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Insects. With political undertones. I wanted to die.


Silly man! Isn't it just. So nice to sing along to and all. Aww, it's a shame really, cause then you'd be able to tell the difference between a northerner and a southerner and mock the southerners. :D Well a leek is one of these http://www.agric.nsw.gov.au/agsell/division_2/photos_veg/gif_jpg/Leek.jpg and we just call red onions.. red onions.


It's too late for that now :LOL:


I think I get you... they're very rare here. Such is the drabness of britain.


I just remember enforced scale learning and c major being the most rubbish cause it was all white keys. I'm bitter.


Oh that sounds terrible, you poor thing. Yay! I knew you'd love it! It really is the best film in a long time. Especially for all that ghetto German :D Oh Mr. Brühl is divine. I've been in various stages of drunk this weekend... plus I spend nearly £170 on new clothes and crap and black hairdye.. oh dear. And gig tickets... shame on me. Still, I baked bread and made soup. So all is good. Aside from Yeltsin, have you had a good weekend?


It is. She doesn't use onions or Oxo or anything. It's terrible. Bless her.

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Haha, wonderful! Did you heckle?


I so should find the text and start mumbling along. Haha, well as long as I know that this dialect is a good one, then I'm fine. I'm never late to mock them though. Bloody Southeners. But I was under the impression that you did like Wrecsam for example? Or have they consumed all their good Northernness by having a dull city? I knew leek, just think it's a...stupid name. :D Should be called purjolök really. 'S much prettier.


Haha, oh dear! :LOL:


Mmmm drabness. :happy:


Yer, C on piano is really boring...but it's good to faff about in when you're drunk. Especially for me being an ignorant guitarist.


Haha, ghetto German was fabulous! :LOL: Almost as fun as drinking Weißbier and pretending to be able to speak ghetto German (or German at all). We're terribly prejudiced over here about Germans and how they look...but damn me if there isn't something in the particular Germanity that makes them pretty. Hmm. Ooooh shopping! Black looks really good on you too. So goff innit. :D What gig was it? I've hardly spent any money this weekend, which is surprising. Except from buying Martini. Poooooosh. :LOL: Mmmm bread and soup, we did the same on Friday. :happy: Emptied some wine bottles and went out speaking to some Christian people hanging about outside a pub giving out coffee and biscuits (since I really, really wanted to discuss some Israel/overall politics thing with anybody), but we just stood there for an hour listening to someone she didn't really need friends, since she had God. Good for her :LOL:

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Nah, I couldn't for Claire's sake. I was so pissed off when the queue was too big for the bar though. Oh woe, I needed whisky.


You should! Although I'd sooner you mumble along to the Aled Jones version, cause I'm distantly related to him and because then you'll speak heavily accented Bangor Welsh like my family. It's all about aspirating the ts, dark ls and saying the vowels as far back in your mouth as you can.. along with adding 'iawn?' and 'yeah?' to everything you say. Ooh also saying the word lose like loose :D Wrecsam's a bit.. on the Cheshire side. Boo. For puritan welsh you need mam cymru. :D


Good point.. but sharps make for darkness.


Haha I hope you said issh instead of ich. You know that Germanity is a grand thing. Haha cheers. I look like I have anaemia a bit.. but yeah. Goffic! It was 65daysofstatic. Never heard of them until the night, but they were good. Very... noisy. Haha Martini. Bread and soup is the future of eating. Aww I love Christians like that. Next time, make sure you tell them you're Jewish. For the arguments :D

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Pah, that's why I almost never drink at gigs. The bars are always occupied by the fat 30-year-olds, no matter what band's playing. Whiskey at bars though. Err. Don't remind me..


Haha, so I know him too then innit. I shall aspire for the Bangor Welsh then. I wonder if I could make some institution here teach Welsh since I still don't know what to do this autumn :D Baradaaaaaa iawn yeeerrr caws bach!! :happy: I think the fact that my parents always went on about Wales when I was wee must surely make me a bit more Welsh than the ordinary Swede innit? :D


Darkness indeed. Mmmmm.


Of course, I'm no stupid American! :D Anaemia comes with the Britishness so don't worry :happy: Aah right, I've heard the name, never heard the band though I'm afraid. I listen to far too much Norwegian black metal these days those (thanks to Erik :D) and some of it is...surprisingly pop, if you disregard the growling, it's basically synth schlager :D Martini is the best drink for going out, 15% and all. And oh so nice. Bread and soup is so Rusk/Polish. I so should make some cabbage soup or borschch some day innit. Haha, I was going to tell them I'm a Muslim (I always do), but she seemed to naive and innocent for that. I shall save Judaism for the next time I swing by :LOL:


Flowers on amp. Mmm.



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See I always always drink at gigs. Like 65days yesterday. The tip is to order a snakebite and black (do they even do those in Sweden?) so you end up with half a can of cider spare :D Saves on trips.


Aye! It's the best form of Welsh yeah? Iawn del bach? Ohh naaaaa. You're much more Welsh than average. I'm proud. You need to be able to pass the Llanfair pg test though.


Not heard any 65days? I'm confused... Oh I had such a metal day today. Full blast Cradle of Filth, much to the disgust of Claire :D So melodic. Just like Dimmu Borgir or however it's spelt. Oh I miss those days.


Nah the best is telling them you're a Jew, because they hate you for renouncing Christ. Then you tell them without Christ who was a Jew and Peter, who was also a Jew, they wouldn't have their religion, which started as a branch of Judaism. Gets them well annoyed :D


That is FABULOUS! Are they real flowers?


I've gmailed you an amazing cover of N.W.A. :D

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Snakebite and black? Sounds like shamanism. What is it? The saving on trips thing sounds useful.


I'm honoured! :D I'll pass the Llainfair test the day you pass spöutbyte though. It's only fair.


Cradle of Filth...naaaah, too British, you need the hilarious Norwegians preaching about Satan :LOL: In Death's Embrace by Dimu Borgir is great. So is Hominis Nocturna by Old Man's Child. Mmm. :D So you were a metal kid then? Erik was too, which is why we're having quite the revival. Mmm. I've started listening to some Swedish rap too, plus Lasse Lindh, Svenska hjärtan may have a good chorus, but his voice...hahaha :LOL:


Aah I see. :LOL: When they hear I'm from Jönköping they won't believe me though, since it's the Christian capital of Northern Europe.


Nah, them be plastic/fabric-like :happy: I went in to look for plastic daffodils, but didn't find any and got those instead. I fear they'll melt once I turn the amp on though :LOL:


Hahahahaha straaaight outta Cooompton! :LOL: :LOL: Fantastic! I shall send you some proper Swedish rap...so 2001 :happy: So Stockholm, just to get you away from the stupid Gothenburgers :D

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It's beautiful, and the drink of students UK wide. It's half a pint of cider, mixed with half a pint of lager (usually a cheap one like Carling) and a shot of blackcurrent cordial. Sooooo good. And you get a purple smile.


:D It's a challenge I am willing to take up.


Nahhhhh, they're so good. I was the metal kid. Infact, the last time I had black hair was when I was a metal kid all those years ago. The goth days. Oooh ooooh speaking of rap, have you heard any MC Solaar? Quite the ghetto French :D I quite like the Lindh guy, he's very bouncy. And rhaspy.


Hahaha! All the more reason to argue then!


Haha wonderful! :LOL: I'll have a look out for some plastic daffs, they tend to sell a few here.


Innit just! Ooh I shall have a listen. Don't call Gothenburgers 'toopid. Should I ever get to Sheffield, I may get to go on an exchange with that uni :D

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:LOL: That sounds vile! So it actually tastes good? Wine does purple smiles perfectly for me thankyverrmuch :D


Haha, you're on, remember the closed ö and the even more closed y. No cheating.


Never knew you were a serious goth! I'm impressed. Damn me for never having that kind of period. MC Solaar, that was all they played on the radio in France a couple of years ago. Mmmmmmemories. Ghetto French is fabulous. But I tend to like proper French rappers though, MC Solaar is a bit too Arabic to be that 'La Haine' chic. :D He's bouncy, and rhaspy, but so...forced :LOL: Sväänsk soommar tinar fruuusna sjäääählar och stackars satar som du å jaaa:LOL: I like his puns on Fred Åkerström though. :D (I don't give you my morning, I don't give you my day)


Indeed. :D


Lisa has some, but they're really old. I sh'll have a look at another place soon enough. They'll look pretty next to the kangaroo paw I got from Olle :LOL:


Exchange with Gothenburg? Ah, in all fairness it's quite a nice city, not like Helsingbög or Stockholm, but nice. It's the people there I can't stand.


Nah, off to do the eye cream routine and shaving, and off to bed. Mmmm Klaus Nomi plus razor blades close to important blood vessels. Morbid. :LOL: Goood naaaaatt!

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Yeah! It tastes great! and it's only £1.65 a pint. You'll have to try it one day. I made Leonie drink it and she's converted.


I shall. So long as you get your u and your lls right.


Oh god aye! I'm sure I've told you :LOL: Clothes and everything. Then I grew up. Pahh MC Solaar's grand. We met a French bloke in the queue to 42nd Street on Friday night who later went on to declare that "zees musique eez rhabbish, noo emm seee solaar" I think it's the forced bit about him that's good. The way he really over-rolls his rs. Wonderful.


Kangaroo paw?! Surely that's not ethical...


Aaaaye. Is it worth a visit to do you reckon? I need to start planning this holiday of mine next month soon. Otherwise I'll be stuck in the Stockholm rut like a loser. Not that there is anything wrong at all with a fortnight sleeping rough in the Gamla Stan.


Klaus Nomi terrifies me to the point of having to keep lights on in my room when I listen to him. Beautiful voice though. Yet so terrifying. Noooos daaaaaaaaaaaa.

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My sportlov ended yesterday. Good news is, no school tomorrow. We're having this project week, bless, where we have to sit in groups where all have read the same book. so me and two other guys started a Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince group.

Anyway, in this essay we're going to write we have to mix some English and Civics criteria. I never use the criterias. I pass anyway. With distinction too.

However, won't be too hard. The others got the more fact-based parts, and guess what I got?

The big stuff, reactions, yadayada.




Anyway. I'm bored, and I'll probably go to the gym later. Then i'll eat chocolate and watch TV. Bless.

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Pah you and your cheap drinks. I wonder if they sell the blackcurrant stuff here, I could make me own and have a Brish noit :D


What do you take me for? Of course. (I so should get Colloquial Welsh from the library again though. Mmmmmm.)


I 'ad an inklin', but didn't think it was that serious. :D I envy you. Haha, Frenchies' opinion on music...:LOL: Nah, I'm more into R Kelly at the moment. He's seriously fab. But he's a kiddy fiddler innit? Can't remember really. Over-rolling rs is an advantage though.


It's really not :LOL: Comes with a note stating how it was 'harvested' too :LOL: I'll post a pic later. It's hanging above my bed in a faint attempt at animism or something :D


Suuure it's worth a visit, it's a nice town, honestly, and you probably won't notice their stupidness until you're fluent in Swedish :D Are you planning any other cities? Are you going to the countryside or something?


Haha, it's really scary innit :LOL: Nowt like O Fortuna though...I remember the games I used to do with me mates when I was younger, where you sat with your back against a glass door when it's pitch black outside, listening to that...or me, completely dressed in black hunted some friends up and down our house with a plastic scythe :LOL: Mmmm grammar in an hour. You going in to uni today?

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It's part of being a student is cheap drinks! I'm sure they will sell it in Sweden. Schweppes or something.


Eeexcellent. :D


Oooh nah, serious as. I was such a loser. Yup, their opinion really doesn't count for much. Haha R Kelly eeeeeeef ah cud tooooorn, tooorn back the haaands of time. Aye, he is a kiddy fiddler I tink.


Oh dear! That really is disgusting.


I'll just sit back and enjoy the gutteral sounds. Innit. I have no idea what the hell I'm planning to be honest. I quite fancy other cities or Finland/Denmark or something, but Stockholm's just oh so grand. Haha is it worth paying a visit to yernshurping to see the Christians?


It's terrifying! More terrifying than Aphex Twin. Plastic scythe you say? Black? And you weren't a goffic? Aye, uni in at 12 so really I should get dressed... They're all on strike tomorrow so it means we get the day off. Which I'm soooooooo pissed off about since I'll be missing loads of German.


Mona bach, doesn't gym then TV and chocolate kind of defy the point? :happy:

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Of course they defy the point. Going to the gym allows me to eat chocolate.

So even if I eat chocolate, I won't be fat, since I've been to the gym.

Haha, kidding. Oh bless.:rolleyes:

:rolleyes: indeed woman. I need your suggestions of stuff to do in Stockholm. GO!

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:rolleyes: indeed woman. I need your suggestions of stuff to do in Stockholm. GO!


Try every café in Södermalm.

Make cute pins and bracelets in Lava (Kulturhuset.. quite an indieplace. Maybe not your thing)

Taste everything they have in Hötorgshallarna (Olives, exotic fruits and food etc.)

Go to Heron City (bit outside Stockholm City.. Big place - archade thingy - lots of fun things to do, eat, go to the movies, play bowling)

Go to any gig I find for you

Wear as shabby clothes as possible, then sit in a café in Östermalm, to see how people react (fun as hell... those brats)

Visit every soap shop there is.

Eat everything they have in Kungshallarna.

Point out every thing that's so not English in the English Shop in Södermalm.

Be with me.



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Try every café in Södermalm.

Make cute pins and bracelets in Lava (Kulturhuset.. quite an indieplace. Maybe not your thing)

Taste everything they have in Hötorgshallarna (Olives, exotic fruits and food etc.)

Go to Heron City (bit outside Stockholm City.. Big place - archade thingy - lots of fun things to do, eat, go to the movies, play bowling)

Go to any gig I find for you

Wear as shabby clothes as possible, then sit in a café in Östermalm, to see how people react (fun as hell... those brats)

Visit every soap shop there is.

Eat everything they have in Kungshallarna.

Point out every thing that's so not English in the English Shop in Södermalm.

Be with me.



Sounds PERFECT. I'm doing all of those things. Yes I am.



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It's part of being a student is cheap drinks! I'm sure they will sell it in Sweden. Schweppes or something.


Eeexcellent. :D


Oooh nah, serious as. I was such a loser. Yup, their opinion really doesn't count for much. Haha R Kelly eeeeeeef ah cud tooooorn, tooorn back the haaands of time. Aye, he is a kiddy fiddler I tink.


Oh dear! That really is disgusting.


I'll just sit back and enjoy the gutteral sounds. Innit. I have no idea what the hell I'm planning to be honest. I quite fancy other cities or Finland/Denmark or something, but Stockholm's just oh so grand. Haha is it worth paying a visit to yernshurping to see the Christians?


It's terrifying! More terrifying than Aphex Twin. Plastic scythe you say? Black? And you weren't a goffic? Aye, uni in at 12 so really I should get dressed... They're all on strike tomorrow so it means we get the day off. Which I'm soooooooo pissed off about since I'll be missing loads of German.


Mona bach, doesn't gym then TV and chocolate kind of defy the point? :happy:


It sure is. But I have plans to overthrow such a constitution; there's an alluring bottle of Veuve Cliquot waiting for me at Systemet...and it's not more than two H&m tops! :D


I listened to the Cradle songs you sent me to try to get myself into being Rhiân at 14...but they're just too...British, Chtulhu Dawn had its moments, but it's just not right in some way. Hmmm. La Belle et le Bad Boy is fab though. So fab. He certainly is La Haine worthy.


It would be worth it to see the Christians yes, if you catch them at a good moment. :D Stockholm really is the best city though, it really is. (if you count larger cities). Except from that, Öregrund is so great.


Damn, I've been so the crafty the last few days...finished translating all the Yeltsin, all the political analysis texts we had, finished reading the Kreutzer Sonata for today, got my rent subsidies (wooo 500 spänn for H&m/TopShop! :D) How've you been? And CONGRAAAAAAAATS on le Sheffield!! What subjects are you doing then? Any Swedish? :D


Oh, things to do in Stockholm, do not miss Allmänna Galleriet Kronobergsgatan 37! I have a feeling I've said that before though :LOL: And maybe it's worse now than it was last summer. Not meaning to hype it too much innit.

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You disgust me. You really do. I am APPAULED. The whole point about Student life is being able to get absolutly LAMPOONED (new favourite drunk adjective) on a tenner (less than an H&M top, unless you count the slut rack... <3 Swedish H&Ms for having Slut rails :LOL: )


Pssh. You're missing out. You really are. Count yourself lucky I haven't sent you any Wir Sind Helden yet, I'm obsessed with them at the moment and sharing them with anyone who gets in the way... Ahh La 'en.


They have good moments?! It's so true. I need to explore though. Copenhagen's still looking favourable.


That's impressive! Hooray for rent subsidies! I've been grand ta, spending too much money I should be saving on skirts and new converse (such the cliche) and... that's it really. German with Dutch and then either 20 credits of something random, like Biblical Studies, or 10 credits Swedish :D :D and 10 credits random


If that's a club, I aint going alone. Especially if it's indie scene and dingy. However if it's one of your gaybars... Sign me up to that.


Y'reet then?

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Pah, I reckon ms. Cooked Food doesn't have the right to speak. :D It's in our blood as Swedes, to drink as poshly as possible, without being totally bourgeois (though chugging Veuve Cliquot isn't very...left-wing though :LOL: ) It's a thin line, but damn us all to hell if it isn't manageable! Haha lampooned <3. I could get drunk on a tenner though...if I down some rum without the bloody Coke. But I'm far too old for such excsesses. It's time to think about retirement. Slut rails though? Whassat? :LOL:


Nah, I feel more sorry for you for not embracing Norway enough (not in that way, only the black metal way innit). Wir Sind Helden never quite was my thang though...hmm.


They do. Tell them you're a Jew/Muslim/start a diatribe on the fascist regime in Israel and get ready for the show of your life. Or watch them at the cafés, just for the eavesdropping. Copenhagen's fantastic, I haven't been there for years though...me and aaaah kid promised ourselves to go there at least once this spring.


Mmmm skirts...that's still the thing I'd rather give up boydom for...mmm...black pencil skirt, plus white, like...flowery shirt...mmmm. Go for Swedish, I'll write your essays. :D Mmmm Dutch. Curse Lund for not offering that. I don't know what to study next autumn...if there's a good Arabic course, I'd be quite interested...


Nah, the secret's to go there like I did, at like...17.00, where only some cool 25 year olds hang by the bar and you've got the big chairs to yourself, just to sit and ponder over how really 2004 the Magic Numbers were. Not that it's easy for a foreigner to find it though. If I should find myself in Stockholm, I'd escort you. :D You simply can't miss Mandus either. (le gaybar that is)


Yup, all is fine, day off tomorrow, going out to get something decent for me to wear for starting some running (I haven't been up for it really, since there's still snow here and at the moment -7.6 degrees.) and thin track suit bottoms and a t-shirt just isn't cutting it. Hope le knee will manage. :happy:


Awwwwwww Marlon :LOL: :LOL: <3

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Hey, where you save on getting lampooned, you can splurge on new shoes and £12 vegetable shopping blow outs in Sainsbury's. I just remember in H&M with Harriet there were loads of rails saying like.. 25% Slut :LOL: I wish they'd put those in shops over here, it may stop people buying tarty clothes :LOL:


Nahhh, I'm nationalist when it comes to Metal. Innit.


Won't the whole, language barrier thing be difficult for the eavesdropping? Hmmm. Is it difficult to get to from Swedeland?


I so nearly bought a black pencil skirt today, but then figured that teaming my grey one with a black tanktop, white shirt, black tights and black converse is bad enough in the scene kid thing... Study WELSH! Doo it.


Ooooh, sounds wonderful! I could always just follow the arty looking boys around I guess. Mmm. Haha you should come for a bender in Stockholm. For old time's sake. Go on a Malcolm hunt, innit. :LOL: Ah gaybars aren't a problem. The gay map's stuck above the head of my bed. :D


Lucky you! But running in that weather... errrrr. Ffwl!


Marlon has a myspace you know... http://www.myspace.com/marlonthemonkey :D

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