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Haha, you should! :LOL: I could go in a scream 'HAMMARBY SUCKS!', run outside and you'll stand there with a brick and some tear gas :D 'WHO ET OWW T'PIIIIES!'


Llanfair is so made up :D At least spöutbyte is a...errrr valid word. Innit.


Nah, I think straight hair makes the whole head shape a bit...stupid :D (yes, even moreso than usual) And I really don't have time for a haircut anytime soon. Fuck fuck fuck.


Haha, sounds a right trap does that library! :LOL: The good books are always taken over here :indiff: I bet the two huge Rusk grammars and dictionaries we need for our next essay'll be stolen within the next days. Errr. Otherwise it sounds like a proper productive day dunnit! :D Ahh to be able to read what you want. Mmmm. *dreams*


Shit, I just noticed 'Radiotjänst' phoned me while I was at Lisa's :eek: They're the ones collecting the 'TV tax' and I haven't told them I've got a TV. It's a stupid fucking law anyway, since we have to pay for stupid fucking social democrat hugging state nazi television that shows a good fillum every six months or so. Fuck them. If they ask, I haven't got a TV yet, I'm too poor and of course I'll call them the second I get one. Fucking fascists. Argh.


Arrrgh! Early mornings! I cannae take it! 4 hours of Swedish-Rusk translation at 9.15. Errrrrrrrrrr. Good job I've got mr. Manilow.

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:LOL: :LOL: The problem wiiiiiiiiiith YOOOOOOOOU *falls off stool and lands in puddle of real ale*


It is not! My Auntie lives there.


I'll just nod in agreement and mean nothing of it :rolleyes: Cut it yerself! I's given up on that though.


It's horrid.. cryl_fb1.jpg and that bit is only the Blue zone! Oh if only!


Haha they always send really rude TV Licence letters to us saying we need to pay £126 by such a date or we'll be taken to court. Which is great, since we have no TV. So I just write rude things on them and stick them in the window. They're arse holes. The lot of them.


Tell me about it. I'm in 9-4 tomorrow. :'(

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:LOL: Mmmm! Number one on Rhiân's Stockholm checklist: Pub brawl on Söder :D


She does? :D Cool. Can she say the whole thing then? See it's easier for you, since Swedes wouldn't know which parts of the name you're making up as you go :LOL:


Errrr, I told you about my experiences with scissors, so no thank you :D How're you supposed to be a hip and withit uni goer if there's not even time for haircuts? Jaaaaysus!


Oh that looks really scary! Like a crematorium or something!


Haha, well at least you've got a case :LOL: I could cover my TV with a blanket or something, but...no. After all they haven't got keys for our corridor :D Television's so last year though.


:( Oh y'poor thing *hugs* I shall stop complaining at once. After all, I do have a TopShop silk scarf hunt planned. Mmm.

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Can't get in pub brawls alone though, that'd be too tragic.


She does! Everyone who can speak Welsh can say it. Which brings me to my next plan, speaking with nothing but a Welsh accent when talking to Swedish people next month. :D "Ooh I do do thaaat yea? Oh yeah, it's a bit finny rrrrheeeealy"


:LOL: Fair dos. Does Mr. Erikman no longer cut your hair for you? I typed Eric then.. oh the Anglicising. So wrong.


I wish it were one. It'd be a damn sight nicer.


Well here, they by law aren't allowed entry to your property so you can just tell them to naff off. :D


*hugs back* it's not too bad though, it's quite an interesting day, besides, I have two hours off for tea/lunch.


Oooh I have the most amazing navy silk pokadot scarf. Ahh.


Yay! Just booked my accommodation for holiday! Ahh excitement begins here.

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OOOOOOOOOH this is just a bit ace like, via the medium of devil Myspace I have discovered thaaaat, there's a party celebrating the launch of the Le Sport album.. on the day I arrive in Sweden! Score! Gonna go get me dancing to some cheese :D :D :D :D

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Usch, det är du inte ensam om. Ska översätta Tolstojs levnadshistoria till ryska imorgon. Jävla språk. Jag kanske kommer, kanske inte, får se om jag har tid. Hoppas dock. :happy: Har ni påsklov runt då typ?


Ja, från fredagen efter att hon kommit. Så jag kommer skolka lite hyfsat.

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Can't get in pub brawls alone though, that'd be too tragic.


She does! Everyone who can speak Welsh can say it. Which brings me to my next plan, speaking with nothing but a Welsh accent when talking to Swedish people next month. :D "Ooh I do do thaaat yea? Oh yeah, it's a bit finny rrrrheeeealy"


:LOL: Fair dos. Does Mr. Erikman no longer cut your hair for you? I typed Eric then.. oh the Anglicising. So wrong.


I wish it were one. It'd be a damn sight nicer.


Well here, they by law aren't allowed entry to your property so you can just tell them to naff off. :D


*hugs back* it's not too bad though, it's quite an interesting day, besides, I have two hours off for tea/lunch.


Oooh I have the most amazing navy silk pokadot scarf. Ahh.


Yay! Just booked my accommodation for holiday! Ahh excitement begins here.


But I told you, you fight, I antagonize :D


Haha, do that, but I promise you anyone who's ever seen Little Britain will larf and larf. We're stupid like that. Innit. :D I wouldn't mind though. It's the wickedest accent.


Nah he doesn't. I'm faaar to posh and picky now innit. :LOL: (You wouldn't be able to tell by the state of it, but yeah. :D) Eric's my first name though, so that's as Swedish as anyfinn. Innit.


They will be told to naff off. They called this evening again, I wonder what they'll do if I don't answer...call the Komitet Gosudarstvennoy Bezopasnosti?


Ah lunch breaks...we don't have 'em really. But I skipped school and slept in instead. Mmm. I was actually on the lookout for a navy scarf with dots from the Topshop website, but it was nowhere to be found. Errr.


Woo! I'm sure you told me the dates before...:$ but I need them again if I am to synchronise any visit. Le Sport launching though? Errr. So last year :D


Skolka! Bra! Lov från sjunde alltså?

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Mmmnexcellent. Still, we have to be thrown out by a burly barmaid at the same time though, on seperate arms. If the barmaid can't carry two bodies by the scruff of the neck at once, she's no barmaid.


Haha, fair enough. I can picture it now. "Hello I've gone booked a bed here now yeah? I sorry I not speakin' swee-dish, bu'am tchoo welsh, yeah"


Haha once you've tasted expensive perms... I'm well scared though, I'm getting mine cut tomorrow and I have that gut feeling the hairdresser's going to make me cry. Still... Your first name? So really you're Eric Pelleface Süderstrumpf? Wahnsinn.


Yeah, we got another letter here today. I shall take a picture of my bedroom door and all the letters from the TV licence twats I've stuck on it.


Haha good for you. I'm planning on doing that tomorrow and all, but to buy Radiohead tickets. But that'd mean I'd missed my wednesday for 4 weeks in a row.. ahem.


Possibly... the um.. 4th to 16th Aprillllllllllllllll. Do you reckon you'll be synchronising a besuch, or will I be drinking alone? Sooooo please remember that we're all backward in England. We don't get the cool Swedish music until years after!

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Haha! But I do reckon there it'll be nasty football supporters or at least male people carrying us out. We don't have barmaids, we're to much patriarchs for that innit.


:LOL: Promise me you'll do only Welsh then :D


Innit. I see where it's taking me *dreams of champagne benders and bathing in Estée Lauder's finest* Did you decide on a haircut then? Argh I desperately need one, it's ridiculous. Ah well, I'll hide me neck hair in the coat :LOL: Yup, Eric's the proper first name, I was honestly so scared I was going to be called that during military service :LOL: It's wahnsinn indeed. People who don't know me still insist on calling me Per though, which pisses me off.


:LOL: Haha, wooo rebellion! At least you have a common cause at your place. What's a stupid TV inspector against a couple of Manchester ruffians?


Haha, I'm trying my best not to make patterns in my school skipping, but I'd kill to skip more Wednesdays since we have 2 hours of oral exercise with Irina tomorrow and aaaaaaaaaaaaaargh so boring!


That pretty much coincides (that's a word right? :$) with my visit, and I'm pretty sure I'm going. I'd probably be there at...let's see...12th-13th at the earliest. You're going to be there for a long time though! Sounds really nice. Oooh the envy. I've got a Russian literary history exam on the 7th which is awful. Then I've got the week off to work on my essay so I'm getting a ride with the parents up :happy: Let's get Mona a fake ID. There must be a place for that in Rush Home must it not?

No worries about the music. Just name-drop a few songs and tell people you think they sold out by changing their name and that you swear the treble response and vocal compression turned more radio friendly and less true to the roots after their first singles.

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Excellent. It's a shame you'll never really get the full Manchester experience unless you come before June, cause then I could've shown you what Ruffianism is. Drinking beer on a bus through Rusholme with Polish drivers, then coming home at 4am on another bus where everyone is singing the A team theme tune. Oh Manchester, so much to answer for.


Ok, I do do that then, iawn. Haha, I best get back in the swing of speaking with a lilt then.


Next thing it'll be really expensive shampoos and alsorts. I am going for.. 60s bob I think. My face seems to be more... oval shaped now so it could look ok. Or horrible. We werden sehen. Haha Scarves are good for hiding excess hair. Awesome! I'm going to call you Eric now. Mainly because it's easier to pronounce without sounding stupid. :D


Tis true, but honestly, sending us the same letters in bulk is getting tiresome now. Twats. Hey, they can make £1,000 for each student they fine, so... the ruffians are valuable!


Ah see there's always patterns in mine. Tuesdays 9 - 12 are often slept through, as are Wednesdays 11-1 and erm... Thursday 12-1 and then 4-5.


Yep, tis a word! Ahh splendid. I've only booked 7 nights so far in Stockholm, but I'd assume it's flexible. Ugh, exams. You poor lad. Haha of COURSE I know where to get fake ID. It's as easy as catching an STI.


That I can do! So long as I don't have to say it in Swedish. Although surely I'll gain cool points for being English, right? Yes? *crosses fingers*

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A bleeing shame it is! :( Stupid Rusk. Stupid Sweden. Stupid everything. I hope ruffianism is appliable to Sweden as well though, bar the public beer drinking and all. Plus, you can't buy beer stronger than 3.5% here which I will so taunt you for :LOL:


You must, you must! :D Don't forget the broad Mancunian accent though either. Mmmm.


Ooh, sounds nice! I'm sure it'll be fabulous! :happy: I did use scarves before, but it'll get too warm soon. Or not. we're having a snow storm at the moment. Where is the fucking spring!? Aaaaargh! Haha, don't say that, you have to remember the narrow Swedish 'e' and the grave accent in Eric, whereas in Pelle you use the easier 'ä' sound plus a grave accent. Haha. :D


A thousand pounds? :eek: Shit. I daren't even think how much they fine here :( I'm not paying like 2000kr a year for a stupid TV though.


:LOL: I'm too scared to do that, it's like we're back in school, though the classes aren't really mandatory (well oral is, but not the others). You could always tell yourself routines are good and us humans reallt need our rest. Innit.


Aha, I thought they were all planned for Stockholm. Fine then. Haha, I knew a guy who could get me pot back in Jönköping, but fake ID's...I doubt the criminals here are clever enough to know how to make them to be honest.


Definate cool points for Englishness. Just in case though: "Jag tycker de sålde sig när de bytte namn och jag svär att treble responsen och kompressionen på sången blev mer radiovänlig och mindre sann mot sina rötter efter de första singlarna." :LOL:

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Too right! Still, I know all the places, so should you ever grace the shores... Public drinking is most illegal here, but the ruffian aspect is.. doing it. Yeah, well, I'm british. All it takes is two 3.5% beers and I'd be on the floor. So nergh. What's the age for like clubs and stuff? Do you have to be 20 for those? I have *no* idea how your stupid laws work.


Haha ok, I'll try my best.


I hope so :unsure: The hairdresser spelt my name Reanne which I always take as a bad omen. YAY SNOW! Oh tosspots. so like a yeeereek? Stupid language anyway. I mean, since when did k and sj and so on make stupid sneeze like sounds?


Yep. I was asked in german today why I had no TV, and if it was part of my being "Umweltfreundlich" ha! "Nee, ich hab' kein Fernsehen, weil ich nicht £126 für geil scheisse Sendungen bezahlen will" was my response.


I didn't know to be honest. So I figured, book a week, see how you feel and if you have enough money left to go to the arctic circle and back in 4 days. :D Ahh, just google.co.uk "fake ID" and you're sorted.


Awesome. I'll say that phrase with a Welsh accent, innit. Haha it sounds funny like that.

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Fake ID. Maybe.


Oooor I could simply go in with you. Doubt mum'd let me. We'll see ;)


I think she'll love you Rhian, IF she ever meets you that is. She probably will if you're eating arabic food at my place sometime.

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You do, do you? Actually, I'm a hit with everyones parents (even if it is blowing my own trumpet, but seriously, they all LOVE me.) Arabic food you say? Mmmm. So long as it's meat free :D it's been 21 days since I had meat... woah. I could kill for some korv though. Veggie korv isn't the same.

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You do, do you? Actually, I'm a hit with everyones parents (even if it is blowing my own trumpet, but seriously, they all LOVE me.) Arabic food you say? Mmmm. So long as it's meat free :D it's been 21 days since I had meat... woah. I could kill for some korv though. Veggie korv isn't the same.


Arabic food is all vegetables. All meat and chicken too but you can cut it out.

Whats this, everyone becoming veggies? My bassist became one a week ago too. Creepy.

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Mmmmexcellent. Can I have a manly heart to heart with your dad over Shisha and all?


I'm only a Veggie until Lent is over, then I'm having the biggest piece of steak I can afford. Followed by a bacon sandwich and a chicken smoothie.


Haha yes you may, but I'm not so sure about the shisha. He quit quite a while ago.. And I'd rather he don't start.

But you smoke the shisha, both can play backgammon and drink arabic coffee.


Mmmmmsteak. Chicken smoothie?



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I've never smoked shisha, the pipes scare me.


WOO sounds perfect


Christ on a bike I am HAMMERED. I shouldn't be this drunk. I need to buy Radiohead tickets at 9am.




I almost read that as Christ on a bike with Muhammad.

Wouldn't it be lovely?

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Too right! Still, I know all the places, so should you ever grace the shores... Public drinking is most illegal here, but the ruffian aspect is.. doing it. Yeah, well, I'm british. All it takes is two 3.5% beers and I'd be on the floor. So nergh. What's the age for like clubs and stuff? Do you have to be 20 for those? I have *no* idea how your stupid laws work.


Haha ok, I'll try my best.


I hope so :unsure: The hairdresser spelt my name Reanne which I always take as a bad omen. YAY SNOW! Oh tosspots. so like a yeeereek? Stupid language anyway. I mean, since when did k and sj and so on make stupid sneeze like sounds?


Yep. I was asked in german today why I had no TV, and if it was part of my being "Umweltfreundlich" ha! "Nee, ich hab' kein Fernsehen, weil ich nicht £126 für geil scheisse Sendungen bezahlen will" was my response.


I didn't know to be honest. So I figured, book a week, see how you feel and if you have enough money left to go to the arctic circle and back in 4 days. :D Ahh, just google.co.uk "fake ID" and you're sorted.


Awesome. I'll say that phrase with a Welsh accent, innit. Haha it sounds funny like that.


Make sure to get aquainted with the pubs in Sheffield should I ever dare to cross the Northern Sea. We could take your Swedish class out to snaps and raw fish. :D Age for clubs in Sweden...I never go to 'clubs' as such (as I'm way to uncool) but it really differs...20-25 wouldn't be unusual. Plus they're really harsh sometimes. It usually isn't too hard to get into shabbier places when you're 18.


Haha :LOL: Saw the barnet, 't was fabulous! You so should become a Russian spy/French resistance girl with that do! Really classy! Noooo, not yeeeeerik, but eeeeeerik. Proper Swedish/Hindi eeeee. :D Haha, never thought of those sounds as sneezing before. :LOL: 'Sju sjösjuka sjömän på skeppet Shanghai' is a devilish tongue twister. Mmm. Just like 'Sex laxar i en laxask' or 'Packa pappas kappsäck'. So impossible.


:LOL: Haha, class! We had a conspiratory meeting in the kitchen t'other day where we unanimously decided to not open for the inspectors. Mmm.


I'm starting to worry about the impending besuch...as we'll probably show up on the 13th and if it's not certain you'll be there then...:( The arctic circle is overrated anyway. Way too cold and the stupid sun up there keeps you awake 24/7. Errrr. :D


Mmmmmmm I really feel like doing Arabic next semester after all this Arabism haha. But then again doing Russian would be nice after loads and loads of vodka with my grammar teacher with him swinging me on his shoulders (he's really big and I'm really small :LOL: ) and me and Erik totally chatting up the (not yet outspoken) gay Czech teacher. Such the institution. <3 Did you get the Radiohead tickets by the way? Y'excited? :happy:

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Too chuffing right! The Student's union is ment to be amazing there and all, so I'm quite looking forward to becoming familiar with the cheap nights out there :D Ah fair dos. I won't try my luck then, I'l stick to bars where I can sit alone in a corner with a book and a glass of house red. :D


Thank you! I'm really in love with my hurr at the moment cause I need not straighten it :D Aaaah. Eeeeerick. Yep, they do sound like sneezing. Oh god it was funny in the car yesterday. Me and me mum doing various welsh accents whilst Cami from uni sat there being puzzled. :D christ those tongue twisters...


Ah nay worries like, I'm flexible as hell really so I can hang around in Stockholm for as long as necessary... which will kill me with it being such an awful place and all that. :D Or if you so wish I can run away to Norway when you're in Stockholm for maximum avoidance tactics :D


Ooh go for it! Haha that sounds amazing! Not yet outspoken? Not out of the closet?


I did! seventy six pounds on two chuffing tickets. :stunned: no wonder my bank balance is now in the minus numbers. But wooo! I stayed up all night and now I'm hungover as hell as pennance :(


How are you me dear?

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