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All hail the UK North! http://www.thestudentbus.com/ They has a webshite and everything!


You really have to see it, it's film genius. Even better when your DVD player has a spazz and you have to watch it without subtitles :happy: Ah Thomas would be so stolz auf me. :D Make an effort to see Die fetten Jahren though, as I was watching it I thought you'd probably enjoy the film, s'all about capitalism in a crafty way/the pseudocommies of the 21st C. Plus there's more Brühl. Mmmm.


Bendy rollers are brilliant fun! If they go wrong, all you needs is to wash out the afro :D


I'm trying to convince my ma to make some flapjacks this week, but she's far too busy decorating, because apparently, we're moving house... so nice of her to let me know that :LOL:


Huzzah it arrived! I hope it's not been too bashed up! Ah the Swedish... I just had to demonstrate my fluency to the Swedlish postal service/your family. :LOL:


I have your Communards stuff, alas I can't download it while Friday, what with me still being in the hell hole. I tell you, it's terrible being back home. Since there is nothing to do, I've been spending so much of my student loan... £23 on Sartre books, £21 on Shody Bop body butter/scrub :stunned: I've bought my flatmates sticks of rock with their names in too :D Although they don't make rock with "Camille" in the centre, so she'll have to make do with the one saying "tosser" :LOL:


I've finally discovered a coffee shop in Blackpool that makes super strong coffee.. only it's 15p for each extra shot of espresso.. which soon adds up when you have 4... *twitches* AND all the Poles hang out there. :happy:


*smells like Brazil nut and papaya* Mmmmmmm.



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Student buses, now that's an idea :happy: Looks like good fun too <3 All we have going to our street is the no.4, or the 'Garlic Press' because of the ridiculous amounts of arabs on it :LOL: That's so low :happy:


Oooh I'll have a look then! And you can never, ever have too much Brühl innit! Mmmmhm. I'll have to book in a German night after our gay Titanic night <3 what's it called in English though? The Fat Years? Sounds like a derogatory NEP-era commie flick :LOL:


Mmm yer, I still worry I wouldn't be able to wash it out though :$ Maybe my hair is too long to be curly in a nice way. I'd rather have it a bit Jude Lawish even though there are better examples. Mmm.


Moving? Why? Where? Not out of Blackpool right? How could anyone want to leave Mythop?


Yay just a few days till ma gets here *hexcited* I want to see le Swedlish too! And, I haven't had the ruddy Liptons for ages now either...tea for Eid al Fitr, how's that sound :D


Is there noone you can rob? Money on Sartre (<3333) and Body Butter isn't spending dear, 's investing. My Body Butters cost 21 quid also :happy: Mmm papaya's fabulous, I'm more partial to that than my Passion Fruit I reckon...Lisa wants some Brazil Nut, I could do with some too, though I don't like smelling like ice-cream, I'll just try to embrace fruityness <3 Is there no vanilla or anything? Mmmmmhm.

Haha tosser! Fabulous really :LOL:


Poles and strong coffee :happy: Mmmm could it get any better? You'd just love our Slavonic Institution. Mmmmmhm.


Passed my history test, 18 points out of 24! Wooo! (got the highest grade anyway :happy: ) Though I did quite bad on the essay explaining about the Orthodox Church's relation to lengthened autocracy in Russia. Errr. No wonder.



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Pelle pelle pelle..vad är det för busig video du ha rlagt up i Main Area?


hur som helst. Jag måste skriva två uppsatser nu. En som handlar om Brittish invasion of Syria in June 8, 1941 och "How culture and environment affects the learning"


Hjälp? I alla fall me dden första. Bakgrund/orsaker, om du vet något. Jag harläst lite men jag behöver mer.

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Tja nu är ju jag inget levande uppslagsverk tyvärr, men jag har en sida som jag råkade ha bookmarkad sen jag stötte på det senast: http://www.ccc.nps.navy.mil/rsepResources/si/dec02/middleEast.asp som iofs inte är direkt relaterad, men intressant. Huvudorsaken var väl mest att Syrien stöddes av Vichyregeringen i Frankrike, som var motsatt de Gaulle och som var underställda naziregimen (lite hårddraget) och att britterna ville stoppa den länken (och att de redan var så inblandade i Mellanöstern att de ville skydda sina intressen.)

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:LOL: Brilliant! Got to love those un PC jibes towards the racial minorities. So daily mail :D


Ooh a German night would be smashing! Mmm German. Mmm. Its English title is 'The Edukators'. SO disappointing. I kept arguing with the subtitles in the film because they miss out all the great 'in' jokes with German language. Bastards.


Mmm Jude Law. He's far too pretty for his own good. Mmm.


Ahh there's some Russian on the box too. Now I'm getting slightly better at schrijfing the cyrillic :D Ah once you've had Twinings/PG you'll never go back to the.. pardon my french... piss water that is Liptons. There's a reason why that tea isn't sold in the UK...


Ahh Eid. It's headline news on the current edition of the Islamic Times here :happy:


We're moving to a bungalow in Pilling apparently. Bloody mother wants more garden and a smaller house now I've fled the nest. :rolleyes:


I could possibly rob my mother, but.. nahhh. I've brought all my philosophy books from home here now. My shelf is complete :happy: Oh the Brazil nut is my favourite one! It makes your skin soooooo soft. I bought my mum the body scrub of that too. Mmmm. Lisa has good taste.


The only drawback is the strong coffee is served at Starbucks :( BUT I'm boycotting my usual place after they made me a cold mocha and insisted that I had whipped cream on it, after I'd asked not to. :indiff: Ahh Slavonic institution <3



Oooh well done you :D *is proud* :D


Ahh the Cwm Rhondda. I've listened to that solidly this week. Mother and I were singing it whilst decorating the living room. It's fabulous to paint walls to.


*edit* The Communards.. I *swear down* my dad used to listen to this album when I was wee.

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Mhhmmm Daily Mail 's fabulpous innit :happy:


:LOL: That's the most fun part with subtitles and school :D 'Specially jokes and all. 'Edukators' rubbish innit.


Mmmmmmmm eyes :happy:


Isn't it great when you get good at it? Cherish it until you get to the aspect pairs errrrrrrr. Liptons errrr. Mother comes tomorrow. Mmmm. :happy:


I suggested to les blokes to go shouting on the streets over Eid (I love the glottal pronunciation of that, I almost scared a lady at the supermarket the other say :LOL: ) but they didna want toi do it :indiff:


More gardebn? :stunned:


I'm so impressed by les Sartre books! *steals* I'll tell Lisa that :happy:


Ffwls! Did you yell at bthem in Welsh? <3

Mmmmmhm Cwm Rhondda


I thikn we all did <3


Why the fuck did >I think the party was next week? :confused: Mmmmm so much wódka with my grammar tutor, meaning I'll be OK next weekend, I'll go there on Friday, so I'll see the most beautifukl girl in the world clear eyed :D


mmm m falafel

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Tja nu är ju jag inget levande uppslagsverk tyvärr, men jag har en sida som jag råkade ha bookmarkad sen jag stötte på det senast: http://www.ccc.nps.navy.mil/rsepResources/si/dec02/middleEast.asp som iofs inte är direkt relaterad, men intressant. Huvudorsaken var väl mest att Syrien stöddes av Vichyregeringen i Frankrike, som var motsatt de Gaulle och som var underställda naziregimen (lite hårddraget) och att britterna ville stoppa den länken (och att de redan var så inblandade i Mellanöstern att de ville skydda sina intressen.)


Ja du stirrar mest runt bara :) Men jag gillar sjalen.


Hehe, jag kommer alltid att betrakta dig som ett levande uppslagsverk Pelle.

Okej, ska kolla upp det genast. Tack så mycket.


Jag hatar min skola. Eller rättare sagt, människor där hatar mig. Så jag är rätt ensam. Men det är ksönare så. Mycket skönare.


Kan inte du omma till Stockholm någon gång? I really would like to meet you sometime. I am so meeting Rhian in February or easter, right?

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:LOL: You drunk. You're going to need a strong cup of that tea tomorrow :LOL:


The fat Sartre book was only £13 :D S'well good.


Haha aw drunk people. Haha.


Aren't Russian parties just the best? Ahh you seeeeeeee the Russks must've known, innit :happy: Although I vote you still go red-eyed to jest*ending* sovietskii.


*giggles a bit more at Pelle*


Ooh also, check your gaymail, I've sent you the best Kate Bush song ever. All I need now is the one where she sings about pi to several decimal places...

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Ja du stirrar mest runt bara :) Men jag gillar sjalen.


Hehe, jag kommer alltid att betrakta dig som ett levande uppslagsverk Pelle.

Okej, ska kolla upp det genast. Tack så mycket.


Jag hatar min skola. Eller rättare sagt, människor där hatar mig. Så jag är rätt ensam. Men det är ksönare så. Mycket skönare.


Kan inte du omma till Stockholm någon gång? I really would like to meet you sometime. I am so meeting Rhian in February or easter, right?


Hör du inte låten? :D


Ingen fara


Nej va fan, nöj dig inte med det, folk hatar mig för en massa saker, men ändå...låt dem inte förknippa dig med nån obstinat rabiat idiot...som en del gör med mig, iofs är jag OK med det, men ändå. Usch vad jag är fukl


Yer letäs meet up. Gustaf af Kilnt innit :D

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Hör du inte låten? :D


Ingen fara


Nej va fan, nöj dig inte med det, folk hatar mig för en massa saker, men ändå...låt dem inte förknippa dig med nån obstinat rabiat idiot...som en del gör med mig, iofs är jag OK med det, men ändå. Usch vad jag är fukl


Yer letäs meet up. Gustaf af Kilnt innit :D


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Hör du inte låten? :D


Ingen fara


Nej va fan, nöj dig inte med det, folk hatar mig för en massa saker, men ändå...låt dem inte förknippa dig med nån obstinat rabiat idiot...som en del gör med mig, iofs är jag OK med det, men ändå. Usch vad jag är fukl


Yer letäs meet up. Gustaf af Kilnt innit :D


Haha you are heavily drunk, my dear friend. Jag borde ringa dig och trakassera dig nu. Får jag? Jag kan be eeevviiiiiiill!



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:LOL: You drunk. You're going to need a strong cup of that tea tomorrow :LOL:


The fat Sartre book was only £13 :D S'well good.


Haha aw drunk people. Haha.


Aren't Russian parties just the best? Ahh you seeeeeeee the Russks must've known, innit :happy: Although I vote you still go red-eyed to jest*ending* sovietskii.


*giggles a bit more at Pelle*


Ooh also, check your gaymail, I've sent you the best Kate Bush song ever. All I need now is the one where she sings about pi to several decimal places...



Oooh yes 's rirdulous, when I woke up WAY too early thjis morning (started at 9.15) i never thought I'd be drinking more than vodkar and tonic today and here I am, and ma's coming over earky tomorrow, errr. Letsä hope I can sober up in the bext few minutes :D


£13? 'S nothing that! Bit like me Wilde and Woolf books mmmm


I would never jest in her nearness. Mmmmmmhm I want turqoise eyes too :'( Mmm sovietskii. I think my grammar teaher loves me since I showed him the Tezza Wade etym ological dictiobary today :happy:


Oooh 's very nice that! Mmmmmmh THE WAAAAVES! You don't happåen to have the new vocal Wuthering Heights do ye? :$


*Finished the Zubrówka today* *Hates self* *will never dirnk aganin*

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:LOL: Drinking since 9:15?! Ah your ma will be proud of you.


Innit just! SHIT I left my Wilde book at home. Ah well.


Awww :happy: The best way to impress the teachers, innit :D


I do! I do indeed! I'll send it.


Haha! Excellent! Ahhh how long until you throw up? *places bets* :happy:

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:LOL: No studying since 9.15. Errr. But this was drinking enough. Zubrówka is loads better than any other vodka though, 's true that.


Aww the Sartre book looks as nice :happy:


Yer, us two were the only ones to do the real bassy singing on Podmoskovniye Vechera :LOL: *throat hurts* :LOL:


Mmmm new vocals! 'S so..suggestive! Mmmm *loves voice* 'S so...mmm...mmm...


Me? Throw up? Never :D Only after wine dear. :LOL: Ooooh you'd so have to meet the gay Czech Vitja. 'S fucking unbelievable how gay he is. And I think he eyeballed me all evening. I think. ( I hope :LOL: )

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:LOL: Sartre kicks the ass, innit. I feel a cheat for buying La Nausée in English though.


Fuck, I'm going to London tomorrow. I think. *needs to stop being spontaneous and stay away from the bad influence of a German.*


Ahh if you want anymore Kate, just yell. My father keeps me well supplied... only cause he used to fancy her.

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Argh just bought the Smiths' Troy Tate Sessions that I already have on le computer from some auction site :stunned: Why? Could be the daffodils on the cover that blinded me :D Mmmmm Troy Tate...he's no John Peel but then again, who is? :happy: Mr Tate's 'Wonderful Woman' though. Mmmmmm. 'Pretty Girls Make Graves' in 2/4 though :LOL: What the...?



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Radiohead - You


You are the sun and moon and stars, are you

And I could never run away from you


You try at working out chaotic things

And why should I believe myself, not you?


It's like the world is going to end so soon

And why should I believe myself?


You, me and everything caught in the fire

I can see me drowning, caught in the fire




So what goes on in my head and I can't cry. Fucking hell.

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