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Shall I be expecting a certain Pelle to show up then? Or will I have to find Malcolm by myself?

You can't go Malcolm hunting alone. Or without Mace...


Haha, sounds a bit like in Russian today "ok, so how does kak vi sebya choovstuyete translate literally then?"


"How do you feel yourself?"


"Emma, how do you feel yourself today?"


"With a hard masculine ending"



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Aye :happy:


Ooh I've done that loads already :LOL::D Nope, but thanks to the whole Germanic family I know what it means :D Haha quite possibly. I explained to Thomas about my kleine Unfall mit einer Tasse Tee and he seemed to understand my plight. Love for the sea?! The SEA?! Any Brit would hate the sea, for the pure amound of bloody poo and corpse that float off our shores. That said, every home in britain is no more than two hours away from the sea. <3 Inselaffen. Mmm Absolut. I discovered Absolut Mandarin on Friday. Mmm


It's the day before Ash Wednesday, that all good God fearing English person knows as pancake day... y'know, we make pancakes to use up all of our 'rich foods' before Lent fasting etc etc.


Hahahaha that just reminds me of "I'm a little teapot" somehow...



Haha very well! :LOL: Damn you and your Germanicness. Then you must surely know what 'putsduksfabriksföreståndarklubbsstugeträffsprotokollsföring' means :LOL: See, people have överseende for those things. Now if I were to spill tea on something...aïe aïe aïe! Haha, Canetti is funny in that way. He's so right about the Germans identifying themselves with the army though...mmm öapor :LOL: Absolut Mandarin is nice yes. Mmm.


Aha I see :happy: Semlor must indeed be fattier and more logical to eat though innit :D


Have you listened to a lot of him? then you'd know that "I'm a little teapot..." is painfully accurate! :LOL:


I saw this beautiful girl todaaaay and yes she took my heart awaaaaaay! <3


Olof Palme 20 year anniversary today, of his murder, 23.21 on the 28th of February. Best politician we ever had, period. :(

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You can't go Malcolm hunting alone. Or without Mace...


Haha, sounds a bit like in Russian today "ok, so how does kak vi sebya choovstuyete translate literally then?"


"How do you feel yourself?"


"Emma, how do you feel yourself today?"


"With a hard masculine ending"




:LOL: :LOL: :LOL: Hahahaha! :D

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Bwahaha. We have this understanding you see. :D I absolutly fully 100% know what that word means, and I can say it backwards too. I really should make an effort to read Canetti, but I've got sodding Frühlings Erwachen and Woyzeck to read along with bloody Emilia Galotti. Grrrr.


But but you can't eat eggs and milk during Lent and pfanküchen is the best way to clean up. Shit.. I have half an hour to decide what I'm giving up for lent. Oooh St David's day tomorrow :D


Not a thing I'm afraid.


Awww. Poor Mr. Palme. (pssst, full stop, not period, you dirty Americanenglisher :D)

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I'm sure you even know how to say it in plural :D I wonder why there's a space in the middle of protokollsföring though. Hmmm. I know how you feel. I'd kill to read some books I can choose myself, Dostoevsky leaves me bitter and angry, it's not like kitchen-sink which leaves you bubbly and happy :D


Damn you're zealous innit! :LOL: Pah, lent. I only use it as an excuse for semlor. St. David's? Whassat? 'Sweets and lollipop day'? :D


I'll send you some. It takes a certain mind to see the divine thing about him, maybe you have to grow up with him or something. But he's just so...perfect. <3


Errr I only wrote 'period' as a pun on the US to honour Olof...errr innit. :D I shall make snide remarks should you use some Göteborgian expression or something in the future when speaking Swedish innit. :D

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Too right. Pah who knows. Don't fight it. I wish I could read for pleasure again, rather than enforced German drama. Grrr.


Too right! WHAT'S ST. DAVID'S DAY?! Only the Patron Saint of Wales' day! You have to wear a daffodil tomorrow you know. You really do. I'm expecting you to be singing Welsh songs and reading the Mabinogion tomorrow.


Excellent! Ta!


Good save. Pah, Gutterbögian is great. So hush.

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You can't go Malcolm hunting alone. Or without Mace...


Haha, sounds a bit like in Russian today "ok, so how does kak vi sebya choovstuyete translate literally then?"


"How do you feel yourself?"


"Emma, how do you feel yourself today?"


"With a hard masculine ending"




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Enforced German drama errrrr. I'm sure Gogol' is up there in his satirical heaven laughing about people analysing his books to death as well.


:eek: Aaaargh! I repent! Repent! If I have the time after school, I promise to pick up a daffodil. After all, they're my flowers, next to blood red roses :happy: And I listen to Cwm Rhondda pretty much everyday anyway, so don't worry :LOL:


I sent the most childish ones, but he's so...adooooorable daaahling!


No, see, while Gutterbögian could be used for taunting, it's just not valid, since they are the most ungay people in Sweden. Argh they're so annoying! Aaaargh! Plus, Håkan is the only person in Sweden to speak it in a way that sounds remotely nice. :happy:

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Haha probably. Could be worse I guess, could have to do another Shakespeare play.


GOOD! If not that, buy some leeks and make leek soup. Or Welsh Rarebit. Or Welshcakes. Mmmm Welshcakes.. Ooooh ooooh or Bara Brith <3


I shall have a listen once my Cymru am Byth! Playlist is finished.


The more ungay, the more justified calling them bögers is! Aww see, I quite like it. It's gutteral. I spoke to Boel the mysterious Swedish girl today, since she's moved into a couple of my classes. She failed to see my enthusiasm for Läkerol, coffee and swedish Nationalism. But she's from Helsingbög. Bög is my new favourite word.


Annwyl wlad mam a thad!

Os nad yw hi'n fawr mae hi'n ddigon

I lenwi, i lenwi fy nghalon,

Annwyl wlad!

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That's true innit. I've never had to analyze the bastard though, so I don't know what I'm missing innit :D


I'm afraid I wouldn't ever be a good Welshie...seeing as I'm not very into leeks :$ *hides from bombardment of caws* I didn't have time to go to the flower shop today though :( I really want daffodils! Argh!


But being bög is a priviledge! :D Except for when you're gitarrbög, or bilbög, or audiobög or analogbög. Then it's just sad :LOL: Is göteborgska guttural? Damn, I can't even speak it, I always slide into Jönköpingian, which is slightly similar, but with more thriphtongized vowels and all that haha :LOL: Helsingbög's a fabulous city! Especially after getting hammered on cheap whiskey and beer at a night club with th'old classmates before leaving school <3 Bög's a fabulous word. Like 'as'. :D


Wyaaaaau! There, I said it! Impressed?

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I hate analysing books though. Takes the fun away from it all. Unless it's something like Brecht which has to be analysed... Yeah.


You're a terrible cymraes! Staple diet of every good welsh kid is Leek and Potato soup. Infact, I shall make some of that for my dinner since I'm not allowed meat until bloody Easter. :indiff: I shall see if they have Daffodils in Sainsburys when I go this aftern'n. Ahhhh.


Learn to speak it! Then you can have my eternal respect. :D


Pah, you so didn't. Ooooooooeeeeeeee, rudweeee hoffeeeeee oooooooheeeeeee. I love the way Welsh diphthongs sound so swedish. au au au au.


Do turquoise eyes even exist?


Not even Malcolm? You *did* flirt back with him if I remember rightly :LOL: Then again, who wouldn't flirt back with that shoeless fox.

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Mmhm, too right. Sat in class supressing my bouts of opinion welling up in my head about the free will and how much I hated the Underground man when I was little, but I'm afraid I'd have sounded too cynical should I have opened my mouth :LOL:


:( I know! I still listen to Cwm Rhondda everyday, and I will get a daffodil if it kills me! You're quitting meat until Easter? Impressive! So you actually take this fasting thing seriously then? Did you find any yellow flowery goodness?


:LOL: Haha, riiight.


Mmmm Swedish diphtongs...I wonder if 'öu' in 'spöutbyte' counts as one...hmm. Naah, it doesn't. English diphtongs are better though.


I didn't think so earlier either, but by God they do, and they are fa-bu-lous! And I honestly don't know whether I'm just...mesmerized by them since it's like staring at the sun, or if the colour actually is nice...they're often really...opaque too, lacking a better word. I'm thinking it's a Polish thing, since it's probably a combination 'pale, drab skin + blue eyes'...


Haha, like fuck I did :LOL: I wish I had though, yes. Then again, what happened outside still isn't out in the blue :LOL:


You know the 'Graduation Song' by Vitamin C? I'm completely enchanted by it, well it's only a direct copy of the Pachelbel Canon in D, but mmmmm. That descending scale thingie just...gets me. Great, just great. So fucking cheesy though, but if you disregard the lyrics and singing...

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Haha. My last German lit lecturer hated me for that kind of attitude. Fortunately the one I have at the moment likes the way I hate Lessing and his stupid Emilia Galotti.


Good man. It's a shame I can't send you the other welsh songs I've bought off iTunes really... however if you're willing to waste a couple of 79 pences I can give you a long (ish) list of all the greatest Welsh songs. I made the Bara brith and everything today. Oh so good.


Yep, taking the fasting thing seriously... mainly as to test how good my willpower is. They seem not to sell Daffodils, dang. Bought two leeks though.


Haha I'll ne'er be able to say that word... but it should be so easy with words like wyau.


Oooh I shall be on the look out then! Haha drab skin and blue eyes is a british thing too. Damn those Poles and their country being like here was 100 year' ago.


Oh you liar! You so did. Oooh how I want to know what went on outside! Where there's a will, there's a way...


Never heard it, should I have done? Errrr pachelbel. Almost hate him as much as Grieg.

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Haha, well hating something makes you opinionated too innit. :D


Well, I've got Emule, it's so slow and everything, but go ahead, tell me about the best songs...if they can beat Cwm Rhondda that is. :D Ooooh baking! Was it nice?


I'd neeeeeevoh manage that! Not that I eat much meat anyway, but I guess because of my problems with authority, I'd have a hard time obeying myself :D Leeks...for a vase? That'd be Welsh innit. :D


You should be! Yer, a bit like Brits, but there certainly is a difference in drabness...a Lech one and a Labour one :D Strange thing about turquoise eyes (don't even know if the colour is called turquoise...just translating directly innit) is, like I said, that you can spot them from hundreds of metres away! How is that possible? :stunned:


You'd have to go to Barcelona for info...


Nah you shouldn't, it's a stupid songs literally made for people using it at graduations to cry to :rolleyes: You hate Pachelbel? I've always had my suspicions when someone says they don't like that piece...since mostly it seems to be because of its popularity...now don't get me wrong, I hate Grieg as much as the next guy, but the dominant, tonic and parallel stuff in the canon...it's like...the golden section of music...but then again i can sit for hours listening to Cmaj7's ringing out, with tremendous satisfaction, so I'm just stupid :D


Nah, heading off to bed innit. Nattsågott dear! :happy:

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Absolutly. Like the sodding play I was dragged to see this evening. Drama students pretending to be insects.. It was suicide.


Ooooh, then you need Bryn's versions of: Ar hyd y nos, Men of Harlech, Aled Jones' Hen Wlad fy nhadau, Katherine Jenkins' Cymru Fach and Ar lan y mor... Oooh they all give a welshie goosebumps. Plus, Aled Jones sings with a really heavy Bangor dialect, which is what my mum has :happy:


Ah it'll be easy. I seldom eat meat too, and it means that now I don't have to eat Jenny's spaghetti bolognaise for a month WOOOOOOO! I may have to keep eating fish though, or I'll die. Haha nooo, leeks for leek and potato soup :D


All that way? Can't I just... twist your arm? blackmail you? bribe you? drug you? I bet nothing at all happened. You're just winding me up... grrr.


Yeah, turquoise, like a bluey green?


Haha fair enough. Yep, it just annoys me, because Lucy used to play the easy piano version of it every single music lesson last year. Dooo, dooo, dooo do doo be badoo be doo *slips into a Whiter Shade of Pale* See, I've never been a big fan of C Major and its variants. Too.. plain. D Major all the way. Modulate to F sharp.. corrrrrrrrrr.


G'night dear, traum süß, like.

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No. Them turquoise eyes were those of a girl, plus if I ever think a man/boy looks good, it's because of feminine (to me) features. Maybe that is being bög though...don't know. I've never been attracted sexually to a boy though. Why?


Näe. Undrade bara. I guess there's nothing typical for gay people, but I just got the impression that you might be. Anyway.


I'm tired. Of thinking. Of food. Of sitting down. Of moving. Of being lousy. Of pretty much everything.


I shall become what I want. Because that way I'll find out who I am.


Sorry. This tea is strong. And I've had about 8 glasses. Oh my stomach. I don't know what the pink pills were for really. I hope they were vitamins.


EDIT: Flagyl. And I don't even have a pain in my back.

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Absolutly. Like the sodding play I was dragged to see this evening. Drama students pretending to be insects.. It was suicide.


Ooooh, then you need Bryn's versions of: Ar hyd y nos, Men of Harlech, Aled Jones' Hen Wlad fy nhadau, Katherine Jenkins' Cymru Fach and Ar lan y mor... Oooh they all give a welshie goosebumps. Plus, Aled Jones sings with a really heavy Bangor dialect, which is what my mum has :happy:


Ah it'll be easy. I seldom eat meat too, and it means that now I don't have to eat Jenny's spaghetti bolognaise for a month WOOOOOOO! I may have to keep eating fish though, or I'll die. Haha nooo, leeks for leek and potato soup :D


All that way? Can't I just... twist your arm? blackmail you? bribe you? drug you? I bet nothing at all happened. You're just winding me up... grrr.


Yeah, turquoise, like a bluey green?


Haha fair enough. Yep, it just annoys me, because Lucy used to play the easy piano version of it every single music lesson last year. Dooo, dooo, dooo do doo be badoo be doo *slips into a Whiter Shade of Pale* See, I've never been a big fan of C Major and its variants. Too.. plain. D Major all the way. Modulate to F sharp.. corrrrrrrrrr.


G'night dear, traum süß, like.


That sounds...awful! :D What was it about?


Oh look! Bryn! I haven't checked Gmail over the weekend, so thanks! :happy: Bugeilio'r Gwenith Gwyn is soooooo pretty! :happy: Dialects go woosh over my head though I'm afraid :LOL:


Haha, is it vile? Pah you and your leeks. I'm just confused over the name, since leek should so be onion (since lök is onion in Swedish) or something. Pah. Do you have a special name for red onions? I just realised I'm in love with fresh red onions and salt and oil <3.


You believe what you want, I don't want to put scary thoughts in your head :LOL:


Yer, quite bluey green yes. It's really hard to explain though. I thought Jönköping was the capital of the world when it comes to those eyes, but I'm starting to wonder if Lund isn't as good. :happy:


:LOL: I can imagine! C Major may be...plain in a way, but that depends on how you see it...I mean, it's so fundamental, so it can't really be bad, but...too simple. I've never been a D person myself. Though I do tune my guitar to F#, so when I'm playing C it rings out as a D, so...I'm not completely off :D D to F# though? Errr. It's pretty, but too "She's electric".


Shit, such a stressed out weekend. So much Yeltsin biography, but I did see 'Die fetten Jahre sind vorbei', and...oh Allah, such, such the great movie. I don't know if I'm more in love with Julia Jentsch or Daniel Brühl though <3. Easily best film so far this year, and then I'm counting Sophie Scholl too. How've you been this weekend then? :happy:


Mona, lay off them pills! Have you had sportlov yet?

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