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No, I'm not into all the lovecrap.

Men jag uppfattar texten på mitt sätt bara.


Sure, whatever you want. I'm just bored as hell.

I'm in that condition where you would commit suicide. Oroa dig inte. I won't kill myself.

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Jag ser absolut inte på dig som en naiv tonåring, snarare tvärtom, du verkar ha väldigt mycket koll på saker och ting. Men ändå så är dessa saker ju, vare sig man vill det eller inte, vanliga saker man tar upp under adolescensen, så det gäller väl att 'embracea' det och inte försöka bortse från det.

Om du vill får du gärna utveckla ditt problem lite mer om jag kan hjälpa till, från mitt perspektiv verkar det som du anser dig omgiven av en massa idioter som inte förstår dig eller som inte anstränger sig, men kanske är det djupare än så? Och du får också gärna utveckla det här med 'lovecrap' :)


Förresten, några ord om självmord, som ju är en av de mest själviska handlingar man kan utföra, självklart har det farit genom mitt huvud också under depressioner och liknande, men om man tänker på alla man har omkring sig...vill man verkligen utsätta dem för allt problem? Självmord är ju det mest drastiska 'överskjutandet' av problem, det löser inget utan skärrar bara tiofalt. Förresten så har man ju alltid så larvigt mycket att leva för som man kanske inte alltid kan ta in.


Näpp nu ska jag plugga, får se om jag hinner tillbaka ikväll.

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senare i natt kanske jag utvecklar det. Alltid på rätt humör då.


Vad jag menade med att jag var i självmordstillstånd är att det flesta som mår som jag min hjärna gör (jag är schizo. ) så skulle vissa ta självmord (om dem var väldigt svaga). Men jag hade en sån här diskussion med Rhian, och självmord har aldrig varit ett alternativ för mig. Hur deprimerad jag än kan vara så har jag iaf en god egenskap, och det är att jag tror på framtiden. Den finns, och den vill jag se helt enkelt. Jag skulle aldrig ta livet av mig. Det längsta jag gått är att skada mig själv rej'lt. Nästan lite machoistisk. Men aldrig i dödande syfte. Mer för att smärta .. väcker. Som en väckarklocka, jag vet inte. Men det va rlänge sen. No worries.


Alla svar på dina frågor får du som sagt senare. Lycka till em dpluggandet.

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We got moderately tipsy... (normally £15 on beer would get me wrecked, but no no not in London!) we went to the Tate Modern, argued with Australians, wandered around, took pictures... got REALLY lost in the Rusk quater... Ah it was wonderful. And now I celebrate with a bowl of ukranian borsch made from concentrate :D


http://photobucket.com/albums/a115/rhiansreise/London/ :D

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Elated! Haha yeah! The german and I went to check out the UCL student's union (because we both chose Manchester over Pooseehell) and it was closed on a Saturday AND Sunday! Ours never closes... So I we ended up in a pub with one of my friends who is down there, went back to his hall, then wrote the letter... so it's proof mainly for him that we infiltrated his crapola university :D


The Borschshshshchchshchshch isn't as good as the one my Grandma makes but the tate was wonderful! They had a Soviet propaganda exhibition on :D Luhndin's nowhere near as good as Manchester. At aaaaaall.


Nice to see you have the PG addiction now :happy: it's the only tea I drink (next to Twinings) because it's the übertrink, innit :D

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Such a drunkard city then innit. UCL seems crap in many ways :happy: Did you stay at some halls or hostel or something? Or did you sleep at the expensive pubs seeing you almost payed for a room with those drinks :D


You nain makes borshchschshhchshch!? *this jealous!* Is she half-Rusk or summat? Proper student food innit though, especially in concentrate :LOL: Soviet propaganda? Mmmmhm. Though you can't bash a city doing it's best to hail Stalin...'s just not cricket, when did Manchestoh have these public signs of affection the last time? :D


It sure is, I always thought Twinings was like Lipton (euurgh) but oh oh oh how wrong I was. Indeed. I think it may have been the tea causing me to oversleep this morning after staying up all night drinking it and forcing me to rush on me sister's bike all the way to uni, didn't even get to listen to my compulsory motivational Cwm Rhondda in the morning (nor did I get to listen to les Field Mice err) Highest grade on my fiction exam though :D

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It's not at all! All the pubs and such were just... rubbish. UCL *is* crap. First night we stayed in a cheap B&B near Victoria, then we moved into a hostel last night with the German's spaniard friends. Who were so lovely, just... spoke spanish aaaaaaall the time. Should've slept in the gutter really. I was so proud of me drunkenly haggling the doorman at a pub and managing to get us both in for a fiver, rather than a tenner :D


She does :D It's divine :D She also now makes Pirogi :D Actually, Manchester had these public signs of commie affection last week, cause there's a big Socialist Society lecture on papa Lyeeeeneeeen at some point.


:stunned: You need tea education! Next thing you'll be saying is that you quite like Tetley and Typhoo :stunned: we can't have that now. Just wait till your tea addiction becomes so strong that you physically can't have a good day without a brew as soon as you wake up... or better still, you move on to leaf tea because it really does taste so much better :D


Well done you! :D

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'S a good job they were lovely then, when Spaniards speak too much Spanish, 's just...too much. Especially the ones in me flat. Argh!

:LOL: Basques are forgiven though since they're not proper Spanyacks. Mmmm B&B, so English :happy: 'S always good to have contacts in them big cities if you come visit them :happy: Oooh good haggling! :LOL: Just a trembling of eye-lashes and off you went? :D


Pirogi! Mmmmmmmhm. Me mum hasn't made those since...'99 or something. And Lisa refuses to do them, since she has to 'study'. Errr. *steals Rhiân's nain. Or at least shares* :happy: Lyeeeeeeenin! They're having a lecture here on Thursday or something on the subject 'Belorussia - the last dictatorship of Europe' <3. That's not very commie friendly though is it :LOL: It might very well be if anyone teaching Russian gives it :LOL:


I actually enjoyed Typhoo on the Shetlands and in Midhurst :$ But then again I have to be forgiven because of my Swedishness and general ignorance :$ Never Lipton again though, ever ever. Actually I do have a fair bit of tea education in me from me famleh, since all we drank when I was littler was tea, in pots of course, but now my overall studenty laziness doesn't want me to do that. I'm planning on getting a pot though and still boiling water in le water-boiler. Soon I'll be shooting the 'roïn. <3


Mmm I'm off uni until Friday, though tomorrow I'm off to our new private conversation teacher Oooool'ga. She seems cool :happy:

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They were adorable! :happy: Their accents when they spoke English were so cute too :happy: Haha indeed it was. The German got to sample his first English breakfast too. Poor bugger. It's very useful! Especially when they let you steal their printer so you can print your coach tickets off. <3 social networking :D Nah, I did it northern style, innit. "so, live bands? they any good?" "I dunno" "well, for the price you're charging to let me in, I could buy x number of drinks at the bar" *does the eyelash thing* *gets in for £2.50 each* :D


Awww. You can borrow her whenever. She's classic. I had such a bitch about my mum to her earlier today. It was wonderful. Nothing like the ex-husband's mother to listen to the woes of youth, innit :D Haha that lecture sounds fantastic!


:stunned: :stunned: *shakes head* well, you're a reformed tea drinker now, all is not lost :happy:


Ooh very nice! All conversation teachers called Olga are great! Is she small and blonde and bad at English? <3 our Olga.


WOAH Ryanair.. flights to Riga from Liverpool! SO CHEAP! <3 <3

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I've never fancied Spaanse English accents I think...they all sounds so angry :$ First English Breakfast! Wooo! :LOL: Mmmm I could do with that right now. That's actually your biggest resemblance to the Eastern Bloc, the excessive morning eating, how the bloody hell fo you manage :LOL:

:LOL: 'S a veeeery good technique that innit :LOL: *<3's Northerness*


:LOL: Mmmm sounds wonderful! Hope it was all in Welsh <3


I sure am. I'm expecting you to pay for my stay at Betty Ford :LOL:


She's small, blonde and only speaks Swedish according to the ones who've had her already :stunned: I want cute Russian teachers/tutors though, I know they're bloody out there, though the prettiest Russians are Swedes who look like them or something to that effect. :LOL: 'S crap. Our other conversation teacher really sucks at Swedish though, is like 60 years old, and has bright red, puffy hair :LOL: 'S a tie it is.


Mmmmm Riga. I'd be flying everywhere all the time if they didn't have the bloody Stansted in the way :$ You so should go to Riga to buy booze and Soviet apparel though. Mmm or take the Tallinn ferry from Стокгольм


C'est pas avec la bombe atomiiiiiiiiiiiique, c'est pas avec le tour de Fraaaaaaaaaaaaaance, qu'ils me mettront de leur côté, quand j'aurai fini ma croissance! *<3's Raphael this big*

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Så det är alltså en diagnostiserad sjukdom? Mycket tråkigt, men det är bra att du är så stark och står på dig.


Din ironi gör det inte bättre. Men kul är det.


Jag kan förklara lovecrap:

Jag tror inte på äkta kärlek. Jag tror inte på kärlek. Sådant är långt bort. Visst kan det hända, men isåfall närman är vuxen. Kärlek är tid och livet är för kort. Lite brutalt förklarat..men, ja.

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Aw no they sounded like I'd imagine chinchillas to speak.. if they could. :$ Gah the full English is vile! Which is why I skipped it for sleep and coffee instead :D Lunch is the best meal des Tages.


Nah, this is my dad's mum, the English side of zee family. The cooler, less... annoying side :indiff:


Aww, you can have our Olga. You'd adore her. No Katya though. She's just too wonderful to let go of.


ALL the flights from Stansted are free at the moment. :stunned: I think I may have to venture somewhere. Just because it's free ish. Mmm ferry. Full of drunken suèdes perchance?


Ahh Raphael. He's a bit like the French James Blunt. Which upsets me. Still like him though.


Aux armes, les Maghrebs! Formez vos bataillons! Marchons, marchons ! Qu'un sang impur abreuve nos banlieues! Ooh. So un-pc.

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Hey evian, glad to see your back. I'm afraid of Nietzche. He mentions thig in Anti-Christ that I hae thought. The exact same things.


Fucking hell.

Salut! Ahhh you'll hate him at first, but you'll soon get into him. Then on to Sartre, and Schopenhauer... Kant... ahhhhhhhhh deutscge philosoph, wie froh' bin ich, wenn du dabei bist... ahhh.

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Din ironi gör det inte bättre. Men kul är det.


Jag kan förklara lovecrap:

Jag tror inte på äkta kärlek. Jag tror inte på kärlek. Sådant är långt bort. Visst kan det hända, men isåfall närman är vuxen. Kärlek är tid och livet är för kort. Lite brutalt förklarat..men, ja.


Ironi? Var du ironisk?


Well well don't you have a little Pelle inside you :LOL: Ta det lugnt, du behöver inte tro på det, stunden kommer när du minst anar det. Så var det för mig, jag ändrades som person över en timme. Sen att tro på reciprok kärlek är en annan sak, jag anser det vara i stort sett omöjligt, men man kan nog tolka vissa saker som reciproka bara man anstränger sig lite. Tänk inte att livet är för kort, nykär är en av de bästa sakerna man kan vara, klart mycket bättre än allt annat tråkigt i livet, men det är klart att det tar tid, det gör det, men vad ska man annars ha sin tid till?

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:LOL: I see!


Nooooo full English is the best, though I agree on lunch being the best meal of the day since it's the only one I have nowadays hehe <3


Aw you ruddy Saesnik! I could maybe understand the cool side though :happy:


I just have to meet Katya soon after all your advertising! :LOL: Though I'll probably screw up and speak too fast though and she'll hate me! :'(


Free flights!? Gooooo to Riga! And stop by in Lund for some rum! :LOL: Yes very much drunken Schweeeds I reckon, though I've never been on that ferry...never dared after the disaster (though I have been over the Baltic Sea often, just not on the...Baltic boats :rolleyes: )


OI! Blunt!? Nooooooooo :'( :'( *gets mental image* Noooo! Don't! :'(


What's that song? *loves*

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Jag mår skit för tillfället så jag villa rgumentera. Yalla, who wants to learn arabic?



Du lät ironisk.


Kanske det, men jag tror inte det lär hända nu. Jag stör ig bara på all småungar i min skola (och jag är bland dem yngsta). Jag menar, 16 år och tror att dem har träffat sitt livs kärlek.. It's.. naive.


Men visst, en vacker dag kanske.


Skit också. Jag borde få knark för tillfället.

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Salut! Ahhh you'll hate him at first, but you'll soon get into him. Then on to Sartre, and Schopenhauer... Kant... ahhhhhhhhh deutscge philosoph, wie froh' bin ich, wenn du dabei bist... ahhh.


Noo I don't hate him. Mais j'ai peur parce que il pense comme moi.

And that is creepy. Hell, I'm doing Sartre after him.


My civicsteacher told me that if I'm going to study philosophy or anthropology in uni, he'd give me a recommendation. Admit, I pwn at this.


My mood improves my skills too.

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Aha OK. Trodde du var schizofren på riktigt och då finns det ju inte mycket jag kan göra...ya walla ana 'indi al qalam


Yes it's naive, but it's life. There are a lot of things that are naive when you're a teenager, but that comes with the territory, you shouldn't really be upset with things like that, though I can understand why it bothers you. Like I said before, read some books on the subject and try to see if you can understand them on any level at all.


Mmmm knark.



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Aha OK. Trodde du var schizofren på riktigt och då finns det ju inte mycket jag kan göra...ya walla ana 'indi al qalam


Yes it's naive, but it's life. There are a lot of things that are naive when you're a teenager, but that comes with the territory, you shouldn't really be upset with things like that, though I can understand why it bothers you. Like I said before, read some books on the subject and try to see if you can understand them on any level at all.


Mmmm knark.




Lite schizo kan man säga att jag är eftersom jag alltid lyckas påminna mig själv om vissa saker. Jag vet tex hur det låter när jag säger det här.

(Ser saker och ting dubbelt, typ) Så lite schizo.


The problemis that I do understand them. Fucking hell, for the first time I can say that in this case, I know the teenage stuff. So I do understand them, it's just that I don't like it. That's all.

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