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They have whiskers! That is so cute! I've never seen one before!


first day at the new branch...within 20 minutes i'm sent back to my old branch as they were 5 staff down.


Woah haha, that must have been weird going straight back into the old branch after saying all your goodbyes!


it was alright, was told that i can start at 9am everyday if i want so probably will be doing that so i don't have to get up so early!


the branch is massive, there's a wee gym upstairs and a storage room that is twice the size of my old branch staffroom (which was for nine people - their branch is 4 people at most). also the manager said he trusted me to make my own decisions - which is awesome.


That sounds really cool, a gym???!! Nice! And well done on the trust thing, sounds like you are going to be able to shine there. Hopefully!


i always think when the government starts playing the civil defence ads more often that they know something we don't know.


Oh man same, I start wondering how mant tins of beans I have......


sounds like they found her. police media conference is supposed to be soon.



Oh yuck!


I just got home from work, was a pretty good day, nicely mixed up I got to do a hodge podge of things which was nice and kept me busy for the whole time.


I've discovered that not only do I have shit taste in guys, but I also attract mongrels too.

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What makes you say that?



the guy I went on a date with text me at work, and has been texting me a lot, like A LOT! and tonight I got this gem (remember I've only met him a handful of times)

"you sound sad, I'll cheer up your work day up with a joke. How do you know if a mechanic has had sex? He's got one clean finger"


Even if I really really liked the guy, the fact I don't really know him and all makes me just go UGH! And want to sever all ties!! I can't imagine what guy would sit there and think, "oh this new girl I met, this will make her day....."



And I also feel guilty for spouting my petty bullshit when somone has just lost their child in the most horrific way.

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the guy I went on a date with text me at work, and has been texting me a lot, like A LOT! and tonight I got this gem (remember I've only met him a handful of times)

"you sound sad, I'll cheer up your work day up with a joke. How do you know if a mechanic has had sex? He's got one clean finger"


Even if I really really liked the guy, the fact I don't really know him and all makes me just go UGH! And want to sever all ties!! I can't imagine what guy would sit there and think, "oh this new girl I met, this will make her day....."


That is a terrible, terrible joke.


And you shouldn't feel bad - yeah, it's terrible what has happened to the little girl, but unfortunately horrific stuff is happening in the world all the time. It's not reasonable to expect anyone to never react to things that happen in their own life simply because they're insignificant in comparison to what other people are going through.

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That is a terrible, terrible joke.


And you shouldn't feel bad - yeah, it's terrible what has happened to the little girl, but unfortunately horrific stuff is happening in the world all the time. It's not reasonable to expect anyone to never react to things that happen in their own life simply because they're insignificant in comparison to what other people are going through.


Yeha I know I just felt a bit rude posting that directly after.


But isn't he disgusting? I attract them I tell you!

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Haha, not so good. She came in to the postgrad lab today and sat near where I was. We were the only two people in the row of computers. I could easily have started a conversation. Instead...



Just more of that awkward accidental eye contact then both looking away stuff.


Oh, and TIRO came on my ipod while I was sitting there. Fitting.

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Haha, not so good. She came in to the postgrad lab today and sat near where I was. We were the only two people in the row of computers. I could easily have started a conversation. Instead...



Just more of that awkward accidental eye contact then both looking away stuff.


Oh, and TIRO came on my ipod while I was sitting there. Fitting.


Awwww man! She sat near you! Good sign!

Damn those friggen tumbleweeds!!



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i really need to do some insurance study, i'm only through 2 of the 7 sections and don't even understand those.


its amazing how quick the trademe forums are on breaking news - ever want to know why there's a helicopter or police in your neighbours? chances are its on there.

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I've never been on the trademe forums, but they sound like they are the place to be!


Good work on your essay Rich!

I have 6 online tests I have to sit before Thursday, blaeghhhhh.


We get 15 minutes for each, so I started one and got called into theatre, so I hit the 'save for now and resume later' option the test gave us, came back later to find that the timer still went and the result was:


3 hours 45 minutes of 15 minutes allowed. Score = zero :facepalm:


Why'd they put the option to save it if it doesn't work? Oh that's right, it's AUT.

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and its all so baseless "john key knows what its like to have a family!" sort of stuff that my twin subscribes to. are people really that naive?


there's this ongoing joke about how beneficaries are always eating KFC. it gets really tedious.

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