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I. Am. Absolutely. Jealous.


I shall find this Malcolm, oh yes I shall.

I found the lovliest soap store today in Östermalm (my mum dragged me there), and really, it was lovely. You could feel the smell of all the soap on the street, and nside you have paradise. the soaps look like food! Like cheese and chocolat. That stuff. I really considered eating some but reminded myself it was soap.

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I. Am. Absolutely. Jealous.


I shall find this Malcolm, oh yes I shall.

I found the lovliest soap store today in Östermalm (my mum dragged me there), and really, it was lovely. You could feel the smell of all the soap on the street, and nside you have paradise. the soaps look like food! Like cheese and chocolat. That stuff. I really considered eating some but reminded myself it was soap.

It wasn't Lush by any chance was it?

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I. Am. Absolutely. Jealous.


I shall find this Malcolm, oh yes I shall.

I found the lovliest soap store today in Östermalm (my mum dragged me there), and really, it was lovely. You could feel the smell of all the soap on the street, and nside you have paradise. the soaps look like food! Like cheese and chocolat. That stuff. I really considered eating some but reminded myself it was soap.


Mmm soap. You so should get into Body butters though.


Mock?! Not at all. I embrace it.


:LOL: :LOL: What does she think of it? Is it to her taste? :LOL:


Sure you do. Sure.


She loves it, 's so fruity daaaahling *flicks hand*

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Mmm soap. You so should get into Body butters though.




Sure you do. Sure.


She loves it, 's so fruity daaaahling *flicks hand*

Admitedly I am jealous that he loves you and not me... but I can get over it, in time.


Haha wonderful. I bought the Frieda Brilliant Brunette today. I hope I can use it again since it was blahdy £10 for the shampoo and conditioner! Smells nice though.

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If only you knew...:D


Oh right, you're excused then. Being hårbög isn't bad mind. :D 'S the only way of life. Is there a brunette equivalent of the spotlight gel? If there is, you so should get it. Mmm.


Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaargh why am I doing fucking fucking jävla skitryska! :'( :'(

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I really really want to know the truth of what happened when you two left the boat. Oh by god I do. :LOL: It will out. One day.


:D There's a colour sealing in thing for brunettes, but that was like £7 and I couldn't justify buying that.


Because you're a fool :'( Do Tyska instead. It's much better. Then you could finish this essay on smoking which has to be in for tomorrow...

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Haha, my lips are sealed. Never. Ever.


But what if...errr...your hair fell off tomorrow! You can't keep treating your hair like this Rhiân! It's not fair! Not fair!


I know :'( Y'know, I thought about doing German last Saturday after watching Sophie Scholl (great movie mmm), but if figured that German is just what Finnish is to me, I want to know it, but I can't be arsed to educate myself in it, plus it's too much like Swedish, so I can pretty much add some 'ich bin stoltz derauf' and 'machen' and 'sehen' and 'gebittegehörenmachen' to be fluent. Innit. :D Essay on smoking? Lucky you. I have to write about 'Pelle in ten years' for Wednesday. Errr. I should do like...English or something :LOL:

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I'll get you drunk. Truth will out. It will. Then I can taunt you forever and ever.


Good point...


You should do. Oooh that film is wonderful, only I've only ever seen it without subtitles and on a dodgy pirate copy over at the German's. Just like my new found copy of Fucking Åmål has Dutch subtitles.... Haha it's best you stick to Russian really *giggles* :happy: Yep, 300 words on why "Raucher sind die Schlimmsten Umweltsverschmutzer" so naturally I've taken the pro smoking stance since the tutor marking these smokes like a chimney. Oooh lots of future tense and aspect pairs... Haha you should do Sociology in Stirling really.

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Not sure if it was Lush really. Interesting. For the first time I actually get to see the process in which you start off with simple posts, to then develop them to long and complicated posts that leads to you being drunk.


*makes notes*

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Not sure if it was Lush really. Interesting. For the first time I actually get to see the process in which you start off with simple posts, to then develop them to long and complicated posts that leads to you being drunk.


*makes notes*

It sounds like Lush. Mmm. Lush.



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I'll get you drunk. Truth will out. It will. Then I can taunt you forever and ever.


Good point...


You should do. Oooh that film is wonderful, only I've only ever seen it without subtitles and on a dodgy pirate copy over at the German's. Just like my new found copy of Fucking Åmål has Dutch subtitles.... Haha it's best you stick to Russian really *giggles* :happy: Yep, 300 words on why "Raucher sind die Schlimmsten Umweltsverschmutzer" so naturally I've taken the pro smoking stance since the tutor marking these smokes like a chimney. Oooh lots of future tense and aspect pairs... Haha you should do Sociology in Stirling really.


I don't drink. :D


Haha, Fucking Åmål in Dutch...classic :D 'Jag vill knaaaarka!' :LOL: Haha, it's words like Umweltsverschmutzer that make me want to do German :LOL: Good, pro smoking is the only thing to be innit. You should also join your tutor during his cigarette breaks, I'm sure you'll ace it extra much then innit. Mmmmm sociology. Innit.

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Not sure if it was Lush really. Interesting. For the first time I actually get to see the process in which you start off with simple posts, to then develop them to long and complicated posts that leads to you being drunk.


*makes notes*


Hmm, maybe it's Mona who should be doing Sociology in Stirling :LOL:

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I don't drink. :D


Haha, Fucking Åmål in Dutch...classic :D 'Jag vill knaaaarka!' :LOL: Haha, it's words like Umweltsverschmutzer that make me want to do German :LOL: Good, pro smoking is the only thing to be innit. You should also join your tutor during his cigarette breaks, I'm sure you'll ace it extra much then innit. Mmmmm sociology. Innit.

Just as you dunnae lie either :LOL:


It's what you get for befriending Dutch people who will happily give you pirate copies of their film collection, innit :D It's precisely those words which make me want to scream at German. Still, the logic behind them makes me glow a little inside. I made the mistake of finishing the essay off in the Language Centre cafe today and managed to spill tea all over it, and myself. Infront of the pretty boy who's always there. Well done Rhian.


Wooo! Shrove Tuesday! Pancakes!


Haha, she should. It'd be a sure fire way for her to find Malcy.

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Just as you dunnae lie either :LOL:


It's what you get for befriending Dutch people who will happily give you pirate copies of their film collection, innit :D It's precisely those words which make me want to scream at German. Still, the logic behind them makes me glow a little inside. I made the mistake of finishing the essay off in the Language Centre cafe today and managed to spill tea all over it, and myself. Infront of the pretty boy who's always there. Well done Rhian.


Wooo! Shrove Tuesday! Pancakes!


Haha, she should. It'd be a sure fire way for her to find Malcy.

Hello there.

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Oh dear.


*runs away*


And a teache rlast year called me stupid for choosing natural sciences instead of social. I dareshallsay that she was right.

Ah well. The social idiots in my school are what I just called them. Idiots. Just like the rest.


OH how I love to be bitter.

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Just as you dunnae lie either :LOL:


It's what you get for befriending Dutch people who will happily give you pirate copies of their film collection, innit :D It's precisely those words which make me want to scream at German. Still, the logic behind them makes me glow a little inside. I made the mistake of finishing the essay off in the Language Centre cafe today and managed to spill tea all over it, and myself. Infront of the pretty boy who's always there. Well done Rhian.


Wooo! Shrove Tuesday! Pancakes!


Haha, she should. It'd be a sure fire way for her to find Malcy.


Nooow you're getting it innit :D


Haha, good job! You should get De Tweeling without subtitles as well, to prove your hardcoreness to them Ducthies innit. If you don't like those words, you certainly won't like 'omvärldsnedsmutsare' in Swedish either :D Haha, but isn't spilling tea on it just a result of your utter Britishness (I'm surprised Canetti only mentions every British person's love for the sea, and not their worrying obsession for coloured, hot water.) so I'm sure he'll forgive you, both the boy and the tutor :D It's like us Swedes occasionally spill Absolut on our ABBA records.


Shrove Tuesday? What's that? :$ Pancakes sounds tempting though, but not as much as...semlor! semlor.jpg Mmmm fettisdag!


Mmmmm Jonathan Richman, best person ever, maybe even more so than mr. Rowland. Damn me for washing the hand that touched him/shook his hand. Aaaaaai'm a little dinosaur but I'm planning to goo ay-way! <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3

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Oh dear.


*runs away*


And a teache rlast year called me stupid for choosing natural sciences instead of social. I dareshallsay that she was right.

Ah well. The social idiots in my school are what I just called them. Idiots. Just like the rest.


OH how I love to be bitter.


You should read 'Anteckningar från ett källarhål' by Dostoevskii, suits our kind like the proverbial hand in the proverbial glove :LOL:

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Aye :happy:


Ooh I've done that loads already :LOL::D Nope, but thanks to the whole Germanic family I know what it means :D Haha quite possibly. I explained to Thomas about my kleine Unfall mit einer Tasse Tee and he seemed to understand my plight. Love for the sea?! The SEA?! Any Brit would hate the sea, for the pure amound of bloody poo and corpse that float off our shores. That said, every home in britain is no more than two hours away from the sea. <3 Inselaffen. Mmm Absolut. I discovered Absolut Mandarin on Friday. Mmm


It's the day before Ash Wednesday, that all good God fearing English person knows as pancake day... y'know, we make pancakes to use up all of our 'rich foods' before Lent fasting etc etc.


Hahahaha that just reminds me of "I'm a little teapot" somehow...

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