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:LOL: That's true! To make up for the new Coq Sportifs (Help! I've become one of those 20 something guys with white Coq Sportifs! What's next?) I drank Erik's weissbier and wine with his German friend and a few other while we got absolutely lampooned yesterday. I must ask for the pictures that were taken of me gay posing in the couch :LOL: Haha slut rails. I got really confused back in Jönköping when Lisa and I were makeup shopping when we found a colour she really liked, a yellow Catherine Deneuve one, but the test sample had a pink sticker on it saying 'SLUT!' so we left it be. :LOL:


I should be too, but Swedish metal is just bad. Errr.


Nah, you'll be fluent in no time. Religious talking transcends our puny borders. There are trains from Lund to Copenhagen I believe.


Oh, you SO should get a pencil skirt anyway! Go for the secretary thing. But I imagine they're not fun to walk in innit. Study Welsh...if only I could. :happy:


Heggzackly! Oh I do want to come, but it all depends when I'm off school...:( I haven't been to Stockholm since mackie though, so I may not have worked on my post traumatic stress enough. Haha, gaymap on the wall? :LOL: Fantastic!


The top of my thighs hurts so much, I think I may have given birth to a 14 kg baby while sleeping. :LOL: Running really isn't good for you y'know :D


Marlon! :LOL: :LOL: Mmmmmmmmmmm.

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Haha. Least you haven't become a tights and converse wearing black haired teenager like me. :'( Hahaha! Yes you must! It's brilliant that Slut thing. I really want to take pictures when I'm out shopping, like of Ut Fart too, but.. I'm scared I'll annoy the Swedes.


Hmmm, Copenhagen is so, so tempting. Hmmm. Well, I have a Mastercard now... SCOOOOOOORE. Free money I don't have. I may just do that.


I have got one, a grey one. They really aren't the best things to wear when you're trying to leap over a giant puddle. There's only so much leg stretching can go on.


Ahh g'ooooon. Skip school a couple of days. Bring the family. The more people, the easier it'll be to find Mally again :happy: Yep, just there behind me *points*


Haha that's why I never run :D Are you not back on the cycling thingy yet then?


<3 Marlon. He's become a bit of a hero has the stuffed monkey.

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Don't forget this thread will yeh.

Pelleperm, Stockholm gärna?


Kanske när Evian kommer? Jag måste få leka med ditt så välfixade hår.




Now I shall return to the bitter me and the psychology book my teacher gave me and the chapter about Freud's Superego theory.


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Don't forget this thread will yeh.

Pelleperm, Stockholm gärna?


Kanske när Evian kommer? Jag måste få leka med ditt så välfixade hår.




Now I shall return to the bitter me and the psychology book my teacher gave me and the chapter about Freud's Superego theory.


Woah! Real Swedish in the Sweden thread :D


Haha Freud. What a loser he was. If it were down to him, we'd all secretly want to sleep with our parents.

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Haha. Least you haven't become a tights and converse wearing black haired teenager like me. :'( Hahaha! Yes you must! It's brilliant that Slut thing. I really want to take pictures when I'm out shopping, like of Ut Fart too, but.. I'm scared I'll annoy the Swedes.


Hmmm, Copenhagen is so, so tempting. Hmmm. Well, I have a Mastercard now... SCOOOOOOORE. Free money I don't have. I may just do that.


I have got one, a grey one. They really aren't the best things to wear when you're trying to leap over a giant puddle. There's only so much leg stretching can go on.


Ahh g'ooooon. Skip school a couple of days. Bring the family. The more people, the easier it'll be to find Mally again :happy: Yep, just there behind me *points*


Haha that's why I never run :D Are you not back on the cycling thingy yet then?


<3 Marlon. He's become a bit of a hero has the stuffed monkey.


:LOL: I haven't, but I wouldn't be amazed if I made the transition tomorrow innit. Yer, utfart is good, did you ever get a pic of that dyksport sign? :D


Mastercard? *shudder* I'd never manage that. I'd buy too much champagne :LOL:


But the overall prettiness must surely преодолеть the walking problems right?


Hmmm...I may be going to Stockholm with Ann and Roine round April way...not sure yet. If we can fix some certain dates I'm sure we can work something out. Oh and Mona, välfixade? :LOL: Tillåt mig småle.


Nope, no cycling, no bike in Lund, and no hills, so it's too boring. :D


Staying away from the Museboard a couple of days really helps studying! Tonight it's pizza and Veuve Cliquot :LOL: Classy innit. Hmmm, maybe we should impose some Swedish rule in this thread to prevent extinction, at least one Swedish word per post. Innit. :D


Freud. Pah. So...Dalí. *shudder*

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You will do, give it time. Haha no. Although I got a picture of a great road sign yesterday. "Number 2 Passage" aaaaaahahahahaha *juvenile*


It's so pretty! And red! So I've hidden it in one of my cupboards to resist temptation to use it.




Excellent! Ann and Roine can help on the hunt for Malcolm :LOL: :LOL: :LOL:


Ah flatness. It has benifits though.


Too right it does! Still, I'll need you both to be around in September when I start doing Swedish. Otherwise I may die and fail. Ahh sounds like quite the evening you have planned!


You have to love the great German thinkers though. You do.

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:LOL: A bit juvenile yes! But you're still so horridly young, so anything goes innit. But getting a picture of it? Jaaaaysus :LOL:


Haha, good job that. Watch it so Baltik Inkasso don't come knocking down your dor innit :LOL:


Haha, they can innit. "Yes, let's go find our son a fiiiine boy innit!" Would you be staying on the boat again?


Naaaah...it doesn't...flat means windy, and that's crap. Plus, it's easier to butcher old people trying to go upwards, fighting a massive coronary :D


Oooh but of course! I'll write your essays too if you wish :D You'll pass Swedlish with flying colours innit.


That gay musical stuff you sent me is fantastic! :D Going to watch it are you? I'm so into Swedish schlager at the moment. Mmmmmm Carola and Tommy Nilsson. Haha, got the pictures from our gay evening too. Mmmmm. So gay :LOL:

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I just can't help myself! I'm a child in my mind... a child!


Haha yeah. That could be amusing.


That'd be brilliant! They'd be proud of you and could take all the embarassing photos of you as a bairn :D Nah, not staying on the boat this time, I'll be at the Af Chapman place since I've just joined the HI meaning I get discounts. Plus the hostel's a bit nicer there.


That makes a good point, but it's nice when walking home drunk.


Smashing :D I'll be master of 10 credits Swedish in no time :D Say tack with conviction!


Nah, I can't justify seeing it, the tickets are too dear. Maybe another day.


Oh GOD that music is so gay. I love it! Laaaaaahf it :D

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Good job you're quitting Rusk, otherwise the language would've beaten the child-like innocence out of your head. If it hasn't already that is. :D


Haha, 'neeeeeked pickshires fo' Mackie innit' :LOL: Oh that Af Chapman is on the other side of the water right? Bit more of a bitch getting in and out of town easily I'd say. But that's just because I'm crap at finding my way in Stockholm, as you know :LOL: 'S close to the museums though. Mmm.


But still...it's fun to walk downhill when drunk :D


In no time whatsoever! You'll get all the plus points with the Swedes as well, since the only thing funnier than Russians speaking Swedish, is Britons doing the same :LOL: Nah, don't worry. You count as Welsh, and Welshies speaking Swedish sounds more errr serious. Tackkkkkkkk!


Ah I see. There'll always be musicals though. You could always go just to stand outside with some cider and yell at the gay people in pink tracky bottoms.


Innit just :D After we finished watching the Swedish Eurovision qualifier final, we walked down to town at 4 to buy falafels singing Jimmy Dean and Tommy Nilsson. Fa-ha-bu-lous!

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Nah, I'll always keep my child like innocence. Maybe. :D


:LOL: oh god that just takes it to a new, paedophillia level. Yeah, it's not as convenient, but the hostel's better and you can cook your own food there meaning I don't have to be an arrogant English arsehole in cafes going "um, yeah that there tack". Plus, if I remember rightly, the beer was cheaper there. And they did awesome coffee.


Walk?! Nah roll!


Aw, some of us brits try really hard with trying to neutralise the accent we speak foreign languages with! Just to be laughed at... by you evil, evil Swedes. Grrr. Glad I count as Welsh though. I've just mastered my own version of Bugeilio'r Gwenith Gwyn which is going to make my Last FM statistics very pro Aled Jones, since I've been listening to it to make sure I still have the Angelsey tinge to my accent. :D I still gots it :D :D Woo for rolling rs :D and making ds sound like lispy ts


Too right there will be :D


Ahh sounds grand it does! I envy you, I really do.

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Tha'ss a good girl innit :D


But your priviledge (God I can't spell) as a tourist is pointing at stuff and berating the poor sods for not accepting your Royal Currency. Cheaper beer? I can't remember what it cost back at Af Klint (do the boats really have to be called those posh names? I'm guessing no.) Mmmmm coffee. Should make for a good start of the day.


:LOL: True! My trousers from my graduation night could vouch for that with the ridiculous amout of dirt amassed after rolling down after misdirecting a hug :LOL: Oh Lord.


Aw, nah 's not your fault, it's just...the tone thing seem to get really, really exaggerated :LOL: 'Yaaaargh saaaawrgh ahn-DEHN!', 'yaaaaaaargh saaaaaawrgh AHN-dehn!' :LOL: Haha pro Aled Jones. I wish I was related to someone like that innit. Good job on the Moooooooun accent! It must surely be the nicest. Shouldn't you go more for bangor though?


Good. Yerrr bu no bu yer bu.


:D I wonder if should post a gay pic on here after all. Just to embarass people. :D

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That's true, so true. yet.. so wrong. Still, I can fool the Dutch with my Rotterdam accent so give me time on the Swedish. Besides, Welsh is a tonal language (ish) so... yeah. I have it written down somewhere the cost of beer... I'm sure I do. It may have been 65kr in the Af Chapman place, but the bar wasn't open all night like at Gusty.


:LOL: Sounds like you had fun there then. Mooooooooooooon accent is the best... I found MP3s the other day... hold on.. wait.. http://www.bbc.co.uk/wales/northwest/sites/voices/pages/tvclips.shtml that's even better. The first video.. oh god that woman sounds just like my nana! Ahh.


Oooh you should. You should! For shame you should! I'll swap you for the worst photo of me drunk ever...


haha yes, go you you rubbish Swede.

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Yes, I'm sure you'll have poifect pronunciation :happy: Your German one is awesome, so why wouldn't den svenska. 65kr!? That's really expensive for Stockholm isn't it? We so should do Gröne jägaren to catch the smell of alcoholism! :LOL: A pint there is like...30 spänn.


Awwww that Welsh is supoib! To me it just sounds like Little Britain, but that's because I'm an uneducated fool. It's so pretty though! Mmmm.


http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v66/Krasnojarsk/d094d0cf.jpg Notice the patented Mackie 'I own you and you're my boy toy'-look. :LOL: Worst drunk photo ever? Oh dear! :LOL: Interesting.



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Hahaha if only. I suck at German. I really do. It seemed cheaper than other places. I dunno. Haha that place sounds awesome. Ahh Stockholm. You really should come and play. You must!


Ah no, that's a Valley's accent. I'm sure I've explained this before.


Haha that's just simply beautiful! Who's the other bloke? His hair defies gravity. So thick! The lucky man. Aye, just look at that face. http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d160/fraktionschef/Emma%20and%20Rhian%20get%20drunked/Drinkage004.jpg


I feel fifffffffteen again, I've just smoked pot with my flatmtes and now I have a saucepan on my head. :LOL:

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Haha suuuuure y'do! What other Brits tell the difference between ch's? :D Gröne Jägaren is so scary, even at daytime. It's on Söder though, go figure :rolleyes: I should show up yer, we'll see :happy:


I'm sure you did, but it's all the same to me :LOL: It's exactly like you liking Göteborg :D


Innit :D He's a mate of Erik's, see that is the kind of hair, albeit longer, I mean by wanting curly...it just looks so comfy! :happy: That drunken face though :LOL: Was that because of the blue drinks? :D


:LOL: Haha, so...not Swedish :D A saucepan? Mmm.


Check your gmail for a suitable Pete Burns tribute! Faaaaabulous!

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Freud's ideas are a bit... erm, controversial (if that's the right word?).

However, I like his theory on the id, superego and ego.

Quite interesting.


Hell, I might become a psychoanalyst (sp?) instead of a aerospace engineerer.




I might become a prostitute as well.

Future's full of secrets and I'm full of shit.


Yes I am tired and my brain is personal, so no I will not explain.


I'm in school. Two essays were due today, but I haven't finished one and haven't started the other. Sooooo... yeah.

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:D ich laut and ach laut. Ahh. Is it one of those seedy pubs associated with old men and local football teams?


Just live in the know that North Wales accents sound like you've got a blocked nose and all the vowels are made like Swedish ones. :D


Ahhhh so more wavy then? You could do that with velcro rollers no worries. Not too thick a roller though. I think it was because of the blue drinks, aaaaye. :D


:LOL::$ Haha it was funny. Well, probably not that funny but yeah. My flatmate was wearing a bin bag and had a cullender on her head. :LOL:


Haha that song is the best way to start a day I think. Now, to shower and change and turn up fashionably late for Russian grammar (bleugh) and then go to the beast of a library (bleugh bleugh). Just glad I've checked the shelf references online :D

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Freud's ideas are a bit... erm, controversial (if that's the right word?).

However, I like his theory on the id, superego and ego.

Quite interesting.


Hell, I might become a psychoanalyst (sp?) instead of a aerospace engineerer.




I might become a prostitute as well.

Future's full of secrets and I'm full of shit.


Yes I am tired and my brain is personal, so no I will not explain.


I'm in school. Two essays were due today, but I haven't finished one and haven't started the other. Sooooo... yeah.

Freud's an arse.. I've told you this time and time again.


You don't want to become a prostitute... they smell like wee and are usually really ugly so since you're not ugly and don't smell of wee (I hope) you'd be shit.


Missing essay deadlines is.. pah a fact of life.

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Haha, 's exactly like that :D I think you had it written down in your giude book :D


:LOL: Oh it surely must be the best then! I can help but love Swedish vowels, spööööööuuuuutbyyyyyyteeeeee! :LOL:


Nah, actually I'm quite fine with this, bad thing I have to mash it for 10 minutes every morning with some chemical and I'd like it to just...curl up naturally. But perhaps that's imposssible in the world of perms. If I do nothing to it it's poker straight.


Haha, fabulous! You Brits know how to amuse yerselves innit :LOL:


Innit just! I vaguely recall Mozzer saying something about Dead or Alive being the greatest gift to music or something :LOL: I've got grammar in an hour too...I'm going to be a good boy and show up early though. Mmmm. I thought libraries were fun...but maybe not if you're not digging through it for kitchen-sink (Our uni humanist library's got loads of it :LOL: )


Mona, you seem so full of hope! Y'alright? :happy:

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Indeed. Yep, I guess. Är så extremtjävlaförbannat trött.

Kommer du till Stockholm när Rhian är här?





1. That soap shop, yes it was Lush.

2. *scratches prostitute of list* So it's psychoanalysist or aerospace engineerer or something lousy.


I have all the hope in the world in the future, but none at all. Now how does that work?

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Haha, 's exactly like that :D I think you had it written down in your giude book :D


:LOL: Oh it surely must be the best then! I can help but love Swedish vowels, spööööööuuuuutbyyyyyyteeeeee! :LOL:


Nah, actually I'm quite fine with this, bad thing I have to mash it for 10 minutes every morning with some chemical and I'd like it to just...curl up naturally. But perhaps that's imposssible in the world of perms. If I do nothing to it it's poker straight.


Haha, fabulous! You Brits know how to amuse yerselves innit :LOL:


Innit just! I vaguely recall Mozzer saying something about Dead or Alive being the greatest gift to music or something :LOL: I've got grammar in an hour too...I'm going to be a good boy and show up early though. Mmmm. I thought libraries were fun...but maybe not if you're not digging through it for kitchen-sink (Our uni humanist library's got loads of it :LOL: )


Mona, you seem so full of hope! Y'alright? :happy:

I checked, and yes, yes I did! Oooh so gonna find me a stool there! I'll show the docile Swedes what propper pub ruffian is. :D


Too right! I still can't say that word without giggles.. still, if you can say all of Llanfair PG... yeah.


It's looking very nice is your hair, although I do prefer it straight. Mainly out of jealousy. Damn you.


Too right we do! It's 'mazing.


Libraries on the whole are fun, just not the one here. It's divided up into terrifying colour zones and it's.. MASSIVE. It took me near on two hours to find two books. Still, I've had the best day ever. Found the books (even though some bastard has taken out the book I really need), been to Sainsburys so I have food for the next two weeks, booked an appointment to get my hair cut, had a cup of tea and chocolate digestive and now I'm going to settle down on the comfy chair in the kitchen with my copy of "The Age of Enlightenment" and "The Orthodox Church" :D Ahhh.


Oooh Mona, I'm terribly allergic to everything in that shop. Thanks to one of their soaps I'm now consuming fist fulls of antihisthamines and itching like a... itchy thing.


Become an air hostess or something. I dunno. *shrugs*

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