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Innit! Ah that's ok then. :)


My suggestion is this: Pull an all nighter :D Just keep drinking and then head to the station. :D Greet the flame stinking of wódka and with some flowers, for that authenticness!


I bought a belt and got loooooads of free stuff, and a really nice free eyeshadow :D


I am tempted, so, so tempted...


All nighter, you know I actually planned for that for a bit, but then I remembered I'd been on a train before drunk off my tits, and I'd rather not do it again :$ Stinking of wódka would be nice though :D And papaya or passion fruit of course. My new hair spray smells like the Arab who used to cut my hair before though! :LOL: Errrr. Not too nice.


Oooooh eyeshadow *jealous* Mmmm. Belts are nice too :happy:



Wooooooo Eid! Are you out on the streets yelling in jubilation? You should be! I can't believe how 'tolerant' the police are, with saying they're proud of the Muslims and all, that'd never happen here...Muslims are hardly intergrated in any society, but they are probably moreso in the UK than ruddy Sverige. Err.


I spent the night at Lisa's with Erik watching Pop Idol, drinking rum and coke and beer. Mmmm. Oh and making Lisa download Wind of Change by the Scorpions (I used to love yelling that out when I was like 9 :D) and My Heart Will Go On by ms Dion for our gay night we (I) have planned for sometime, with beer, body butter, and a Titanic DVD :LOL:

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Official university email:


Dear students,


The Islamic festival of Eid is approaching and below is some advice from the

Police regarding the celebrations in Rusholme. Please read it, especially if

this is your first year in Manchester. Traffic is extremely heavy, plan for the

evening so you don't get caught in it.



Gemma Currie


Welfare Officer

University of Manchester Students' Union






Greater Manchester Police is advising students living in and around

Rusholme to expect traffic delays during the Eid ul Fitr celebrations on 3 and

4 November 2005.


Eid is an important part of the Muslim calendar and Rusholme tends to be a

focal point for the celebrations in the UK. As a result, a large number of

people are expected to gather in Rusholme and traffic on Wilmslow Road is

often disrupted.


An increased number of police officers will be patrolling the area to

ensure public safety at the event.


Students who may not be aware of these celebrations are asked to respect the

festival and allow extra time if travelling through Rusholme on either



Eid is a time of celebration within the Muslim community to mark the end of

Ramadan, the month of fasting, and begins with the first sighting of the new



Chief Superintendent Dave Thompson from the Metropolitan Division

said:"Eid is a very important part of the Muslim calendar and we are

extremely proud that Rusholme is a focal point for the UK Muslim community.


"As part of the policing operation, and to allow the Muslim community to

celebrate Eid with minimal disruption, officers will be diverting traffic

away from Wilmslow Road during the celebrations. This may mean that

journeys through Rusholme are likely to take longer than usual.


"I would like to ask students to be patient with these traffic

disruptions and respect this very important Muslim festival."


People are reminded that restaurants in Rusholme will remain open during the



:happy: :happy:

Now that is lovely. I am already on love with Rusholme. So much respect for muslims. Rhian, see you there.. :happy:

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Oh this is pure evil. Hello Mona. How are you this wonderful evening?


Prove that it's wonderful. I'm ok. I hate my school more than ever.

Tack gud för höstlov.

I want to go to England more than ever. Or..somewhere atleast.

Följ medmig till Egypten i Januari!

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Why do you hate school? :( The evening is wonderful based simply on the fact that I've had rum and coke :D Mmm I should crack open my new Bacardi just to celebrate :D


Så, it's höstlov now then? Feels nice right? Be happy, we at uni never get those breaks bar for Christmas and summer :indiff:

Kan nog inte i januari...jag kan knappt leva ett normalt liv med universitetet hängandes över huvudet errr.

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Mina skolkamrater är cpskadade. Hittills kommerjag bara rätt bra överens med.. 3 pers. 3 pers som jag oft är med kan man säga. Men jag är oftast för mig själv. Enjoying it too.

Lov är alltid skönt. I love breaks more than ever.


Det är synd. Min hemspråksgrupp (dom där 3 andra) ska kanske resa till Egypten i Januari. Kul om någon riktigt kskoj hängde med. Typ du.

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Ah fan vad tråkigt! Men bara man står ut med några att hänga med så är det väl lugnt, jag störde mig på ganska många typ i ettan också, men det gick över. Jag lovar att du typ kommer sakna alla när ni slutar trean. Helt jävla läskigt är vad det är. Man kan ju iaf stanna uppe länge på lov! :happy: Fan jag borde sluta med sånt ändå. Taskigt när man typ går 14.15-19.00 utan rast och sovit typ 5 timmar natten före errr.


Jag är inte så skoj :D Ni får nog kul ändå. Jag skulle bara bli rabiat eller tjata om Werther hela tiden.


Fan jag borde sova MEN det är ju så tråkigt *somnar på tangentbordet*

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Mina skolkamrater är cpskadade. Hittills kommerjag bara rätt bra överens med.. 3 pers. 3 pers som jag oft är med kan man säga. Men jag är oftast för mig själv. Enjoying it too.

Lov är alltid skönt. I love breaks more than ever.


Det är synd. Min hemspråksgrupp (dom där 3 andra) ska kanske resa till Egypten i Januari. Kul om någon riktigt kskoj hängde med. Typ du.

SERIOUSLY? We get a month at Chirstmas, a month at Easter and three and a bit months for summer! Shocking! The gay night sounds wonderful! :happy: Ahh we just sat in Exchange Square freezing our tits off watching the Rocky Horror show! It was so much fun! :D So gay! There were people in drag and everything! :D


Rusholme's a wonderful place. My mummy and grandparents are coming over on friday to go out for curry with me :D My flat's so lonely! I think I'm the only one here now. Everyone's gone home for reading week. Mmm peace and quiet.

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That sounds wonderful :happy: Then again we're quite the pagans, and we don't celebrate things like we should :D

Quite the gay night today too, can't believe the amount of rum I have in me right now, and I'm not even that drunk! :confused: It's quite sad it is to sit drinking rum and mineral water (mixed) when you've ran out of Coke :LOL: Though strangely delicious!

Just saw your text, sorry! Outside!? Errrr...in October? Errrr. Glad you enjoyed it though :happy: And, drag in October too? Errrr :LOL:


Oooh you're showing them Curry Mile then? Great! :happy: I'd kill for my corridor to be empty, but I'm guessing it never will be :indiff: And everyone's probably asleep now the bastards. Ooh now it's winter time right? Yay, one more hour's sleep! :D


I'm really craving for some cous cous and harissa now the kebaberia's closed...should I or should I not? Mmmm Cwm Rhondda. And mmm the strange taste of white rum in the moth :D

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Ah you crazy Swedes. We watched the Rocky with a Danish friend of Sarah's tonight. I did my best as a pseudoswede to... giggle at her accent quietly to myself.


Ah Pelle, you're just too classy! It was so good! SO freezing cold since we were all sat on stone and there was a great wind blowing, but it was worth it!




Exchange Square <3 So fancy.


I am indeed! I'm torn between Al Nawaz and Sanaam though. The latter won't serve alcohol cause it's really traditional and Muslim, but they do THE best curry in Manchester. :happy:


Ahh why not. You're a student. You need stupid eating patterns! Ahhh Cwm Rhondda. Sung at pretty much every given opportunity by the Welsh. <3 Rhooooooooo imi hyyyyyyynny!

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Tha'ss a good Rhiân :D God Danes are scary! I shouldn't be living in the south of Sweden really errrr. Too many of 'em about :D


Quite classy I know :D Hmmm I long for the institution party when I can get some Zubrówka in me flask :D I'm guessing it doesn't mix well for classy drinks, so I'm saving it up for Russianer moments :D (or Polisher) Mmmm.

Was it in the city centre or something, or just a student thing? :confused: Exchange Square does look quite big though. No chav riots because of the batty boy drag people? :D They'd never do an outside screening of anything here bar the odd football games.


An-Nawaz does sound nice name-wise, but a strict Sharia restaurant mmm...who'd say no? :D


That's it, I'm trotting away to get my couscous bag. Mmmm. *Wants to be Welsh just for the aspirations*

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:happy: She looked a bit like a man... hmmm.


Ah what a beautiful party that would be :happy: although being a good polakiem, every moment is a Polish moment, therefore Zubrówka swigging is as natural as... tooth brushing.


Yeah, it was some thing organised by the über-trendy/emo boy loved Urbis art gallery thing, cause they're displaying some photographer's work there who did the rocky pictures, so they put it on the big screen there, which usually blasts out BBC News 24 :happy:


*edit* aha! http://www.urbis.org.uk/events.asp?page=227


They do good curry there, but Sanaam is just divine. Mmm. Sanaam it is. Grandpa will have to cope without beer. Just Lassi for us. Mmmmm.


Ah good man. :happy: Ah Welshness. Boyo.

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They all do :D


It's quite natural, but still the Russians and all the other ruddy people at the last party didn't like Polish wódka errrr. Guess they're just jealous innit. I'm bringing it now though like I said to show them where the cupboard should be (You've got to love Swedish idioms :D) And maybe I'll treat them to some of my new Smirnoff as well, even though it's not at all as nice as the heavenly Zubrówka. Only that the taste reminds me of Sterling gay sex from Barcelona :LOL:


Ooooh that sounds really cool! :happy: Wish they'd do something like that here. All we get is some bloody carneval errrr. Public movie screenings just seem so...fifties! :happy:


Awwww poor him :D You'd have to fill up in your flat like proper Swedes :happy: Argh I want curry too! I wonder if we have some nice Indian/Pakistani restaurant here. Mmmm.


Mmmm couscous, salt, pepper, curry powder, red peppers, a touch of harissa, chili sauce and olive oil...what bad could come out of that? :happy:


"Soooo how did I eeeend up, so deeeeeply involved in...the veeeery existence...I plaaaanned on avoooiding?"...and I can't answer!

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I knew it! :D


Haha that's a beautiful idiom! My Sweden travel book has a load in the back.. Still, they're nothing to hang on the christmas tree :LOL: That's become my regular drink in Revoooooo now. Although pronouncing the 'w' in the Polish way confuses the barmen somewhat :happy::LOL: :LOL: :LOL: *wipes away tear* 'sociology in Stirling' Ahhh. Hahahaha.


It is pretty swish! We bought hot chocolate and everything. Proper trampy. :happy: All the Solidarność...


He'll survive. Grandma will be smug though. "Now Ted, you should drink less at your age" "yes Dot." *Grandpa bows his head and looks pissed off*. Ahh yes, it's better at a flat.. eating out of cartons on the floor... student chic.


Sounds divine! I have... yesterday's flapjack that Nick bought me for lunch and I never got time to eat <3


So come on: jack be nimble, jack be quick! Jack flash sat on a candlestick.... Cause fire is the devil’s ooonly frieeeeeeend.

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Mmm Swedish idioms are the best...inget att hänga i julgranen för smutsiga britter dock :D

"Hyelo, I khwant Zhoobrooooofka!" :happy: That doesn't work? :happy: It's strange how Malcolm pretty much killed the side of me wanting to go to Scotland...or Spain :stunned: (Or to Norway and his gay friends)


Mmmmm hot chocolate, haven't had that for so long! They have that in the legendary coffee machine over at t'institution, I'll have to give it a shot someday if I can tear myself away from the gleat 'cappuccino'. Mmm.


:LOL: Awww. Mmm carton-eating of the floor though :LOL: Havn'a tried that yet :D


Mmmm flapjacks...I have no idea what that is (:$), but it sounds lovely <3 Mmm nice cheeses would be nice to have at night-time though, with some nice Salice Salentino and a smoov record :D


*Slaps self* I have to go to bed now. Just got excited since I found out we don't have any exams next week, only translations, essays and oral reports. Errr. Still nice :D I would rather like to spend the morrow snuggled up in bed with Elizabeth Smart though :happy:

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I dunno, our English ones are pretty cool... Raining cats and dogs and such. I mean.. how did that come about? Niet, it doesn't. Save for... nope you just yell and point to the bottle with the grass in. Ahh Revo. God love the bar that has drinks entitled Polish Apple-Aid and Russian Fruit Salad. :happy:


It's good he killed your Schottland aspirations, that place is a dive.. as for Spain and Norway...


Oooh our refectory does a meaaaan chocolate. 66p too. Mmmm.


It's a high form of class is that. As is eating out of pizza boxes on the floor. Then leaving them on the floor. (Ah my wonderful flatmates.)


Ooooh ooooh! You *have* to make some! I'll get me ma's recipie, they're like oats and golden syrup and raisins... mmmm. :happy: Cheese before bed is bad though, you get nightmares.


G'night m'dear! Huzzah! Lucky you! We're on holiday this week :D <3 Reading week. Sounds like a delightful way to spend a sunday morning. Sounds better than my (not so) hot date planned with Bernhard Schlink. :happy:

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They're silly they are. Revo sounds awful swish! :LOL: I'm guessing proper Polish waiters would make a thousand times better though :happy: I'm must indeed plan for a Revo visit when I'm temporarily Mancunian :happy:


Oh no, sure it isn't, it's better than both ruddy Norway (don't ever go there) and Spain bar for Catalunya and the mighty Euskal Herria. Mmmhm. Errr I feel the sudden urge for whiskey, too bad it's bloody Sunday *spits* All I have is Jameson though, and that wouldn't put me nearer my Scottish longings though. Are there no Welsh whiskies? :D


66p? Pah, 66p is no 2.50 kr :D


They actually do that? You should berate them indignantly for it really. Or at least if they're vicious people, if the nice ones do it well...just let it go innit :happy:


Ooooh that sounds delicious! The description almost makes me think of bread and butter pudding, at least the crust. Mmm.


Elizabeth Smart is one of my new Gods indeed. Never have I felt the urge to repeat things in my head like 'betwixt', 'armpits like chalices' or 'My beloved is mine and I am his: he feedeth among the lilies' before. Mmm. Or 'I will not be placated by the mechanical motions of existence, nor find solicitude of waiters who notice my devastated face.' Mmmm. *Listens to Shakespeare's Sister* Mmm.


I don't waaaant to do ruddy Russian.

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Revo is the place to be. Especially the Fallowfield one, as it's in comfortable staggering distance from the Oak House gates to our campus :D You will indeed! You can't class yourslef as a Mancunian student without a visit to there/5th Ave/42s. Tis the law.


I dunno, I did meet a very tall, very beautiful Norseman in Vilnius... I may go there one day, just to see if they're all like him. Mmm.


There *is* a Welsh whisky! According to Ronnie who used to be on my Polish course, it's one of the nicest ones he's ever tasted too! (And he was a Scott!)


They do. Shame they've all gone home for the week really, otherwise I would've berated lots, in that subtle way I do best. Bwahaha.


Oh it is! Wonderfully so! Even more so before you bake the oaty goo. Mmmmm.


She was from Canadia wasn't she? Miss Currie always used to go on about her. Ahhh.


Awww, don't say that! You'll never make a Bolshevik with that attitude :stunned:

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Staggering distance is the most important thing innit, yet I find myself miles from the closest proper pub from here :stunned: Errr. To have a vodka bar 'round the corner must be like nectar for your soul :LOL: Oh so many things to do and see in Manchester, I'm guessing an entire lifetime could be consumed just for the exploration (or deploration :D) of the suburbs. Mmmmhm.


They're not, they're all rabidly Christian, wear stupid knitted sweaters (not the nice kind mind you) and eat oil for breakfast. Bastards. Sweden's the way to go then :D


That so? Mmmm! They don't have any at Systembolaget though :'( Just had a quick glance on their website. Aargh! Whiskey's so underrated, though it's quite sad that it never reaches the same potential as a heavenly cognac (in my feeble opinion) Mmmm. I'm going to have a look this week though.


Leave them angry notes, and plenty of them :LOL: 'S the Swedish way, signed 'Grannarna' ('The neighbours') :LOL:


That's it then, I'm having Lisa make it :D (I wonder if it's visible that I'm le little brother :D) Also, she has a better oven :happy:


Yup, Åttawa. Mmmm 's just fabulous it is. Though I should've read A Kind of Loving beforehand, since I'm guessing it'll pale in comparison.


:'( I know, I'm a rotten Menshie!


Ooh made a photo experiment with me in dark hair yesterday. Evidence will be up shortly. Frankly I'm a bit ashamed of dark hairedness

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That's terrible! Fortunately for us, around... 80% of Fallowfield's population are students, so there are bars, kebab shops, supermarkets... you name it. And it's only a tiny borough by Manchester standards :D Rusholme's for the more mature students though, so it's a lot quieter on the pub front there... however street robery... I reckon around 7 days and you will have covered pretty much all you need to be classed as a Mancunian Student, and if you can engage yourself in a bus company debate, then you've arrived!


Whisky's wonderful. My grandpa swears by a tot every night before he goes to bed :happy: Ah cognac. So french. Ahhh.


I may stick a du är oordentligsies on the fridge before I leave on Wednesday. bwaha.


Such a good little brother! Although make sure the recipie is my mum's, cause hers is the best in the world. Mmm.


Seeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee I toooooooold you that you should leave your hair the wonderful colour it is! :D I'm digging the waves though... very.. scrunch dried :happy:

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Mmmm that must be great! We do have a supermarket around though, so they must be aware they're close to a big student community, but still...where are the cheap as hell bars and all that? And the fact you have to walk for like 40 minutes to get a falafel. Errr. Cities should be built, and revolve, around students. Mmhm.

Rusholme's for the mature? :D Cool. Bus companies? I'm partial to National Express :D


That sounds like a spaffing tradition! :happy: Mmmm that and a glass of wine everyday, I swear you'd live at least 50 years longer :D Awww you still miss French...go rent the Tricouleur movies, you get French and Polish in one single fun-filled package <3


Oordentligsies? :D Mmm oordentlig is such a beautiful word. Though I don't know if I've said it ever mmmm. Maybe I have. Never thought of that word as being funny before haha, there's like a huge aspiration after the first o, [oWOH-dentlig] :LOL: Mmm and that retroflex d, you can't but love it.


Can I have the recipe sometime maybe pretty please? :happy: It sounds lovely!


The waves yer :LOL: That's from the amount of hair getting stuck behind the ear, rolling itself into a ball and then looking like the side of my hair's curly :LOL: So silly, though I secretly hoping the rest of the hair would follow the sidehair's example :LOL: (Is there no pronoun for hair :D)

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Nay lad! National Express is a coach company! We're talking Fignlands, UK North (that's the best because of its Polish workforce and £2 weekly pass) MagicBus, Bullock and Stagecoach (which is the posh one, and far too expensive!)


I've just been on a German DVD bender, because in all my Russianness, I've really neglected meine Muttersprache, innit. Mmm Die Fetten Jahren Sind Vorbei and Der Untergang. Beautiful. :D


Lucky for you sir, I'm back home for the week so I pestered mummy for the recipie. THEN I spent ages working out the ounces into grams, because mum refuses to go metric.


Porridge oats (get Quaker ones if you can, they're the best) 125 g

Rolled oats 125 g

Margarine 150 g

Golden syrup 75 g

Sugar 75g

couple of handfulls of raisins/sultanas.


Put the margarine, sugar & golden syrup in saucepan and heat until it is really runny.


Line a baking tin with greaseproof paper.


Mix all the oats into the liquid.


*optional* get a big spoon and eat the goo or...


Put the mixture into the baking tin & press flat.


Bake at 180 C for 25 to 30 minutes.


Divide into portions before the goo sets properly.


Leave to cool and set.


Ah for waves you need bendy rollers, mousse and scrunchdryability :D Who says there's no pronoun for hair? When I become Education Secretary, I'll be introducing noun genders. Mmmmm. :happy:


Aw Blackpool library. How it hasn't changed one bit. :happy:

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Ah right sorry :LOL: 'S all the same to us over here errr. How can one not love UK North then? Mmmmhm. I guess I won't be walking very much in Manchester :D


Oooh benders! I've never seen Der Untergang :'( I really want to though, we were supposed to last spring/summer but couldn't for some silly reason! Aargh! Maybe I need some German DVD's as well, I have yet to see Goodbye Lenin as well :$ Mmmmmmr. Brühl <3


Fankooo dearest! :happy: *hugs* Hopefully me and Lisa can do it this weekend, I've promised to buy everything for it, rich as I am :D , and she'll bake it. And I'll eat the dough? Mmmm. Fat though. Even better. Us students need the nutrition innit :D


Bendy rollers, I want! I've planned on doing something like that when I have a few days off from uni so I have time to clear my mess up if it goes terribly wrong! :LOL:


OOOOH yeah, mum just called, your present just got there! *huge hugs* She's coming down this Saturday so she can bring it then! Also she sounded really, really impressed over your Swedish on le box :D Never heard her like that before *proud of Rhiân* :D

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