I heard about him getting offered the project before I started looking into that. I'll just have to wait til after my masters to do my kiwi work. Too late to get funding for the other things I could have looked. So looks like I'll be doing the dotterel project as I've gotten a bit more information about it and it sounds good with lots of volunteers to help with the work and stuff, but there are some risks, especially if not many chicks hatch. A lecturer I talked to told me to get a masters project without risks, good sample size and guaranteed data, but this seems kind of borderline on it. I don't have many other options left and I want to do it since these birds are endangered and not much is known about them, but yeah. Maybe I should see what my course co-ordinator thinks of the project. Ugh. [/rant]


Oh and it's funny watching them. They run really fast then stop. Run then stop, etc. :LOL:

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Totally just an excuse to cuddle kiwi :happy:


Exactly. And apparently all he has to is get the samples from the kiwi, and then just do the work from the lab results :LOL:


I could use another kiwi cuddle. One just isn't enough. Can't wait to get home to at least cuddle my little babies.

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Hmm. It sounds like it could be great if you can get the data you need - I hope you do!


It would, as working on the beach for the summer :awesome: Plus there is plenty of tech supprt and volunteers. They are already monitoring one nest and the lecturer organising it said she is going out there with a night video camera on Thursday to watch them. Fun!


And it's a fenced park, so plenty of other birds in the bush and kiwi in there as well I think. Night time kiwi hunting ftw!

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Yeah, the semester's gone so fast. :stunned:


Good luck with the essay. :) I don't see a problem with emailing him about your creative writing stuff again - he was more than happy to help last time.


I know, but I just feel like a hardout emailing him again. He has a life to live! :LOL:


Oh and it's funny watching them. They run really fast then stop. Run then stop, etc. :LOL:


:LOL: I love how seagulls run. The way their feet move just cracks me up for some reason.


I emailed my lecturer for an extension, saying that I had a cold last week, which is true. I better work on it tomorrow anyway and see what she says. :erm:

If only the buses weren't on strike then I could stay at uni after class and work on it! :mad:

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I know, but I just feel like a hardout emailing him again. He has a life to live! :LOL:

When people sign up to be tutors they know they're expected to make themselves available to help students out with stuff. He might take it as a compliment that you value his opinion and advice. :yesey:


:LOL: I love how seagulls run. The way their feet move just cracks me up for some reason.

:LOL: That reminds me of high school lunchtimes. When someone was eating chips and dropped one, whooosh! And then a couple of minutes later it was scurrying along over on the other side of the field with it still hanging out of its mouth. :LOL: Often with a whole line of them chasing it.

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