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well oren and i are all moved out of our flat. took forever! we are internetless until orcon sends us a modem...so i've come to my friend's place with my laptop to steal her wireless.


hows the new place you moved into??? and i bet your still unpacking and figuring out where things are to go and then also asking why you brought a certain something with you lol.... I think unpacking at a new place is more fun than packing and moving to a new place is that odd.


And for the first pastry trial will be a good old fashioned bacon and egg pie with homemade pastry and the recipe i found is good


150g butter

1 and a 1/2 cup flower

pinch of salt



thats that just crumb the butter in the flour then knead it into a ball and chill for 30mins how easy is that

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I saw Alice in Wonderland in 3D the other day :happy: It was pretty good- the costumes and character designs were really good, and in some parts the 3d was impressive. The girl next to me kept flinching really hard :LOL: It wasn't as impressive as Avatar, but there were some moments where it really made a great impact. Johnny Depp was really good as the Mad Hatter too. I was worried from the trailer that it would be too much about him, but his role was good. And he was really really likeable. Not too mad. The story line was okay, better than I expected. I think the fact that the movie style wasn't too Burton-esque saved it. I would still really like to see a film adaptation of American McGee's Alice though.


I agree with your review, was too lazy to write my own :LOL: But yeah, the 3D wasn't that spectacular because things didn't make much of an impact since they didn't hang around out of the screen that much. I also had an annoying girl sitting next to me, she was a loud eater for at least the first half of the movie and occasionaly laughed loud, etc :rolleyes:


And for the first pastry trial will be a good old fashioned bacon and egg pie with homemade pastry and the recipe i found is good


150g butter

1 and a 1/2 cup flower

pinch of salt



thats that just crumb the butter in the flour then knead it into a ball and chill for 30mins how easy is that


Sounds good.

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I agree with your review, was too lazy to write my own :LOL: But yeah, the 3D wasn't that spectacular because things didn't make much of an impact since they didn't hang around out of the screen that much. I also had an annoying girl sitting next to me, she was a loud eater for at least the first half of the movie and occasionaly laughed loud, etc :rolleyes:


Yeah there was a girl behind me who was laughing really long and loud at all the funny bits. Like she was still laughing really loud when everyone else had already stopped. And during the first half she kept making these annoying little comments when the characters would say something. But luckily she stopped after a while. I could still hear her laughing though :rolleyes:


Does anyone here watch the latest season of American Idol btw?

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:notes to self when seeing alice in wonderland, 'this movie tends to bring the nobs and idiots to watch this movie just think yourself lucky you dont have the dna in your genes:


the movie i am keen to see if remember me it looks like a good movie and robert def is a brill actor he captures the emotions of what the movie was about.


Lol ed that sounds like a rather interesting things they did say that the asteroid that hit earth that killed the dinosaur finished them off they were already on the way out and of course my mom bless her had to ask a rather interesting question....


"if that killed the dinosaurs off then how come the animals of these days are the evolved species of the dinosaurs if they were wiped out where did the evoloution come in??" lol yeah that is a rather interesting question any thoughts guys.

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hows the new place you moved into??? and i bet your still unpacking and figuring out where things are to go and then also asking why you brought a certain something with you lol.... I think unpacking at a new place is more fun than packing and moving to a new place is that odd.


it's just a temporary place, staying at o's mum until we move to england at the end of april so there isn't really unpacking as such. already living out of a suitcase and i haven't even left the country yet.


maybe the modem will turn up tomorrow, my friend and her husband are playing wii while i use their internet!

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Those are some terrible puns. Kudos.


So I hear John Hopoate is now pursuing a boxing career. Won't wearing boxing gloves make his favourite manouevre logistically difficult?


are you trying to see if you can get more terrible puns out of me here ed :p that is just like waving the carrot at a donkey there

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Was just flicking through the channels and heard this ad on Discovery.


"They did it too! TYRANNOSAURUS SEX, Monday night, Discovery."




That's my Monday night sorted. :LOL:


:LOL: Damn, this is one of those times when not having discovery channel sucks!


Yeah there was a girl behind me who was laughing really long and loud at all the funny bits. Like she was still laughing really loud when everyone else had already stopped. And during the first half she kept making these annoying little comments when the characters would say something. But luckily she stopped after a while. I could still hear her laughing though :rolleyes:


They wear themselves out after a while, don't they? But we are still annoyed we are seated near them :rolleyes:


"if that killed the dinosaurs off then how come the animals of these days are the evolved species of the dinosaurs if they were wiped out where did the evoloution come in??" lol yeah that is a rather interesting question any thoughts guys.


Well part of it is that they already think the dinosaurs were in decline from some other cause. Last I heard, they were still debating over whether dinosaurs were cold or warm blooded. I think that if they were cold blooded that would have lead to their extinction after the asteroid impact because the climate became very cold and there there wouldn't have been enough sun to heat up these big animals. Therefore they would have been very dopey and not be able to eat much, especially the meat eaters. However the dinosaur to bird lineage survived which would have probably been warm blooded like modern day birds :awesome: [/my purely hypothetical scientific hypothesis]





Ugh, I have a bit of a cold, bleh. Walking around the Kumeu Show in the weekend was interesting though.

Edited by Michelle
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Well part of it is that they already think the dinosaurs were in decline from some other cause. Last I heard, they were still debating over whether dinosaurs were cold or warm blooded. I think that if they were cold blooded that would have lead to their extinction after the asteroid impact because the climate became very cold and there there wouldn't have been enough sun to heat up these big animals. Therefore they would have been very dopey and not be able to eat much, especially the meat eaters. However the dinosaur to bird lineage survived which would have probably been warm blooded like modern they birds :awesome: [/my purely hypothetical scientific hypothesis]

That's really interesting. Hadn't thought of that!


Ugh, I have a bit of a cold, bleh. Walking around the Kumeu Show in the weekend was interesting though.

Colds at this part of the year are the worst! Cos you know it's probably the first of many. :( Hope it gets better soon. What sort of stuff did you see at the Kumeu Show?

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Colds at this part of the year are the worst! Cos you know it's probably the first of many. :( Hope it gets better soon. What sort of stuff did you see at the Kumeu Show?


Yeah, it's not nice getting one this early. My sister got it too, so it must be in the air :erm: Last year I only got one of these blocked sinuses type cold, so hopefully I'll follow the same pattern.


The Kumeu show had all sorts of animals, mostly the farming type. The alpacas were there, I petted a little pony and some pomeranians :happy: The rest of the show was just a big fair of all sorts of farming, gardening, cooking, food, crafts, etc. At one stall my mum and I probably tried nearly a whole glass of while each of trying different sorts, the fejoa was pretty good. Had plenty of food samples so we didn't get hungry :LOL: We ended up buying a set of stoneline pots and pans too, the ones where nothing will stick to it, it's not a chemical non-stick coating, and they have a 12 year guarantee :awesome::chuckle:

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i've got a cold that i have had since about the mid of feb and the only thing that is remaining is the annoyang cough.


And as for the hypothesis theory is the possible one and another one that i came up with because we still have some cold blooded animals and some of them are small and close to the ground they would of escaped because they would of hidden and also the fishes escaped the wipe out as they were in the water and there are prolly still things in the ocean that hasnt evovled from the dinosaur age.


the kumeu show sounded quite interesting i wanted to go to the beach races we had here but i had to work for some fussy complaining bitches that looked down thier noses at you... they were a perfume company i almost choked everytime i had to clean the room.

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I sense Jo's presence. Are they modemed again? Remodemed, even.


I wonder why Auckland's so desperate to finish the art gallery renovations in time for the World Cup. It's not like the art gallery will be high on the list for rugby fans, is it?

Edited by _Ed_
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Well part of it is that they already think the dinosaurs were in decline from some other cause. Last I heard, they were still debating over whether dinosaurs were cold or warm blooded. I think that if they were cold blooded that would have lead to their extinction after the asteroid impact because the climate became very cold and there there wouldn't have been enough sun to heat up these big animals. Therefore they would have been very dopey and not be able to eat much, especially the meat eaters. However the dinosaur to bird lineage survived which would have probably been warm blooded like modern day birds :awesome: [/my purely hypothetical scientific hypothesis]


But what about reptiles that evolved from dinosaurs? :erm: Cause they're cold blooded, aren't they?

I heard that they recently "proved" that it was in fact a meteor. It hit the earth with the explosive force of like a 100 million atomic bombs or something crazy. I didn't actually see the report though- it was on Nightline or something and I switched before the story came on.


We're slowly losing all communication with the outside world at home. There was no phone, then no internet, and now no power. I'm at my Dad's atm. Mum's paid the bill but they have to reconnect us. It's pretty shit- we've been living without much money for ages now, since before Christmas. There's money coming in now, but a whole backlog of debts to pay. Hopefully they''ll be sorted soon so I can get the net back at home to do assignments.

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Understandably. Any particularly nasty ones coming up?


It's been alright for me too. I've been really lazy so far. No classes, so I've ended up spending most of my time at uni on Facebook. I haven't even chosen a topic for my dissertation yet. :erm: This "meh, I've got until June!" attitude has to stop.

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