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dude, share the knaaaark.


Ana ayza knark! Iddini el knark! Eller mokhaddarat.

Tala maya le il-masr. Booze for you, drugs for me.



I want drugs. Give me the drugs. Or mokhaddarat (drugs in arab)

Come with me to Egypt. Booze fo..

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:LOL: I see!


Nooooo full English is the best, though I agree on lunch being the best meal of the day since it's the only one I have nowadays hehe <3


Aw you ruddy Saesnik! I could maybe understand the cool side though :happy:


I just have to meet Katya soon after all your advertising! :LOL: Though I'll probably screw up and speak too fast though and she'll hate me! :'(


Free flights!? Gooooo to Riga! And stop by in Lund for some rum! :LOL: Yes very much drunken Schweeeds I reckon, though I've never been on that ferry...never dared after the disaster (though I have been over the Baltic Sea often, just not on the...Baltic boats :rolleyes: )


OI! Blunt!? Nooooooooo :'( :'( *gets mental image* Noooo! Don't! :'(


What's that song? *loves*



Oh noooo. Coffee and müsliiiii anyday. Or just coffee. Or tea. Or Borsch.


My mother is in disgrace, so I'm (temporarily) renouncing my welshness. Since I can. And will.


Haha she'd love you I bet. Especially if you casually drop church slavonic into conversation with her.


I am tempted. I need to buy some insurance foist though. Mmm baltic. The disaster? *forgive my ignorance*


He does :( I was dead upset when I got that comparison in my head.


That song? It's my re-working of the French anthem for a modern day Parisian audience, innit :D

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Lite schizo kan man säga att jag är eftersom jag alltid lyckas påminna mig själv om vissa saker. Jag vet tex hur det låter när jag säger det här.

(Ser saker och ting dubbelt, typ) Så lite schizo.


The problemis that I do understand them. Fucking hell, for the first time I can say that in this case, I know the teenage stuff. So I do understand them, it's just that I don't like it. That's all.


Mmmm OK...


But if you claim you've never been in love (for example), how can you bash it? Bitterness? Cynicism? (Jag vill inte kritisera dig, bara intresserad, 's all)

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Noo I don't hate him. Mais j'ai peur parce que il pense comme moi.

And that is creepy. Hell, I'm doing Sartre after him.


My civicsteacher told me that if I'm going to study philosophy or anthropology in uni, he'd give me a recommendation. Admit, I pwn at this.


My mood improves my skills too.

Ahh, I see what you mean. You need to read Orwell's essays too. Then some Brecht.


This civics thing sounds really interesting. Shame our two-bit education system is no good and civics free.

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Mmmm OK...


But if you claim you've never been in love (for example), how can you bash it? Bitterness? Cynicism? (Jag vill inte kritisera dig, bara intresserad, 's all)


Jag vet inte. Kalla mig förvirrad idiot bara, så blir allt bra. Missuppfatta mig inte. I just have hard time falling in love. If I had a boyfriend I'd probably feel trapped. I'm trapped enough now, and freedom is what I put above all. allt jag kan tänka mig att hållas fast i är min religion, därav kategorisering som jag nämnde tidigare. Klass mig sommuslim, men inget annat. Jag är förvirrande nu, men jag orkar inte skriva ner allt. För vidare info, hänvisar jag till telefon. Annars stora fördröjnigar med svar här.

Besides.. fooling around is much more fun.

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Mmmm OK...


But if you claim you've never been in love (for example), how can you bash it? Bitterness? Cynicism? (Jag vill inte kritisera dig, bara intresserad, 's all)

It's so easy to claim you've never been in love, just as it's easy to claim to be in love... and then to be bitter and cynical when you think that you've never loved, or you've loved too much. It's such a vague area. Love or lust? How do you know it's love? What is love? So many clichés, but all so true.


Sorry to half-interrupt your discussion. :happy:

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Ahh, I see what you mean. You need to read Orwell's essays too. Then some Brecht.


This civics thing sounds really interesting. Shame our two-bit education system is no good and civics free.


Haha civics is like.. a mixture of Psychology, anthropology, philosophy and sociology. It's lovely. And my teacher is great. That subject is the reason to why I'm hated. Isn't it great? :happy:


Damn evian, you made me smile. Hard to believe after the latest hours.

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It's so easy to claim you've never been in love, just as it's easy to claim to be in love... and then to be bitter and cynical when you think that you've never loved, or you've loved too much. It's such a vague area. Love or lust? How do you know it's love? What is love? So many clichés, but all so true.


Sorry to half-interrupt your discussion. :happy:


No prob, you're always welcome.Well.. some things of what you said is what I'm trying to say. How do you know it's love? That word has been used too muich. It's sad. Maybe that's why it's not my..err...main area. :happy:

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Oh noooo. Coffee and müsliiiii anyday. Or just coffee. Or tea. Or Borsch.


My mother is in disgrace, so I'm (temporarily) renouncing my welshness. Since I can. And will.


Haha she'd love you I bet. Especially if you casually drop church slavonic into conversation with her.


I am tempted. I need to buy some insurance foist though. Mmm baltic. The disaster? *forgive my ignorance*


He does :( I was dead upset when I got that comparison in my head.


That song? It's my re-working of the French anthem for a modern day Parisian audience, innit :D



Coffee in the morning? Pah you bourgeoisie bastyds :D Mmm borsch though, s' the spirit that. And a big bite of the vodka.


I can keep your Welshness for you in case it gets lost :happy: We wouldn't want that to happen do we? *hums Hen wlad fy nhadau loudly and sheds tears*


Church Slavonic mmmmmmhm, they're having a quarter-speed course in that in Göteborg *soo tempted* Lenin wouldn't like us for speaking ye Old Rusk though :D


Pah insurance. The 'Estonia' thingie back in '94 it was. Scary as fuck.


*La La La La I Am Not Listening La La La La* Lies all lies! :'(


Well 's faaaaaaabulous it is! :LOL: So La Haine!


I wonder, should I buy a complete Ronettes album just to get 'Be My Baby'? Do they even do it? I don't like the Ronstadt version :( Argh 's so good. Not like Reeperbahn but oh so girl-group.

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No prob, you're always welcome.Well.. some things of what you said is what I'm trying to say. How do you know it's love? That word has been used too muich. It's sad. Maybe that's why it's not my..err...main area. :happy:


Exactly, clichés but they're mostly true. You know when you're in love, it's hard to miss really. Then of course separating love from lust could be difficult, but then again they aren't quite the same. I'm not just talking about the 'have a boyfriend' kind of love, all love doesn't require reciprocity.


Clichés are fun. :D

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No prob, you're always welcome.Well.. some things of what you said is what I'm trying to say. How do you know it's love? That word has been used too muich. It's sad. Maybe that's why it's not my..err...main area. :happy:

I think you only discover just whether or not it is love, when it's too late and there's always that little part of you that still goes all funny at the thought, even though you may have been treated poorly or something. But like the greeks said, there are loads of forms of love... eros, agape, storge etc etc. All forms of love are splendid though.


I'm making naff all sense here, cause I'm tired and feeling fuzzy. *le sigh*

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Exactly, clichés but they're mostly true. You know when you're in love, it's hard to miss really. Then of course separating love from lust could be difficult, but then again they aren't quite the same. I'm not just talking about the 'have a boyfriend' kind of love, all love doesn't require reciprocity.


Clichés are fun. :D



s'what I'm trying to say.


The best form's unrequited love. S'a gleat challenge :D

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Coffee in the morning? Pah you bourgeoisie bastyds :D Mmm borsch though, s' the spirit that. And a big bite of the vodka.


I can keep your Welshness for you in case it gets lost :happy: We wouldn't want that to happen do we? *hums Hen wlad fy nhadau loudly and sheds tears*


Church Slavonic mmmmmmhm, they're having a quarter-speed course in that in Göteborg *soo tempted* Lenin wouldn't like us for speaking ye Old Rusk though :D


Pah insurance. The 'Estonia' thingie back in '94 it was. Scary as fuck.


*La La La La I Am Not Listening La La La La* Lies all lies! :'(


Well 's faaaaaaabulous it is! :LOL: So La Haine!


I wonder, should I buy a complete Ronettes album just to get 'Be My Baby'? Do they even do it? I don't like the Ronstadt version :( Argh 's so good. Not like Reeperbahn but oh so girl-group.



Living the highlife!


Ok, you protect it and keep it for as long as I feud you want :happy:


Ah Lenin wouldn't notice. He'll be too busy being pissed off at Stalin.


*still is confused*


Mais.. peut-être que c'est vrai... affreux mais... tu le sais?


I feel the urge to buy that film and then light a fire in my room. I blame Sartre.

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Gleat minds think alike innit :happy:


A gleat challenge indeed, but it gets annoying after a few years :D

We should do a talkshow. *actually laughs out loud over the idea and nearly chokes on the pencil she's chewing*


Years? That's persistance. I'd give up after... 3 weeks? Oh god, just thought that the worst form is the oh-so-unrequited-yet-oh-so-reciprocated-let's-tiptoe-around-the-subject. *bangs head on wall.*

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Living the highlife!


Ok, you protect it and keep it for as long as I feud you want :happy:


Ah Lenin wouldn't notice. He'll be too busy being pissed off at Stalin.


*still is confused*


Mais.. peut-être que c'est vrai... affreux mais... tu le sais?


I feel the urge to buy that film and then light a fire in my room. I blame Sartre.


*Plays third runs*


And he's too pissed off at Trotsky etc. This might actully work :LOL:


Non non non je n'sais pas, je n'veux pas savoir ben ce n'pas vrai!


Fallowfield on Fire. Innit. Someone has to do the solidarity action. :happy:

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We should do a talkshow. *actually laughs out loud over the idea and nearly chokes on the pencil she's chewing*


Years? That's persistance. I'd give up after... 3 weeks? Oh god, just thought that the worst form is the oh-so-unrequited-yet-oh-so-reciprocated-let's-tiptoe-around-the-subject. *bangs head on wall.*


:LOL::LOL::LOL::LOL:What and idea Rhiân, what an idea :D


That may be bad, but it's still better :D I don't get love-give-uppers though. What's the point? :happy:




andmay you forever be one of my inspirations.


*makes star wars sign*




I'm off to bed, my alarm clock doesn't want to wake me up in the morning, or so it seems, so I'm going to sleep so I shan't miss Ооооооольььььгаааааа!


Good niiiiight, спокойной ночи!

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Bore da!

Syt wyt ti?


God I love Nietzsche. Just had civics, and I had to talk about Nietzsche and my teacher finds it very odd that I am religious. He says that I'm not religious maybem but just spiritual and at the same time I'm tyring to become so free. That I have the "spirit of an existencialist".




JagskaseFranzFerdinandden8edecembertrorjag. I wonder what their relation to the Archduke was. I mean.. Franz Ferdinand.

Wouldn't you relate the band to world war 1?


After last night, I am very.. err.. weird.


Dwy'n dy garu di.


Rydych garu Sverige (that is so incorrect..)


-- Let's go on with the Russian.


Prevyet, minya zavoot Mona. Ya neh ponemayoo rooski.


Boodztye zdarovi!


I truly suck. now some Arabic for you.


Salam w aleikom

Aleikom w salam

When greeting. the second is what you say when answering



Kef halak?

How are you?


Ana ma ba/bat kallemsh Araby

I don't speak Arabic. ('Ba' is masculine and 'Bat' is feminine)


Min akhad el-gibna?

Who took the cheese?


Yeah.. whatever. Have fun.

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Läs Existensialismen är en humanism av Sartre :happy:


I think the guy was better than the band.




Aaaa my govorim po-russki, kak pozhivaytye Mona bach, ty ponimaesh russki yazyk pravil'no, pravda zhe :D


Ana la lam afham, ana 'inda al qalam, ar-rihlat al alf mil tabda'a bi'l khutwa alulah :D Oh, 'kifak' is cooler than kayfa haloke, since it's what they say in the Beirut suburbs :D


Shit no hot water in the shower :'(

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Läs Existensialismen är en humanism av Sartre :happy:


I think the guy was better than the band.




Aaaa my govorim po-russki, kak pozhivaytye Mona bach, ty ponimaesh russki yazyk pravil'no, pravda zhe :D


Ana la lam afham, ana 'inda al qalam, ar-rihlat al alf mil tabda'a bi'l khutwa alulah :D Oh, 'kifak' is cooler than kayfa haloke, since it's what they say in the Beirut suburbs :D


Shit no hot water in the shower :'(


Okay, easy on the Russian.. I'm not THAT good.


Kifak sounds lot better yeah, but if you're in Egypt..



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russki yazyk



My Olga would kill you for that. Russki eeeeeeeeeezik. According to her, yazyk is the poorly educated Muscovite way. :happy:


Mmm other people's showers. Never as good as your own. Especially when you've just sat in old man wee not realising on your bus ride home. *cries*


*edit* did you get yourself a tea pot?

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