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Some Pelle sa, dem är i alla fall inte danska.


Pelle, it wasn't such a big test.. more like a quiz. So that's probably why he corrected them so fast.

Yes, I have a communistroom. Red. Just need some green stuff now =)

You also need one of these, dear Monachen...




Which normally lives in my bedroom window, for the comrades in the carpark to see.


MY MY! At Waterloooooo Napoleon did surrender

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It's the top rated one in Virgin's Alternative Guide apparently. All we do is booze, yet we still rank 43rd in world league tables and 13th in the UK :D *kinda smug*


I hope so. I can say the words... I just can't say the order. And stuff.


Corrrr. We like Lund. Yes we do. Mmmm. I'm yet to encounter a nice male Arab. The worst ones are the ones who really try it on and then waffle on to their companions in arabic, then try it on again. *shudders*


No, we don't. BUT we have the Cwm Rhondda. Which is on its way to you in a gmail now. HA.


You'd hope so too, when it costs a pound to steal a trolley haha.


Sleep then ffwl! Have one of my wonderful migrane tablets to knock you out for 20 hours :D



13th? Errrr who came before you on that list? Bradfudd and Swindon? Mmm.


Order? Word order? Word order's seriously fucked up in Rwssian. :indiff:


Say sakker fammak to them, should shut 'em up good. I can't believe how much some people differ in their niceties, just compare a nice falafel Kurd to a sleazy pub bloke. Errr.


Mmmmm Cwm Rhondda, mmm sus chords, mmm mighty, so Christmasy for some reason *puts on repeat* *cries*


A pound? Errr them ruffians be rich ruffians innit.


20 hours? Mmmm didn't need that though, sleep too bloody long anyway :indiff:


Rhiân, that's some seriously nice Soviet apparel! :eek: *insanely jealous* Oh and Mona, get an aspidistra for the green, I want one but apparently they're a bitch to find. Errrr.


No Rhiân not Waterloo! Aaargh! Lay all your love on me, now that's class. :D

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13th? Errrr who came before you on that list? Bradfudd and Swindon? Mmm.


Order? Word order? Word order's seriously fucked up in Rwssian. :indiff:


Say sakker fammak to them, should shut 'em up good. I can't believe how much some people differ in their niceties, just compare a nice falafel Kurd to a sleazy pub bloke. Errr.


Mmmmm Cwm Rhondda, mmm sus chords, mmm mighty, so Christmasy for some reason *puts on repeat* *cries*


A pound? Errr them ruffians be rich ruffians innit.


20 hours? Mmmm didn't need that though, sleep too bloody long anyway :indiff:


Rhiân, that's some seriously nice Soviet apparel! :eek: *insanely jealous* Oh and Mona, get an aspidistra for the green, I want one but apparently they're a bitch to find. Errrr.


No Rhiân not Waterloo! Aaargh! Lay all your love on me, now that's class. :D

Nah, sodding UCL. But still, apparently the Russian department at UCL may be the best in the UK but it's so pretentious and rubbish that loads of people have dropped Russian already. Bwahaha. S'pretty good that though, since there's about a million unis in the UK.


My dad taught me a really 'orrible Arabic phrase, and I've forgotten it. D'oh!


S'a great Welsh hymn that. Every Welshie knows it off by heart. Tis our Jerusalem.


Innit just brilliant! We got it in some market thingy in Moocow. Ahh Moocow. How I hated you. Aspidistras aren't that hard to find... our house is full of 'em. They get so dusty so quickly mind.


Better still, Super Trouper :D


Now now Mädels, no fighting over the commie propaganda. There's plenty enough to share with the work force. :D

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Dropped Russian! Haha ffwls, then you don't have to share your wonderful teachers with stupid people :happy: I can't believe that so many people dropped off my Russian class after the first day, makes me kind of proud I've lasted for a month! :D


I've never even heard Jerusalem I think :$ At least I can't remember if I have. Errr. If it's even close to Rwll Brytannia or Cwm Rhondda I'm a happy duckling! :happy:


:LOL: And they say communism is dead. Awwwww. Apparently aspidistras are hard to come by here, according to Lisa, but I'm sure she's only saying that to make her look better since she already has one. When she turns her back I'll be stealing it in a sec though. Ooh and I'll take her really thick compendium on the world's languages. Mmmm or buy me own. 'S fabulous, with mostly minority languages. Mmm. Aspidistras get dusty though? Not with my loving care they're not! :D


Super Trouper *dies* Just listen to the F-Am break...almost got me killed crossing a street t'other day. Mmmm. "Here lies Pelle, dead to the tune of ABBA" Mmm. Ooooh 's so good, so good.


*Nabs off with the Kollektiv banner* Haha!

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"You will meet a fox", said the eagle. "Kill it and on the spot where it dies you will find happiness."


Andry went and did what he was told. At the very edge of his village he met the fox. He killed it. When he looked up from the slain animal he did not recognise the village of his childhood. It was a new village. Clean and wonderful.


On the main building there was written a great word: 'kolkhoz'.


So the poor Chuvash, Andry found happiness at last. He had killed the bear, the wolf, the landlord; and the fox, the kulak. And the eagle who showed the poor Chuvash the way was - Stalin!




RU1290 is the best Russian module evoooh! :LOL:


Ah, I'll send you that in a minute. It's guaranteed to bring out the inner British jingoist.


Bwahaha pilfering is the new black. Crossing the road whilst listening to music, or indeed thinking about it is an absolute suicide mission. Mmmm. :happy:


*does nothing, save for be at one with Lenin*

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Ahahahaha that's just...mmmmmmm :LOL: :LOL: :LOL::LOL: *dies* Poor Chuvash! I'm sure the Chuvashians loved Stalin :happy::D


Mmmm Jerusalem, and Pomp and Circumstance, splendid! Jerusalem was great, a bit...irregular in the melody and all innit? Very catchy :happy: Almost like Rule Britannia. Mmm.


Suicide mission yes, but oh so nice :happy: I always get paranoid when I'm listening to music outdoors though, since I always think people know what I'm listening too. It gets worse when I have ABBA on and smiling gayly to myself :D


How's Nachalo going? Mmmm Russian phonetics

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Isn't it just fantastic :D


Jerusalem's grand it is. Ahhh.


Haha yes, especially if it's a really cheesy song and you have to fight the urge to sing along. Ahhh.


I sacked Nachala off and went to the cinema. You have to see the Walace and Gromit film. It's so, so, so, so funny! (And, the guy who makes it is from Preston.)

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Did you have a test on that today or something? Mmmm. How was the library? :happy:


Mmmm how can you not scream out "You were aaaaaalways on my miiiind!" Mmm 's fabulous.


Ooh, I could see it simply based on the fact that it's Prestonese, but oh the boredom of having to watch Wallace and Vomit in English class aaaaargh! :'(


Mmmm got the books today, they're great! Had to buy a new TopShop top to make me even more happier. I'm now, ladies and gentlemen, a perfect ten! :LOL: Mmmm happy.



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The library was SO scary! It's huge. You seriously cannot begin to imagine how huge that place is. :stunned: No test though, the grammar class was cancelled oweing to the fact Katya's ill. (I think I've infected the department with my pigeon flu)


Maybe Iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii didn't treat yooou quite as goood as I shooooooould. I'm falling in love with Eurosport. :happy: It's that killer lyric about Kafka, Sartre and James Joyce :D


Aw but it's so good! It's so funny! So many double entendres!


Eeehe! Snap with the book on the right!


I spent money on candles, cushions and bed throws today. Mmm so red and brown and scented. Mmmm.


Black Tower wine is delicious. I'm supervising the cooking tonight. Should be amusing.

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Oh I love getting lost in huge libraries, then finding a humongous department on "Mongolian Phonology and Fiction" or something. Mmmmmmm. Haha, now you can look smug upon all the poor sicklings when you've recovered and are feeling fiiine and off the codeine :happy: Mmm.


Eurosport are just fabulous, you should've seen them here...mmm I'm so in love with them...and they're so intelligent too yes :D


Is that right? Never payed much enough attention errr.


The etymology book is just the one I always wanted, now an upgraded slang dictionary and idiom dictionary and I'd be complete! :happy:


Oooh shopping! The candles are scented then? Mmmm. I should get some of those. Shit the "sleeves" on this top are so ridiculously short, so either I'll stick to the normal routine and wear a jacket at all times, or get a cardigan like Lisa wanted...I may get one, but I don't think I'm classy enough for that yet :unsure: Otherwise 's perfect. Mmmm.


Black Tower wine? Isn't that a whiskey too? Oooh cooking, what're you making?

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It's so scary though. You have to get an escalator before you can get a lift... and the stairs are impossible to find. But then I found a book all about Scandinavian languages written in German, and I was happy. You'd have kittens if you saw the Russian section there.


Mmmm yes. Could I be cheeky and ask for a couple more tracks pretty please?


it is!


Mmmm buying books.


They are! Vanilla and Orchid apparently. It smells so good! I'll show you some pictures later.. time I checked on the roast! :D

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Mmmmm that sounds lovely, and why worry about the stairs when you'd never want to leave! Mmmm. I quite like our library at the Humanist house, it's full of oscure English kitchen-sinkish dramas and stuff! :D Mmmm A kind of loving. I'm sure you have a much better Russian section though :happy:


You can be as cheeky as you want, but the truth is I want some more too, I just phoned Lisa, and she doesn't have anymore either! :'( Sorry!


Vanilla and Orchid? Aaaaaawesome, that must be just gleat! How was the roast then? :happy: You're so crafty innit. :happy:


Oooh just printed out a form for state subsidies for my room, I could get like 500 kr a month to buy Body butter for! :LOL: It's 8 pages though and you need to be a bloody good mathematician to work it all out though errrr.


Mmm "Who wants to be a millionaire?" in Danish! :LOL: So confusing, I can't understand a word they're saying, even though I get what they write. It's fucked up it is errrrr.

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I'm still too scared to go back. :stunned:


Zut alors! Tis tragic! I'll have to keep an eye out in the record shops at work then! There shall be more Sport! There shall!


It's sooo nice! I now have a pretty smelling, pretty looking room. None of this uni regulation shite. The roast was delicious :D I'm the official gourmet chef of flat 9 now :D





ahhhh. :happy:

Haha! Excellent. Sounds abit like the HC1 form I had to fill in to get free NHS treatment and prescriptions. Took bloody ages, asking me if I had property overseas, savings over £8K and such. Très bizare.


Haha those crazy Danes.


I can't do German. :'(

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:D Bring a friend, put white stones on the ground where you've gone and tie a rope around your waists :D


Not sure they even have a record out :$ And if they do, it probably isn't available in Britain, but I'll have a look :happy:


Mmmm yes, wonderful pictures, I can smell the vanilla from here :happy: Ooh and do I smell a faint scent of roast? :D Mmm I'm getting all hungry now


I wonder how many children I'll say I have, I reckon that could get me some more dosh. 4 Polish kids, two Russian ones wounded in Vietnam and eight wives from Moscow that need cheap jewellry! Boom! Economic independence! :D Not mentioning my Bahrain bank account. Oh wait, that'd pull it down wouldn't it? Scratch that then. Only crippled children it is.


You can't do German? What do you mean? :( *hugs*

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Such a sensible move!


Damn those Europop bands not coming over here. DAMN OUR ISLAND.


Yes indeed :happy: I walked over to Arpys to check the post before, and past our kitchen window it smelt of roasted goodness. Mmm. Gravy.


Don't forget to mention the fact you're deaf, blind and a leper too. Maximise that state money. :D Aww, the bus driver tonight was Polish, and he was talking to his mate... and they both got really excited when the Polish girl from my Russian course and her other Polish friend got on. It was like a big party. (I used Polish far too much in that sentence)


I just can't get into it. I've got 200 words to write, I've done 82 and I'm now faffing about installing printers and listening to Regina. So it's never going to be finished for tomorrow. Stupid sodding enthusiasm for German draining away through my fingers. I BLAME RUSSIAN. *hugs back* Evil Russian.

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You'd have to come here then :D


Mmmmm 's been like...months and months since I last had proper gravy :stunned: Errrr. Sounds lovely. I thought roasts were only allowed on Sundays though :D


Of course not, I'll put those in as my middle names :D Ooooh Polish party! That must've been marvellous right? Mmmmmmmm. How can a Polish meeting not be a complete party? "Polish" can never be used to much in a sentence for the record. :happy:


Awwww Russian's mean to everybody it seems. I think I have loads to do for tomorrow, but I don't begin until 15.15 so I'll have a look at my schedule tomorrow at lunch at the earliest. What're you writing about?


Mmmmm Hat och blod by Ebba Grön, best song evoooooh! HELA NÄSAN HAR GÅTT ISÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄR! Mmmmmm. Should I gaymail?



^^new top including bad camera usage and flapping of arms to pronounce the shortness of the sleeves

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I think it's the only option. Oooohooooh I've got my Ghana dates through now, so I can make you insanely jealous by taking photos of Hilife bars over Christmas. :D


Ah this wasn't proper gravy, it was tesco gravy... which seriously looks like cat litter before it's prepared. *goes to get granules and prove this*


http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v318/milojazzlady/IMG_1018.jpg see?


That was a nice few minutes of procrastination.


Don't forget the seventeen patronymics too. Make them think you're an inbred too :D


Ah easy life. I'm in at 9, for that stupid phonetics lecture. :indiff: I'm writing about tourism and the increasing amount of hemmunglose touristen. It's dull as hell.


Oooh please do! Everyone needs some of that dirty Stockholm dialect. :happy: I can actually hear the differences between dialects in Swedish now. Are you proud? :happy:


The top's wonderful! With the token Topshop sleeves! Those t-shirts are a nightmare with boobs though. The little buttons always come open at the most inoppertune of moments.

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Oooooooooh hilife! *soooooo jealous it's scary* Make the best of it dear :D


Hahahaha that's some proper cat litter alright! :LOL: At least it turns into gravy, then it's alright I reckon :D Chicken flavour too? Mmmm.


9 in the morning? *shudder* That's awful. Phonetics are swell though :D Oh, and "Lust für mehr Alkohol trinken"? Ace! <3


You actually hear the differences!? *is this proud* Some English people I've met didn't know the difference between far North and far South :rolleyes: Thåström does have the best dialect though, like my Stockholm relatives. :happy: Not like me though :'(


I can see how they are :unsure: The sleeves are a problem though, at least until my cycling burns disappear <3 And I'm oh so proud to be a poifect ten! :D Now if I could find some cardigan to go with it...


I'll see if I can translate the songs now, not like I have much to do otherwise bar sleeping. :rolleyes: I tried to talk my friends into doing 'Nu släckas tusen människoliv' in school for Christmas a few years ago, and they didn't dare the bastards. :D

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Bwahahaha. I'll make movies on me digicam, just to rub it in. :happy: Still, you'll get christmas knee deep in snow. While I'll be knee deep in sand and crabs that Ed's tried to get to pinch me. :indiff:


Bah, I'm still trying to warm to them. It'll take a long time.


Haha yes, aber es ist "wegen der Lust fuer mehr alkohol trinken" so not quite as cool now :p


Yeah! It's like vowels and the way endings get dropped (I think) maybe inflection too? But that's hard to tell on a song. Maybe Phonetics is paying off... :D


Poifect ten! Just like the song... cause we looove our liiiives in different siiiiizes. <3 Beautiful South. I reckon a black cardi would be chic enough for that. Mmm.


Ah translation macht frei. Innit. Haha rebellion! The best way really. :happy: *stabs gravy smelling German paper with free biro*

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