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Hi, thanks for your help so far Major.


Is it all seated or are there standing tickets available? Plus, are muse just a support act or a headliner?


Thanks! Adam


1. Stand and seated available

2. Support act

3. No worries.

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Fan vad längesen jag var här. Jävla skitryska. Hur är allt Mona?












Du kanske får en bild av min attityd gentemot skolan. Jag ger upp.



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Usch vad surt. Slutprov och så? Det är ju iaf slut snart. Jag har en översättningstenta sve-ry kvar, och en ry-sve muntlig. Hoppas du inte sover bort hela våren?


Ja, överdrivetmycket prov. Har ett prov tills imorgong jag glömt bort.


Du får jättegärna göra allt åt mig.


Jag sover bara bort slutet ;)

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"i miss you"




translation please? :)


+i need "bad words" too


Jag saknar dig.





Bad words eh? hmm..



Fan ta dig

Dra åt helvete


C P (it's a disease)


and so forth..

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Jag saknar dig.





Bad words eh? hmm..



Fan ta dig

Dra åt helvete


C P (it's a disease)


and so forth..

What's that other rude word they use in Lasermannen all the time... Hell... something. Or at least I think it's rude, cause it's usually followed by a fan... or a jävlar... You also forgot skit. Du skit.

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  • 2 weeks later...

That's it! It is one of the better words. Won't ever replace fan though.


Also, is half of the Lasermannnnnnnnen cast half of the Tillsammans cast? I think so, so I do.


Thirdly... I've found THE best thing in the world for you. Not found anything for Mona though. She can have a kick up the arse instead.

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That's it! It is one of the better words. Won't ever replace fan though.


Also, is half of the Lasermannnnnnnnen cast half of the Tillsammans cast? I think so, so I do.


Thirdly... I've found THE best thing in the world for you. Not found anything for Mona though. She can have a kick up the arse instead.


Just give it time...if you catch me watching football you'll learn a few new words I reckon...


We have like 4-5 actors in Sweden, so that's highly probable.


:D Sounds good.


Fan, jag trodde att den här tråden hade nyktrat upp.

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